Fully Autonomous Podcast

The Gunma Prefectural Convention – I mean,
you talk about Japan being wild in the 90s.

I don’t think those guys
ever understood what

it was going to be like to go to a
political convention for Gunma Prefecture.

Of course, there got
wild, an 88-year-old man

decided to tell everyone how
to fix Japan’s birth problem.

I’ve talked about it many times.

The government trying to get
people together awkward and weird.

The government is trying to
give people money to have babies.

Okay, it only works if you really
want to have babies in the first place.

They’ve had some solutions this guy.

He’s like, “You know what, shut up.

I’ve got this.

I’ve got it solved.

I’ve got it worked out.

You don’t need to talk anymore.

It just doesn’t mean everyone.


Listen to the man speak.”

He said, “It’s not the
government’s job to

supplement the economic
burden of having a child.

” I mean, I guess very
technically that could

be true if the government didn’t
want people to have more babies.

So if the government wants the population
to increase, if the government wants people

to have babies, then
it is the government’s

responsibility to try
to make that happen to

try to support people in
their efforts to make babies.

Little wages in Japan have
dropped for 26 months in a row.

So, basically, inflation has gone
up, wages have been stagnant.

So your real earning
potential has dropped

every month for the
last two years and more.

So then what is a solution?

He’s saying, “Look, we’re
not giving you money.

Giving you money
isn’t going to do it.

” And I actually think partially right, I
think giving money is a good idea because

you want babies that are
born to have food and stuff.

So they survive into
being more than just babies.

So what do you do?

If men have their act together, women
will, without fail, have their children.

Even if you don’t ask,
they will think, “I want

to have a baby for the
sake of the husband I love.

” Do men ask for babies?

Like I would say, if
you took the most

traditional view of the
male-female relationship,

it’s generally the woman
who wants the babies.

I’m not saying that’s true.

I’m not saying it’s
universal, but I’m saying

it’s a stereotype and a stereotype
based on just a drop of reality.

It’s generally not the men who
are gung-ho about having kids.

I actually know a couple of
people who do guys who do want

to have kids and they want
to have more and more kids.

So 100% I know that’s
a real thing, but I’m

thinking, if we’re talking
about the population

of the country, so we
have to broad strokes,

general swaths, men don’t tend
to go around asking for babies.

They do ask for the baby making process,
but they don’t ask for babies themselves.

He’s making it sound like
having a baby’s reward,

and while I wouldn’t say it’s a
punishment, he’s absolutely not a reward.

It can be rewarding, but I
would say that comes later.

He’s also very much
in heavily implying that

money is at the issue, but I
don’t think money is the issue.

I think work-life balances the issue.

I’ve talked about this a billion times
now, so I’m very hesitant to say that

the same thing again and
again and again every week.

So I haven’t said it in a long
time, so I am going to say it now.

The work-life balance in Japan is the
reason why people are not having babies.

People are not having babies
because people do not get together.

People do not get together because
they don’t have time to get together.

They don’t have time
to meet people and form

relationships and have
relationships outside

of work because they’re
working all the time.

Therefore, they don’t
think about having kids.

They’ve created a situation where women are
so career-focused, but then give them no

support if they want to have
children as well as a career.

They don’t give enough
people enough options and

this is, again, the
government’s responsibility.

If the government
wants the population to

increase in Japan, the
government is going to

have to do something to make that happen
and I think the first thing they need to do

is put a really significant
restriction on overtime.

They have found at maximum people tend to
be able to work for about six hours a day.

There might be like,
again, unique individuals.

They can do 12, 13,
14, 15 hours of solid

work that’s really
good for the entire time.

The average person isn’t and you’re not
hiring individual rock stars all the time.

You’re hiring average
people most of the time.

So making them stay and
work late is not beneficial to you.

It’s not beneficial to the company.

It’s not beneficial to the population.

It’s not beneficial to human relationships,
which is what, at the end of the day, this

is all about, which is exactly what this 88
year old man does not understand because he

has not changed his thinking since
those wild parties in the 80s and 90s.

Previously we talked
about a Chinese man who I

think he was iron-headed
something, iron-head

dong maybe, he came to Japan from China
and he went to Yasukuni Shrine and Yasukuni

Shrine is very
controversial because it is

where soldiers, veterans
and stuff, they are

on tomb there is where
people go to pray for

them but World War
II, a lot of war crimes.

So it is seen internationally,
China and Korea

specifically, as a place that
has enshrined war criminals.

So politicians going to pray there is very
controversial internationally and whatnot.

