Please Citizens Arrest me

All right me and Dave rockin’ the news.


Not a the

Citizens arrest YouTuber who we
talked about last week was rearrested.

How do you get
re-arrested in a single week?

Like how do you get arrested for?

Citizens arresting people
and then like the next week

I guess like he was
arrested and released.

I don’t know if he’s actually
gone a trial or anything’s happened

But then the next week you
go out and you’re like, well.

this time I’ll do it right and.

Okay, anyways here the
story and it’s even dumber than

the last one the last one. He
basically accused a woman of

Schelping tickets

So this time there is a man in his 50s.

who’s waiting for a
friend at a train station.

He is then pushed to the ground
and surrounded by a group of people

Who claimed he was trying to escape
the police because he was a drug addict.

So they did the YouTuber
did a Citizens arrest.

He was restrained a man, which is I guess
has not kidnapping. It’s assault for sure

They pushed him to the ground.
So that’s assault like restraining

people against their will
has to be a crime in itself.

So I’m really torn on that like
what crime is that it’s not I guess.

It’s a kind of kidnapping.
I guess kidnapping.

Maybe you have
to take away people.

Because there was the thing he
talked about last week kidnapping

if you’re in like in a company in
the company like locks the doors

What refuse won’t let you
leave because you refuse to find a

If a company we’ve read about black
companies and you have to sign a form

And they won’t let you leave the room until
you sign the form if you call the police

They’ve actually kidnapped you because you’re
not allowed to leave So I guess this is

Under the same law. So if one
of them’s kidnapping this has to

be kidnapping as well. Anyways, the
Citizens arrest YouTuber With friends

Surrounded a completely
innocent man in his 50s who was

waiting for a friend
pushed him to the ground

surrounded That’s got
to be terrifying in itself.

He has no drug connections

And the dude was arrested again.
So I don’t know.

Like he’s not very good
at Citizens arresting first

of all like there’s one
thing like I want to make.

My name is a vigilante.

I need to

Vigilante properly. I need to I
need to vigilant the right tease.

I need to

Be vigilant about
who I Vigilante’s.

Try to make up new words Riz was

Quoted as being the
word of the year for I think

the Miriam Webster
dictionary or something.

But if you’re gonna do
Citizens arrest you got to like.

So to me I’ve confused
because to me this is a failure on

multiple points. He wants
to be a Citizens arrest guy.

But once everyone finds out you are not

Arresting people who’ve committed crimes.

You failed on that point

So maybe they would just come to your
channel to see you arrest the wrong people.

Like maybe that’s what
they would come for that

would be the entertainment
of that part like.

Who’s he going to falsely citizens
arrest today and then he gets in trouble?

The police have to do something
about this like this is actually

a case where it’s like he’s
obviously just going to keep going.

Until he goes too far
someone gets hurt.

I guess in a weird way if you
hurt someone and they sue him.

That actually might be the better
outcome like not that the guy gets hurt,

but then being able to sue someone
and take all his money would actually be.

The Russian embassy so
Japan and Russia, you know,

they’re having a contentious
time right now because.

Japan does not support
Russia and its efforts Russia

has pushed back on that
there has been some contention.

Because of islands north of
Japan that are still in dispute.


Russia and Japan right now do not have
the greatest relations in their embassies.

Turns out Russian embassies have
been refusing to pay their parking fines

The embassy this is actually the bid.
I liked.

The embassy claims to be making efforts.

But just just can’t find
a way to pay the fines

like we’re trying
we’re trying really hard

Just can’t we can’t figure out how to pay
the fine. I don’t know. I every time I go

I forget my wallet or I
forget the the forearms.

Oh, I don’t know what happened,
but then you find out Russia had.

59% of diplomatic parking
fines in 2022 so it’s almost like.

They’re going out of the way
the 41% of the other diplomatic

parking fines is the entirety
of all the embassies in Japan.

So Russia is doing essentially
60% of the parking fines that is.

338 cases so if you want
to do the math add another

40% of that you have all
the diplomatic parking fines

For the country in 2022.

But 60% so that’s like they’re trying like
you have two options you can park here.

Where you can park over
there illegally and then the

Russian guys are like park
illegally. Let’s get a ticket

Let’s get a ticket so we don’t
have to pay it just to cause

Japanese police a
little more trouble.

It’s a Diplomatic immunity diplomatic
community diplomatic community has always

been kind of a weird thing to
me. I’ve never really understood it.

I can commit a crime in your
country, but because I’m a diplomat.

I don’t get in trouble for it.

I mean, why would you show
respect to a country that you’re angry

at right now? That’s that’s
actually just the way it goes, I guess.

A 41-year-old company executive went to the
Japan Airlines diamond Premier lounge now

I can tell you as a normal
human being I’ve never

been in anything that is
diamond and or premier

But to combine the two
the diamond Premier lounge.

That’s just got to be the
best lounge in the world ever.

So while people were there
and they’re eating and taking naps

because they’re rich fancy people
and they do whatever they want.

This company executive so
he’s a company executive so it

the fact okay There’s a couple
things that that struck me

Company executives get paid more than me.
I get paid normal people money.

Company executives
get paid more than that.

So he’s got more than
normal people money already.

He’s going into the diamond premier
lounge which means he probably makes more

Than even rich people
money like he’s getting

into the exclusive
bits of the airport.

Not a place I would care about.
I don’t know. I bet if I went in there.

I’d be very happy about it. Actually,
no fancy places make me uncomfortable.

I’ve gone to fancy bars a
few times and I always was

like I don’t belong here,
and I don’t like it and the the

excessive staff attention
is very off-putting to me

I like going to bars and
Issacias in Japan where

they’re like hey you near
they can I’m like not buddy

We’re good and then they just like
walk off and you’re like that’s right

I’ll call you if I need you and
then you go away and then

they come over and they’re
like you need something

like yeah I do and
then they give it to you.

So I’m that class of person the
Excessive attention puts me off.

So this guy’s in this
diamond premier lounge.

And he decides it would be a great idea.

To steal a wallet worth 190,000
yen that had 300,000 yen in it.

So there’s there’s actually again
another sort of the level difference.

The wallet was worth 190,000 yen.

The average Japanese salary I
say this regularly because it keeps all

these big numbers because you
use Japanese yen in all these stories.

A lot of these big numbers are going to mean
anything to the average listener because

they’re in their country with their currency
and then the relationship doesn’t make sense.

The average person makes
four million to five million.

So let’s say four point five million yen
a year in Japan. That’s average salary.

So your monthly salary.

300 to 450,000 yen a month.
So someone’s spending a hundred

and ninety thousand yen that is
probably about half the average

salary for a month or
like two-week salary for

a normal person in
Japan and then that had.

300,000 yen in it in cash.

I Would probably carry.

20,000 yen

Maximum normally because that’s
going to be enough to like if I need food

I can get food if I need
a taxi or an emergency

That would be enough to get
me most places like I could get on

the shink on the center for
20,000 yen and get to another city.

With 20,000 yen

I don’t really need to
carry more than that like

I don’t normally I carry
like a few thousand yen

But like if I just gone to the
bank and I just like topped up.

Probably 20,000 yen

He admitted to the allegations

So he’s actually said
yes, I did it was another

side point in the story
He’s been accused of

Stealing 300,000 yen and a
hundred and a thousand yen wallet.

But then he admitted to it
and they still just say suspicion

and accused of because he
hasn’t actually gone to court

He hasn’t hasn’t he hasn’t
actually been convicted.

So it’s still not necessarily true. Which
is a very interesting little side note

If you read carefully, you can see
like the people who write these stories.

They’re very careful
about their language

because you don’t want
to make false accusations

I kind of appreciated that
on the on the writers part

I should actually put a little more effort
into figuring out who actually wrote it.

Give them credit is what I mean
he admitted to the allegations

and he said the reason he
did it was stress from work.

Now if this my all jobs
are stressful basically.

But if my job included the
ability to go to the diamond

premier lounge to decompress
every now and then.

I don’t know maybe maybe again,
maybe the stresses he feels are so high

and then the the diamond premier
lounge isn’t enough of a decompression.

I’m not trying to give
him too much sympathy

I’m just trying to imagine
what it’s like to have more

money than I’ve probably
ever had and then be like

My life is stressful.
I’m gonna steal money.

To make myself feel
good to relieve that stress

to have a little excitement
to feel alive again.

No, I’m sorry.

He should just ease
off work or I bet at 41.

Making enough money to get
into the diamond premier lounge.

I bet he could retire to again if
he was willing to live a normal life

This might be the bit that I always miss
because I was like oh if I get rich enough.

I will live the exact same life.
I live now.

And stop working as in these guys
are like no, I always need more and

more and more and more so I guess
that’s where stealing more money.

would feel good.

I wouldn’t feel good about stealing money

But I wouldn’t feel particularly
terrible about stealing

from rich people. It’s kind of a
Robinhood syndrome of being.

Again just sort of average normal person
who lives in the world. What I feel bad

I’d feel bad. I would feel really
bad about stealing from poor people.

I’d feel bad about stealing
from normal people.

I think I would feel less bad.
Maybe I would still feel some guilt

I would feel less bad about
stealing from rich people.

That’s not even to say they
don’t deserve their money.

Maybe they worked
really hard. I don’t know.

I think there is a base
assumption that most

rich people don’t deserve
the money they got.

This is his second charge

His first was stealing a credit card
from the diamond premier lounge.

So this is the second
time not only has he been

stealing it’s the second
time he’s been caught.

Kind of goes with this citizens arrest
youtuber from the previous story.

If you get caught doing it.

You have to change up what you’re doing so
you don’t get good or maybe you don’t care

Maybe you want to get caught. Maybe
this is one of those like serial killer

Please stop me from killing kind of things.
I can’t help my motivation.

Yeah, being of sound mind. I think.

If I was caught doing something and
I still wanted the benefit of that thing

I’d be like why I have to
change my methodology.

I wouldn’t go back to the
same place commit the

exact same crime and
expect to get away with it.

Because I got caught the first time

I’m gonna get caught the second
time if I don’t change my methodology.

So yeah, you got to you got to mix it
up I had an interesting discussion sort of.

Because I was thinking about like I.

Don’t know how to launder money

So the problem is let’s say I
found a suitcase full of money.

A yakuza group had thrown it out of window
because that’s actually happened in Sapporo

They actually like found a
garbage bag just full of cash.

And then they were gonna
burn it and then they had to turn

it into the police like we
don’t know what to do with this.

But let’s say the money
needs to be laundered

I can’t just like take money out
and use it. I was trying to figure

out like how would I be able to
spend that money and not get caught.

And there’s no way you
can do it without them

being able to pinpoint
you in modern society

I’d have to find some alternative
because if I spend money

Let’s just take it. I take
10,000 yen out of the time,

which is sort of a very
standard bill to use in Japan.

I go to convenience stores
and I break my 10,000 yen bill.

