(upbeat music)
Okay, of course, instantly
confused by settings in OBS,
but we’re here, we’re ready to go.
Let’s get it on.
Useful Japanese lesson for this week is
may waku gagukjin. No.
Gagukjin is foreign person.
It’s the, actually more
polite version of Gaijin,
which is the more common way to
say it, which can be done insulting.
I take all, you know, positive negative
phrases, depending on how they’re intended.
So if it’s intended negatively, it
doesn’t matter how polite the word is,
if it’s said in a rude way,
intended to hurt your feelings.
But yeah, you should know, you
should know the difference technically,
and then you can interpret the actual
expression as it is presented to you.
Maywaku is a form of nuisance.
So maywaku gagukjin
is a nuisance foreigner.
This shouldn’t be a term,
but I guess as far as terms go,
it’s actually not the
root, is this is Japan.
So these still fairly polite
sounding things are still insults.
This came into the news, it
was used in the news today,
because there’s a lot of overtourism,
there’s a lot of foreigners in Japan.
There is a sort of meeting spot in Shibuya.
There’s a conveni that is
like the dead center of Shibuya.
This is where people go.
They meet their friends there, and
then they go off to bars and stuff,
or they drink there while
talking to their friends,
and then they go off to other
places, this is where they make plans.
Who knows?
There are a lot of foreigners who hang out
right out in front of this
one conveni in Shibuya.
Last week, a crowd was standing
around in front, as I have just explained.
A dump truck, not a dump
truck, a garbage truck.
A garbage truck slows down
and starts to try to return.
There’s a whole bunch of people in the way,
so it sort of honks gently, I
don’t know, it honks at them.
And then of course, the two foreign guys
who are probably drunk
have a really good idea.
Since the giant garbage
truck is going very slowly,
it would be the perfect
thing for us to climb on.
So they climbed on it.
This, of course, upsets Japanese people.
You’re not supposed to do this.
It gets put on the news.
This gets put on the news.
And this is just to
make foreigners look bad
in the hopes that
they will behave better,
but I’ve met a lot of foreigners
and a lot of them make us look bad.
And I’d really like them to stop.
I think that might be the shortest version
of this story ever is stop embarrassing.
You represent me in a
way, because I’m a foreigner,
so people see me and
they see a foreigner.
And then they, you behave
badly and they look at
me go, oh, he therefore
behaves that way as well.
I’ve spent a big part of my
time in Japan, I have spent a big
part of my time in Japan trying
to dispel some of the stereotypes,
but I mean, I can really only
do it one person at a time
and even then, I can honestly
say, I haven’t been successful.
(upbeat music)
So we had our scandal news from last week
where Nakai, a member of
SMAP, had done something,
paid a girl off 90 million yen to
keep her quiet and then had to retire,
essentially from show
business altogether, because
he lost all his sponsors,
he lost all his TV shows.
I mean, there’s nothing you can do anymore.
He could be a streamer,
he could go on YouTube.
I actually bet if he just
like did something by
himself, he would still
be relatively successful.
People would still follow
him, he still has fans
and whatnot, people will still support
him just because he had so many fans.
It’s certainly not going to maintain
the status of what he had before.
And that might be too much of a step down.
I always thought, like when
these guys get in trouble,
why don’t they just retire
and just live a quiet life and not
be bothered by any way, he
has millions and millions of dollars.
So he doesn’t have to work anymore.
I did something just dang.
That is not the only scandal
that’s happening in Japan.
It was probably just the biggest one.
I’m interested in the fallout.
So saying famous person abused their position
and assaulted someone or did something
sexual to someone, that is
not actually that interesting
inherently, like there is
the titillating aspect of it.
I could stuck on the first
part of that word, maybe.
The titillating aspect
of it, but that actually,
like when you hear the
story again and again
and again, kind of
loses any sort of impact.
So I don’t really find
much interest in that.
I actually find interest in
the punishment, the results.
Do they lose their position?
Do they get their position back?
This kind of like rise
and fall aspect of it.
It’s the hero’s journey is
really what I’m looking for in life.
A comedian was reported
to have grabbed a girl in 2015.
So 10 years ago, this
guy may be grabbed a girl.
I mean, we’re going to go ahead and
assume he did because he probably did.
He defends himself in a weird way.
Yeah, there’s a lot of weird bits
about not knowing what happened.
It was also a decade ago.
He invited her to a hotel.
I’m assuming they mean love hotel.
She didn’t want to go.
