Exposing Yourself

(upbeat music)

Remember back in episode 287,
the foul and the furious 287 episodes.

And we’ve passed that.

It’s a lot of episodes.

Anyways, back then in the old days,
we were talking about a gentleman.

He was a taxi driver and
he saw some pigeons on

the road and he decided
the optimal thing to do

would be to speed up and
hit some of the pigeons.

He hit one, he was arrested.

The charges were dropped and prosecution
gave no reason for dropping the charges.

Probably because it was a pigeon.

I mean, if we’re gonna be really
honest, that’s probably the reason.

They’re probably like, how
much money are we gonna spend

on lawyers and stuff to
prosecute this guy for a fine?

There’s just, there’s no
pigeon justice anymore.

I played how to full boyfriend

and really found a deep
connection to pigeons after that.

And now I see things like this

and it disgusts me the way
pigeons are treated in the world.

The way the world just doesn’t
care about pigeons like they used.

I don’t know what
I’m supposed to say.

I don’t even know why I did this update.

The charges were dropped.

I guess that the charges were dropped.

That’s kind of enough.

But then I feel like I have
to say something about it.

I honestly think in this case, if
you’re gonna go through the trouble

of arresting the guy for killing
the pigeon, you should prosecute.

But then the prosecutor’s
probably, they’re not the police.

They’re like, we didn’t arrest them.

This is, he killed a pigeon.

All I know is everyone and how to
full boyfriend is really upset right now.

So in all Neepal Airway’s airplane
headed for the United States

had to make a U-turn and
head back to Heneta Airport

after a 50 year old man,
bit of flight attendant.

I don’t think I can even
do commentary anymore.

What am I supposed to say?

Don’t bite people, don’t
hit pigeons with your car.

So you can see the weird spot I’m in.

I mean, that story, if I
don’t do commentaries

incredibly short,
incredibly short, it’s fine.

Just don’t bite anybody.

Don’t bite flight attendants, yes.

This kind of goes into the next story in
that you know you’re gonna get in trouble.

I think, so in this case, I mean,
it’s a pretty well documented thing

if you assault or
attack or are particularly

difficult with flight
crew on an airplane.

They’ll either turn around
and land the airplane

and you get arrested
or they’ll fly all the

way to the destination
and you’ll get arrested.

Like, there’s an arrest waiting
at either end of that journey.

And it doesn’t take much.

Biting is, you’re done.

Like, it’s a lot less than biting that
gets you arrest and kicked off flights.

And now you’re on a no fly list.

I don’t know.

It’s the level like what
he had to be drunk, right?

Like, almost at this point,
I’m like, please be drunk.

So at least you have some sort of
chemically induced excuse for your behavior.

Although I don’t believe being drunk
is actually an excuse for bad behavior.

‘Cause I’ve been drunk very,
very drunk many, many times.

And I have not crossed those lines.

I’ve still been an inherently okay person.

I’m not gonna say like super moral
or anything, but I didn’t commit crimes.

So yeah, even then, the being I was drunk,

I don’t think that should
be accepted as an excuse.

At least it makes more sense at that point.

How about that?

Two guys were arrested for food terrorism.

So this is my point.

We had the sushi terrorism.

We had a couple other
instances in different restaurants,

but it’s like you saw the guy do
the thing for clout on the internet.

So I’m gonna do something disgusting.

I’m gonna lick the soy sauce thing.

I’m gonna eat the
ginger and spit it back in.

I’m gonna use chopsticks and stuff.

Like I’m gonna take anything
communal and dirty it up myself.

And then, but did you not see the fallout

where there was like the
lawsuit for the kid who did it?

And the company went after
him for like billions of yen.

Did you not see the
people getting arrested?

Like the cops just arrest you for this now.

So it’s like they see
the clout part and they

forget about the fallout
part, the consequence part.

Or do they think, “Ah,
I’m not gonna get caught.

” But that doesn’t work because you did
film it and then post it on the internet.

So filming your crimes,
again, I’m trying to not

give advice to criminals,
but I keep doing it.

I think it’s because
what I wanna do is like

criminal minds, I wanna delve
into the mind of the criminal.

What were they thinking?

And then what would I do
different to get away with the crime?

I wouldn’t film it.

I mean, you can talk
about any crime you want.

And my first instinct
is do not film the crime.

And that’s gonna help you go real far
in denying that you committed the crime.