They would have video footage
of me spending the money

So they could just go oh,
we found one of the bills

Let’s go through all the
video of that day and just

sort of catalog all the people
who spent money that day

They might even have like a time frame
because the when that till was being used.


If I went to a different store every time

They then could be like well, it
showed up here. It showed up here

Hey, guess what this big stupid
white guy showed up at all these places

So I’m like I can’t do that.
I could give it to my friends

Was my second thought
like I’ll give my friends all

10,000 yen in exchange for
like break 10,000 yen for me

And they all spent it in different places

But then it’s all still connected.
Oh wow, all these people

seem to work at the same
company the source of the funds

Must be coming from
within this company.

They’re like all the
best way I could do it.

Which is some people say the reason Bitcoin
was invented. They do have Bitcoin ATMs now

It’s still going to take a picture
of you because it’s an ATM.

But I could wear a nondescript
hat wear sunglasses wear a mask

And then the first thing
you do as soon as you

walk away from that ATM
is you get rid of that mask

Get rid of those sunglasses get
rid of that had you to you burn them

or throw them a river or something
that once it goes to a wallet.

Is not as traceable.
They can trace it, but.

Yeah, it’s really hard for a normal
person to launder money. That’s actually

something I thought about so I’m trying to
figure out the best way to launder money.

I haven’t found a big
bag of money, so I don’t

really see this sort of a
waste of my mental energy

But it’s it’s these sort of
exercises I put myself through

should the day arrive when
I have to commit a crime

If you followed Ninja
Ninja Japan for any amount

of time you can tell I
think a lot about how to

Effectively commit crimes and not get
caught. I think about how to do things

Criminal activities the best
I can and I guess should the

opportunity come up if I’m gonna
do it. I don’t want to get caught.

Ninja News Japan is
basically spawned because

of my fascination
with committing crimes.

I haven’t commit haven’t should I
admit what crimes I have committed.

I certainly jaywalk like every day.
I’ve jaywalked in front of the police

They didn’t seem to mind

In Japan what crimes have I
committed done some speeding.

I’ve done you know
the normal ones.


Punishments in Japan can be quite severe,
but having done this podcast long enough

I know if I just keep my mouth shut long
enough. I’ll probably just get sent away.

Probably lose my job in the process, but.

I probably could get myself
myself out of prison. I think.

Do I have the mental
fortitude? Johnny Somali

seems to have done it
and that guy’s a moron, so

Next story next story. I
should I should let all my

thoughts wind down before
I do the transition music a

25-year-old police
female police officer was

arrested for involvement
in a romance fraud

It’s only interesting because the
female police officer was posing as a man.

And so this was all online

So not a hard thing to do,
but I was like oh like what would

be the benefit because you
think women could like we had.

Sugar baby beauty chan was the
story for the last few months on.

Just used to pan fascinating how
she was ripping off dudes and making

tons of money with it and then
giving it all to host fucking ridiculous


My thinking was she could
probably like scam men.

More effectively, but I bet she
didn’t want to use her face or anything

So this is why she was
in person but then I was

like ah a female would
better know the female mind.

She could better romance
another female because you know

men like myself were awkward
and clumsy and we smell bad


She probably asked to do a
better job at the romance scam

than I could because I would
never say the right things

I would never be a good host.
Let’s put it that way

So at first she was
impersonating a male Canadian

doctor and talking to her
victim who was in their 50s.

So I’m assuming pretending
to be an older doctor.

I guess doctors tend to be
quite established so an older dude

And he’s talking to an older woman
so age appropriate. That’s quite nice.

And he says I am taking
care of patients in Yemen.

My mother has been hospitalized

Airfare is 200,000 yen which I will repay
to you immediately so he’s trying to get.

The victim to send 200,000 yen so
that they can buy an airplane ticket.

Now my first thought is why can
a doctor one of the better paid.

Professions not be able to
afford 200,000 yen. Why couldn’t a

doctor go to one of his doctor
friends who also would have money

And asked them for
200,000 yen 200,000 yen

being honestly in this
case not very much money

Like if we’re talking
about like air fairs that

are last minute the last
time I went to Canada.

It was a quarter million yen or
something for me and my family to go.

Like it was ridiculous.

But it was again, we didn’t go
short notice, but it was not quick.

And so we weren’t even
paying like the premium price.

We certainly weren’t getting into the
diamond premiere lounge with our tickets.

And we were paying way more money than that

So also had posed as a mail
model requesting money for

shipping costs to send the
prize money for winning a contest

So this is a pretty common scam
where it’s like we’re going to give you.

20 million dollars.

What you have to do is send
us a few thousand dollars.

As a deposit or insurance
or something like that

And then you send the two
three thousand dollars whatever the

minimal fee to get your $20 million
which seems nothing in comparison

I spend $2,000 bucks.
I get $20 million. You get the money

For just this initial investment.
It’s a really good deal. So that’s.

Lotteries will never ask you to send
money because they have all the money.

They like they’ll we’ll just take
the $2,000 out of your $20 million.

Winnings and send it to you and we’ll
ensure and stuff makes a lot more sense.

Being a mail model. I’m sure
again. There was a certain amount

of like let’s cloud our victims
mind with lust kind of feeling.

Also trying to be very charming.

It was just again. It’s a it’s a cop a cop
committing these fraud crimes a clap who

Knows how easily it is to get
caught who knows sort of the

system getting caught makes
me feel they’re not a very good cop

And not a very good criminal and if a
citizen’s arrest YouTuber had arrested her.

Celebrations all around.

Four hosts. It’s actually thematically
lately things have been lining up

So it’s talking about really each on and
she spent all her money on hosts and then

I was talking about hosts and then the
government started like cracking down a host

And now I’m getting much of host
stories four hosts were arrested.

for illegal

Touting during the day so what they do in
Japan. It’s called touting. It’s basically.

I’ll stand close to my

Restaurant or bar or whatever
and I’ll have some of my staff.

Out on the street and they’ll be like hey

Do you want to come to a bar?

I’ll take you to a bar
and I don’t know if they

get extra money for everyone
not but you know more

Customers means more money all around for
the restaurant. Maybe you get paid better.

Aggressive touting is illegal in certain
prefecture, so it’s not everywhere.

But if these dudes on the
street are like harassing you.

problematically they.

Can get in trouble now is something you
need to be able to prove and you will see

these whole four hosts must
have been doing a really really.

Aggressive hustling for street business.

Because they were
trying to get them to the

morning host session,
which is inconceivable to me.


My image is you come around eight
nine ten o’clock would be the earliest.

So probably the party
starts around midnight.

They party till three
four five in the morning

They’re drinking they’re having a
good time and then you roll home. Okay.

Apparently there is a morning host session
between nine and ten in the morning.

So I was like are these

The remainders of the host the
host who’ve been drinking all night

Do you get to have a really
gross stinky breakfast with them

are they recovering from
their night of drinking are they

The morning crew is there like a
specific morning crew because like I?

Very very sadly. I would
not want to stay up till five

A.M. in the morning drinking
especially every night.

I would much much rather
prefer to have the ten o’clock.

morning hosting Shift

Which I’m sure is not the
most profitable one, but that

means you’re probably in my
mind getting a lower tier of host

So like the whole point is
there’s a certain glamour

a certain attractiveness to the
hosting lifestyle You go there.

They charm you.
They romance you.

It’s a weird breakfast thing

I just those don’t connect
to me hosting and breakfast.

Morning time like to me. That’s when
they be getting off working going to sleep

for sure and are they drinking? Are
you starting drinking? I’m not judging I

Not recently last couple years.
What I actually found was.

I much prefer to drink at
lunchtime and sober up by dinner

then drink at dinner time and
try to go to bed while a little.

Loose I found drinking at lunch a
much more preferable experience

So a couple hours earlier 10 o’clock. I’m
not going to get too judgmental about that.

It’s just again, it seems
like if you have people

walking on the street at
10 o’clock in the morning.

Going hey, do you want
to start drinking now?

Seems like it wouldn’t work
out to me. This just doesn’t

seem like a good plan. It
doesn’t seem like it matches.


Romantic life the romance
of the whole host thing.

To me, but I guess if they
were going to be successful

They would have to be
very aggressive to get people

into their host club at
10 o’clock in the morning

Which is why the police were
notified of them, which is how they

got arrested these four guys
and again citizens arrest youtuber.

Wrong place wrong time.
You could have been there

arresting hosts and actually
doing some good for society

But no, you just pushed
down a 50 year old man who

was waiting for his friend
because you’re dumbass.

I had to mention that this
apparently is a restaurant

that’s been around in the
goya, which is the city I work in.

since 2012


This has been around for 10 years.

It’s a nugoya restaurant
called shachujoia.

It includes slaps from
the staff for 300 n each.

And so I watched a video of like.

this Restaurant they are not
holding back. They are legit

Slapping you as
hard as they can.

It’s girls But that doesn’t
mean girls don’t hit hard

Slap across face slap
across the face Then.

They’ll hit you a bunch of times.
So if you.

There was one video
and the girl hit him like.

Like six seven eight
times times 300 yen each.

It’s that’s not one slap. That is
300 yen per impact to the face

I’m torn as to whether
or not I want to go to

this because a it would
be an amusing video

But be if someone slaps me in
the face, I might not take it very well

I’m not the kind of guy who’s
used to getting slapped around

And just sitting there, but of
course then it’s also like a little girl

So I’m not going
to hit her back.

Am I? Citizens of the youtuber citizens of
rest youtuber might want to be ready for the

Frakis that ensues should
I end up in that restaurant?

Normally we end off an engineer’s
Japan with a creepy creepy story and.

I’m it’s a tradition. I’m
happy to uphold but the

creepy creepy story has to
have something interesting

And I found something more interesting
and it’s a shitty shitty racism.


Yamato Gokoro is a

Company that sells stuff
online like clothes and stuff.

The leader of the group is Yoshiyaki
Yoshida and he’s also the founder of DHC

And he’s dipping his big
toe back into the racism pool

So back when he ran DHC.

He posted comments.
Let me get the right ones.

No, okay So I didn’t write down. I only
wrote down the most recent comments

So we’ll just do it. Let’s do it in
order and then refer back to DHC later.

So kind of reorganizing
my story on the fly.

On the Yamato Gokoro.

Website he posted
that Yamato Gokoro is

apparently the only major
general online retailer

whose head is pure Japanese now pure Japanese
In Japan is a pretty racist statement.

Because what you’re saying is
anyone who isn’t pure Japanese

They suffer from faults. There’s a lot
of like pure Japanese people don’t steal

They have more integrity.
They and this is like

really really right-wing stuff
naming a competing CEO.

He said based on the features of his face.

He is often suspected of being zainichi

But steadfastly denies this.
So judge for yourself

So they’re doing uh, well
again, what a lot of races do.

