Dueling Mt Fuji

(upbeat music)

  • It’s a copyright law.

Last week I talked about frivolous case.

What I saw is a frivolous
case, I’m not a judge.

So maybe it does have
merit, but I don’t think it did.

Because it was a lady who took images

and put them on the internet
and she’d altered them a bit.

I don’t think, they were claiming it caused
distress, which I don’t think is real.

Mainly it was personally
used to run onto the internet.

Now this case this week is a bit different.

This week there was a
flyer for a mayor mayoral

candidate which sort
of changes the context.

So like I’m an individual
and I’m a fan of a thing

and I do some stuff and
I put it on the internet.

That could be copyright infringement,

but at my point was if they
don’t go after everybody,

then they shouldn’t be going
after just the singular person.

A mayor using promotional materials

is a different setting, it’s a different
set of criteria for the work they’re doing.

‘Cause this is public, this is about
trying to get elected to office no less.

There have been multiple singers who’ve
asked politicians to not use their music.

So like I’m a very liberal
artist and Trump uses my music.

I ask Trump to stop using my music because
my values don’t align with your values.

I’m sure it’s happened
for Democrats as well.

It’s just that’s kind of thing.

They’re trying to pick theme
songs, those theme songs.

The artists might have a say as
to whether or not they actually

agree with the person
using their theme song.

The poster that was made was
five men in basketball uniforms.

Now what they did was they
took the poster as basically

slam dunk and they tick the faces off and
they put on the faces of some politicians

and then they kind of
softened up their bodies

so they looked a little more
like physically appropriate.

They didn’t really look
like basketball players.

It’s imagine you took
some slam dunk characters

and made them out of
wax and then put them

in a hot room so they
sort of melted a bit.

That’s what the poster
actually ended up looking like.

But the uniforms, the
positioning and whatnot,

was a very iconic poster from slam
dunk and they did the same thing.

This I actually think is a very good idea.

It’s very cool, but of course, being a
politician, you have to get permission first.

You have to contact the artist,
you have to contact the company.

We can we do this?
We are changing the thing,

but of course there is a lot
of overlap between the two.

Is this acceptable to you?

Maybe we have to throw
you some money, something.

I actually bet if they’d asked the
company would have been okay

with it, even if they had
to throw them just like,

you know, let’s pretend you
actually bought the rights.

Also, mayors seem like they’re
supposed to uphold the law.

So they’re in this position
where they have to make laws.

They should actually be upholding
those laws that they make.

This poster went out, they got in trouble

and they did, of course,
the most reasonable thing,

took full responsibility,
apologized for it,

took down the poster
and then changed it up.

No, of course they didn’t.

They tried to leave the poster
up and blame a young member

of their staff saying that they
did it and we didn’t know about this.

And it totally wasn’t
our fault, even though,

of course they had to approve
the poster before it went out.

(upbeat music)

Found this story very interesting
because I didn’t know this was the thing.

I didn’t know this law that
they’re talking about was the thing.

There were five teen boys.

They were all about 17, 18 years old.

They were all arrested and
they were arrested for doing.

I didn’t think doing was a thing.

Like I know, actually until very
recently, doing was like in laws.

There are laws because
doing used to be a thing.

And it used to be legal.

And then they’re like,
well, we can’t have people

going around shooting each
other with pistols anymore.

So we have to make it illegal.

So if you look up like
the last time there was

a duel it was actually
surprisingly recent.

There are states in America where if you,

two parties do agree to fight and
they agree to sort of rules, you can fight.

I believe Washington stays
actually allows you to duel

as long as you don’t use
weapons or something like that.

But in Japan, again, having
all the samurai culture

and people whipping out
swords and cutting each other

in half and stuff, dueling
was off the books as soon as

they got into this sort of
more modern, peaceful era.

dueling is illegal in Japan under 1889 law.

So since 1889, you are not
allowed to duel in Japan anymore.

All members of a gang who
were fighting over a helmet,

which was decorated with a phrase,
beat Nagasaki prefectural police.

That’s not a phrase
that rolls off the tongue.

It looks quite cool.

It’s a white helmet with gold stripe in
the middle and it has some stars on it.

And it actually says
in Kanji, in Chinese

characters, beat
Nagasaki prefectural police.

And they both groups wanted this helmet.

And it actually seemed
to be one against four.

They said all of them
were in gang’s plural,

but it sounds like four members
of a gang met one member

of a different gang and
they fought over this helmet.

They fought in a multi-story parking lot,

which is very highlander and
there could be only one, I guess.

You’re not allowed to cut
off anyone’s head in Japan.

There’s lots of places
where you’re not allowed

to cut off anybody’s head, but
Japan’s very serious about it.

They do have the firearm and sword laws.

So having swords, very
much equates to cutting off

people’s heads, they’re
very against that in Japan.

The multi-story parking lot is also
clearly the traditional dueling location.

Police were alerted when
someone called and reported.

There’s a man who ran away after
a fight wearing only his underwear.

So it seems like four against one.

So it seems like they fought.

They were fighting over this helmet.