‘Cause you can’t deny you the crime.

If, let’s say, your face is
on a screen doing the thing.

Maybe you could, in the future
you could say, it was deep faked,

but why would I deep fake
you eating garlic out of it?

This is a ramen restaurant.

They have minced garlic
that you can put in your ramen.

This guy scoops some
out, puts in his mouth,

goes, oh, this is disgusting
and spits it back in to the jar.

Now luckily the staff, maybe saw them
do it or saw something gross happening.

So they grabbed it through that stuff away

and disinfected the
container that it was in.

But both of them were arrested.

So you gotta know, if you’re
gonna start doing this gross

stuff for internet points,
you’re gonna get arrested.

Walking your dog.

I have a dog told many
stories about him in the past.

I have another one coming up on Seamig B.

So if you listen to that podcast,
you’ll get a great Dave story.

Dave is my dog.

Walking your dog along a river.

Dog takes a little poopy, okay?

That’s what happens, dog poopy.

You wanna be a responsible
owner, so you pick it up.

Now, it is annoying.
I do pick up my dog’s poop.

I am a responsible dog owner.

I also don’t film myself not picking it up.

See, there you go.
There’s the don’t film it.

If you’re gonna commit the crime
of not picking up your dog poop,

which is a violation, don’t
film your dog pooping and

then walk away from the
poop filming, the poop going,

ha ha, I didn’t pick it up
and post that on the internet.

Let’s say I did that this
morning, which I did not do.

See, I can deny it
because there’s no video

evidence of me doing
the thing I’m denying.

So if you’re the police, there’s
no proof one way or the other.

Although they do, in England, they
started doing DNA tests on poop they found,

which I was like, how
much does a DNA test cost?

Anyways, it is annoying to carry it around.

So I don’t like carrying
around the little baggy.

It’s winter time, so I
have to carry it in my hand

gets cold and some
switching hands back and forth,

so I can put one on my
pocket and the other one’s cold.

I don’t wanna put the
dog poop in my pocket.

I think that’s a pretty fair statement

that don’t wanna put the
dog poop in my pocket.

So it is annoying to carry it with you.

So this guy, he’s like, you know what?

I don’t wanna carry it with me.

So he takes the bag.

I don’t know if he does
a little Bolo gesture.

My first thought is
just swinging around his

head, but he starts
hucking, bagging all,

a little plastic bagging all
into other people’s yards.

And then since last September,
there have been 20 complaints.

So this is like all over
in the neighborhood,

he’s just like flicking dog
poop everywhere he goes.

An officer was on patrol,
and he witnessed the

man throwing the dog poop
into someone’s property.

He was arrested for a
waste management violation.

Not picking up your dog
poop is a very minor violation.

You probably just get a talking to you.

You might not even get a fine for that,

maybe like please be your responsible
citizen, pick up your dog poop.

You’ve been talked to by the police, be
like, whew, yeah, okay, I should do that.

But throwing it into
someone else’s yard is waste

management violation, which
is a much more serious penalty.

So he’s actually getting in more
trouble because instead of the thing is,

if he was already carrying
it, it is just as much effort to

carry it at home and is just
talking to someone else’s yard.

It’s like that guy didn’t look up the,
didn’t think I was gonna talk about this.

The guy who was peeing into bottles,
because it was too much trouble

to get up and go to the
toilet, and then he had to

carry the big bottles of pee
and dump them somewhere.

Like the, in his mind, the
secondary effort was less than

the first one, but I was
just like, I don’t think it is.

I think getting up and going to the toilet,

and just flushing the
toilet and going back to bed.

Yeah, annoying.

But way less effort than carrying
around 5, 6, 7 bottles of pee

that you didn’t have to dump
somewhere and get arrested for it.

So they’re getting arrested for it.

The consequence is not worth it.

It’s a criminals.

I’m gonna give some
advice to criminals, but not in

the normal way of how to
be successful as a criminal.

What I would like to say to criminals
today is, guys, ’cause you’re mostly guys.

Take a minute.

So if you see someone do something
that you think’s cool on the internet,

aha, that guy did a really
gross thing on the internet.

Aha, let’s do that, ’cause
it’ll be cool on the internet.

Let’s take a moment, pause.

Think, hey, will there
any fallout from that?

Maybe I should go see if he
was sued for like a billion yen.