They’re saying
like facial features

You can actually like see
someone’s genetic history in it

And you can see if their pure Japanese
are not So if you have Korean features

Then you’re obviously a mixed
Korean or have like an impure heritage

And therefore you are
must be a lesser person

Zainichi, it’s a phrase you
might have just learned today,

is what they call ethnic Korean
people who grew up in Japan

So Japan invaded
Korea brought a lot of

Korean people over
back to Japan to be slaves

They were a lower cast of people.
They were treated very poorly.

They are zainichi They’re
children and their children’s children

grandchildren and
stuff grew up in Japan.

100% Japanese culture
but of course looked down

upon it’s a pretty dark
part of Japanese history

Japan has a lot of pretty
dark parts of her being honest

But this guy saying like
look at this other guy’s face

Doesn’t he sort of look korean
you shouldn’t shop for it with him.

Is you know again, that’s pretty clear what
he’s actually trying to say from the start.

To another CEO of a different company

He said according to the
compendium of zainichi common names.

He is 100% of korean descent.

So they have a list of

names that

Korean people when they came to
Japan would have changed their names to

To integrate into Japanese society.
So very standard ones, let’s say.

There’s a list of these the
compendium of zainichi common names

So these are the most common names
because he has one of these names

Ergo he must be it’s 100% factual
that he is from korean descent.

He’s not Japanese.
He’s not pure Japanese

I always do enjoy when people
say pure because in my mind.

That means nothing we’ve now hit a
point where there has been so much.

You know integration and
crossbreeding and stuff and.

How far back do you go
before something’s actually pure?

There’s no such thing as a pure
Japanese a pure Chinese a pure korean.

Pure anything because borders are made up.

And if I was born on the
border between China and India.

I’m gonna look like a little bit of both.
Maybe it’s hard very hard. Hey, whatever

It’s just again, I don’t actually see

Any of this is being in
any way legitimate because

I don’t see purity as
being actually possible

This is one of those
things where I bet if this guy.

You did his like 23 and
me DNA history thing

it would come up with
like 17% Chinese 17%.

Korean 17% Vietnamese something like
that like it’d be a mix of Asian cultures

Just because Asian cultures
throughout all of history

have mixed regardless of
whether you liked it or not

I enjoyed this part the most though

When newspapers asked
about the post the company not

the man because they
didn’t want the man out there

PR team was like we
gotta get this guy to shut up.

He’s saying the
race is shimmy done.

They said we will refrain
from answering at this stage.

So I think their hope
is that people will this

this will like just sort
of fade away a little bit

People will stop asking
questions. There won’t be

this problem in the future
if we just shut up now

Maybe we can get our
boss to not make racist

posts and things will
just like kind of calm down.

I think that might be why the
PR team was like don’t let him

answer the question because he
would probably double down not

Probably absolutely did
because he did a similar thing

at the previous company
DHC between 2020 and 2021.

When DHC was bought by oryx
They had Yoshida step down.

But he was making similar
posts that the company then

would remove so he’s sitting
in his office going like oh.

I looked at this other guy’s face.
He’s must be Korean

He’s typing away saying
racist stuff like oh look this

guy’s I don’t know what
features they would pick on it

Look at his eyes nose ears mouth.
He’s clearly Korean descent.

Obviously you should
not shop with him or

he doesn’t do a good
job because of his face

You should only shop with
me because I look at this

the the mask of purity
that I wear all day every day.

I haven’t seen a
picture of them.

I actually tried to look
at a picture of them.

Really quickly this morning. I
didn’t get one. I wanted to see what a

pure Japanese looked like so I could maybe
recognize one of the future I fully expect.

He will get in trouble.

Because it’s kind of
illegal and it’s not really a

good thing for your CEO
or president to be saying

It makes your company
look bad a lot of people in

Japan are now stepping
very far back from this stuff

We’ve had lots of stories.

In the past of old
Japanese men saying racist

stuff and getting in trouble. We had the
guy Who was in charge of the Olympics.

He got in trouble for sexism
and racism and stuff and.

We got the mayor of Osaka
way back. He used to say he said

racist stuff like every day. I
loved him because every week

He said it’s something. I had a
story I could do an international pen

and apparently that is actually
the last thing you want as a politician

To have me talk about you because that
means you have just crossed a stupid line.

God I had tried to hold
that sneeze the whole time.

I think Dave’s hair
went up my nose

Can I get it done without disturbing him?
Oh, buddy.

There he is. I’m pretty sure
me just rubbing him the whole

time is kicked up a lot of the
hair and went up in my nose

Oh, you want scratches in your belly
you got some Dave camp time, baby.

And now you think for
just just the tiniest bit of

his face on my desk. I
usually has his pod here.

It’s a little colder today.
So he’s just he’s just chilling

out. I give him a lot of
scratches and he can see his eyes.

slowly start to close.

Dave’s life is so hard.

How to swindle your Sugar Daddy

We’re all living in
apartments, condos, vans.

Well, dude, even you can have a studio.

The studio in a box.

Yes, we can help you with that
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Okay, so any HK is something
I’ve talked about many times.

Any HK is a TV channel.

It’s the National Broadcasting Channel.

That’s fine.

You are obligated to pay for it
if you enter into the contract.

So it gets a lot of heat because a lot
of people don’t want to pay or don’t pay

and then they come after
them and it’s shit like that.

So it’s sort of an antiquated idea, especially
in the age of streaming and whatnot.

And they don’t do a lot to compete.

So I don’t have a lot of love for NHK.

And then I found out that the president of
NHK, I decided to switch the company from

a seniority-based system to a merit-based
system, which is something I really

appreciate because it means one of my
biggest complaints about Japan’s society,

primarily politics, but this
works as in corporations as well.

As a seniority is overvalued.

You have people who are
put in a position because

they’re old or they’ve
been there forever.

They haven’t innovated
or learned anything new.

So the company or in this case, politics
or whatnot does not innovate along with it.

And that’s how you
end up with antiquated

ideas being pushed
through and the minister of

technology not knowing
anything about technology.

That’s all based on seniority.

So he did a lot of things.

So the former NHK
president who retired the

January introduced a number
of new measures such as

eliminating the seniority system
and professional sectionalism.

However, the movement a strong
backlash from within the broadcaster,

including a claim that a
strong of employees have

left due to the abrupt
changes in the system.

The current NHK leadership
has therefore decided

to amend the personnel policy
to replace the system entirely.

Basically what they’re
saying is that you had

all these people in senior positions
and this good dude comes in.

He’s like, you don’t deserve your
senior positions or maybe you do.

Let’s find out.

Let’s create a meritocracy
and you can keep your position.

But anyone coming up,
they’re not going to come

up because they’re your
flunky or because of their age.

They’re going to come up
because they actually have skills.

And all the people who
are probably, now I assume,

not particularly skilled
or didn’t really deserve

their position, they’re
all like, no, that system

sucks because I might
not get to keep my job.

So then as soon as this
guy retires really quickly

right afterwards, they’re
like, we’re going to

bail on that system created and go back to
the old system where I get to keep my job.

And that’s one of the
problems with the senior

people being in charge
and the people in power

being in charge because
what they have to do is

consolidate power to make
sure they can keep their power.

So another quote from
the article during his

tenure made a laid out
policy to cut back on the

ratio of managerial posts
from the 30% range to 20% rate.

So he’s wants to cut 10% of the
managers and put them down or retire them.

He introduced exams for
appointed managerial staffs.

So you couldn’t just be
like, I’ve been here 10 years.

I deserve to be a manager.

You’re like, now you
have to pass a test with

the aim of scrapping
the seniority system by

promoting junior and mid
level career employees.

He also offered an early
retirement plan for those

in their 50s and supported
their reemployment.

He also introduced the
system to relieve staff

from managerial posts after
they have reached a certain age.

This is all stuff that I said
should happen in politics in Japan.

I think it should be universal.

I think there should be an upper
limit of the age of politicians.

A lot of the politicians
when they hit their

70s, they’re not in the right space
to be running countries anymore.

Just like these guys probably aren’t in the
right space to be running new amendments.

Like the guys in their
50s, myself included,

they’re not really the ones we’re
going to be innovating a system.

Maybe they can take a system
and make it work with system.

They already know, but they’re not going
to be innovating and making new things.

They’re not going to be
jumping onto the Internet.

They’re going to not
going to be creating a new

system for NHK to move
forward into the future.

And if they don’t know
the technology, if they

don’t know what’s going
on, if they can’t pass

these tests, they certainly
don’t deserve the position.

So that was very interesting to me.

These are all steps that I think
companies and governments should take.

Sure, the thing that I
actually was most interested

in was it was mid-level
career people with

skills could then surpass
senior level people.

And so you would have the best
people in position to actually do a job.

And that is incredibly
antithetical to the way

Japanese work, culture,
and political culture works.

So I really, really was
excited that this happened.

But of course, I didn’t
learn about it until

that system would have been
scrapped, which is complete bullshit.

According to multiple
individuals close to

NHK, NHK board members
of the executive body

held a meeting in early July to discuss
the personnel system introduced by Meida.

So these are all the people, most at risk.

These are the oldest
people, these are the people

who achieve their
position through seniority.

They’re not necessarily the most skilled
people, but they’re the people with power.

The attendees analyzed the system made
light of senior employees, which it should,

and reported it gave a rise
to promotions in assignments

that didn’t match
personnel evaluations on site.

So what they’re saying
is people are getting

promoted, and they’re not getting
promoted in the way I got promoted.

I got promoted because
I put my time in there,

my time in, and the
time’s what matters.

But the reality is in a business
time is not what mattered.

It’s skill.

So I’ve met many people
who have worked the same

job for many years,
and they will talk to you

about how they have so much experience
at their job at the thing they do.

They fail to take into account.

They’ve never had a good evaluation.

They’ve never done a good job.

So I’ve been working at the same company.

I’ve had the same job for 20 years.

That sounds like a good thing.

But if you haven’t done a good
day in 20 years, that’s problematic.

That’s something to be aware of.

So this guy, Maeda, the
former NHK president,

sounds like the kind
of guy I want in charge,

because he’s like, let’s make changes,
and let’s make the people who come up,

be the best people to
drive NHK into the future.

I want to do the same thing in politics.

Let’s have the people come up, be the
innovators who actually understand technology

and the problems that
society is going to face

into the future, and have
them drive Japan into the future.

But of course, as soon as he stepped
aside a little bit, everyone’s like, well,

you’re into that crap that might make me
lose my job in my bonus and make me retire,

because I don’t do much
work, but I get to sit at my desk.

I don’t know why my senior Japanese
executives have sort of Western exe.

I want a little cowboy there.

But let’s face it, it’s
that cowboy attitude

that’s going to get
you through the day.

Okay, this is weird Japanese politics.

The director of women’s
affairs division has

agreed to step down because of literally
the most Japanese photo I’ve ever seen.

So she went to Paris
on a fact-finding mission

and to do research
into women’s issues and

stuff and to look at
how other countries are

handling it and there’s sort of a conference
and important women leaders are there.

