NNJ 59: Lots of theft and videos

Trump takes top spot for not being forward thinking. I know, you’re surprised.

There are lots of dumb people who video themselves, but we’re not talking about instagram.

Learn the best legal defense ever for the inevitable time you get caught stealing underwear.

Finally, the Olympics and the people who run it, along with the government gets sworn at.


NNJ 58: It’s Valentines, don’t kill dogs

Some idols try to rip you off, I mean, more than normal. 

Taro Aso, from last week, didn’t get through the whole 7 days before he had to apologize. 

We learn a lot more about hair than you would think for an audio medium and it’s time to get Valentine’s day right.


Our idols in the bath:

Our idols in the bath

Idols amazed by products they have used many times before
Our dude lays out some sweet kicks