Oh, he was, maybe I shouldn’t do it then.

Oh, maybe if we film ourselves
doing some food terrorism,

was there any fallout from
that from those other guys doing?

Oh, they all got arrested.

All of them, maybe we
shouldn’t do that then.

The poop guy probably, this doesn’t have
an example that he could have referred to.

But I’m looking at effort,
reward kind of things.

So throwing it into other people’s yard

is maybe less effort, but the
consequence there in is much more.

So it’s worth it to bring in home
and throw it and dispose of it properly.

Then it is to throw it
in someone else’s yard

and end up having to
just deal with the police.

And also, please don’t
hit pigeons with your car.

A man was robbed of 25 million yen
at a private carry-out gay box by 14s.

That sentence alone makes me
want to ask a ton of questions.

I don’t want a victim blame,

but it seems real suspicious that this
guy had 25 million yen in cash with him.

Four teens came into the carry-out gay box

where the man was waiting
for a supposed acquaintance

who was going to lend to the 25 million
yen too and sprayed him with tear gas.

Did not explain where
the tear gas came from.

I think this might have just
been something that bought online.

One of the teens was arrested.

He was 18 years old.

Now, Japan still is very
much a cash society,

but it’s also a society where
bank transfers are very, very cheap.

So if you’re going to have 25 million yen,
you’re going to transfer to someone else.

So to me, it makes it seem
like he doesn’t want anyone

to know who he’s transferring
the 25 million yen to.

And I actually wonder
if the teens set this

up so that he would
be at a place with 25.

Because how did they know he
was going to be there with money?

If you sprayed me with
tear gas and took my wallet,

I mean, maximum you’re getting
20,000 yen, probably 180 bucks.

Because that means I just went to the
bank because I’m going out for that day.

And I’m going to do stuff where I
don’t think I can use my phone to pay.

Because I use my phone to
pay for pretty much anything.

So how did they know
there’s only one time in my

life where I’ve had an
excessive amount of cash.

And that was when I
was going to put a down

payment on my house and
the down payment in cash,

we got a slight discount and
a slight discount on a house.

It’s actually still a lot of money.

So I had a stack of money.

It was the only time of my
life I ever had that much money.

I was like, I should film a very quick
rap video in our house, again, safe.

And then we took it to the place right away

and basically spent all
the money right away.

I knew I would never have that much
money in my hands again, probably.

I think it was less than 25 million yet.

I forget the department,
this is a long time ago.

So I forget how much I put
the down payment on my house.

I remember the stack
was bigger than my head.

I also remember I put it in a paper bag

so it wouldn’t look like
it was a ton of money.

Now part of me was also
thinking like 30 some years

of judo have led me to
this moment where hopefully,

I mean, I don’t actually
hope I have to fight

over because the
problem is you get attacked

and the bag rips open and
the money just everywhere,

like in the movies and now
I’ve just lost all that money.

There’s no way I’m gonna be
able to pick all that money up again.

So even with my supposed fighting prowess,

I actually didn’t want to conflict because
I didn’t want, because I can’t fight wind.

Years and years of martial arts
training, you still can’t beat the wind.

You know, that might be the episode title.

So I have so many questions

and I don’t want to blame the
victim, but it seems really suspicious.

Why do you have 25
million yen with you in cash?

Why are you in this karaoke bar?

How did those teens know you had the money

and that you were in
this specific karaoke bar?

I don’t think we’re gonna
get any of those questions,

but I see a lot of suspicious
things going on there.

And I do, I’m gonna keep looking out.

Like all these stories I talk
about, I do keep track of them.

That’s how I know the
charges for the pigeon murderer

were dropped because I do
keep track of these stories.

And it is very hard to find results.

The problem is when
they drop charges and stuff,

as we’re gonna find out
in one of the later stories,

it’s not satisfactory
because the prosecution

never tells you why
they drop the charges.

I can make start making suppositions,
usually because it’s not near tight case,

or I think the ones coming up that the
actual thing is they just paid them off.

(upbeat music)

Oh, exactly the next story.

Charges against Rengoku Koroaki.

It’s not that I can’t
pronounce the Japanese.

The problem is my handwriting is so poor,
and I write so fast when I make my notes.

The English I can read fine.

Like you’ll notice I don’t stumble over
the English book, and I hit Japanese words,

I have to like slow down, take my time
and write my Japanese words better.