There’s a previous
one I actually didn’t talk

about where it was like G7 countries all
sent a representative for women’s issues.

Japan sent a man.

So they have this
picture and it’s like six, I

assume very powerful women in politics from
their countries and this Japanese dude.

I mean, because of
course, who’s going to speak

on behalf of Japanese women, but at
Japanese man, that only makes sense.

This is the way it’s done.

Found that funny, but I think
they’ve maybe swapped out.

So anyways, this lady
went to Paris and she’s

doing the work she’s
supposed to be doing

and she’s out in front
of the Eiffel Tower and

she’s with two other
ladies and she’s like,

oh, let’s take a picture in
front of the Eiffel Tower.

So they do a very Japanese thing.

They do a goofy picture.

So it’s her and her
two friends and they

steeple their hands above
their heads and stand

in front of the Eiffel Tower mimicking
the Eiffel Tower that is behind them.

It is a very innocent,
quite frankly, very sweet

picture of a woman who’s probably
very excited to be in France.

I mean, I’m going to go
ahead and just guess for the

first time because she
looks very happy to be there.

She posted this on her Twitter
and Japanese media went, Abe shit.

So much so that they’re like,
this is inappropriate behavior.

You shouldn’t be
having, they’re essentially

saying you have
shouldn’t be having fun.

But you go out to a
conference in another country.

That doesn’t mean you can’t also have fun
and you’re not working 100% of the time.

They did this with the
Prime Minister’s son.

The Prime Minister’s son
actually also had to step down.

Now he seemed to have
a little bit more going

on, but they were making
a big deal of him taking

pictures while he was in France
and I’m like, he’s driving around.

He’s picking people up.

He’s doing diplomat stuff, let’s say.

He’s essentially the Prime Minister’s aid.

Let him take some pictures.

This depends really weird about that.

Like you’re there to work.

You should only work,
but you’re still in human

being and you’re not
working 24 hours a day.

So taking a picture
in front of the Eiffel

Tower, it’s not like she was doing anything
dirty or offensive or anything like that.

She’s just doing a very innocent picture.

So I really feel like this one was unfair.

And so after the public backlash of
her being a really normal Japanese lady,

that’s the bit I can’t get over.

I’ve seen so many Japanese
pictures where this is, I was be like,

if you were, if she didn’t do that,
yeah, I can’t say anything more.

It was a nice picture.

And I’m really sorry.

I bet she’s a nice lady
who’s doing a good job.

And I can public out.

I think they’re just looking for shit.

It’s almost like Japan’s
so got so few problems.

It’s not that they don’t.

We like, I mean, that’s what I talk about
every week is all the problems Japan has.

Focus on those.

When people go overseas to take pictures,
I’m going to take a fucking picture.

He has.

That’s just free.

Okay, so Japan has done
something that is terrifying.

The Fukushima nuclear
reactor problem almost blew

up, didn’t blow up, but
cause problems shut down.

And now there’s a ton of
liquid that’s been radiated.

And they’re like, we got to get rid of it.

We’ve been sitting there for years.

They came over the plan.

What we’re going to do is
slowly release it into the ocean.

Sounds very, very scary.

And they did.

They started working sort of last Thursday.

Everyone who wants to freak
out, that was your chance to freak.

Now, other countries have reacted to
this in a neck, which it was expected.

Thing is, two countries in
particular had very strong reactions.

Both Russia and China
said they didn’t want

Japan to release the
wastewater into the ocean.

They both said we would
prefer if you would vaporize it.

So basically create steam and
have it go up into the atmosphere.

And they’re saying that
it would have less sort

of effect or impact on
neighboring countries.

I’m pretty sure the neighboring countries
they were talking about China and Russia.

The issue, and this is one
of the problems between

sort of international
politics is if you’ve

listened to an engineer’s
Japan over the last little while.

Russia and China have been taking a very
particular stance with Japan as a country.

In that particular stance,
I would go so far as

to say is intimidation or bullying
or trying to be the big dog.

The somewhere I come from, it
would be he’s trying to big dog them.

And it hasn’t worked.

So Japan hasn’t really backed down.

In fact, Japan is pushed back, which
is made China freak out once or twice.

North Korea certainly is
freaked out once or twice.

We did have that group
with saying like Japan’s

military, we’re following
the Constitution.

The Constitution says
we can only defend

ourselves, but let’s
redefine defend ourselves as

be able to shoot rockets
and missiles into other

countries and hit things
that are attacking us.

So you can see there is an element of Japan
that is saying like if you keep pushing us,

we’re not going to push
back, but we’re going to make

sure you can’t push
anymore, which is terrifying.

So with that cultural point
that Japan, Russia, China

have a contentious relationship
when Japan or when China

and Russia make a request,
a legitimate request, we

think doing research that this is a better
way to do this, you should listen to us.

Japan’s going to be
like, dude, you just spent,

you just like sent
warships into my ocean,

you shot missiles into my
exclusive economic zone.

We’re not going to listen to you,
we’re going to do what we want.

They actually got approval
from other countries.

And to sort of put
everyone more at ease,

the amount of radiation measured in the
ocean has not changed in any significant way.

So you hear like people hear the
word radiation and they should freak out.

I think that’s fair.

People again sort of forget
that bananas are radioactive.

So as long as there’s
like a little bit, not very

much, it actually has no
negative impact on you.

I mean, we’re all thinking
radioactive fish and stuff.

Who knows, because this is
going to be constant continual

release of the radiated
wastewater into the ocean.

Yeah, it could lead to mutations.

It could lead to lizards
who grow up bigger than

before and have, you
know, maybe extra curricular

Um, yes, it could lead to Godzilla, but

as we’ve seen historically
in the films that, that

knows how to handle that,
and they take the brunt of it.

So I’m trying to in Russia might want
to just sit back and let Godzilla happen.

That might be the thing.

Some other actual, I almost
said it, and fall out from this.

China has banned import on all
marine products is primarily seafood.

From Japan.

Japan, China is the largest export
destination for Japanese seafood though.

So this is going to have a really
big impact on Japanese business.

But a good thing for me and
anyone who’s actually living in Japan,

there might be an
excess of fish that does

not get exported, which
means fish prices in

Japan may go down, which you’re
like me, you need a lot of fish.

That’s pretty good thing.

It also set off some.


Any sort of situation like this is going
to have people over react in China,

they started hoarding
salt because they were

thinking that there’s not
going to be an assault available.

All the salt that might
comes out of the ocean

might be irradiated,
something like that.

So they’re all been hoarding salt.

The governments like
don’t do that and they got

really weirdly racist in its own way
by saying like, we are not Koreans.

This is not how we behave.

So apparently China doesn’t just look
down on Japan, it also looks down on Korea.

Not a big surprise.

I’m being honest.

I hate saying China because
it’s not Chinese people.

It’s the Chinese government, which
has to follow a very strict party line.

So I think every now and then I have
to reiterate that as I take digs at China,

it’s not the Chinese
people because honestly,

pretty much every Chinese
person I’ve met has been very nice.

It’s the Chinese government,
which is borderline

dictatorial and the
Communist party is pretty

rough and let’s face it
at the end of the day,

I wouldn’t want to live
there and it’s because

the government and
the racism isn’t exclusive.

It goes back and forth
and China, China, to Korea,

Korea, to Japan and you
can make any combinations

of those and yeah,
it’s pretty accurate.

Structured of business for calling the
police 1,996 times over three months.

Initially this man called
for a legitimate case

and wanted to get
information but then wanted to

speak further the police declined
to chit chat or speak further.

This is what this is the bit
that I would like to know about.

When they say he wanted to speak
further, did he just want to talk to them?

Did he have something
specific to say? Did he

have more information
or was just rambling on?

The police thought they got other
stuff to do than just talk to you all day.

So they hung up.

So the guy started calling
back and saying things

like, “Screw you idiot”
and then hanging up.

He got two warnings to stop
and this is one of those things.

When you get a warning
from the police, you’ve

got to realize you’re
dealing directly with

the people who are going
to arrest you. You’re not

dealing with like, let’s
say I have an argument

with my neighbor and
they warned me to stop. I

can keep going, they can’t arrest me
unless they perhaps be a police officer.

But if you are dealing directly with the
police and the police give you a warning,

stop doing what you’re doing
or we’re going to arrest you.

They know they can do
it. So then they gave him

a second warning, they’re
like, “Stop calling us

or going to arrest you.”
And then they kept doing

it and then they arrested
him because it’s like

they don’t know who
he is. He keeps calling

them. He’s got the name.
They have a open case,

so they have his
name on file. They know

his address. They know
everything about him.

This is very poor criminality. When
he was arrested, he denied the charges.

He denied saying he’d done anything
wrong and he said, “I have my.”

Which is a pretty dark scary thing
to say, which I honestly just wake up.

Cool, but the guy’s clearly an idiot
because he called the police 2,000 times.

Two men were arrested for sending a bomb
threat. We actually went over this once.

when it actually happened. So the two guys
have been found and they’ve been arrested.

They’re suspected to be the
people who sent over 300,000

faxes to schools, firms, and local
governments. Now, most of them just ignored it,

but a music school took
it really seriously. The

fax said there are 334
bombs in and around the

school. You have to pay
us 300,000 yen ransom or

we’re going to blow up
the school. This was the

Tokyo College of Music.
They evacuated the

school. They called the
police. They did all the

things they started
searching, didn’t find any

bombs. 300,000 yen is
not enough money for this.

A monthly salary in Japan would be
between 250 and 400. This is the mid-range

of an average monthly
salary in Japan. For me,

again, I’ve talked to the
last few episodes about

risk versus reward when
it comes to your crimes.

One month’s salary
isn’t enough to risk the

jail term that is coming
your way or making bomb

threats. I am interested
to see what kind of

punishment this gets
sent out with because they

just made the threat,
but it’s obstruction of

business. We know that’s
the catch-all where they

do whatever they want
with it, which is actually

one of the scarier laws in
Japan. These guys turned

out to be part of
Kuchinkyo, which is a group

that is known for harassing people online.
They’re part of a group specifically that

harassed a lawyer. That’s
what their most famous

for, but they’re a group.
They think harassing people

is a form of entertainment.
One of the guys was

arrested, said, “I thought
it would be fun if this

became a big deal.” It’s going to be
a big deal for you as you are arrested.

A woman was arrested.
This was interesting because

it does give a sense of
what you can and can’t

do in Japan and take
responsibility for. A

woman was arrested for
creating a how-to guide

called “How to swindle
your sugar daddy.” It’s not

just how to get a sugar
daddy, someone who will give

you money to hang
out with you and be with

you and just take all
his money. It’s how to

find one of those, get
him, and then get him to

give you as much money
as possible, whereas it goes,

that goes a step beyond the paid relationship
to fraud. There’s a 20-year-old girl.