So he grabbed her arm and pulled her.
Now, we have no idea
what that actually means.
Did he pull her down the street?
Did he just grab her arm and pull her once?
How bad did we have no context to
really understand what actually happened?
But he was denied and
he tried to coerce her.
And that’s maybe all you need
to really take away from this.
As a result of this
singular action 10 years ago,
he, because it came out and
because it’s coming out on the heels
of this nakai scandal where
he lost all his advertisers,
he has had every scene of his from a drama
that’s come out, removed from the drama.
So he actually made a show.
He went through the effort.
They filmed a show.
He’s in the show.
And then they’re like,
we’re going to go back.
We’re going to edit it again and
take every bit with him out of it.
There was a scandal of a guy.
It was one of the yakuza video games.
And he was found two of done drugs.
I think it was cocaine or
stimulants or something.
And then they took his scenes out.
Oh, no, they didn’t take a
season because it’s digital.
They swapped his face with some other guy.
So they had some other actor come in.
I assume did his lines again.
And then just swapped his face.
So he was removed
from a video game digitally.
I bet that was a very smooth process.
But taking, going back and re-editing
a show, that is so much work.
It’s almost insane.
But this is because now the Fuji
president of Fuji TV stepped down.
He retires, based on the nakai scandal.
There’s another scandal.
It was a guy suing a
magazine for defamation.
But then he had to drop it.
And he hasn’t been back on TV since.
So now that there are multiple scandals,
these other scandals
coming out of the woodwork
from the past are now
having real world implications.
It’ll be interesting to
see, have we hit sort
of the initial wave of
scandal punishments?
And it looks like you
can go back 10, 15 years.
And you still get the same punishment
now as if you had just done it yesterday.
Drink a bunch of water before I started.
I really have to burp.
Usually I get coffee and
stuff, not coffee, but coffee.
C-O-U-G-H-Y coffee
or a sore throat or a
rough throat after the
second or third story.
Now I feel like a big burp brewing.
I don’t want to burp mid.
I generally have a pretty good
control over my burp function.
So I could force it.
I’m not going to do that.
That’s maybe not the best idea.
I can tell you why I’m never going
to get on professional news television.
I will never be an actual news anchor.
Probably because I’m too old.
I mean, there’s more realistic reason
is I would stop in like burp
midway through the show.
All right, that’s just extra.
Let’s just cut that.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Two teens.
And again, I think
when I started a story
with that, I was like,
this story is awesome.
These are two young people
who have made bad decisions.
Love young people making bad decisions.
I made lots of bad decisions.
I’ve talked about previous episodes.
Some of the dumb stuff
I did when I was a teen.
I don’t expect them to
mature any time soon.
And yet, my experience with teens in Japan
is they are tend to be overall more mature.
And maybe it’s because
they have to study so much.
They don’t actually get so much free time.
I had tons of free time to mess around.
And that is when my mind
went off with my friends
and flights of fancy and was like,
what’s the dumbest thing we can do?
One of the dumbest
things we could do was
get eggs and throw
them at a police station.
In Japan, they have police boxes.
These are not– it’s not like a box.
It’s like a two, three person police station
mini-police station for the community.
So instead of having just
one large central police
station for a city or a prefecture
or an area or something,
they will have a big police
station and then a lot of little ones.
They’ll have three, four,
maybe five cops in the my town,
has a police station
and I think it’s like
six people tend to
stay– tend to staff it.
And that’s for the whole city, though.
So it’s actually very small still.
But I could still go
towards the train station.
I bet I could be able to
find a police station with
like two guys who hang
out in it most of the time.
You’re out.
You’re 15, you’re 16 years old.
You’re with your friend.
You want to like be stupid and impress each
other, which is what was going on here?
Like the dumber stuff you
can do will impress your friends.
You have some eggs.
I don’t know if they go buy eggs.
This is another question of preparation.
I, as a teenager, doing dumb stuff,
never went fully on the preparation phase.
We never like pre-planned this.
It was like always in the moment stuff.
These guys had eggs.
So they either went and bought
eggs or as someone got eggs
from home either way, that
level of preparation being
increased makes it
actually like a little worse.
They get the eggs.
They go to the police station.
What are you going to do?
You’re going to throw the
eggs at the police station.
So the cops are sitting
inside the police station.
They hear something
hitting the outside wall.
They go out.
They see broken eggs.
They’ve egged the car and
the outside of the police station.
What does a police station have?
It has police inside, yes.