The four guys beat up
the one guy, of course.

They took off his clothes
and then he ran away,

which is again, it’s very
teenage attitude towards a fight.

I don’t know, I feel about this because
don’t duel in the street, don’t duel.

I’m actually okay with that.

The reason this fell under the duel laws
is because they’d arranged it in advance.

They’re like, we want the
helmet, I want the helmet.

Meet me here at this time and we’ll fight.

That is arranging a duel.

That’s why it fell under this law.

I think if you just met and
didn’t arrange it in advance

that you were going to
fight, it would have been fine.

But the thing is, it’s also really unfair.

Four guys show up against one.

That’s not, you know,
that’s not how you do a duel.

So I think those four guys
should get more troubled

than the one guy, if they’re actually
gonna fall under the dueling laws.

What they should have
done, again, here we get into

the Denise used pen,
giving advice to criminals.

I practice judo.

I go to judo two, three times a week.

Like I do it very regularly.

I fight people all the time.

I am, in essence, able
to challenge someone to a

fight, go to the judo
place, we have insurance,

we’ve all signed forms and
stuff, and then we could fight.

They need to do it at a dojo and it doesn’t
fall under the dueling rules anymore.

It falls under practice of a martial
art, which you’re perfectly allowed to do,

proves that these kids
are just not as smart as me.

(clock ticking)

So welcome to the quiz.

  • Yeah.
  • Okay, good response.

So let me give you the background,
a little bit of story, and then the quiz.

So the mayor of a town was diagnosed with
cancer, and he starts recuperating at home.

Now he’s missed some of the
current meetings and sessions

and stuff, and an assembly
member said one of the following.

So there are four choices.


  • Okay.
  • A, if only he had got cancer at a more convenient time, B.
  • Oh, that’s messed up.
  • The mayor is a cancer on this session.

C, I want to pray that he dies
soon, or D, I hope he gets well.


So back, do you wanna hear it again?


Okay, so we have four options, A,

if only he had gotten cancer
at a more convenient time.

B, the mayor is a cancer on this session.

C, I want to pray that he dies
soon, or D, I hope he gets well.

  • One of those is not like the others.
  • Yeah.

Okay, so I have questions.

  • We can talk about it, yes, yeah.

This is not like a hard quiz thing.

This is, we can talk about it a little bit.

So this might be a bit of telling about me.

What’s it a man or a woman who
made this hopefully nice remark?

  • It was, the mayor was a man,
    and the assembly member was a man.

So both were men.

And there was some tension that the
mayor was trying to run stuff from home.

So he was at home
recuperating, but he’s like, you can

still have meetings, all
send instructions and stuff.

So I think that’s maybe where
the frustration came from,

is they weren’t letting
someone take over the

role in the intermediate
time, in the interim.

  • Okay, okay, okay, oh, God.
  • Merska, how long has
    this person been mayor?
  • Oh, I don’t know that.

It’s been a while, he’s old, and apparently
he’s been like reelected multiple times.

But I mean, all the politicians we
talk about, they’re all in their 70s.

This is actually, again,
I’ve said a billion times.

I want a moratorium on old politicians.

And I think government
decides the age of retirement

and politicians have to retire at that
age, would make a prison medicine.

They make the rule, they have to
follow, the rule would make a lot of sense.

  • So much good sense there.
  • It would work on,
    this is the whole problem

America’s having is you
got these guys in their 70s

and 80s now, running for
president, and it’s like, dude, why?

Why are they even allowed?

  • Because I have a
    vision, I will leave a legacy.

You know, I know things that can
shape the world because I’m old, as shit.

  • But they should mentor the
    person who’s going to take over.
  • They might do it wrong then.
  • Okay.
  • Just like, I actually
    think what you’re actually

saying is I’m greedy
and I don’t want to let go.

  • Yeah, same thing.
  • Yeah.
  • Yeah, my legacy.

Okay, you got to pick ABCD.

  • Oh, okay, so I’m just going to go
    ahead and I’m re-checked, D, D, D is D.
  • D is D, right.
  • Yeah, the D is the way,
    obviously, the joke answer.

Of course, he said something horrible,
otherwise it wouldn’t be a new story.

  • Yeah.

All right, one more time, A.

  • There’s a cancer on this, okay.
  • Okay, so I think a
    cancer work can be time.

The mayor’s cancer this session.

I wrote them down.

  • Oh, good.
  • Wow.
  • So the mayor’s a cancer on this session,

that’s hard to spin that number of
positive lights when we reject that one.

  • Okay, so you’ve rejected B.
  • Yes.
  • And A sounds too reasonable.

Nope, I want to pray that
he dies soon, I feel sick.

  • 100% correct on the first try.

That is amazing.

I think I actually didn’t, I
haven’t been keeping track

of if people have been getting
them right or not, but I think

you might be the first, you
just got it right on the first go.

  • Hey, you know, I’ll just, you have to
    know how messy people can be in that.
  • All right, so there’s a second part.
  • Did he double down when
    the leader of the session

asked if he wanted to
correct his statement?