My mind was like 20 years
old and she’s written a

book and she’s made a
book that apparently works,

that she took 10.65 million yen from two
men in Ichi. This is why she was arrested.

The connection, this is a different. I
have to be clear. I’ve got to start again.

A woman used the book
to scam two men out of

10.65 million yen. The
scam led to her arrest,

a 20-year-old woman. That created, they
were like, “How did you do this? How did you

get to like, how did you
figure out how to scam

these guys?” You said,
“I found this book online,

I bought the book.”
That’s where the book was

revealed to the police.
The police went online.

The book was being
sold from between 10 to

30,000 yen, but if you
could make 10-point size.

That’s a pretty good return on investment.
They went and found the author of the book.

She also has been
arrested because she’s

propagating fraud. I
assume she’s already done it.

She was interviewed on
YouTube. She had her face

covered in stuff, talking
about her success.

I know what’s going
to mean Japanese and

Mike. My Japanese
reading abilities and good,

I really actually want
to get that book and read

it now because I want to
see where there are any

steps that I couldn’t
figure out on how to scam

your sugar daddy because
I think just having a

sugar daddy is part of
the initial scam. She’s

taking it to a next
level where it’s like,

“How to squeeze your
sugar daddy for everything

he’s worth.” More
because she’s multiple

sugar daddy’s and get
your 10.65 million yen.

There’s one more story
and this is the growth story.

Weak. 65 year old man
was arrested for a sexually

assaulting a woman by
tricking her into thinking

that her womb was full
of bad energy and that only

he could fix it by
filling it with positivity.

So I think you know what all that means.
I don’t need to get into the specifics.

It’s interesting because
they’re calling it sexual

assault, which I agree
it is, but in the moment

the woman was actually
eager, not eager, willing,

agreeable, trying to
find the right word.

The woman was agreeable
to this process because she

actually believed what
he was saying. So what he

was doing initially was
committing fraud that

led to sexual assault.
So if she had had all the

facts, she could have
made a real decision,

but because he was lying
to her, she made a bad

decision, which is why it’s sexual assault,
which I think that is a pretty fair charge.

The woman was introduced
to the man last November

by Anna Queens, who
told her that her life

changed for the better
after paying the man for a

change of life. We don’t
know what the change of

life was. It may be the
same thing where he lied

to her in such a way,
created some sort of mystical

situation and then
sexually assaulted her. The

guy, oh no, is believed to
have committed the crime

by telling the woman
that she had bad energy in

her womb and telling her
you need to put a positive

energy in her in there, only I could
give it to you as one connected to God.

When it was investigated,
Ono denied the charges

saying she didn’t do
anything against her will,

but the Metropolitan Police
Department is investigating

the other woman who
suffered similar damage

in full detail, meaning
that because you have

managed to have sex with
her and she agreed to have

sex with you because
you lied to her to get her

to have sex with you
means you committed fraud,

which means what you
did with sexual assault,

which means now, hopefully he’s
going to get punished in a very real way.

Body Hair Confessions

(tongue clicking)

A gun without bullets is actually less
dangerous than bullets without a gun.

‘Cause a gun without bullets is just a brick
or a big chunk of metal, which you know,

it could be dangerous
if you hit someone with

it, but bullets are
still tiny explosive.

So you gotta be careful with your bullets.

A police sergeant went for lunch.

Let me turn off this.

(tongue clicking)

And you’d serve her for me.

Yeah, we’re good, okay.

A police sergeant decided it was
lunchtime, and he had his break,

and he went to a supermarket
by a bento or a pre-prepared meal.

Not muting discord, rookie.


Uh, yes, it is a rookie move.

The problem is I’m just so popular that
people are sending me messages all the time.

That’s really what it comes down to.


I actually think a lot of videos
are enhanced with the little bloop,

because it makes it seem
like people care about you.

I’ve changed my side up a bit.

You can see some of
my nerd stuff in the back.

So we have my nooka dark room.

I’ll introduce you to my
room before I continue.

I’m gonna start this story again.

We have the nooka dark
room that I spent way,

too much money for
how bad the alcohol is.

We have a dumba cook,
and then we have a little

warhammer 40K guy
that my friend made me.

Look at that.

He actually did a really good job.

You can get it in the right in the middle,
and maybe it’ll focus, it probably won’t.

I have to pull it back a bit.

You can’t see the details.

The whole point of these
things is the details, right?

So my friend that made that for me.

Since I have this space,

I ordered a touch coma, and
that’s gonna come, and then

in a couple months, I have
a slayer of a story coming.

Oh, hey.

So, that’s the excitement of this
space is going to now be my nerd space

because I figure that’ll
look good on camera.

Let’s start again with Ninja News Japan.


(electronic music)

That is probably the third or
fourth fall start I’ve had this morning.

What I wanna start with today is
to say, I want everyone to know that

the guns without bullets are actually
less dangerous than bullets without guns.

I’m really gonna get this
out there today in the world,

because the gun without bullets is
just a hunk of metal a brick essentially,

whereas bullets without
guns are still tiny explosives

that could explode in your
hand or face or anywhere else.

That’s bad.

Police Sergeant went to get lunch.

He went to get a bento, so
he went to the supermarket

and get a bento or
pre-prepared lunch, it’s very nice.

And some point during his trip to the
supermarket, he dropped a bag of ammunition.

Now, most people were
like, oh, he dropped his

ammunition, he lost his
ammunition, that’s really bad.

I’m like, bag.

For me, the optimal word in this, the
problematic word was bag of ammunition.

‘Cause it implies a loose bag of bullets.

A bag of loose bullets, I guess, is the
correct sentence I wanted to make just now.

Which to me just seems insane.

I always imagine bullets
is being very well kept.

So boxes with each one
standing up in its own little place.

Or, you know, like cowboys had a
belt in each bullet went into its own slot.

That is my image of how to
care for and handle bullets.

It seems, Japanese police
officers are, if not regularly,

irregularly, given hopefully
small bags of ammunition.

So on July 15th, this police
officer lost his bag of ammunition.

And I’m gonna say that a lot because
that’s the bit that blows my mind.

Then, noticed on July
16th, so the next day

he noticed, hey, my bag
of ammunition is gone.

My first thought when they said bag
of ammunition was actually Ziploc bag.

But the story employee who found the bag
didn’t know he was carrying live ammunition.

So it’s clearly not see through.

I’m hoping at least has Velcro on the top.

I don’t know, but they didn’t look in
the bag, which was kind of respectful.

I thought that was all right.

So he goes back.

The sergeant’s like, oh, I’ve
lost my bag of ammunition.

So he goes back, retrace his steps.

He goes back to the supermarket
and says, hey, did I drop a bag?

I’m gonna just leave out
of ammunition part here.

Did I drop a bag here in
the lost and found and go,

yeah, we do have a bag that matches the
description of your bag and he gets it back.

I don’t know how much
trouble you get in for for that.

But I always enjoy what I
learned things about rules in Japan.

I don’t know if this seems
other countries, but apparently

you’re giving your gun
an ammunition separately.

That sort of makes sense.

And Japan they use revolvers.

So again, my imagination, if you
said they gave him ammunition,

it would have been in
a box with each bullet

individually standing
up in foam or something

to make sure they don’t
bump into each other and go off.

Well, no, they give you a bag of ammunition

and then you’re supposed
to put the bullets in your gun.

And then you’re only supposed
to carry around your gun

with bullets in it as you go out
and do your duties during the day.

So he had decided it’s not
worth putting my bullets in my gun.

A, showing how safe a country Japan is

that this cop didn’t think
his gun needed bullets.

But B, shows how dangerous
it gets if you’re complacent

because he was carrying
around loose bullets in a

bag all day and then leaving
them in grocery stores.

They also come just stacked
on top of each other in a box.

I know that’s the
reality, but it just, I don’t,

I don’t want people to kill
themselves by accident or on purpose.

So it’s just weird.

It’s weird that people like
bullets are inherently dangerous.

That’s kind of my point.

So they shouldn’t be
handled all wheeling really.

A loose bag of bullets
seems like a bad idea.

So the reason for putting
your bullets in your gun

is that the gun actually
has a cable attached

to the police officer’s belt, which
means it’s very hard to steal a cop’s gun.

Now it’s still possible,
but it’s difficult.

If I just have a loose bag of ammunition

and someone grabs my loose bag of ammunition,
that’s actually quite easy to steal.

And then also they’re
actually if they have like a

safety zone the gun and
stuff is less likely to go off.

The secondary issue
is if this police officer

was in a situation where he
actually had to use his gun that day,

he would have been like, oh,
excuse me, incredibly dangerous,

Kremel who I need to
shoot right now, a timeout.

Let me just get my
little bag of ammunition.

I’ll just, I’ll take two.

Go, two bullets, let me
put them in my gun just now.

Okay, we’re now freeze.

I mean, that seems to be the
situation they were in in this moment.

He’s been reprimanded, fair.

But I know, I guess it is
nice that we live in a country

where cops don’t feel they
even have to load their guns.

So I actually just purchased a new car.

It’s very nice.

My old car will be recycled.

I just bought a new car, which is great.

Very excited.

It’s a hybrid.

I would want it to move
more, a little more greenhouse.

I want to do more, but there
weren’t charging stations and stuff.

It’s not really feasible right now.

It’s too bad.

My old car is going to be recycled.

Now recycled in Japan actually
means they’re going to fix it up.

Now what car runs fine is just
the taxation system in Japan

has made it so that after a certain
period, our car is 13 years old.

After a certain period,
the taxes are so high.

It’s actually cheaper to buy a new
car than to maintain your old car.

And so they take these old cars.

They fix them up.

They clean them up.

And they usually somewhere,
send them somewhere else

and resell them somewhere in Asia, usually
like Cambodia or Thailand or something.

You’ll see a lot of
secondhand Japanese cars.

It used to be also Russia, but not anymore.

Because of the export bands,
they’re now including used cars.

So last year, it was a luxury band.

So any luxury item from Japan
could not be exported to Russia.

Used cars were included if
they were 6 million yen or over.

So it had to be a pretty good luxury car

to be where 6 million
yen as a secondhand car.

This band has been expanded to any used car

with an engine over
1900 cc’s, hybrids, or EVs.

So any good car that could actually– you

could do stuff with
other than just transport

yourself is now not going
to be exported to Russia.

You can still get really,
really small compact cars.

But I’m assuming it goes engines.

You can’t turn into weapons of mass
destruction or like mount guns on them.

I don’t know the reasoning.

I figured if you’re going to do an export
band to a country, you just blanket band.

But then also, companies still
need to make their money and stuff.

So I’m a little torn.

I’m on all-in-nothing kind of guy
when it comes to let’s deal with Russia.

And honestly, I wouldn’t even
give him my under 1900 cc ex-ins.

Because who knows what
they’re going to do with them?

They’re clearly not in good
shape right now, mentally.


I don’t know.

Can you say a country is
not in good shape mentally?

Certainly the leadership.

