More girls from AKB speak out about their shitty shitty lives, the emperor makes a new move, one away from the meat futon and there is some non sassy head snapping going on.
NNJ 54: Love Potion #0
Do you hate your job?
Do you want to know what happens to idols who get assaulted?
Do you have high regard for war criminals?
Do you this premise is already run it’s course?
So do I, which is why I’m sad I missed out on that love potion.
NNJ 53: Xylophone Monks
An old Japanese man gets in trouble for saying something ignorant? The shock. An idol might be in it for just the money? The shock!
All you need to know is don’t pirate manga and don’t report this podcast for copyright theft for the Tokyo Drift song.
NNJ 52: New Year Boob Science
Sexy sex ed to start the new year, but factually. Wizards and marijuana. A man causing crashes to alleviate his stress gives him more stress, and an attempted murder charge.
Then we get into drug mules and boob science. Just the best way to start every new year.
NNJ 51: Attack on Tattoo
Should idols be booted from the boy bands if they get married? The Japanese public kind of thinks “Yes.”
Where can you bathe and have a tattoo? Beppu has a solution.
Catch up on Yakuza not being punished, the dropping birthrate and one of the biggest mysteries ever, then everyone can get high.
The take from this weeks story:
NNJ 50: Which way up?
The 50th episode milestone. Thank you to everyone who has listened so far. This episode takes a slight tone change in the middle as I used a new app to record on my phone and the room was acoustically different.
Just trying to find more ways to work in time to record.
This week, learn about escalator culture, we predict it won’t end well.
Japan leaves the international whaling commission, because they keep trying to NOT kill whales.
Find out how revelers were caught and arrested but not by the cop that forgot his gun in the toilet.
NNJ 49: Good Cop Bad Cop
Learn about some of the words of the year.
Some cops beat each other up while other cops do their best not to hurt a dude.
Huawei is in trouble here too and a family restaurant takes a stand that the Japanese government won’t.
NNJ 48: Slurping Naked Bodies
Why is slurping ok in Japan? I have theories, but that doesn’t mean I have answers.
Say good-bye to beepers and maybe the president of Renault because he’s being held in the purgatory that is Japanese litigation.
More advice for criminals and other tidbits.
NNJ 47: Hot Pot AI – bad decisions
The news of the week is a 3 year old power harassment case, excessive touting (which is a thing, I just learned), a study on if young people are knocking boots, and the standard, Yakuza and Disney are both bastard organizations.
Also, the laws of robotics.
The offending video mentioned in the podcast, which is seriously hard to watch.
NNJ 46:Don’t trust media
Lies on television. Thus proving you should only listen to podcasts. Only podcasts. Maybe even only ones about Japan, specifically the news.
We find out that Japanese pilots like to party, so much so it’s making you late for whatever you want to do.
Japanese politicians aren’t all their cracked up to be, which is a statement I don’t really undertsand.
Plus, two follow ups on previous stories.