  • Of course he double down, he’s
    like, I said, I said, I said, I’m missing.
  • Okay, what do you think he said?

What do you think he said?

So you got to think of his phrase, heology
too, I want to pray that he dies soon.

  • Well, he probably tried to rephrase
    it by saying that what I meant was,

I hope that he gets to leave from his cancer
soon, – Oh no, that’s not doubling down,

that is trying to reframe
it, he doubles down.

  • Oh.
  • Like he’s like, not only did
    I say what I said, I meant it.
  • All right, well.
  • What do you think he said?

What do you think he said the second time?

So the leader of the session is like,
dude, you’ve way crossed the line,

I’m going to give you
an opportunity to retract

or say something, again, like you
just did, try to reframe it a little bit

so that you’re not going to get in trouble
because you’re going to get in trouble

if you stand by this, and
he’s like, you know what?

I said what I said, and here we go.

  • I hope it spreads
    the rest out of the way.
  • Don’t tell, he says, I don’t tell
    lies, why is he clinging to his position?

So he’s one of the, he was frustrated

because the guy is trying
to run the city government

from home, you know, saying
like, why is he doing that?

It would be better if he just died.

Then the next day,
there was a bigger meeting

and he did apologize
because I’m betting someone

and his group was like,
dude, what are you doing?

Wishing the mayor was dead.

  • Right, like someone just played back
    his words, like, did you really mean that?
  • I guess short.
  • I didn’t get the
    retraction or anything yet,

so I’m waiting for there to
be maybe another session

where he actually
formally has to apologize.

I’m assuming he’s going
to retract his statement

so it never existed,
which is of course,

my favorite political
move, that didn’t happen.

  • He’s not the retraction self from office.
  • He’s gotta go, I mean, you can’t wish
    somebody dead and then double down on it.
  • They don’t do that here though.

They just like, I retract my statement
or you misunderstood what I meant.

‘Cause the last one we
did, she like claimed that,

like, can you call yourself a woman if
you don’t have a baby and she was like,

oh, I meant like women
birthed me into my job.

It’s like, that is not
what those words mean.

  • That is not what you said.
  • That is not even close to what you said.
  • Oh, I love that.
  • Oh, I love that.

Oh, God.

  • I mean, I wish people had died
    before, but you know, I wish they weren’t.
  • Quietly to yourself.

I mean, I think everyone
has wished someone dead,

at some point, but part of your
brain’s going, I don’t really mean it.

I’m not going to say it out loud.

And if you set it out loud, it was in anger

and you’re like, okay, look, I didn’t
actually mean that I was just angry.

  • You know, I’ve actually, I’ve never,

so I’ve followed myself,
I’ve said it to myself, I’ve

never been so upset with
anyone that I wish that on them.

Even like, you know,
some people are like, you

know, it’s my life, I
don’t, I can’t say that.

I don’t like it, it just, that disturbs me.

  • I don’t think I’ve said it, but
    I’ve said really hard stuff before.

Like, I have a mouth.

So, you’ve talked to me before.

So, I may have said
something like, but not meant it.

So if they said, do you want
to change your statement

and be like, okay, I don’t really
want him to die, I’m just very angry.

I can see that for sure, but this dude,

this dude’s like, yeah,
why is he still doing his job?

This is, I hope he dies.

A record 3,568 people were
stranded on mountains in 2023.

So they keep track of this.

So, Mount Fuji has come in the news lately

because they’re going to start charging
people if you want to climb out Mount Fuji.

It’s like one of the most
classic touristy things to do,

Japanese, I think every
Japanese person does

it at some point in
their life, they walk up.

There’s one where you
started like three, four

o’clock in the morning
and you walk six hours up

and then you get to see
the sunrise at Mount Fuji.

I have never walked up Mount Fuji.

I’ve lived in Japan for 20 years.

I’ve never gone up Mount
Fuji and people ask me, why?

And it’s ’cause Mount Fuji,
the mountain looks amazing.

The view from Mount Fuji is a bunch of towns
and cities, which is not very exciting.

And if it’s cloud cover,
you don’t see anything.

So, for me, the appeal of
being on top of the mountain

is maybe if I could see
other mountains and vistas

and stuff, but looking at a bunch
of city, man, not very exciting.

So, I would rather go
to the area and look at

the mountain itself
than actually climb up it.

That is the logic I use.

I, therefore, will never
get stranded on a mountain.

This is the highest, so 3,568
people is the highest number

since they started keeping
track of this stat back in 1961.

So pre-pandemic, not this many
people got stranded on mountains

during the pandemic, of course, people
weren’t traveling, so that didn’t happen.

But they started keeping track in 1961.

We’ve had a huge tourism
boom over the last year.

It’s actually caused a lot of
trouble over the last three,

four weeks of stories, have
been tourist behaving badly.

People trying to stop
tourists from crossing the line

of what’s considered
proper decorum in Japan.

It’s pretty reasonable.

Like it’s pretty sensible stuff.

People in Japan don’t follow
Japanese rules because they’re

not Japanese and they end
up offending locals and stuff.

But of course, how
many foreigners got stuck?