This guy came and he said
I’m going to make a statement.

His statement didn’t match his actions.

His statement was that they shouldn’t
release water from Fukushima into the ocean.

He said, “Since you
guys are treating the

world like a toilet,
I’m going to treat this

place like a toilet and he climbed up on
like a thing that said Yasukuni Shrine like

a big pole made of stone and he peed
on it and he spray painted toilet and red.

” He went off back to
China, didn’t get arrested

and the Chinese police are saying, “Yeah,
which I actually think is a fine response.

Since there is no
extradition treaty and the

relationship isn’t
that good, I don’t see

why you would extradite
one of your citizens

back to Japan, but there
were two other people involved.

So you know there
was someone holding the

camera and the police want that guy
and they have all three other names.

There’s also the guy who
bought the spray paint.

That guy was arrested the other day.

Now, here’s the question.

They did in total 4.2 million
yen worth of damage to that post.

So the spray paint, I
guess they have to clean

it off, pee, I mean
you just wash it off.

I don’t see how that
comes to 4.2 million yen.

I’m not arguing because I
don’t know anything about it.

I guess trying to get the paint
off without damaging the rock

and maybe it’s marble or
something special, I don’t know.

But are they going
to lay it all on this

one guy or are they going to try to
use that to lure the other guy’s back?

Because the other
guy, the first guy, the

guy in the video said very clearly,
“I’m not going back to Japan.

” Why would I?

I went there, committed a crime,
filled it, filmed it, and stuck it online.

So yeah, it actually makes
sense that he wouldn’t come back.

I don’t think he is going to come back.

I think his friend who’s been
arrested here is screwed.

The question is, do they get the
guy who filmed it, the cameraman?

That’ll be an interesting question.

But if that guy’s smart, he’s
back in China already as well.

We have also talked about, this is kind of
like an updates of recent stories episode.

We’ve talked several
times over the last

month about the gubernatorial election
process in Tokyo where they put up posters.

The NHK party, which
is a legitimate, in its

sense party, because
it’s a real party, they’re

just not particularly
serious about the issues.

They’re not actually trying to
push things through in a serious way.

They’re there making a
mockery of democracy,

which I actually don’t
have a problem with.

It’s just I sort of think
some of the stuff they say

could be useful to actually
say in a serious way.

That’s a whole side issue.

I think underneath they
have beliefs, but they’re

not actually getting those beliefs across,
which I think is a wasted opportunity.

What they did as a party is they
bought all these spaces on these things.

So for a very limited
period of time in

Japan, you’re allowed
to put up a poster, your

election poster, as you want to
become the governor of Tokyo.

They bought up a whole bunch of extra ones
and then they sold them to just anybody.

So we had a girl who’s like a kick box or
a girl who wanted people to follow them in

social media, someone
who put a picture of

their dog up, someone
who just put up a poster

the same poster many,
many times, a woman

who’s in the NHK party,
who is a adult actress.

She put up pictures
of herself very lightly

censored in a full spread
Eagle pose, basically.

So then went out to
the people and they said,

Hey, do you think we
need to change the rules?

Not surprisingly, 76.2%
said they feel there

should be a revision
in the candidate posters

law and the rules that
govern them therein.

I mean, I actually think this has proven a
weird point in that you got to kind of take

the government stuff seriously if you
want people to actually take it seriously.

So again, I do believe
there is value to

people trying to exploit
these rules and trying

to show make a mockery
of government, but

at the same time, I’m also,
I flip flop back and forth.

I mean, also how else
are you supposed to get

anything done if you don’t
start taking it seriously?

Japan last week, I mentioned that
Japan introduced new bank notes.

There’s a thousand yen,
5,000 yen, 10,000 yen note.

There’s new ones very exciting.

I got paid last week.

I went to the bank and I got a whole bunch
of money up, did not get any new pills.

I don’t expect to
actually see one for a

while, someone’s going
to roll into the office

and be like, Hey, I
got the new bill and

everyone’s actually going to
crowd around and look at it.

I do get vaguely interested in it.

It’s only exciting for about 10 minutes,
but still, you know, it’s a new thing.

So everyone wants to see the
new thing and maybe look at the

new security features and
hold it up to the lightning stuff.

But a new run of money
means that people who

collect things like money got
a new thing to be interested in.

And I learned a little
bit about the money

system, which was
interesting on Yahoo auction.

If you go on Yahoo
auction, you can buy 1,000,

5,000, 10,000 yen
bills, but it’s auction.

So the price is going up and up and up.