So maybe the police don’t see you.
It’s very hard for them to prove.
What else do they have?
They have surveillance cameras.
I mean, every single one has
a camera facing the outside.
Every single one has
cameras probably inside as well.
If any place is going to have cameras
on it, it’s going to be a police station.
So of course, they have video
footage of these kids doing it.
They track them down pretty quickly.
They are suspected in a similar situation
where another police car got
egged at some point in the past.
I’m going to go ahead and say they did it.
Last week, I was lamenting the
lack of sexiness of the Yakuza stories.
All the Yakuza stories
I’ve had, since I started in
his newspaper, they’ve
been bland, low-level stuff.
And so my information about Yakuza
primarily has come from movies and media.
So in the movies, they were
always like international drug dealers.
They were trafficking people.
It was always like really big things.
And they had massive amounts of money.
The stories we get are them doing what I
would consider honestly low-level crimes.
Three members of the
Yakuza were arrested recently
for breaking into a mobile store
and stealing 31 cell smartphones.
L-O-L anyway.
Back to the Yakuza
from Eggs and egg prices.
That’s the smooth transitions
you get at Nintendo’s Japan.
The segues here are perfect.
You won’t even notice them.
We’ll just be into the next story.
Anyways, back to the Yakuza.
But I think the reason this stuck out to me
was stealing cell phones is not my
image of what Yakuza should be doing.
And it’s because again, all
of my information comes from
movies and video games where
they’re doing really big things.
These guys breaking into a store,
stealing– like, even 30 isn’t enough.
Like, it was 30,000.
It was a truck, a
trailer full of cell phones.
That would be Yakuza level.
Ceiling 30, I think I
could steal 30 phones.
I think I could break into
a place of steal 30 phones.
There have been 10 similar thefts.
So now we’re getting up in the 300s.
But still, it would be like, if you’re
going to do petty theft, I guess
each phone might be $1,000.
Like, the Galaxy phones and stuff?
They’re like $1,000.
So I guess this could actually
be quite technically a big crime.
It just doesn’t feel that way to me.
Like, they’re not stealing gold.
10 similar thefts in two prefecture.
So maybe these are all connected, and
they’ve stolen like 300 phones at $1,000.
Yes, that’s a fair sum of money.
Still not Yakuza numbers in my mind.
This is like petty crime
still on the grand scale
of what the Yakuza as a family
organization should be doing.
It’s just not glamorous.
That’s really what I want.
I want my Yakuza to be
doing big glamorous crimes.
Last week, we had the Yakuza
buy a private road and then
coordinate off and then try to
charge everyone for using the road.
And then they got arrested
not for the attempted
extortion of the people
who live around this road.
It was– they were
arrested for being Yakuza.
Something that they’re not Yakuza.
But has the same feeling to me, Starbucks.
Starbucks, Japan, is going
to start location-based
pricing, which I weirdly
am not surprised that it–
like, I actually, this
is the kind of thing I
would have assumed
they had already in place.
Do you remember it was like
a year ago or two years ago,
they were going to have
the menus dynamic pricing?
So if it was a peak of time, your
hamburger, whatever would cost more.
And then if you went,
I’d like to, o’clock in
the morning, the
hamburger would be cheaper.
I’m surprised that didn’t take off more.
Because I know there
were some machines in
Japan that were going
to try some machines.
We’re going to do like spike pricing,
dynamic pricing, that kind of stuff.
This is different.
And then what they’re
saying is if your Starbucks has
like a prime location, the Starbucks
is going to cost more in the store.
That feels more Yakuza like to me somehow.
That feels like a large
national network scheme
that’s going to bring
in millions of dollars.
That feels like the
Yakuza, but it’s Starbucks.
I think maybe in my mind, I need to switch.
It’s the Yakuza are doing
all this garbage crap stuff.
I had my sentence just fell apart.
So I’m just going to cut that part.
From February 15, 30% of the
1,991 stores will change prices.
So not all of them.
It’s going to be with ones in
Tokyo, Osaka, that kind of stuff.
They’re going to be the downtown stores
that they’re going to increase their prices.
If you go out to the
countryside, so where I
live, there’s not actually
a Starbucks out here.
That’s how small the town I live in is.
We have a McDonald’s.
That’s like a big point of pride.
And my understanding is
they’re going to open a KFC.
You can see how my tiny towns becoming
a big city when we finally get a KFC.
Service areas and airports
are going to go up by 6%.
So places where you’re locked in.