So 3,400 or so of the 3,500
people got stuck with Japanese.

So at least they can’t turn around and say,

this is all foreigners getting
stuck on the mountains,

and we have to pay taxes
to pull them down and stuff.

It is 99% Japanese people.

That is 1.4 times more than
the last peak, which was in 2019.

790 of the people were in their 70s,

and people over 60s
accounted for more than half.

So it actually seems like
older people are thinking,

oh, I love the idea of going up a
mountain, hiking up a mountain,

and they go up and then they’re just like,
I can’t make it back and they get stranded.

They have to have someone come
up and get them and carry them down.

I’m weirdly glad that it’s
Japanese people and not foreigners.

We’ve had so many bad news
stories about foreigners lately

that I’m actually worried
that this can be too much,

and it’ll actually get, again, tarnished
the image of foreigners in Japan.

But now it’s just old
people, in Japan, go and

go mountains, not being
able to get back down.

That makes perfect sense.

Since we’re talking a little stats,

I do love my stats, and in
New Japan loves its stats.

In 2023, there were a record 80,400
and 4 complaints about social media scams.

We do talk a lot about scams.

There’s a lot of scams in Japan.

There’s not as much violence
and stuff, but people everywhere,

every country, are always
trying to steal your money.

That’s something you should be aware of.

Peace loving Japan,
they still want your money,

and they’re willing
to lie to you to get it.

So this number, 80,000,
is up 20,000 from 2022.

We don’t get the 2024 numbers, of course,

until the year is finished, and then
they have to calculate it in one month.

This is mostly from people 50 plus.

So there are older people spending
time on the internet using social media.

There are not as aware of… Well,
maybe they’re just more trusting.

They think someone’s
saying something to me.

I’m going to believe what they say.

I’m going to trust them, and
they get involved in the scam.

And that’s a bit annoying.

I would think maybe, yeah, is
there some like maybe internet

awareness course that could
be offered to older people?

Like, how do you recognize the scam?

Basically, if it’s too good
to be true, it’s a scam.

I did get scammed
out of a little bit of

cryptocurrency one, so
I’m not above this issue.

I think I’ve talked about that scam
in a different podcast, but it is…

It sucks, because you’re embarrassed
so you don’t want to tell anybody.

So I go out of my way to
talk about it so that people

understand, look, they
lied to you and believe them.

That’s not actually a terrible thing.

So, what you need to do is actually
make yourself and other people more aware.

So I hopefully use my experience,
let other people know what happened,

so that you can actually
be aware of possible scams.

There’s a lot of subscriptions,
service complaints.

So, in 2022, there were
20,000, so this is like you…

You subscribe to something,
and then you decide

you don’t want the
subscription service anymore.

And it’s really hard to
quit the subscription.

They like try to like lock you in.

A lot of gyms are famous for this.

You join a gym, and
then you try to quit the

gym, and they won’t
give your money back,

and then they roll it over,
roll it over, roll it over.

This is up 20,000 to 90,001
subscription service complaints.

The biggest scams in
social media in Japan

right now are foreign
exchange market trading.

So, this is very similar to the one
where they stole my cryptocurrency,

where I put my cryptocurrency
into a plan, and then I got my returns,

so I put more cryptocurrency
into the plan, and

then suddenly I couldn’t
pull it out and again.

So, by giving me
that first return, I was

now very confident
that this was not a scam.

So, the first time, of
course, I did a little test.

I put in a little bit of
money I wasn’t worried

about losing because it wasn’t that
much, and then it actually worked.

So, I’m like, “Okay,
this is a real service,”

and then when it
was a bigger number,

still, again, didn’t ruin
my life for anything.

I don’t have enough money to actually give
enough money to anyone to ruin my life.

Then suddenly, “Oh, there’s
been an error in the system.

We can’t withdraw your money.

You have to do this.

You have to do this.

” And they kept starting saying,
“You’ve got to top up your funds.

You’ve got to do
this to get it to reset.

” And then it was
very clearly a scam.

Luckily, I didn’t do all those
things to lose even more money,

which, of course, since you
become desperate, is very possible.

So, you put your money
into the foreign exchange

market trading, and then
you can’t withdraw the money.

Luxury bags off fake websites.

So, this either could be a
fake bag or a fake website

where they don’t send you anything
at all after you send them some money.

Couldn’t cancel subscriptions?

The kind of subscriptions
they’re talking about?


So, you pay for skin cream,
and it comes every month.

And then you say, “Well, I
have enough skin and cream,

or the skin cream isn’t
doing what they promised.

It didn’t make me look younger
or healthier or more awesome.

” So, I want to cancel the
skin cream, and then you can’t.

You can’t find a way to cancel it.

There’s no unsubscribe button.

You can’t cancel anything.

They just keep charging your
credit card again and again.

Or health food.

So, it’s actually interesting to me.

These things that are essentially
maybe praying upon insecurities.

I want to be healthier.

I want to be younger.

I want to look better.

Those are the places
where they start scams.

I guess there are just a lot of
subscription services for those.

Overall, it went from 33,000 to
900,000 spam email complaints.