Some of these are
selling for more than 40

times more than the
actual value of the bill

itself officially
collectors add value by

saying, you know, it’s
rare or I want this thing.

What do the collectors want?

So this was the bit I
wouldn’t have known

nothing about the serial number on the
first run of bills has a double a on it.

So be a and that means that is
part of the first run of those bills.

When it gets all the way
through, it switches to a B.

That’s the second run of bills and then
a C and it keeps going and going going.

Once it gets to ZZ,
so it goes through the

whole alphabet, they hit the start again,
but they change the color of the ink.

So that was another
thing I didn’t know about

if you get AA and AA
and you compare the

two ink colors, you can tell which
one came first and which one came later.

A 1,000 yen note
with 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 on it.

That’s six sevens I may
have said more I didn’t count.

I count people shooting bullets in
movies, but I didn’t count the sevens.

I just read off a piece of paper.

Six sevens on in a row is
right now worth 28,000 yen.

So the serial number itself, if it’s
unique, collectors will pay for that.

This one I don’t understand,
so I’m going to go looking for it.

If you have ZZ, 555,
Z, that is worth 500,000

yen, half a million yen for a
bill with that serial number.

So should you get one
of these new bills, take

a moment if it’s still
early days and look

at the serial number,
maybe you got one of

those double A’s, maybe
you got an AA with some

unique lettering in it, you might be
able to sell that online for a profit.

I do know license plates,
like you can pay for

license plates in Japan and the
Yakuza always get dot, dot, dot, eight.

So it basically has
nothing, just a number

eight in it and those I think
are super, super expensive.

It’s funny to me that it’s a Yakuza
thing to get this license plate.

The government sells
you that license plate

for money, but then
you’re basically telling

the police, I am or I think I am a Yakuza,
which doesn’t seem like the greatest idea.

I think maybe Yakuza are not
very good criminals all the time.

Japan editors from
Kodansha went to California

and they went to a
convention, they started

speaking to up and
coming, want to be artists

like I want to be a manga
artist, I want to be a bit mean.

They want it, but they
want to be manga artists.

They would start talking
about like how do you

improve, how do you
improve your skills, how

do you improve your
art, how do you improve

your story, how do you
improve your structure,

how should your
character design reflect the

character in the book, how
does it affect the side character?

These are all really
useful, interesting stuff.

These guys obviously know
what they’re talking about.

Then they got into
Americans, spend too much

time making merch for those of you
in the audio version of the podcast.

I am now pulling my
shirt back to make sure

the chunk of McBeaf
Chest Academy martial arts

shirt I am wearing is seen
within the borders of the video.

Again, there’s a difference in the way
the world works or how the cost of living.

I don’t know specifically, I’ve never lived
in America and I certainly haven’t lived

in America in modern
times, but I’m going

to go ahead and guess
it’s more expensive to

live in most places
in America than it is to

live in Japan, Japan
has a lot of services.

Despite our earlier
story of declining wages

over the last 26 months,
if you have the same

salaries before and you live a
frugal life, you actually live quite well.

All the stories I read online though, it
is stories online, so I don’t want to make

any strong statements about
what it’s like to live in America,

but I’m betting making money is
important to survival in America.

If you want to be a
manga artist in America,

let’s just say it is
unlikely you’re going

to get a massive payday right away, so you
have to find some way to supplement your

art to make money for your art, and it seems
like the way to do that would be merch.

So I do sell chunky
beef chest t-shirts, I have

books that I am
publishing that I’m selling,

I have other things
I’m trying to do, I’m

just, I’m not trying to
be greedy, I’m trying

to supplement my income so I
can do this stuff that I want to do.

If I ever got to a point where I could
quit my 40 hour a week job and do this full

time, that would be like
a dream come true for

me, but realistically
speaking I know that’s

not likely, so I keep
the 40 hour full time job.

Some people would
say that means I don’t

believe in myself, but
I have to feed children.

I have a very realistic view
on the chances of success

in any format, podcast,
YouTube, streaming or whatever.

I know the reality
and therefore I know, I

should keep my 40 hour
a week job, retirement

could be really good for
me, because most people

who work and work and
work and then they retire,

they don’t have to do
them with themselves,

whereas I, if I just
keep doing this, I would

have a full set of
things I enjoy doing in my

free time and now it
becomes all my free time.

So then maybe it could actually be popular,
it could be one of those really old people

who gets popular on
the internet for just being

old, those people all seem
to be good at something.

I’m actually thinking about the streamers
like, there’s the Call of Duty Granny

lady, and then there’s the old guy who used
to be like a sniper in the military and

he streams, but he like
uses actual calculations

and has like a notepad and then it
starts nailing people miles across the map.