So you’re at the airport.
You can’t really leave the airport.
They’re going to increase
all their prices by 6%.
If you’re in a service area, so a
place you’ve driven, there’s no options.
There’s only so many places you
can buy from in a single service area.
They’re going to
increase their prices by 6%.
Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, and other major
cities, the major city I work in is Nagoya.
And they didn’t mention that one.
They’re going to increase their
prices by 4% in those locations.
This is supposed to be for
sustainable store management.
But we know that Starbucks is
already a massively profitable company.
So that’s not what this is about.
This is just about seeing if
they can gouge more money
from people because
they’re locked into an airport
or they work downtown, and they
don’t have any other coffee options.
Everyone forgets Nagoya.
Everyone forgets Nagoya.
Nagoya was voted the most boring
city in Japan multiple years in a row.
And I actually agree.
But to me, the most boring city in Japan
is why it’s the best place to live in.
The exciting cities
have lots of stuff to do.
But if you have to live there, it’s always
like Tokyo’s always packed full of people.
Osaka’s very busy.
Man, there’s stuff to do in there.
No, no, there is stuff to do in Nagoya.
It’s just it’s location and stuff.
It’s smaller and quieter, which
is why it seems boring to outside.
It’s like if people are going
to come and do tourism,
I would say, yeah, go
to Tokyo, go to Osaka.
If you want to live,
you come live in Nagoya.
Nagoya is a great place to live.
I live in the suburb.
Wow, I live in a different prefecture.
But I live in essentially
a suburb of Nagoya.
And it’s awesome because
I can get to Nagoya.
And from Nagoya, I can get anywhere.
Like I can go to Tokyo in a day.
I can do day trips all over Japan.
Being centrally located,
I think, is really good.
And that is your message
from tourism to Goia.
Ninja, Ninja, Ninja, Japan,
big fan of living in Nagoya.
But don’t come to visit.
Keep your fucking
tourist ass away from here.
Was it Maywaku?
Don’t be a Maywaku guy, Goku Jin in Nagoya.
Go to Tokyo and bug them.
All right, I’m going to do the song again.
That’s probably all we need to cut to.
There was a sinkhole in Saitama.
And a truck didn’t manage to
get away from it and it fell in.
And the driver was in the truck.
And he’s been locked in
there for at least three days.
This actually story is a little dark.
To be honest, when I saw other foreigners,
I was like, TF is this foreigner.
No, I kind of feel the same way.
In my town, in my town, my understanding
is there’s one other white person.
And so people honestly
think that we must be friends.
Because there’s the one other white guy in
the city is very, again, very small city.
They think that we must know each other.
We must hang out and stuff.
And I’ve seen him once at the liquor store.
And I honestly never went
back to that liquor store.
Because he didn’t seem like my type of guy.
He literally walked up to me.
This is really off-putting.
Because I’m out in public,
a very conservative person.
He walked up and he’s like,
what are you doing here?
Like this was his introduction of
himself as a person to want to talk to me.
Like I was going to
respond positively to that,
which showed me that he
was already socially inept.
So I just ignored him
completely and walked away.
So what he saw was he made a statement
towards someone in that person
just turned around and walked off.
What I saw was someone
who doesn’t know how to talk
to other human beings,
trying really hard to break
down a social barrier
and completely failing.
Because my walls went up immediately.
But enough social talk.
Anyways, there’s a sinkhole in Saitama.
It was huge driving down the road.
A truck actually fell into it.
And the driver was trapped in the truck.
It came from a damaged sewer
pipe ate away at the surrounding soil.
So basically eroding underneath the road
to the point where
when a truck went over it,
the road actually
collapsed into this big hole.
The driver’s still in there.
Now, this is actually a tough story.
Because I followed it for days.
Again, I wanted to see,
do they pull them out?
Do they get the truck out?
What happens?
Then, as they’re trying to
dig away sort of the material,
like this is taking a full day,
they lose contact with them.
So we don’t know if he’s
actually still in the cab of the truck.
They don’t know if he’s OK.
Another sinkhole forms
nearby than those two sinkholes
actually join together and
become a much larger sinkhole.
At this point, they’re actually
like this is day two now.
They’re actually saying, maybe
people need to evacuate their houses.
We don’t know how far this is going to go.
They’re trying to scope out the area.
They’re still trying to get
this guy out of this sinkhole,
but they can’t bring heavy
machinery into this area
because they’re
actually unsure as if the
ground underneath is
actually stable or not.