Suspicious phone calls, mostly
real estate and construction.

There were 8.8 trillion yen in
damage to consumers in 2023.

So, we do need safety courses or
information or PSA’s to go out there.

An engineer’s Japan is
absolutely trying to do its part.

Don’t get scammed.

If you have a really weird suspicious
thing going on, send me a message.

I will tell you if it’s
real or not because,

again, I’ve had the experience
and it is one of those things.

If it’s too good to be true, it’s
probably too good to be true.

And if there’s a subscription service,
make sure you’re able to unsubscribe.

You know what I did, actually.

I had a credit card
that was going to expire

and I subscribed to
all these things that

I wanted and then I knew they were
going to be difficult to unsubscribe to.

And then when my credit card renewed,
I just didn’t renew the information.

And that’s it.

I got out of it.

So it would be great
if the credit card

companies would create
like a one-year credit card.

So it works.

And then you can
roll it over, but it’ll be a

new credit card, not the
old one just continued.

And that way, if you put all the subscriptions
and stuff on that, then you can just

quit a whole bunch of stuff by having your
credit card expire and not renewing it.

Okay, this is the last story of the day.

A Japanese pianist
was arrested for, I should

have done a quiz on this one,
stealing cabin attendants aprons.

So when he was on
the airplane, he has the

cabin attendants, the
stewardess is the stuff.

And they wear aprons
when they’re cooking or

making stuff in the
back and maybe I assume

they take them off and hang them up
because they have to be in their uniform.

He had a thing for him,
had a thing for uniforms.

That’s actually a pretty
big fetish in Japan.

He went into the back
and he stole one of those.

He apparently got caught and got arrested.

He said, “While being
arrested, collecting women’s

uniforms is my hobby, I
smelled it and wore it myself.

” And we get, “I don’t
really do the underwear

theft stories anymore
because there’s nothing

interesting that underwear thieves
do that adds anything to the story.

I would do volume and
stuff for a while, but

basically we’ve heard
the underwear theft

story enough times that new iterations
of it aren’t in that interesting.

” But they never say
what they do with it.

They’ll say something vague like, “I use it
to satisfy my sexual desires or something.”

In this case, he’s very specific.

“I smelled it and I wore it myself.”

So he took the stewardess’s apron and put
it on and you wore it around the house and

then he tried to smell, I assume,
the person who had worn it before.

While they were away
from the galley area, he

went back to the galley
installer from there.

Police went to several locations, so
again, he’s a pianist, he travels around.

These found nurses uniforms and
aprons at his home and other places.

So he hadn’t just done this for
stewardai, he had done this for nurses.

He had gone to
hospitals or I guess maybe

even like clinics and
stuff, they would have it.

He went to these places
and stole the uniform,

I guess, packed it in a bag and just
got out of there as quick as he could.

I do understand a lot of fetishes.

I may not have them, I may not
share them, but I understand them.

But then there’s this whole category
of fetishes that I just don’t understand.

And I wonder how they come about.

We did this, we just touched on this, when
university we touched on this in psych 101

that I did and I really
enjoyed psychology

because we got to talk about this
stuff, but how do you develop a fetish?

Is it already inherent or is it developed
over time because it may experience?

And that is, this guy is a pianist, he’s
actually fairly well renowned, he travels

around, he goes to, he’s international,
so he’s playing piano, he’s making money.

He’s living the dream
of a lot of musicians,

he’s getting paid to
play piano and he messed

it up because he just
could not resist his fetish.

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in one of the quizzes,

send me a message, and I’ll do
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(upbeat music)

Anyos is a giant Japanese oil company
and like all oil companies, it’s run by.

You know, just the best people, the
most noble, honorable, upright people.

Unfortunately, the president of Anyos
recently got drunk and hugged a woman.

Anyos has in place a
whistle-blowing system.

So outside lawyers investigated
the claim and the president was fired.

Last year, the then president was also
fired for sexually harassing a bar hostess.

Anyos made a statement, I assume,
as they don’t have a president right now,

so for a representative,
not the new president.

And if they’re looking for a president,

I’ve never been accused of
sexually harassing anybody.

Just let me put that out there.

Anyos, if you need a guy
who is not a sexual harasser,

who knows that sexual harassing people
will get you in trouble, I know that.

And I would be more than
happy to take on the role

of president of Anyos and
not sexually harass anyone.

I can’t say I won’t commit other crimes,

but I can promise you I will
not sexually harass anyone.

A representative of the company came forward
with an apology, pretty standard stuff,

which at this point, the apologies mean
anything, but I guess they have to do it.

Is this extremely regatta,
mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.

It is, it is, can’t get, can’t
get the first words out.

Okay, it is extremely regrettable.

The scandals like this have happened
at our company two years in a row.

Yes, is there any way that
could have been avoided

by maybe hiring people who aren’t pieces
of shit who work in the oil industry?

I have a negative image of
people who run oil companies.

Let’s just, I’m going to put my bias out
there upfront, just so everyone knows.

I don’t think they hire the
best people to run oil companies.

We apologize for the trouble.