Yeah, they have skills
and the granny’s good.

She’s really good at Call of Duty.

I’m not actually good at anything.

I think now I’ve actually seen my actual
fatal flaw as to why I have to keep my day

job and it’s not because
of dedication or belief

in myself, it’s not
actually good anything.

Oh fuck, that was the saddest
story I’ve ever done in my life.

Japanese government has set a policy
on fully autonomous weapon platforms.

This has actually
come up in NATO, so it’s

not like Japan just
did this out of nowhere.

I cannot talk about
any military aspects of

Japan and not immediately start
thinking about are they developing Gundam.

As we all know, Gundam or piloted, it’s an
AI system that learns as it does combat and

connects with the pilot and then
they sort of feed off each other.

I think that’s a really interesting idea.

The movie Atlas that came out very recently
on Netflix, very mediocre movie, not bad.

I mean, people were trashing it.

These are not
terrible, it’s just there’s

nothing new or interesting
in it really, nothing unique.

Had the same sort of premise, like you had
to sink the pilot and the machine and the

AI and then working
together, you could be

a more effective fighting
machine, touch up.

That kind of stuff.

They were saying that
human control has to be

a principle and should
be maintained because

human involvement is required
because humans can be held accountable.

So once you make a machine and that machine
makes a decision and decides to like kill

an orphanage, you can’t really
hold that machine accountable.

You can turn it off,
but no one actually

gets punished, no one
has to think about it.

That does imply that
there are everyone involved

with weapons is moral, might be an issue
as far as I’m concerned, because there are

bad people and bad
people would do bad things

even with non-autonomous
weapon platforms.

Then weirdly, they got into the benefits of
autonomous weapon platforms because there

would be less human
error and they have

significant, it would
actually deal with significant

manpower shortages which ironically is
exactly what Japan is dealing with right now.

Japan’s population is shrinking.

The military is not
particularly a tractive career

path, very few people
are joining the military.

Therefore, the military
in Japan is shrinking,

is having more trouble
getting people, autonomous

weapon platforms
would actually be the

solution, but here’s where
you get them because

they’ve done manga posters in the past, and
they weren’t particularly successful, but

you could get nerdy dudes,
manga fans and whatnot.

The nerdy group is what
they’re actually going for.

When they made manga posters,
there was a target audience.

That target audience didn’t
go for the posters alone.

They did try to collect
the posters and maybe

went and collected some
military paraphernalia,

but they did not
actually join the military.

These are the people
who are like technology

and computers, and
if you sell it that way,

you will be piloting
technology and computers

and things like that
working on a computer

in your comfort zone and
contributing to the military.

That might be more appealing.

This is where the, it’s
not going to be a gun

dome, it’s going to be
more like a guy sitting

at a desk with a
bank of computers and

monitors and keyboard
and controller and stuff.

Controlling systems from afar, but he would
be in his comfort zone and probably very

effective because this is sort
of the environment he’s used to.

There is a way to make this work
if they are actually serious about it.

Here’s the last story, I wanted
to cleanse our palette a little bit.

The most popular pet names
from last year, for male dogs, for

the last nine years, the most
popular pet name has been Leo.

I guess Jeff needs to be Leo, but I think
it’s like lion, the most popular female dog


Over the last year,
nine years, so these two

names have been the
most popular names for

the last nine years in a row
together, running in parallel.

Female dog name, cocco, so you have Leo and
cocco, if you have two dogs, it’s a male

and a female.

The most popular male cat
name for the last nine years.

Can you guess what it is, given
the hints that just came previously?

It is Leo, the most popular
female cat name for the

last two years, so this
one’s going to be different.

We found this interesting
because my first

thought is, I’ve heard
this name before, Luna,

which is I believe is
the cat from Sailor Moon.

Sailor Moon’s quite old,
but it’s come back in a

couple of iterations, so,
or maybe it’s still back.

I’m not watching a lot of
Sailor Moon these days.

The most popular combined
names, so this could

be male dog, female
dog, male cat, female

cat, just overall, combined
pet name in Japan

is, oh, this is where I
should have done the quiz.

I did do a quiz today because
I didn’t organize myself.

I actually had a holiday yesterday.

That actually seems to
have made my organization

worse because I do
everything set on schedules

and I took yesterday and did a
different project because it was a day off.

Did not organize a quiz.

I do need people, if you would like to join
the quiz, because it’s like a 10, 15-minute

Zoom call, we could do it on
Discord, send me a message.

