Focusing less on creepy dudes and more on proper, less gross, crimes.
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Tag: Halloween
Yakuza Halloween
The covid news has been lessened, which means more time talking about people committing crimes, which is great.
Also, the Yakuza being kind, the Police not doing their job and a bunch of other stuff, like the PS% button controversy. One you may not even know about.
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Anti Mask Landings
Its mostly coivd new, but not all the depressing kind you are probbaly used to. Mostly it’s talking about what to do next and how that is going to make covid worse, as we did not learn from our post lockdown boom in Japan.
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NNJ 92: Sexy Campaigns
Some people want to save the world with sexy, some people want to have it all stop triggering them.
Despite that, what is the perfect profile on a Japanese dating app, how is bullying going and what will happen on Halloween?