We have caused our stakeholders.

I found that last sentence, last word
even, very something worth noticing,

because they didn’t apologize to the
women who were sexually harassed.

They apologize to the
stakeholders in the company.

So the shareholders, people have
investments in the company, why not?

They, they didn’t say sorry, the ladies.

Now, I’m sure that these
ladies who are harassed,

they’re going to get
paid because any of us

is admitted that this
has happened is true.

These guys have lost their jobs.

So they have a civil case.

They could, they could get their money.

But yeah, you can see the person,
this kind of is going to my whole thing.

I don’t think good
people run oil companies.

I bet there was no thought
that we need to apologize

to the women who were victimized in this
situation by the president of the companies.

In fact, I don’t even know
why they’re speaking up at all.

They should have been
thankful that the president

of an oil company was
paying them attention.

I bet that is actually the thoughts
that are going through their head.

But it looks bad.

So we got to say sorry
and for all the trouble

that this has caused
the stakeholders in the

company not the actual
women who were harassed.

Now, Jaxa, the Japanese
space agency wants to develop

satellites that become sort
of an earth defense system

that are capable of crashing into asteroids
that might have like a life ending event

and extinction level
event on the planet Earth.

They’re planning to conduct an
experiment in less than three years.

So they say there’s an
asteroid coming towards Earth.

I think the idea is that
it’s not going to hit Earth.

What they want to do is shoot
some of the satellites into it.

They’ll hit it and then push it off
course, change this trajectory away.

And I was like, if I was
writing a science fiction movie

right now and I wanted
something to go wrong.

What I would do is have
the satellite course correct

the asteroid so that it
is coming into the Earth

and then the big panic is
we have to fix that problem

that we’ve created
through science ourselves.

That’s pretty standard
science fiction stuff.

So this is essentially some
kind of earth defense system.

I have a theory that all the Japanese

technological developments
are run primarily by

nerds and anime nerds
because they’re Japanese.

And so they’re all leading
towards one inevitable singular point

in the future and that is the
creation of a Gundam-like world.

They’ve created moving platforms.

They’ve created a rail gun.

They are now doing an
Earth satellite defense system.

They’re circling the Earth in asteroids.

These all sound very, very
much like Gundam to me.

And I’m concerned that once the
nerds actually have their Gundam,

they’re not going to
know how to control it.

Just like in any of
us, president doesn’t

know how to control
themselves around women.

(upbeat music) That was it.

Could call back to
the previous story.

I mean, I think I might be a 200-and-some
episodes, 200-and-like 80-some episodes.

I think this is going to be 289.

I’m starting to get good at this.

We did talk about last
time how police raided.

There was about 300 host clubs in Kabuchko.

Kabuki Cho.

I think I said it so fast, I said it wrong.

I do a lot of bad Japanese on this show.

Let’s just say you don’t want
to learn your Japanese for me.

You want to go to one
of those other websites

like Dogein or something
and learn some good Japanese.

Anyways, police raided,
they found out of 202

that they raided, 145 had
violated the law in some way.

And this includes, this
is the important thing.

It’s knowing how they
scam you in different places.

If you’re going to come visit Japan,

you want to go to a host
club, you want to see something.

How are they going to scam you if
you know what kind of scams they run?

You can prepare yourself.

Well, the main one is in selling
drinks without listing the price.

So what they do is they’re like,
hey, let’s buy a bottle of whiskey,

let’s buy a bottle of champagne,
let’s buy a bottle of something.

And you think, okay,
it’s going to be 10,000

yen, 20,000 yen,
expensive, but affordable.

And then they give you a
bill for like 15 million yen,

because apparently you
just drank the rarest whiskey

that ever existed in a bottle of champagne
where there’s only one left on the planet

that was pulled out of the
Titanic or something like that.

So that’s how they, that’s the first scam,

is they inflate the bill,
but they never list a price.

So you never actually get to say no,
because the whole point of a host club

is they’re pressuring you to drink and buy
drinks ’cause that’s how they make money.

The other one they’re doing is
operating without a liquor license.

So they’re selling liquor and
they don’t have a license to sell it.

Concept cafes, which you
would probably describe mainly

as made cafes, have
also been a foul of the law

with having underage girls
serve alcohol to customers.

So you can see there’s
two kind of things happening.

There’s the host clubs are
ripping women off monetarily

and then the anime or the made cafes are
breaking the law by having underage people,

because that’s what
appeals again to these

anime nerds who are
going to go to a made cafe.

They want to have a really young girl, you
know, do the song and the dance and stuff.

I went to one once it
was actually quite dismal.

I think I went to the wrong one.

My friends took me
to one where I think the

maids were dour might
have been the actual thing.

It’s the end of the year.

So we’re going to get a lot of stats.

Last episode is very stat heavy.

This one’s not as stat heavy,
but it is entertaining stats.

The porn hub annual breakdown has come out.

And once again, Hentai is
the most search term whereas

Japanese dropped number four,
dropped two places number four.

So the number one and
the number four search

terms on porn hub
are both Japan related.

Hentai is certainly very
much a Japanese thing.