So you want to bring a big crane
in and lift up the truck to pull it out.
But you can’t bring the big crane in, because
maybe it’ll collapse the road under it,
because you don’t actually
know how big the sinkhole is.
They tried to construct
a slope to get down
more smoothly into
the ground to get them.
That started filling up with water.
Three days later, they’re still
saying that everything’s unstable.
They’re asking city residents in this area
to not take baths or showers or do laundry,
try to minimize all that so that
they don’t have water flowing
through these pipes, which is actually,
again, exasperating the situation.
They’re searching for more risks.
This is actually like now
they’re actually more concerned
about the people in
the property around the
sinkhole than the actual
sinkhole they’re doing in.
Three days after this happened, the
news about the driver just stopped.
So my assumption at this
point is they never got him out,
but they didn’t actually want to report
it and it just kind of stopped altogether.
But I really would like
to know what happened.
And now they’re talking about like,
how much of this
infrastructure do we have
to rebuild to keep
Saitama in the city safe?
How many other areas
are there like this in
Japan has become a
pretty significant question?
(upbeat music)
So we had the sexy
advice giver who was using
a AI generated sexy female
avatar to advertise his
give you dating advice and
investing advice practice.
So he would do videos and it was an AI girl
and she was super hot
and she was bouncing around
and doing girl things
that are attractive to men.
And then say, if you want
dating advice, send me money
and then you’d send the
money, it would go to this guy.
He would give you dating advice.
The question was, is this fraud?
Because you were paying
for dating advice and getting it.
It just wasn’t coming from the source.
You thought you were getting it from.
My actual feeling is the fraud is these
guys who were giving this AI avatar money
wanted to talk to the AI
avatar and not this guy.
They didn’t really care about the advice.
This was just their opportunity to talk
to what they thought was a really hot girl.
Rule 34 plus AI and anime is going to be
the combination that destroys the earth.
Two men were arrested for
generating sexy anime posters.
So it seems like nothing is actually safe.
I think that’s for the next little while AI
is going to try to
like, it’s going to be
prodding at different
things in different scams
and different copyright
violations in this case.
Other light crimes to see how far it can go
before it actually causes any real damage.
I think it’s going to cause
damage sooner or later
and that’s when actually
something’s going to come of it.
But we’re going to
see a lot of little stories
where someone employed AI to do a
thing that they weren’t supposed to do.
They were generating
posters for Evangelion,
a Yu-Gi-Go, and other
anime from about this period
which immediately gives away their time.
That was actually something that I thought.
It was like, as soon as I was
like, those aren’t modern anime.
That’s anime that I know
and I’m a really old person.
So they must be pretty old.
Turns out these guys were 36 and 40.
They’re both being arrested
for copyright violation.
One man made 10 million yen off
his sexy anime AI-generated posters.
And another man made 5.7 million yen.
We don’t know if they
were working together.
This may have been just like a coincidence
that these two guys were arrested.
36 is old now.
I’m sorry to have to tell you,
if you’re over 30, you’re old.
Now that I’ve hit my 50s, I
understand death is looming.
And I knew immediately,
okay, here’s an interesting story.
30 is old.
When I came to Japan, I was 28.
I think I was 28 or 29.
Okay, dinosaur, WTF.
I am a dinosaur.
I’m okay with it.
I’ve accepted who I am
and what I am at this point.
And that’s why I’m so confident in myself
and maybe why I haven’t committed
the crimes the other 50 year olds have.
But when I came
to Japan, I was 29
and I was very
attractive and I dated a lot
and I had many different excursions and
whatnot and women were attracted to me.
I can honestly say that with unbiased.
The day I turned 30, it was
like a pheromone went out
or a hormone or something
and everyone knew I was 50.
The attention stopped dead.
And I couldn’t explain what happened.
Like I was dressing the same
way as I had the week before.
I was acting the same
way I had the week before.
But suddenly a week before it was
really cool and sexy and charming.
Now it was like creepy old man grow stuff.
So yeah, 30 is the cusp.
It’s when you become old.
I have maintained that youthful spirit.
I do speak for myself.
I still pull.
I’m sure you do still pull.
I think if I tried really hard, I could.
It’s just now I’m so old, I don’t try.
You can tell that since I wear the same
sweater every single week in this episode,
you can tell I’m not trying
very hard on certain fronts.
Anyways, yes, I’m sorry
to have to tell you this.
If you’re over 30, you’re old.
You’re almost dead.