I’m going to be
interested in gmail.

com, speakpipe.com,

I would love to have anyone who listens to
the podcast on and we can do a little quiz.

The quizzes are not meant to be hard.

We have a little chat, we do the
quiz, I tell the story, give the answer.

If we can get more people doing it,
I actually might start keeping score.

It’s going to be an engineer
in Japan versus the world.

And then when I get real serious
about those quizzes, it can be hard.

My only concern though
is we run into a story

that the person I would be
speaking to is already right about.

So that’s going to be the hardest part
of managing that if I get to that point.

But the big reveal, the
most popular combined

male female dog cat
name last year was Mugi.

I feel like there should be
some sort of flourish after

that, but I don’t know
what the flourish would be.

It’s going to turn
us up, popcorn, it’s a

pretty good name for a
pet, Fukuru, and Giorno.

I think it’s Japanese
would be Giorno, but if

I read it, it looks
Italian so I say Giorno

and I have to do the
do a hand gesture with it.

Now, surprisingly
non-emolist, Dave, best

animal pet name ever, I
mean any animal should

be called either Dave
or Stephen, regardless

of gender, I mean,
gender is irrelevant.

If you’re going to call it, if you have an
animal and you want to give it a name that

I would prefer, like a
Penelope, but then you

just can call it pen,
something like that.

But single syllable is
to me one of the more

appealing aspects of a pet
name, it should be single syllable.

And I do know from my days
working in dog food when I

read training books, it
should have a hard sound in it.

So that’s why Dave
is a good name for an

animal because the animal
doesn’t often know their name.

They hear that syllable in that tone
and that’s what gets their attention.

So when you’re naming your next pet, popcorn
would actually be really good because

the pop is probably
what’s going to get their

attention, Leo, not a great choice
because it has all kind of soft sounds.

Cocoa, pretty good,
two hard sounds in a row,

Luna, cats aren’t paying
attention to you anyways.

Cocoa, it’s the key, it’s the key,
is going to actually probably get it.

So if you’re thinking
about naming your pet,

certainly I would not
recommend using the

most popular names in Japan,
but I think it should be Dave.


Awwest Wawwent

(upbeat music)

  • So do you remember Sugar Baby, Lili Chan?

She was almost in obsession
with this podcast for quite a

while because she had one
of the more interesting stories.

Not only was she
scamming men out of tons of

money, she was also
actually proactive enough.

She wrote a book on how to scam
men and sold that on the internet.

That actually ended up being
her downfall because the people

she sold the book to didn’t
really follow the steps of the way

they were supposed to and
they ended up saying like,

“Oh, well, I shouldn’t take responsibility
for the fact that I scam this guy.

I got this book from this other chick.

You should blame her.

” And that was her downfall.

She made a million bucks
easy off these three guys

that she scammed,
the three sort of big fish

that she caught the whales as
the mobile industry would call them.

She had a million bucks
and she spent most of that

on hosts, so she would go to
host clubs and spend all her money.

She was arrested and
has just been prosecuted.

So her sentences come down.

Prosecutors wanted 13 years
in prison and a 12 million yen fine.

No, she had 155 million yen from her scam.

So I was actually thinking like proactively

if she had kept the money,
saved the money, put the

money away, hid the
money or something like that.

When she gets out of prison,
if she paid the 12 million

yen fine, she’d still
actually have 100 million yen,

pretty good nest egg
to set yourself up with.

I’m not saying again, crime pays,

but it certainly doesn’t pay if
you don’t save any of the money.

I guess I get a sort of
sensible fiscal responsibility

for criminals is not really
what I should be talking about.

The judge said this was
an especially heinous crime

because she encouraged other
people to commit the same crime.

So she’s like, I’m scamming people,

I’ll teach you how to scam people, we’ll
scam more people, everyone will get scammed.

It’s great.

And he’s like, well,
that’s actually pretty evil.

If you think about it,
what you’re doing is

trying to teach people
how to break the law.

The final sentence was
an eight million yen fine

and nine years in prison.

So she’s 25, she’s gonna get
out of prison when she’s 34.

I don’t know what kind of job
prospects she’ll have at that time

because she certainly won’t
have a hundred million yen

sitting waiting for her because
she spent it all on hosts.

And I’m sure those hosts in nine years

are not gonna put a
great deal of effort into

supporting her back the
way she supported them.

I don’t have a lot of sympathy for Dita,

but it is sort of an
interesting case of

watching someone really
reap what they’ve sewn.

Their own inability to think forward has
really come to roost for her in this case.