I don’t want to question other
people’s tastes, but when I go

looking for porn, should I want
to spend my time doing that?

Animated stuff isn’t going to do it for me.

I don’t know, maybe I
also don’t like fake bodies.

So I think fake is something
that doesn’t work for me.

And so the animation
version, I’m not against it.

I still see it as being as appealing.

So I guess you must be into something
different for me, which is not a bad thing.

I mean, I’m not actually
judging you on that.

There are, I do judge
people on some things.

I judge people on stuff
that I don’t understand.

Hentai, while it doesn’t, isn’t
my thing, I do understand it.

I understand like, again,
there’s sort of this idyllic

perfection idea of
having a 2D woman that’s

been drawn, basically
created for your fantasy.

That doesn’t do it for me.

Japanese, so the fourth search term on the
list was beaten out by lesbian and milk.

So if you got a lesbian,
milk, who’s also a Japanese,

who’s been drawn, so a
Hentai Japanese, lesbian,

milk, I think some heads
are going to explode.

That’s something you
should look at in the future,

if you’re planning on getting
into the creation of porn industry.

I didn’t enjoy it, so they
do a breakdown by state.

Most of the states, it was interesting,

’cause like, oh, the racist states are
all looking at black girls or something.

California was one step away
from my just previous joke

where the search term
was Asian steppin’ mom.

So all they’re missing is
lesbian and I guess Hentai,

but they had Asian and milk, if
you’re talking about Stup-Mom.

If you drew it, it’d be, yeah,
California’s on the cutting edge

of what everyone in the world
actually wants to deep down inside.

They were looking at how long people
go to porn hub and spend per session.

Japan, number two on the list at 11
minutes and 14 seconds per session.

Number two behind the Philippines.

Now, let’s be very clear,
that 11 minutes is all illegal.

So porn hub is not censored.

Unless they’re looking at the
censored version of Asian porn

and Hentai, what they’re
actually doing is illegal.

The most viewed by men,
Japanese was number two.

Lesbian was number one.

It’s Japanese lesbians.

I mean, again, you could like
wrap up that category right there.

Men’s favorite categories.

Number one and number
two, Japanese and mature.

We’re hitting a theme.

Older Japanese ladies got to go on on.

Women was number one was
lesbian, number two was Japanese.

So again, all those terms
together, I now am at this point

where I just want to make the one
singular, perfect pornographic film.

And then just end up porn altogether because
what happens is you just watch my movie

and it’s so entrancing, no one
ever watches anything again.

So every year in Japan, you
give out New Year’s money

called Atoshi Dhamma and it
comes in a little red envelope

and it’s a tradition and
people love it except.

We’re getting in a world
that’s kind of cashless.

So pay-pay, one of the
companies that is putting out

a payment system that use on your phone,
they want to create digital Atoshi Dhamma

and they’ve done a
survey and found that 40%

of the people they surveyed
want to give it out cashless.

Now, pay-pay is probably
surveying people who use pay-pay,

which means people who
are already using digital stuff.

They’re expecting
people to give 526.

3 billion yen year-end
money to kids.

I basically teenagers to get like five
to 10,000 yen depends on your family.

Kids just get like 1,000 yen or something.

Pay-pay wants to take 150
billion yen of that 526 billion

and make that digital and
create essentially a new industry.

The thing is, for the kids to receive this,

I guess they would have
to have a phone as well.

So there’s an expectation that the kids
receiving this do have their own phone.

And one that they could
then take outside of the house

and then use in public to actually use
the funds to keep them in circulation.

There’s an interesting
sort of side step there.

My kids have phones, but
we’ve locked them down to Wi-Fi.

They don’t actually have a cell plan.

So I guess if they went in the
convenience store in the convenience

store ahead, Wi-Fi they could use
it, but that would be the only way.

There was a very interesting story,

’cause this is something I
didn’t know about Japanese law.

The police have seen
an increase in mail

prostitutes since opening
the borders from COVID.

So like more people are coming into visit.

A lot of people are a good way to make
money in Japan is to do some prostitution.

So they do that.

The anti-prostitution act only applies
to women in Japan, which I did not know.

I just thought anti-prostitution,
you wouldn’t make it gender specific.

It would just be anti-prostitution.

Well, apparently it’s only about women,

so you can’t arrest a man
for being a prostitute, which I’m

finding very confusing
because it’s just the act, isn’t it?

Like if the act of accepting
money and exchange for sex

is the thing that breaks
the law, but apparently not.

It’s only that true if you are a woman.

They still want to arrest these people,
so they would arrest them for touting,

which is standing on the street
and like trying to solicit customers,

and waiting for clients, which is
apparently also against the law.

I didn’t know that.

So that is considered a public disturbance.

It’s part of a public ordinance.

So you’re getting arrested, but again,

a much lower level crime
than actual prostitution.

So I’m interested to see if
this ends up in them changing

the rule, ’cause it would
make a lot more sense

if the rule wasn’t women do it
or men do it, if it was just doing it.

