Depressing topics to cheer you up

Corona, climate change, misogeny, we got it all, baby. It was probably sexist for me to add “baby” to the end of that, but I need to be me.

Oh, and there is some more of me complaining about old people, despite being old myself.


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Ignorance is not innocence

Mori is back at it again, there are a lot of smaller crimes as people just can’t seem to figure out that getting arrested for this petty stuff isn’t really worth it. 

Also, power harassment and some happy nerd news. If you are a nerd, you may want to note the names of the companies mentioned.


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The Olympig, a representation of everything that is wrong with Japan. Coupled with yesterday’s episode, I think you might see my point.

Also, people filming sex, pulling knives on cops and a lot of bad decisions.


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Travel Mixtape of Underwear

Nike makes a splash and lots of things to make you feel bad.

Racism, mysogeny and all the stuff to make you go “Huh, maybe this corona stuff has a point.”

It doesn’t. 



The commercial mentioned in the podcast.