So I’ll set a calendar date and
see if I can follow up in nine years

when she gets out of prison, we can
see how sugar baby Dita is actually doing.

Today’s stories are all
about crimes and courts

and crimes and courts
and crimes and courts.

I’m trying to, if you listen to last week
episodes, you know I have family in town.

So I am carving out this time to make sure
that I don’t lose any sort of momentum.

I missed a couple of weeks.

I don’t wanna lose a month.

I’m just forcing myself to do it.

So I just want you to know that
I’m here dedicating myself to you.

I’m actually neglecting my
family that’s in town right now

just so I can record
this episode super quick.

So the courts are coming correct in Japan.

Nine years in prison for scamming dudes,

that’s pretty solid sentence
and the 12 million yen fine.

I mean, yeah, that’s a lot of money.

The operator of a pirate
mango website has been fined 1.

7 billion yen that he has to
pay to three separate publishers.

So he had this website, it was the biggest
manga pirating website in the world.

It was accessed 500 and some
million times or something like that.

And so they had calculated how much money

the publishers would
have lost by not selling

books to the people
who were on that website.

Now we know that’s
not actually how it works,

but I guess if you’re going to
create a punishment for pirating,

this is a fairly sensible,
logistic to base it on.

This is the largest fine of its kind.

So this is a first in history,
which is why it became interesting.

The actual story
itself, guy sets up pirate

website, guy gets arrested,
guy has to pay big fine.

That kind of writes itself.

You don’t really need to say much about it.

The morality of pirating,
it’s here or there.

It’s up to you.

I mean, I’m not going
to judge people for it.

I live in Japan, so I can’t
get a lot of the Western media.

I want streaming services
are super expensive.

I understand why people pirate.

I really do.

Also, I understand paying for stuff.

Because if I had the money, I
would pay for everything generously.

But that’s not always the case.

The defendant told reporters that
he was unconvinced to buy the ruling.

So the judge is like you owe 1.

7 billion yen to these three
publishers because of ABC.

And he’s like, no, I don’t
know if that’s correct.

I don’t think you get to be
unconvinced by the ruling.

This was a more interesting aspect of this.

We had the mayor of Guinan,
who got booted out and had to quit.

And his apology was like, I
don’t– I did sexually harass a

whole bunch of ladies, but I
don’t really know what I’m being.

What I’m in trouble for.

I don’t really know
what I’m apologizing for.

Like, did I do anything wrong?

And I was like, yes, you
sexually harassed people.

He’s like, yeah, but did I?

And they’re like, yes, you did.

This guy’s like, yeah,
pirate, it’s some mange.

Has that hurt anybody?

And they’re like, yes, the
companies that make the mange.

And he’s like, yeah,
but should I pay a fine?

They’re like, yes, 1.7 billion yen.

He’s like, really is that how much?

It’s an interesting set
of mental gymnastics.

Because at this point,
he’s still basically saying

he’s not responsible
for the actions he took.

But he also said he has no
regrets setting up the website.

But I think after you pay the 1.7 billion
yen, you might have a regret or two.

75-year-old man is taking a walk in a park.

Very nice thing for a
75-year-old man to do.

There’s some kids
playing soccer in the park.

Very nice thing for the kids to do.

Park is a shared space.

Everyone should have a good time there.

I think old people should enjoy the park.

I think young people should enjoy the park.

I walk Dave in the park.

I enjoy my park near my house.

So parks are a great place.

The old man, the 75-year-old man, walks up
to the kids, he goes, is this your trash?

See, see some trash on the ground.

Is this your trash?

Because it’s going to say no.

Now, you know this is not
the end of the conversation.

And it’s because you know
old people, you know kids.

And you know how this interaction goes.

But at the same time, it’s
a surprise how far it goes.

There’s the logic that kids employ, which
I enjoy very much in this conversation.

So is this your trash?


And then the 75-year-old
man says, even if it isn’t,

if you see trash on the ground, you should
pick it up and then throw it in the bin.

Now, I knew, without
even reading the next part,

what the kid said in response,
I knew because I bet it

was the thing I would have
said as a child to an old person

giving me instructions who
has no real authority of over me.

This is one of the interesting
aspects of authority.

People’s authority over you,
often is perceived, not real.

And when you realize that, you can
decide if you give the authority or not.

So these kids are saying the
75-year-old man’s telling them what to do.

And they’re like, well, I
don’t know who you are.

I have no respect for you.

You have an earned my respect.

So I’m going to respond in the
most reasonable way possible.

He says, you see trash on the ground.

You should pick it up and throw it away.