What we’ll go with that.

OK, this was interesting.

I’m a content creator of sorts.

I create content by spitting into
this microphone on a regular basis.

Not bars, just flam.

There was an interesting
thing went up on the Internet.

And it was a creator who works
for Subaru Diata productions.

And they make Ultraman.

That’s kind of the most important thing.

And he went on the Internet
and he said, hey, big fans

of Ultraman, please don’t
send in your ideas to me.

Which is weird, because you’d be like all
the fans are very excited about Ultraman.

They send you all their
cool ideas for Ultraman.

You could use the ideas.

That’s the problem.

That’s actually the problem.

You’ve hit upon it.

The designer, one of the character
designers for Street Fighter,

came in and said, yeah, don’t send
in your design ideas, to Street Fighter.

And so this was almost snowballing.

All these other very serious professional
creators, I’m not one of those.

All those very serious professional creators
were saying, don’t send me your ideas.

The guy who’s in charge
of the Gundam manga,

he said he’s received
complaints in the past,

because he’s like a
fan is sent in an idea.

And then in some point, at some
later point, he’s done a similar idea.

Because again, we’re talking
about giant space robots.

How many actual ideas
are you going to have?

Well, I have an idea.

The giant space robot goes into space.

And if it’s another new giant
space robot, well, he did that story.

The guy who sent in that story
was like, hey, dude, you took my story.

You didn’t credit me.

You didn’t compensate me.

You didn’t even say thank you.

He’s like, well, I didn’t use your story.

We just happened to be in
the same genre of stories.

So the concern is that
if you send in your story,

and they don’t even
look at it, they don’t use it,

what’s going to happen is they will
hit on a similar story at a later date.

That similar story is going to be the
problem, because you might try to sue them.

So like, you took my
idea, you used my idea,

you didn’t compensate
me, you didn’t credit me.

I should now be considered a
professional, whatever thing I’ve sent you.

Be it writer, artist, or whatever.

I want my cut.

And so these creators,
these professional designers

and whatnot, they’re saying,
don’t send us your ideas,

because we just don’t want
that problem in the future.

Because let’s face it,
we get so much stuff.

We don’t even look at it anyways.

I have posted several video game ideas and
TV show ideas on the Internet in the past.

And let’s be very honest.

I will sue.


There was a– I– this
story’s not very good.

I actually only did this story because
of the name of the hair removal place.

There’s a male laser hair removal chain.

It’s mostly in Tokyo and Osaka.

It’s called Wolf Clinic.

I don’t know why I really enjoyed that.

A hair removal place
where their logo is like a wolf

howling at the moon covered in
hair, which made me think of werewolf.

And I’m like, ah, you’re a werewolf.

But you, if you do, laser hair
removal, you’re not a werewolf anymore.

But you still maintain the vigor,
the vitality, that is the werewolf.

Probably reading into it a
bit of being really honest.

They suspended services in April.

They have received 700 complaints.

I was interested also on the pricing.

The average cost for hair removal,
laser hair removal, is 210,000 yen.

So it’s like 2,000 bucks, let’s say.

It’s like probably 1,700,
something like that.

If you want, this one man was complaining

that he didn’t get his
total body hair removal.

So I was like total implies all the
hair in your body head, face, body.

But I’m assuming he
actually means like, chin down.

So his chest, legs, exciting areas.

How much does that cost?

There’s an interesting question.

How much does it cost to get all
the body hair on your body removed?

It’s 400,000 yen.

So hair removal, non-specific,
the average was 210,000 yen.

I’m assuming that’s going
to be like chest and back.

And I got, I got some, I got some
weird shoulder hair growing in.

I could get them laser off.

I’d be pretty happy about that.

The problem is the company’s
going into bankruptcy.

So a lot of these guys
might be, they paid to have

their body hair removed and they’re
not getting their body hair removed.

I, I feel some sympathy
but wolf body hair removal.

I was just a great name.

Speaking of great names, if you are named.

So I have a thing about when the
police give a nickname to a thing.

400,000, per session or
for a hundred dollars of

a 10-year-old, 10-year-old,
10-year-old, 10-year-old.

And I’m going to make
a, I’m going to make

a, I’m going to make
a, I’m going to make the

assumption that that
means multiple sessions.

So it’s like, they’re actually charging,
I guess, for a square inch of body.

So like you want to have your torso lazored,
that’s going to cost this much money.

You want to have your legs lazored.

That’s going to cost so much money.

That’s a crazy good deal.

Is it?

I don’t know.

I’ve never looked into hair removal.

Again, I just said I, I do it.

I have some really, I have
really gross chest hair.

This is now going to be a
confessional about my body shaming.

I have nipples.

That’s it.

That’s my confession.

I, Peter, of an engineer’s depend.

I have nipples.

I apologize.

I have like octopus hairs,
like the just little straggly ones.

And then I have like a patch in the middle.

I would actually love
to get those lazored off.

I was being honest.

I’m one of those white
people who has really thick

hair on his beard, losing my hair
up top and patchy hair on my body.

I don’t mind losing my hair.

I don’t really care about the beard.

It’s just okay.

It’s, it’s nice.

The patchy hair, if it was
even, if it was like consistent.


Patchy hair is gross.

I think we can all agree.

If I had the extra money, I’d go to wolf.

Well, I guess not because
they’re going bankrupt.

I would get some hair laser hair
treatment and get that, that taken off.

I was going to talk about a bear.

I’ve gone from wolves to bears.

There is a gigantic bear that is in
Hokkaido has been killing and eating cows.

Now that doesn’t apply if you say that way.

It’s eating the entire cow,
which I don’t think is true.

But it has 66, it has attacked 66
cows and killed 32, eaten most of them.

The bear is gigantic.

And they’ve given it a
name, OSO 18, so also 18.

And I don’t know.

I have this thing like when
cops give a criminal nickname.

That’s not usually as cool as the movies.

The comp hits our like $150
per session, and you need like 10.

Teets in the chat still on the hair.


Arm pits are like $150 per session
in the US, and you need 10 sessions.

That’s $1,500.

Just for your armpits.


I don’t know.

It couldn’t have been
$400,000 yen per session.

It must have been a block of sessions.

It just must have been.

Like I get, I didn’t look into
the actual programs they offered,

because they’re going
bankrupt, so I couldn’t

even get it even if I
was vaguely interested

for no nipple-oriented
reason whatsoever.

Let’s just be clear on that.

There’s a big bear.

The total cost for hair, laser removal for
a bear is way more than that of a person.

Because there’s nothing else to that story.

There’s just a really big
bear, and I really like bears.

Bears are cool.

Since we’re talking about big things, I’m
now trying to find– I’ll stop doing it.

No, don’t do it.

D-mailing is fun.

What I’m hoping the evolution of
this podcast would be, I tell a story.

We have a chat conversation.

I tell a story.

We have a chat conversation.

So please feel free to do it.

Because if the chat’s
no good, I can delete it.

Like that’s the editing
process for when this goes out.

So I have that power of
if it’s a fun conversation.

We have the fun conversation.

If it’s not a fun conversation, it’s going.

I mean, that’s just the beauty of editing.

As we can sit here and dick
around as much as we want.

I need to learn a certain
level of professionalism as well.

I need to learn to
know when to just power

through the story, and
then deal with the chat.

Whereas the thing is, I’m
actually all excited about the chat.

And I want to talk to
both at the same time.

So this is a skill I
need to teach myself is

when to do story, when
to stop, when to do chat.

Should I go back or
should I just keep going?

That kind of thing.

Ignatius called me a dick.

I assume the laser hairdreaming
for your dick is quite expensive.

2000 peaches.

So I’m helping.

Of course you’re helping.

You’re giving me a level of
enthusiasm I would not get by myself.

Even if I cut out all the chat
bits, the enjoyment level on my side

and the enthusiasm that
that would create goes up.

Hey, think about that.

That’s true.

2000 peaches were stolen
from a Fukushima orchard.

Of course they were stolen at night.

And I was just like, holy
shit, that’s a lot of peaches.

30 trees and the peaches
are very sought after.

If you know anything about
fruit in Japan, fruit in Japan

is very expensive, but
then they have special fruit.

They always have these areas
and this area is famous for apples.

And this area is famous for peaches.

These peaches would be worth.

2000 peaches would be
worth at least 650,000 yen.

It was weird to me.

I’m like, I guess you can’t
have orchard security.

Must be a really hard thing to organize.

Because they put up fences
and stuff, but I mean you

could just take a truck
and roll through a fence.

And now you have a truck in the
middle of the orchard with all the peaches.

You just gather as many peaches
as you can and drive the truck away.

It’s got to be really hard.

Last year or previous years we had
Apple theft stories and similar stories.

So it seems like this is an ongoing issue.

Police have stepped up
patrols because the actual

harvest time for peaches
is an August in Japan.

But they got a couple
weeks early and I guess

they’re going to hold on to those
peaches and then sell them in a later date.

They would have ripened
by then to a degree.

But this is actually
a… It’s weird.

I was like, how do you
protect your peaches?

Okay, the Abbeis assassination.

This mare of the town
had happened and he

was like, we should put
up a memorial statue.

And then the people in the town were
like, nah man, we don’t want a memorial

statue because we don’t really
want to be reminded that this

prime minister was assassinated
in our town all the time.

So, can we do something else?

And the man was like, ah,
the people are kind of right.

I protect my peach by wearing pants.

I am only being videoed
and chest up at the moment.

So who knows if my peaches
protected at the moment?

So the people in this town are
saying they don’t want a statue.

They don’t want a statue to Abbeis.

They don’t want to be reminded
that he was assassinated in

their town every single day
when they walk around this area.

So the man was like,
okay, we’ll compromise.

We put in a flower bed.

And then anyone who would
like to visit the flower bed could,

you know, put a memorial
thing there, you know, whatever.

People do when they have memorial things.

So one citizen was like, no, I want
the statue that was originally proposed.

I actually was like, this
is a very reasonable mare.

You had an idea.

He brought up to the people.

The people said no, he
didn’t go like, well, I’m the man.

I’m doing what I want.

He’s like, oh, I represent the people.

The people said they don’t want it.

I’ll do something else.

I think the flower bed is a very
good compromise because it does

give you a place to memorialize
this event and remember the person.

But it also doesn’t remind
everyone all day every

day that this terrible thing
happened in their town.

This is one guy was like,
nah, I want a big-ass statue.

So he decided that this would be the
appropriate way to change the mare’s mind.

Who do you think you
are opposing the erection

of former Prime
Minister Abe’s memorial?

I will send scumblike
you to the afterlife soon.

So I hope you’re ready.

That, if you haven’t figured
out already, is a death threat.

So you have a man who
was murdered in a town.

And then the mare said, I want to put
up a statue as a memorial to this man.

And the town said, we don’t
really want this memorial.

And he said, well, let’s find a compromise.

We’ll do something else that
can sort of keep everyone happy.