Rengoku Koroaki is a
guy we talked about before.

He is a Citizens Arrest YouTuber.

I, this new year, has been a flood
of Citizens Arrest YouTuber stories,

and they’re all turning
out to be pieces of shit.

So this guy basically would arrest people,

and it turned out the
last two or three people

he Citizens Arrested hadn’t committed
the crime he was accusing them of.

He had a girl, he had accused of
scalping, and she wasn’t scalping.

Him and like three of his friends
surrounded some like 50 year old man

and kind of beat him up a little
bit, and they had the wrong guy.

He had charges against him
for detaining another man.

So initially it was illegal
confinement, which is one

step away from kidnapping,
so that’s pretty serious.

They dropped it to assault, and
then they dropped the case altogether.

So I’m wondering, ’cause
this is the whole point

of the Citizens YouTuber is
they film the Citizens Arrest,

and most of the Citizens Arrests that
we see on these, they like tackle the guy.

It’s usually a guy, they tackle the
guy, they wrestle him to the ground.

The one we saw I think last week was a guy,

and I was like, that guy clearly
does some kind of judo or B.

J.J. or something, ’cause he wrestled
the guy the ground and held onto him.

And that if the guy is innocent,
it’s just straight up assault,

but the prosecutors
initially were going for

illegal confinement, which
is basically kidnapped.

He’s also had charges of defamation
that are also being dropped,

and prosecution refused
to discuss the reasons

and my feeling is that
he just settled the case.

So he just paid off the
victims, a certain amount of

money settled the case,
and then prosecution drops it.

So they’re not gonna say that.

My concern is that the
Citizens Yes Arrest YouTubers,

so you have the food
terrorism guys on YouTube.

They’re committing the food
terrorism, they’re getting in trouble.

This is still other people are
copy-catting it, copy-catting.

There are copy-cat
YouTubers doing the same thing,

not either thinking they’re
not gonna get in trouble

or they’re not gonna
get in that much trouble.

So the sushi restaurant suing the first guy

for like a billion yen was sending a
message, like we will come after you.

We will make this your life miserable.

You do not do this in our restaurants.

My feeling is the Citizens
Arrest YouTubers as a trend,

’cause again, I didn’t
know there was this many.

This was a whole corner of
YouTube I had never experienced.

That the fact that the
charges have been dropped,

even though there’s
video evidence of them

committing the crime, may
embolden other YouTubers.

Citizens arrest YouTubers to go
like further than they already are,

and other people to maybe try their
hand at Citizens Arrest YouTubers.

Citizens arresting, I
think it’s because there’s

like this weird, like oh,
we’re catching criminals.

We’re making the world a better place.

There’s a certain nobility towards it,

and that gives you a feeling
of your doing the right thing.

You’re being a good
person, you’re being hardcore.

I don’t know what, like
you get, there’s a second,

there’s a secondary feeling
there of like, not only am I getting

internet fame, I’m also like
doing it on a noble platform.

Turns out, again, most
of these guys are shit.

There was the guy last week who turned out

he was faking an illness
to extort his girlfriend.

And then we get another one.

Our detectives, it’s two guys.

And because what was it?

It was something domination last week.

I forget the name.

It’s just these are really cheesy names.

Our detectives, and I don’t know what the
R stands for, but they do the same thing.

They try to find people who are doing
like voyeur or some taking up skirt photos,

videoing when they’re
not supposed to video.

And they have been
arrested for extortion as well.

So it seems like money is
actually the prime motivator.

So they catch a voyeur, and
then they kind of rough them up,

but then they say, “Give
us money and we’ll let you go.

” So the R detectives guys were
saying, like, “Ah, I hurt my wrist.

” So in the video, you
can actually see this.

They go, “Oh, I hurt my wrist.

” So we could take you to the
police, but you wouldn’t want that.

So how much will you pay for damages?

So you hurt my wrist when you
were resisting me assaulting you.

How much are you gonna pay for that?

If the guy refuses to pay, then
they take them to the police.

So basically they have
two sources of income.

They’re gonna catch the
guy, and if the guy pays,

I’m assuming they’re gonna like ask some
exorbitant amount of money, millions of yen.

The guy pays.

Okay, now they’ve made their money.

They don’t post the video.

Because I bet they make
less money on YouTube.

There might not be that famous.

I didn’t actually check their numbers,
which I mean I probably will after this.