And they say it to him, why don’t
you just pick it up and throw it away?

Now, the reason this story is maybe it’s

an industry panel is because of the
next set of actions that has occurred.

And the gentleman
who’s 75 years old thinks,

well, what’s the most
reasonable response?

They’ve actually presented
me with a logic problem.

I have said, if people,
in this case specifically,

you children, see trash
on the ground, your moral

responsibilities to pick it
up and throw it in the trash.

You should throw it away.

I’ve told them to do that.

And they’ve said, why
don’t you lead by example?

Why don’t you yourself,
instead of bothering us,

pick up the trash and
throw it in the garbage?

And he’s now got a moral conundrum.

Does he bend to the will of the children
and demonstrate that he’s telling the truth,

that pick up the trash and throwing
it in the garbage and showing them?

That is not what he chose to do.

Does he berate them?

He does he tell them
like, respect your elders

and this kind of stuff,
that is all, again, conceptual.

It’s not real.

Like, the respect your elders thing,
I don’t give a lot of credence to that,

because for all I know, my
elders are all like evil people.

So you don’t want to respect them.

You’ve got to know who
they are, but you’ve got to

know who someone is
before you show them respect.

I think that’s fair.

So he does the only final thing when he’s
been caught in a logic trap by a child.

He hauls off and punches an
elementary school girl in the face.

And I’m laughing
because the girl’s not hurt.

I mean, I’m sure it hurt, but 75 year
old dude, he’s not swinging hard anymore.

One of the girl’s friends has a smartphone
because these are modern children.

Calls the police and says, this is dude,
just like cranked my friend in the face.

Please come arrest him.

He gets arrested and he says, well,
I didn’t punch any one of the face.

I did warn them.

Did you warn them though?

Because the sort of transcript of this
conversation has no warning involved in it.

It’s just, here is a moral
quandary I present you with.

And the children were
like, well, the moral

quandary is just as
much yours as it is ours.

Why don’t you demonstrate
how to alleviate the

moral issue through an
example of your own behavior?

And then it’s when he decided to just
punch a girl on the face, a little girl.

I don’t have a lot of sympathy for that.

It actually reminds me
of a bunch of stories

when I was like a teenager and
adults were really rude to me.

And I kept thinking like, I
actually now feel like I shouldn’t

respect adults, which is an
interesting place to live in.

And it’s probably the
basis for my disregard

of any authority whatsoever
from now until I die.

OK, there was a new scam out in Japan.

So the metropolitan Tokyo police are–

that’s the metropolitan
police department anyways,

the MPD, the metropolitan
police department.

This is the cops in Tokyo.

They’re actually trying to
warn people of this new scam

that is emerged in itself,
again, quite interesting.

You get a phone call.

And the phone call is
like, hey, I’m a police man.

And I’m telling you that
there’s a warrant for your arrest.

And you go, oh no, there’s
a warrant for my arrest.

I don’t want to be arrested.

Certainly not.

I don’t think I’ve done anything that
would justify a warrant for my arrest.

And so what they do is say,
well, let’s confirm that this is you.

And there is a warrant for your arrest.

A West.

There is a warrant for your arrest.

Go to this website.

Now, here’s the trick.

It’s not a real website.

And the person you’re
noting to, the person

you’re talking to, not
a real police officer.

So they sent you to this fake website.

And you have to put in a certain amount
of information to get into the website.

Because it’s going to
search for your details.

You have to give a certain
amount of details so it can search.

From those details, it
builds a fake arrest warrant.

Just like it generates one on the fly.

And then presents it to
you as a real arrest warrant.

Now, you can get rid
of this arrest warrant.

You can pay just a fine.

So you can just pay the fine.

And then the arrest warrant will go away.

That seems like a
pretty good deal if you

don’t want to have an
arrest on your record.

Then you will get a second
phone call, a phone call,

from a four mentioned,
not real police officer.

And he’ll say like, do
you want to pay the fine?

Or do you want to come in and get arrested?

But they do tell you that you can pay
money and you can have the warrant removed.

The most suspicious part, this
actually kind of makes sense.

Our cop calls you and says
there’s a warrant for your arrest.

And then you go to a website.

And then you go to that website.

And then you see an arrest warrant.

It pretty much confirms
a lot of the suspicions

that you have that this might
be actual factual information.

The interesting part to me
and the most suspicious part,

the part where it would fall apart, is
they send you the website via social media.

They don’t send it to
your like an email account.

And I’m guessing because
maybe that could be backtraced.