You might as well just give up.
I’m not advocating
for that kind of thought.
All right, 5.7 million yen,
the other man made as well.
We don’t know if these
guys were working together.
That’s actually a very interesting aspect.
The cyber patrol of
Japan who basically just
goes on the internet
and looks for crimes.
They’re like patrolling the internet.
I mean, pretty good job to be honest.
Sitting on your computer all day,
looking for things that may be illegal.
I mean, we’re on the internet.
There’s a lot of illegal
stuff on the internet.
I think maybe the biggest
thing to me was 10 million yen.
A guy in one year made 10
million yen selling AI posters.
If you had the desire for
an AI poster, you could just
go to an AI thing and just
have it generate it yourself.
Like, doesn’t that seem
like the better solution?
Like, instead of paying that guy to do it,
why don’t I just go on AI
and get AI to do it for me?
Probably for free or very little money.
And then I could, you know, you have
to have like a good printer or whatnot?
Nah, that’s more work.
Is it though?
This is the internet.
Like, AI is everywhere now.
It’s generating all this stupid stuff.
If you want the stupid stuff,
have a generator for you.
I’m guessing maybe he had some kind of large
printer to actually make a large poster.
Maybe something like that.
Maybe you worked at a
print shop or something.
I don’t know, but there has to be a reason
that they went to this guy
instead of doing it themselves.
But people are buying them.
That to me is the most shocking thing.
Like, people are buying
shitty, weird, generated
AI art from anime
that’s like 40 years old.
Since we’re talking about old and cool,
this is the perfect segue into this story.
70 year old, 71 year old
man, he wanted to look cool.
I mean, I still would
like to be seen as cool.
I would like people to think I’m cool.
I think now when you hit my age,
you’re only cool if you do cool things.
Like, it’s not looks in
appearance or attitude anymore.
It’s like, oh, he does, he does cool stuff.
He does, he’s a neat guy.
That keeps you cool.
The coolest I’m ever gonna be is
knowing that I’m not cool and not trying.
The not trying is the element
that keeps me the coolest.
I’m not gonna say cool.
The coolest I can be is that I don’t
go out of my way to try to be cool.
Because my cool days are behind me.
Also, I don’t know if I was ever cool
because I never had enough money.
I think a big part of being
cool is doing cool things
and doing cool things
often cost a lot of money.
So this 70 year old man
had the same thinking.
He wants to be cool and he
goes to expensive sushi bars
and he would be like, hey,
people in the expensive sushi bar.
It’s on me tonight.
I’m picking up the tap.
I’m buying for everybody.
Raw fish all round.
Which sounds really great.
That’s everyone in the
place really appreciated.
I mean, the coolest thing
you can do is go into a bar
and be like, this rounds on
me for everyone in the place
and everyone’s gonna cheer
and be really happy about it.
Sometimes the sushi bar tab was 300,000 yen
for the average person who’s Japan.
And that’s like a months salary.
So he’s really dropping coin
to look cool in the sushi bars.
Between 2023 and 2024, he funded
this by robbing 63 houses and he made 9.
3 million yen.
So actually pretty good haul.
So one of the things I talk
about is like it has to be worth it.
And if you got 10 million yen
in a year like our poster boy
from the previous story,
like that’s not a bad salary.
Like that’s really, really good in Japan if
you’re making that salary 10 million yen.
This guy targeted houses that were
rural so they were mostly farmers.
And the idea is that the farmers
would be out tending to their farms.
Their houses would be empty.
He’d break into their house.
Farmers are also kind of
people who would keep a certain
amount of cash in like
actual cash in their house.
So one of the times, a
couple of times I’ve said
like people have had 20, 30, 40
million yen stolen from their house.
And my question is why are you keeping that
much actual physical money in your house?
It’s still a very old fashioned
Japanese thing to do.
I think I spend all my
money using my phone now.
I don’t think I actually carry any
cash with me in any significant sum.
I might carry 10,000 yen
just in case for an emergency
but any normal purchase for me in a
normal day is gonna be through my phone.
There’s no money in my house.
It’s broken to my house.
The most expensive thing you could steal
probably on this little
shelf behind me right here.
So you’re not getting
much of a haul from that.
He, when he was arrested, he
claimed his welfare in pension
wasn’t enough to keep him
sort of in the lifestyle he desired
which was, you know, to be cool and go into
sushi places and buy sushi for everybody.
He literally said to the
police, the motivation
I had to do this was
because I wanted to be cool.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)