He finds that solution.

There’s one guy’s like, I don’t like that.

I’m going to kill you.

Would you think that’s a good idea?

Because the police don’t.

Also, he did it online from
his phone through a forum

that was like to give
feedback to the government.

So he was found pretty
quickly and arrested.

When it was arrested, he
said, I thought the mare would

change his mind if I
bombarded him with harsh words.

I have caused him a great deal of trouble.

Yes, you have.

You’ve actually, what you’ve
really done is caused yourself a great

deal of trouble because now you’re
being arrested for death threats.

Do you have ants?

I’m assuming in your
country you do, but if

you have ants in your
house, what do you do?

He actually did a very Japanese thing.

There’s this powder you put around.

You do like a border around your house.

I spent one morning just putting
this little… It looks like salt.

I don’t know if it’s pesticide
because it didn’t seem to do anything.

But you put this powder
all around the house.

You were supposed to keep the
ants from getting into the house.

They wouldn’t cross this border.

I can’t really explain what happened.

I guess it probably wasn’t
pesticide of some sort.

If you have a house that you own
and you’re fixing it up and you have ants,

you know the word saying that when you have
a hammer, everything looks like an ale.

I think I just said an ale.

I was in a beer.

That’s not correct.

When you have a hammer,
everything looks like an ale.

I assume this is applicable
to almost every implement.

So therefore, if you have a blow torch,
every ant looks like something you can burn.

So this man has a house.

He doesn’t live there.

It’s just his property and he’s
fixing it up and he sees some ants.

And he has a blow torch.

He’s like, “Huh, I know
how to get rid of these ants.”

So he starts blowtorching the ants.

Leaves the house weirdly the
house burns down that night.

The police and fire department show up.

They put out the fire.

No one’s hurt because again, no one
actually lives in this house at the moment.

Luckily, no neighbor’s house
is caught on fire as well.

The fire and the police
department, I really like this.

After they spoke to the
men, they are investigating the

cause of the fire despite the
fact that the man has admitting

to using a blow torch to
kill ants inside the house.

So your Ninja Ninja
Japan advice for today is

don’t use blow torch for
non-blowtorci problems.

That might be the title of the episode.

Okay, last story.

It sounds like a joke.

So that’s what got my intention.

The more I got into this story,
the weirder it was, which I did enjoy.

If former chief priest,
so I have a temple and a

private investigator
broke into a woman’s home,

the priest knew the woman and he
had sort of a one-sided love for her.

So she didn’t love him.

He loved her.

They broke into her house and
they stole 19 million yen and cash.

First of all, I don’t have 19 million
yen in cash to keep in my house.

I’m already a bit jelly of this lady.

The priest was in love with the
woman and he hired the private

investigator who says he
specialized in breaking up couples,

which I didn’t think was a subset of
skills that private investigators had.

So you could hire this guy to try to
break up couples in the hopes that you

can get one member of the couple
that you’re interested in to be with you.

So is that private investigation?

I guess you would need, if you want to be good at
breaking up a couple, you would need to do some private

investigating to find out what would break them up
in order to then implement a plan to break them up.

So I guess it could
fall into, this is like evil

private detecting, or at
least it certainly immoral.

So they broke into the house to steal the
money and then they were also breaking into

the house to steal back all the gifts that
the priest had given to the woman in the past.

So he’d been like, I love you.
Here’s a Prada bag. I love you. Here’s

a coach bag. I’m just using
bags. I know that ladies like bags.

And then they’re like,
holy, I’ve given this lady a

lot of bags and she hasn’t,
you know, put out yet.

I don’t know what he was
actually expecting. He hasn’t,

he hasn’t left her husband
for me because I gave her bags.

So, oh, my bags bags.
We bring in, they get the bags.

Or they actually say they only
say they got the money. So they look

for the bags. I bet the woman
was smart. I’ve just realized this now.

I bet the woman sold the bags. I bet
this is what Hostess is doing, Host Clubs.

This was a whole thing I
learned about. So let’s say

I’m a Hostess in a club and
I have many male suitors.

What I do is for my birthday, I say, I
want this very specific brand of Rolex.

And then three or four of the guys
will all give me the same Rolex because

I’ve been, you know, I’ve been
very specific about which one I want.

I like the serial number,
the code or whatever

it would be. And
the color, everything.

So I get the same watch three, four times.
I will keep one and wear it and say it’s the

one you gave me, the one you gave me, the one
you gave me, and I’ll take the three extras.

And I go sell them for the money. That’s
a good move. This lady probably did a lower

level of that where this priest was giving
her, I am going to assume unwanted gifts.

And she took those gifts
and she sold them. So that’s

probably why they didn’t
find the bags in the house.

But they did manage to find
19 million yen. Maybe she sold

them for 19 million cash and
that’s what they picked up.

They went back again. So this first thing to get
the money back wasn’t enough because the lady still

hadn’t broken up with her boyfriend or husband,
whoever it was. I’m pretty sure it was husband.

So they’re like, we got to, we can’t give up. So
the priest has an idea and he goes to the private

and he says, we’ll break into their house, we’ll
plant some marijuana. The husband will get arrested.

That will surely break them up. And then
I can swoop her off her feet with obviously

the massive amount of charm I have having
come up with these schemes in the first place.

So he’s, oh, I had the quote, if
you plant cannabis in their home, the

woman’s husband would get arrested
and the two would likely separate.

It is interesting that he assumes only the man is going to get
caught for marijuana possession because if it’s in the house, it’s

actually legally possible that either party is guilty. The woman,
I’m, you know, very egalitarian. I believe in equal rights.

So I also believe in equal ability to
commit crime. So as a cop, I wouldn’t

walk in and go, here’s some marijuana.
That man must have committed a crime.

I would be here some marijuana. There’s
two people who live here. At least one

of these people committed a crime. Maybe
even both. Maybe they smoke it together.

It will conceive of both.

This shows sort of the old style
thinking of these, these, these, at least

this priest former priest because of
course he’s in a bit of trouble right now.

So they got caught, they got caught for breaking into
the house once and stealing 19 million yen breaking

into the house a second time and planting marijuana and
even the possession of marijuana is illegal in Japan.

So it’s not only they had
to get it, purchase it, take it

somewhere and plant it. That’s
a whole series of crimes in itself.

This is one step away from a
romantic comedy movie. I’m just waiting

for the rights to come through and
then that’ll be my next big project.


Number 2 best Japan News Podcast

(upbeat music)

So you’re on the train in Japan.

When you see a man with
knives, what do you do?

You call the police.

That actually is not the
most unreasonable response.

I think people need to understand
that in Japan, carrying a knife is illegal.

Just straight up.

If there was a story, and it’s
the one that bugs me the most,

’cause there was a tourist,
and he went in to get to it,

like these little police
stations called Koma,

went into a coma, and
he talks to the cops,

he’s like, “I’m trying
to find this place.”

Basically, he’s just
trying to get directions.

And the police, given directions,
they talk to him and they

chat and they have him and they
go, “Hey, do you have a knife?”

And he goes, “Yeah.”

And he’s carrying a Swiss army knife,

little Swiss army knife, and
they arrest him right there.

And something people forget is
when they come from their country

to another country, the laws of
their country don’t come with them.

Actually, a lot of people
seem to be confused about the

rules in another country,
’cause they don’t look into it.

They just assume that my rights
and my freedoms are the same.

So, search and seizure rules.

You probably don’t know what
they are in different countries.

What’s legal to carry?

The reasons for it, you
probably don’t know it.

Japan has very strict
weapon cultures, not just guns.

Gun control, very high.

Anything that could be a weapon.

We had last couple of years
crossbows were made illegal.

Airsoft guns are tightly controlled.

The, in here we have
a guy carrying a knife.

And it’s just, where I
just lost that sentence.

We have a carrying a knife is illegal.

Unless you have a reason
for carrying the knife.

So, you see a man on the train in
Japan, he’s carrying multiple knives.

It makes sense to call the police.

Now, was he brandishing the knife?

Was he doing anything with it?

This is actually interesting
because I’ve ended up finding,

when I do an engine news Japan story, I
try to do like proper research to a degree.

I try to find multiple articles about the
same story so I can see what is consistent.

So that’s probably true.

I’m not gonna say factual.

And I can see if there’s
any inconsistencies.

One story said he had basically a knife
case, like one of those things you put,

you slide the knife into slots
and you roll it up and tie it up.

And one said he had
knives wrapped in a towel.

And the ends were poking out.

And one story said he
was brandishing a knife.

So somewhere in there is the truth.

These are supposed to be reporters.

I’m an engine news Japan.

I’m a guy who does this on his day
off with his dog sleeping on the bed.

For fun.

This is a hobby, it’s entertainment.

And I put more work into making
sure my stories are factually accurate.

Then major news sources.

You may have seen a
tweet or an Instagram post

I’ve put up recently on the
top 25 news in Japan list.

The first thing that gets
me is how specific that list is.

It’s not like, it did say the
little, “Oh, let me pull it up.”

So it’s the 25 best Japan news podcast.

Very specific category,
if we’re being honest.

The best Japan news podcast from
thousands of podcasts on the web.

Now that actually is a misnomer because
yes, there are thousands of podcasts,

but there are not thousands
of Japan news podcasts.

Ranked by traffic, social
media followers and freshness.

The engine news Japan.

That is okay traffic
for a podcast for sure.

And it’s absolutely fresh.

I mean, you’re tasting
it smelling it right now.

It’s fresh.

Social media followers, not so much.

That is, I admittedly might be as weakness.

You’ll see on the screen,
it Japan news podcasts.

Number one, deep dive from the Japan times.

Japan times is a national
newspaper in Japan.

And their little tagline is looking
beneath the surface of Japan.

We hear from Japan
times journalists and guests

about current events
and trends in Japan.

Number two, little podcast
called the engine news Japan.

All the news from Japan, there is no ninja.

Little, I guess, self-congratulatory
little, boop, boop, boop.

I don’t know what the
criteria was for that, really.

I bet an engine news
Japan is just the most

consistent Japanese news
podcast release schedule

because it is basically every
week I get one of these out.

So back to our knife man story.

So you call the police, you see guy,
oh, this is a happy end of the rules.

So you’re allowed to carry a knife.

You’re not allowed to
carry a knife in Japan.

You’re allowed to carry a
knife if you have a reason.

So let’s say I’m going fishing
and I am carrying with me a knife

for de-boning fish or scaling
fish or something to do with fishing.

The police would say, hey,
why do you have that knife?

Well, I’m going fishing and I’m going
to do some fish stuff with my fish knife.

There would be all right on your way.

I have a machete, be pretty rare in Japan.

They say, why do you have the machete?

Well, I’m a intense
gardener, extreme gardening.

That’s my job and I’m going to the
jungles of Japan and I’m going to machete.

Now that also would be
acceptable under Japanese law.

So I can’t just carry around a knife.

