I got you

It’s a bit hard to see, but here is a poster demonstrating one of the ways the police subdue criminals here, but in this case it’s actually train station staff grabbing some dude who didn’t pay his train fare.

To minimize contact and risk of injury they have these big claws. Two cops can get one on either side and you’re basically stuck.

They might also be able to heimlich you.

NNJ 30: Trains Idols and Cheating

Trains, trains, trains.

How to chosoe the best way for you to be an idol so you can tell your fans you don’t want to see their faces and get away with it.

The government wants some fox news style biased reporting, I assume as long as it’s pro-them.

Finally, what is cheating? If you and 9 friends have Japanese girlfriends, 3 of you have been cheated on and probably didn’t know it.

NNJ 30


Go here to name a train station.

Visit this news site for the butsukariya video.


Okay, simply, fuck you dude. I get Japan is a tight place and space is at a premium, but you’re being a dick.

It’s like he’s making manspreading into an extreme sport.

NNJ 29: Drangonball AKB

A manga artist gets caught plagiarizing, AKB generates more garbage, not just their music.

There’s a castle controversy and lame pranks afoot.

NNJ 29

Relevant media:

The cover drama

The university students who should have known better.

The AKB song mentioned within

The tweet about the actual garbage.



Seriously serious

You know you take your mobile gaming seriously when you use two devices at the same time. I couldn’t figure out if he was playing two different games, playing with himself, or using one for information on the other. Illegally taking his photo was as much a risk as I could justify.

NNJ 28: Sniff Taro

Learn what not to do in a Japanese office, Find out that Taro is a dink, literally, that is said. Taro is a dink.

The steam platform decides that all the otaku are gross and takes away their stuff. Then we get into the exciting stuff, like international trade agreements, just like the first Star Wars prequel.

It all wraps up with a good old fashioned cop being dumb, or a dink, you decide.

NNJ 28


Drinks that were drunk

Seasonal drinks, all kinds of local branding, this is something that Japanese people, and people that visit Japan love. I got sucked in from my first days and now check the changing of the season with whatever drinks that are on offer.

Pepsi basically makes a unique drink bi-annually, but is that a good thing?

It’s Pepsi, but it had a slightly different aftertaste. Spicer would be appropriate since that is relative.

At the same time they came out with the J-cola midnight, which they recommended you drink after you take an evening bath instead of your Japanese tea.

This still had caffeine in it, so if you were planning on going to bed, plan on at least staying up…until midnight.


You don’t need to come up with a new flavor to reel people in. When Coke branded their bottles with people’s names, sales went way up. Here they also have the locally branded version, hoping that you will feel the need to travel all over Japan to complete your collection.

It tasted like coke, but from Nagoya.

NNJ 27: Kiss Nanpa Crow Yakuza

Some super scientific survey results, a Nanpa school that nobody should go to, which is all of them. We meet a crow and learn about the law. A man fakes his death and he learns about the law and finally a Yakuza clearly doesn’t understand the law.

NNJ 27


The original tweet about the crow:

NNJ 26: Puro Creepy Guy Bull

What’s happening in PuroLand next month, and why.

The creepy dude report, in a serious way, and then in a not so serious way.

A quit follow up on some stories that refuse to die.

Then a big change in cow rights.

NNJ 26



The images promised in today’s episode:

Some Hello Kitty scary food you can get next month, should you survive.

Seriously, this is Hello Kitty

Our public fetish friend who you can follow on twitter.

and his friend who you can’t.