Because you can calculate
from the subscribers

and how many views, how much
money they probably have made.

But I bet they actually make more money
from extortion than they would from YouTube.

But then they take me to the police

and if they don’t get any
money from the extortion,

they at least get a little
bit of money from YouTube.

So they took, they
citizens arrested some guy.

They grabbed him, they tried to extort him.

He refused, they go to the police box.

Some previous victims,
’cause these guys still might

actually be criminals and not
really victims 100% of them.

I don’t know, that’s the
problem is I don’t know.

Let’s call them victims.

Some previous victims had reported
that these guys tried to extort them.

So the police had a warrant for the rest.

So these two guys show up with
someone, they’ve just citizens arrested.

They turn them into
the police and the police

are like, “Hey, we
have to make a report.

“What’s your name?”

They go, “We are our detectives.

” And the guy’s like, “Oh yeah,
I have your name right here.

“You’re both under arrest.

” So they basically walked of
themselves into turning in a guy

and then turned
themselves in inadvertently.

Because of the spate of
citizens arrest YouTubers lately,

I’ve become very interested in
this genre of citizen journalism.

This is like the sovereign
citizen stuff in America.

I get very interested in like
where did this come from?

How did this come from?

So this trend, because there’ve
been so many news stories

over the last like three,
four weeks because of it,

I’m very interested in like
where these cases ended up

and does that encourage people
or discourage people going forward.

So we’re going to see, hopefully, again,

I wanna see these charges
do these charges get dropped

because if they’ve made enough
money out of the extortion,

they might be able to pay
these guys off the victims.

And then the prosecution drops the charges

because they actually spend a lot of
time trying to not go to trial in Japan.

They try to get these
things resolved out of court,

which is, I think in this
case, maybe even problematic

because again, they
might actually inadvertently

be encouraging more
people to do more assaults

on more innocent people in the
name of citizens arrest YouTubing.

(upbeat music)

Okay, I guess the
theme today is turning it,

getting yourself arrested
by videoing yourself?

I don’t know, it’s something like that.

The manager of an aquarium
was breeding genetically

modified fish that
glow under infrared light.

These are called better,
B-E-T-T-A, better fish.

Not, I guess I’ve heard beta fish, but I
think they’re either they’re not alpha fish

’cause you know they
like, they’re kind of cooks

or they’re the ones you
feed to other fish, I’m not sure.

These are B-E-T-T-A, better fish.

These come from Thailand
and they are in violation

of the Cartagima
Act, which I, of course,

had never heard of until I
started reading this story.

Basically, you don’t
wanna bring certain animals,

like invasive species,
you don’t wanna bring

certain animals into your
country, it’s not allowed.

This is a problem for control.

So how did these guys get caught?

So right now, they’re just
breeding these fish privately,

and maybe they’re
selling them, it’s actually,

if you know you’re selling
to people who want these

fish, you’re probably
not gonna get turned in.

So you’re actually in pretty good shape,

as long as you keep it on
the download, on the download,

is the problem, and the
download is not what happens

because they’re like, we are so proud
of our genetically modified glowing fish.

Let’s enter them into a fish competition.

Now I, again, as I said, do not
know about the Cartagima Act.

So if you had fish in front of me, I would
look at the fish and go, ooh, pretty fish.

Ooh, those fish glow in the dark.

Oh, this is neat.

I don’t know anything about fish,
so I wouldn’t know to report you.

If you go to a fish competition, I’m going
to go ahead and guess that the people,

the judges, the organizers,
also know about fish,

and they would know if your fish
are or are not allowed in the country.

So one of the organizers was
like, hey, freaky looking fish.

Maybe these fish aren’t
supposed to be here.

So the fish organizers contacted the
ministry of the environment, reported them,

and it was at least
two people got arrested.

It looks like four people are
involved and could get in trouble.

So don’t film your crimes
and put them on the internet.

It would be step number one.

Don’t enter your crimes
into a competition, please.

It would be step number two.

I don’t know how much
more advice I can actually give

to criminals, because I thought
this would have been self-evident.

Oh, and also don’t turn yourself
in if you got in a restaurant.

I maybe just don’t go
around assaulting people.

Maybe report, if you see like a pervert,

report them to the police,
report them to the station staff.

Don’t tackle him and then
try to export money from them.

That’s just not a good idea.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

(gentle music)