So this tourist who probably just
carried around a Swiss army knife

all the time, primarily, probably not
for the knife, but more for the screw.

The screwdriver was always
the thing I ended up using

the most or picking my
nails, that kind of thing.

That is not acceptable because
there’s no reason for you to carry a knife.

So this guy on the train, I
almost said there were it.

I got to keep the tension high.

So he sees the tension
that you have to build

so that people stay
for the whole podcast.

That end of the dirty story is
I always put them at the end.

At the next station, someone,
someone sees this guy, he’s got knives.

It calls the police, police rush
the train in the next station.

He’s a chef.

Now, he says he had adjusted the knife.

So maybe he has one
of those against sleeves

where all the knives
are in it and you roll it up.

Maybe they were wrapped in
towels in the ends or poking out.

So he was trying to make sure it was safe.

He was not brandishing,
according to this story that

seems the most reasonable,
he was not brandishing it.

He was probably making an
adjustment, probably for other

passenger safety because he
knew he was carrying knives.

But this stopped one of
the major lines in Tokyo,

which affects hundreds
of thousands of people.

So I don’t know.

It’s not unreasonable for the
person to have called the police.

The guy was not threatening anyone, though.

I’m going to assume I’m going to,
because if he isn’t actually a chef,

I think if he wasn’t a
chef, they would have said.

If he’s actually a chef, he’s
carrying his knives, carrying for work.

He’s being responsible.

And there’s no reason to
call the police on him, but

then we have all the crimes
in Japan or knife crimes.

I don’t know.

It’s a really tough situation because
I don’t know who’s in the wrong.

Maybe if you’re a chef
carrying your knives,

put the knives wrapped
up into a backpack.

or something else, just because you
can avoid this and not freak people out.

When making threats in any country, in any
scenario, it is important to be accurate.

There’s a man who felt it was completely
appropriate for him to make threats.

And so he’s unhappy about
the situation with Russia and the

aggressive nature of the
Russian Federation at the moment.

So he sent some emails and he
said, “I’ll put all workers through hell.”

Don’t really know what that means.

So all the workers in Russia, how are
you going to put them all through hell?

Why are you talking about
the workers specifically?

It seems like the government
is what you should be targeting.

He said, “Please kill the president.
Who are you sending that to?

Sending that to Russia?
Just please kill the president of Russia.”

I think he actually means Putin.

Russia has a president and Putin,
who is sort of the actual leader.

So I think this man maybe
doesn’t have it all together.

Let’s make Squzkiji a sea
of blood without any contact.

So let’s, as in you, people of Russia and
me, some a 50 year old man from Japan,

let’s go to these
disputed islands and fight.

I don’t know.

Now the problem was he thought he
was sending these to the Russian embassy,

but instead he sent the emails to the
Asahi Shimbun, which is a newspaper.

So he was inadvertently
threatening to make the

lives of every worker in
the Asahi Shimbun, hell.

He was threatening for them to kill
the president of the newspaper, the Asahi

Shimbun and he was saying, “Hey guys,
who are from the same country as me?

Let’s go to these disputed
islands and make a sea of blood.

So let’s kill everyone else together.
I’m not sure.”

He did say, “Okay, their
articles did not match my beliefs.”

And I thought I emailed the Russian
embassy, but instead I sent emails to the

Asahi Shimbun. So basically they
were writing articles about Russia.

He was saying, “The
Russian beliefs, I do

not agree with, so I
started sending emails,

probably clicked a link on
the article and started sending

emails to the Asahi Shimbun,
it’s retin making various threats.

It is obstruction of business.”

That’s clear.
I mean, that’s almost a given.

And I mean, think about it or be careful.

I don’t know. If you’re going to go
through the effort of threatening people,

at least making sure you’re
threatening the right people.

Russia is as an international
politics as a high school drama.

Russia used to Mark the end of
World War II as a day of military glory.

Okay, so basically we have
Remembrance Day, we have several days.

Each country has so to
their own version where

they remember the
horrors of World War II.

Japan has recently, like many
countries, sanctioned Russia.

And Russia seems to have taken that poorly.

So the lower house and Russian
parliament, I think it’s parliament.

Anyway, the lower house and Russian
government has voted to rename

the Day of Military Glory
to Day of Victory over

militaristic Japan in
the end of World War II.

That is some high school shit right there.

So we’ve invaded Ukraine.

A lot of Western countries don’t like it.

Japan doesn’t like it.
We’re somehow particularly

pissed that Japan has
taken the stance on this.

So we’re going to change the
day that World War II ended, our

celebration of that, and make
it specifically about Japan.

Oh yeah. Well, you don’t like
that we’re invading Ukraine?

Well, we’re going to
take the Day of Military

Glory and change it to
the Day of Victory over

militaristic Japan in
the end of World War II.

Technically speaking,
World War II is not ended.

This is something I’ve brought up before.
It’s interesting. It’s a little side fact.

There are disputed islands
at the North part of Japan.

And those islands are disputed between
Russia and Japan at the end of World War II.

Since they have not
come to a resolution,

they have not signed
an official peace treaty.

They’ve just kind of stopped fighting.

So because that peace
treaty has not been signed,

World War II very
technically is still ongoing.

No one’s going to say that seriously, but
until a peace treaty is signed in those,

that those islands are
resolved, like who actually owns

those islands, as long as
those claims are standing,

World War II is still happening.

So you’re cheating on
your partner. Your side

piece, they’re into it.
So they give you a hickey.

You go home. I got a
big hickey on my neck. My

partner is going to
find out I’ve been having

an affair. So what do
I do? There’s only one

solution I can think
of. Okay, realistically,

I had a girlfriend and I
gave her a hickey the

day before she had a
job interview and she was

losing her mind. So I went
online and looked, what

you’re supposed to do,
I don’t know if this was,

is take a cold spoon
and push it against the

hickey and that’ll
help it. So basically put

ice on it will help it heal
faster. She put makeup

on it, probably the
most reasonable solution

for being honest. This
person came up with

the non-reasonable
solution, which is great,

because that’s how it
becomes an engineer’s Japan

story. The number two
news on Japan podcast.

After people who are paid
to do this, so I mean, all right,

she calls the police. She calls 110
and she reports a sexual assault.

She says, it’s 6.30 am the
intercom in her apartment

or house rang. She opened the door and a
man came in, took off her top, touched her

inappropriately, gave
her a hickey and left.

Now, if I am reporting
a sexual assault, more

happens. A guy is not
going to grab you, touch your

boobies, give you a
hickey and leave. So that’s

where actually the first
drop of suspicion would

come into it. That is a
very strange sexual assault.

If you were walking
down the street and a guy

grabs you, there’s
other people rounding and

runs away, that makes
sense. He’s got you in his

your apartment. It’s private.
No one’s going to walk in on you, probably.

I don’t know. So the
police were obviously

suspicious, or they were
just taking her seriously.

Actually, pretty fair,
they probably just took her

at a word. She says she
was sexually assaulted.

Let’s go try to find the
guy. They find out she

wasn’t at home at 6.30.
There’s footage of her

coming home quite casually after 7 o’clock
in the morning. I also have a thing about

very early morning
crime. I think once you get

after 4am, no one’s
really at their best. So

if I was going to commit
crime, any crime, it

would be in the, like
around the 1am period,

maybe 2. I’m not
functional at 4 or 5, 6 in the

morning, which is when
you’d have to get up and

get ready to do these
crimes that happened at

6.30 in the morning. The
police looked at security

footage. The woman was
not home. They found footage

of her coming home.
That is when they started

talking to her more
seriously and she admitted

that she had not been
sexually assaulted. She was

just trying to hide the
fact that she was having a

fair and explained the
hickey that was on her neck.

She could have just stuck
a vacuum on when her

boyfriend came home and
been like, “Hey, look what I

did. Ha ha ha ha.” There
you go. I’m just a weird

quirky lady doing weird
quirky things giving

myself hickey’s. I think
I actually just found

a better solution like
as making a stupid joke,

I think it’s more reasonable
than calling the police.

Nintendo is a big company.
They have an annual

shareholder meeting where
they talk about business

stuff with business people
who have shares. These

are not gamers. These
are business people and

all they care about is numbers go up. It’s
going to be the theme for the next C-McB.

You should look out
for that later this week.

C-McB podcast is my
other podcast where I

talk about not news
from Japan, but honestly,

I think this episode is going to be
talking about news. If you like the

Ninja Japan news and
commentary, which is the

color commentary and
editorializing is what you

come from. You might
actually enjoy this other

episode. I would say, give
C-McB a try this week.

So these are not gamers.
They’re business people

who want to do business
stuff and make business

decisions and make
money and numbers go to

the, well, if I’m looking
at it, it goes to the

right and up. So right
and up. But if I’m looking

away, if I’m standing
like to the audience,

it would be to the left
still up up is the important

part. Unless you turn
it around and that’s bad.

A Splatoon fam, there
was a part of this article

I legit did not
understand. He didn’t have

enough money to buy shares.
He got money and bought

a switch for 40,000 yen
sold it immediately for

25,000 yen and somehow
that got him into the

shareholder meeting.
I was very confused.

as to what that actually
meant. Did he buy a single

share for 25,000 yen? I
shouldn’t have done that.

I should have looked
up the price of a share of

Nintendo. It sounds like
that’s what he did. But if

he had the 40,000 yen, he
could have bought a single

share with the 40,000 yen
and not bought the switch.

Very confused as to what
was going on there. He’s

a Splatoon fan. He
hijacks the meeting because

you’re allowed to ask
questions to the president

stuff. So he’s speaking
to the president of

Nintendo. And what does
he do? He starts complaining

that the male characters
who are I believe called

Inklings about the male
characters treatments

compared to the female
characters treatment in the

game. Like the males
are not treated as well as

the females. The focus
of advertising and stuff

is all on the female
characters, not the male

characters. The male
characters deserve equal time

compared to the females. The Nintendo
president literally scolds him, says,

he says, you have one
minute, you know, make your

point or ask your question.
He’s supposed to be

asking questions. But
he’s not actually asking a

question. He’s just making
complaints. Apparently he

has printouts and like
things to show like charts

and whatnot. He scolds
him for wasting time

because he didn’t really
have a question. His

basic statement was
stop favoring the female

characters in Splatoon.
And then there are a whole

bunch of comments about
this is why you don’t let

gamers into business
stuff. And then they’re all

like, I wouldn’t even
want to work with this guy.

But in a way, this is
the kind of person you’re

taking money from. This
is the kind of person you

should listen to because
if you maybe do what he

says, you’ll make more
money and then number goes

right and up. So maybe
think about that. It

would be weird to be
a fan of his franchise,

have a really passionate
and start making statements.

And then the president
of that company turns

around and says, dude,
do you actually have a point

or a question or do you
have actually have a question?

And you don’t, you have
a point that no one in

that room cares about.
And this is sort of the,

maybe the point where they’re
like saying, read the room.