Well, soccer police have made YouTube
ads to combat marijuana usage, which,

let’s be honest, the
old people by committee

making an advertisement
or something to appeal to

the youths is never going
to really be successful.

Marijuana use has been
in the news a lot lately.

So there was a university football team,

an American football team,
and they were disbanded because

the players got in trouble
for marijuana multiple times.

In the last couple of weeks, some
gummy marijuana-laced gummies

have gone around and
made a bunch of people sick.

I don’t know if they took
too many or the actual

product was bad, we
made a bunch of people sick.

You know, soccer, 80% of
youth crime is marijuana-related.

And 80% of all marijuana arrests
are people under the age of 29.

So they’re seeing youth in marijuana.

There’s a connection there and
there’s like, we’re gonna fight it.

We’re gonna do something
that’s really effective.

We’re gonna go on YouTube and make an ad

that they’re gonna skip
as soon as they’re given

the first opportunity
’cause I literally hover

the mouse over the skip button
when I start watching a video.

I’m pretty sure kids are gonna be
way more advanced about it than I am.

I’m sure that’s where
the ad blockers come in.

YouTube’s been having a
lot of trouble with ad blockers.

The problem with the police trying to
connect to the youth is it’s not gonna work.

These old men, they’re not going to
figure out the message soon enough.

I, again, I now realize
like if I wanted to

connect to youth about
not using marijuana,

probably the best thing I
could do is get old people

to start using marijuana, then
it wouldn’t be cool anymore.

Or get young people to try to do it.

Still don’t think it
would be that effective.

I don’t have an answer for that.

They are really, really stuck on this one.

I don’t think a YouTube
ad is really gonna

have the massive
success they hope it does.

Since 2008, they started
measuring the physical strength

of students and they
have found that students’

strength at junior high
school as a record low.

So the survey started in 2008.

They did 920,000 students were surveyed.

It’s been falling since 2019.

So you know what that means.

If you wanna go bully a
junior high school student,

this would be the year to do
it because you can take ’em.

70% of workers in Japan
don’t want to be contacted

outside of work hours, which makes
me go, “Why is that number not 100%?”

‘Cause the question is, want to.

Like I might accept a call outside of work.

I might accept messages out of work.

That doesn’t mean I want
to be contacted out of work.

So the question one
should be, do you want

to question two would
be, is it acceptable?

Question three is neutral, like the
five levels would be pretty normal.

72.4% of all workers have
say they have received

messages outside of
work, which is they 8.

2% increase in previous
years and 62.2%.

And 62.2% say this causes them stress,

which I understand, and
again, it’s part of the Japanese

work culture where you have
to find a way to let them go

because, as I’ve said, a million
times now in an engineered Japan,

this is where the declining
birth rate comes from.

So our last story, this is a quick
one because it is the holiday season.

I’m actually not working.

I’m not, I just wanted
to get an episode out.

It’s already a day late,
but I just wanted to get

something out so that people, you know, I
actually noticed a lot of podcasts go dark

over the holidays, but it’s nice to have
something to listen to when you’re driving.

So you get to listen to my stupid
voice because I’m, you know what?

‘Cause I’m dedicated.

I’m dedicated to you as the lister and
who was interested in Japanese news.

And this is our last story and
it’s not a creepy creepy guy.

I’ve kind of pushed
away from that a little bit,

only because the creepy creepy guy
stories have gotten really repetitive.

They’ve not done anything
particularly creative lately.

It’s a few year old man is
at the scene of an accident.

And they didn’t say if he caused it.

That is the bit.

I actually, a bit of
information I would have liked.

A 27 year old police officer is
interviewing him about the accident.

And he says the 62 year old drunk
man says, “You headbutted me, right?”

And then headbutts the cop.

No, I’m gonna give you some advice.

If you ever come to Japan,
don’t headbutt anybody.

But absolutely don’t headbutt a cop.

Like if you’re gonna headbutt
anyone, don’t do it to a cop.

That’s actually one of
the worst people to do it to.

You should be headbutting
the junior high school girl

from the story before,
’cause she’s so weak.

She’s not gonna be able to fight back.

You’re gonna win that fight
nine times out of 10, not always.

‘Cause it wasn’t all
the kids who were weak.

And you gotta pick ’em carefully.

When he was arrested, he said,

“I had no idea the person I
had butted was a police officer.

” As if somehow that
would have made it okay.

Like if I had but someone
else, not an issue.

But headbutting a cop,
whoops, now I’m sorry,

if only he had headbutted a
president of an oil company.

Then, all would be right
with the world again.

So that’s just a very
quick episode out for today.

I don’t know if I’ll have
one available next week.

So I might be taking a
week off just because

of holidays and take
care of family and stuff.

And doing things and trying to live a life

so that I have stories
that I can then share.

I didn’t change the pain in the future.

You have hundreds of
episodes in the back catalog.

So you can go listen to Seamick Bee.

I have recently on YouTube
releasing Seamick Bee IMDB,

which is my breakdown sort of react
videos to primarily Kung Fu movies.

So if you want something to do over the
holiday, please check out Seamick Bee IMDB.

And I hope you have a really good holiday.