So they’d be like on Twitter or
Instagram or some other social

media website, they
will send you the link on

that so that then you
can access the website.

So there’s something suspicious there.

The cops using social
media to contact you and talk

to you on official business
seem suspect in itself.

So that to me would be the big red flag.

But it’s actually pretty small, if you
think the overall of what’s happened.

You’ve gotten a phone call.

You’re being sent to a website.

You put in your information.

That information confirms that
what the phone call said is true.

It all looks very official.

And then you get a follow up phone call

just saying you can pay certain
amount of money and this will go away.

I think it’d be pretty
easy to fall for that scam.

So that’s actually pretty
well put together scam.

They’re trying to warn people
which I think is pretty good.

Sometimes they ask for your bank details.

So if they get your bank details,

they’re actually going to try to
drain your bank account as well.

So if you live in Japan,
you get a phone call.

The best part about
being a foreign Japan is I

think I’ve actually
received scam phone calls.

And they try to talk to you,
but then I just keep talking

to them in English because
usually they’re speaking in Japanese.

It’s honestly just too hard for me.

So I’m like, I’m sorry.

I don’t understand.

I don’t say that in Japanese anymore.

I only speak in English on the phone.

And that really puts them off
because it’s like they can’t scam me.

If I can’t understand what they’re saying,

they can’t scam me if they
can’t convince me of anything.

And they can’t convince me of
anything because they cannot talk to me.

So this actually is
really a big advertisement

for English education in Japan because
you really want to scam more people.

You’ve got to learn multiple languages.

27 year old man was arrested
on suspicion of assault.

Now I do love in every article.

They never say he was arrested for assault.

They always say suspicion
because he hasn’t been convicted yet.

So the details of this were what makes
the suspicion of assault quite funny.

So that’s 7 p.m. a delivery company guy.

He just goes into the police station.

He walks around for a bit and he walks
up to a sergeant and the guy’s 41 year old

sergeant and the sergeant
looks quite pleasantly.

I’m going to pretend to
assume I have no idea.

Maybe he was very brusque.

When I went to the DMV in Japan,
they were very rude to me at first.

And then I was not a
problem and they actually

turned around and
were very nice to me.

So they needed that
like initial, they had an

initial bruscaness that I
managed to wear down,

which was quite good.

He said, “What can I do for you?

” So I see that phrase and I’m like,
“Oh, you know, do you need help?

Can I help you?

” The man, the delivery driver, he comes
in and goes, “I don’t know, I don’t know.

” And then he punches
the policeman in the face.

He was arrested on the
spot and then questioned.

The interesting aspect
of this, as I said, is

he’s been arrested
for suspicion of assault.

Despite the fact
he assaulted a police

officer and a police station,
it’s going to be on video.

Like, I’m sure it’s on video.

There is no suspicion there.

Unless of course the
police officer is like,

“This is a misunderstanding
and then the

person decides not to
prosecute or let him go,”

because then he’s not
being arrested for assault.

So I guess suspicion does make sense.

I’m now going full circle
and convince myself

that we should say suspicion until it’s
concluded, which is actually the case.

That’s what they’re doing in Japan.

But the news article is
I would say, like, here’s

a mountain of evidence
we suspect he did the thing.

While being questioned, he
said, “I’m sorry for doing that.”

And that in itself is not a big surprise
because I bet he is sorry for punching the

policeman in the face and
getting arrested right away.

Next week is Golden Week.

It’s going to be like 50/50
getting episode out, but I’m again.

I’m going to make
notes and then if I can

sit down and just carve
out half an hour, I’m

going to record at least one
or two podcasts next week.

So I will be trying.

I just want you to know again that I’m,
I don’t know, I’m trying to not give up.

Is that it?

I know if I took a month off of
you really hard to get started again.

So even this short episode is worth doing.

I think all this is just going to
get cut and I’ll just do the ends all.

Yeah, I’m just trying to get
my fucking life back together.

I realized what I do
is I feel like I have, we

had this super busy time at work
and I couldn’t do the things I wanted.

And then as soon as
that ended, my family

came and that takes
up all your personal time.

And I realized what I’m feeling
is I’ve lost control of my life.

I don’t get to do the
things I want to do because

I have to sacrifice
that for other things.

And it leaves you
in this weird position

where it’s like, I just want to
have control over my own life.

And I think this is what,
you know, why people

want to be rich is because it’s not
because like they’re greedy or anything.

It’s just they want to have
control over their time and their life.

And that is certainly where I am right now.


After a month long break because of corona and life. Ninja News Japan is back with more rambly news – from Japan.

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