Punchy People

This is a bit rushed.
Normally I record tomorrow.

I don’t know if I’m going
to be able to get this

episode out early, but
this is going to be the

only opportunity I have to
record. So I’m going to record today.

Try to edit tonight
and tomorrow.

Who knows? Just want to
get the episodes out on time.

I have to work tomorrow.
So I’m a bit flummoxed,

confused, out of sorts because I’m just,
it’s not my regular schedule. I really like

keeping a regular schedule.
But to make me happy,

we got a message on speakpipe,

It means I get to
hear your voice.

And that is actually very
exciting for me to get to hear some

of the people who actually
have another podcast.

Let’s hear what Gray
has to say from the peak.

Fuck off from the speakpipe.
I just wanted to say,

bro, the discord link is
dead on your link tree.

Please update.
That would be sick.

So I have already updated
that. So if you go to the link tree,

Chongveveachast, now
you do get a links to a whole

bunch of stuff that you
probably are not interested

in, but it does have a
discord on it that I’ve

really set up ages ago, but
only started using recently.

So if you want to join
the discord, you can

go to the link tree,
join the discord there.

A tech support request. It’s
not a tech support request.

It is actually just helping
me out because there’s

no way I can keep track of all the links
and stuff that are across social media.

And let’s be honest, I hate social
media. I hate taking care of it.

I don’t mind doing it.

I don’t mind interacting. I
actually like interacting with people,

but the maintenance
that goes into social media,

it was just never for me. I
want to sit here and make stuff.

I want to put it out
there on the internet.

I want to make podcasts. I
want to make videos whatever.

I don’t want to promote
them maintenance is a pain.

That’s actually the thing.

I need a promoter. I don’t
can’t offer any money.

So the best I can offer is
beard oil. I have a five pack here

started using, am I
advertising? If I was getting

a sponsorship, then I wouldn’t
have to go to work tomorrow.

Here’s a deal. Is
near mile beard oil.

I have promoted your
product for free, but I would

love to quit my job. So if
you want to sponsor this

podcast, giving me enough
money so that I don’t

have to go to work
tomorrow, not even forever,

just tomorrow because this is,
I’m recording Monday morning.

I usually record
Tuesday morning.

I’m recording Tuesday
morning. Fuck, I’ve already

affected the sounds up.
I’m recording this morning

because I have to work
tomorrow because I have

a full-time job. So
I’m a bit out of sorts.

So this is the fifth or
sixth start to this podcast

episode and it’s not
going well. I’ll be honest,

but I’m very excited to
have a message from Gray.

I do appreciate anyone
pointing out any issues

because that’s the only
way I’m going to find them

or be able to try to fix
them. I have an RSS feed

issue going on right now.
I have stat tracking issues

going on right now,
knowing that the discord link

was old or not working.
It’s actually super helpful.

So I really appreciate
that. Let’s just get a

little bit more from Gray
and then we’ll move on to

the actual episode. And,
uh, two, uh, thank you so

much for making the
podcast. It’s nice to listen to

you before I end the
bed. I find it very weird

that people listen to
this before they go to bed

because as the podcast
goes, there is a structure to it.

Uh, the dirty or more
violent stories are

at the end, which means
while you are drifting into

sleep when you are when
you are mind is sort of

your body is closing, but
your mind is opening is

when I start talking
about the dirty weird stuff.

Um, I don’t know if that’s what
you should be falling asleep to.

Secondly, um, I think we should
be falling asleep to your voice.

I think Gray is a
way better of what

basically I’m saying why
is why am I podcasting?

And he’s not, he clearly
has a nicer sounding voice.

So if I was going to
fall asleep to a voice, my

own or his, I would
choose his, I think every

time is they got that
sort of nice timber to it.

It’s a little deep. It’s nice.
It’s better than my man.

Uh, secondary proposal,
I could write the podcast.

You could record the
what you could do the voice.

And then we’d maybe actually
this might go somewhere.

Yeah, I would like
to show up on one

of the segments. So it
would be cool to fuck around.

And it would be
cool to fuck around.

I don’t know exactly what you’re
saying, but I’m open to anything.

Uh, if you would
like to join, so we’ve

been doing quizzes and
the quizzes, I’m already

trying to change them
a little bit last week.

We didn’t do a quiz.
We did essentially a little

Japanese lesson. Uh,
my friend Tom joined and I

showed him a couple of
words that were sort of

new Japanese words.
He took them back to his

students and he tried
them on his students.

They knew Mofu Mofu, but
they didn’t know the other ones.

And it’s like, Hey,
maybe you guys need

to update your Japanese
and he’s saying that to

like a group of like young
people, which is pretty funny.

So I’m not going
to just do quizzes.

Quiz is was a great
format to start with, but I

want to expand it into
like every idea I can have.

And I want to do it with other people.
So if you would like to join the podcast,

send an email to

You could drop a message and
speak pipe like gray is just done.

Uh, you can join the discord,
which is in the link tree.

And we can arrange to record.

I usually do it over zoom
and I just record the audio.

So you don’t have to
be on camera or anything

like that if you don’t
want to, but we can try

to fit it to your schedule
because I recorded

outside of the live
recording that we do on

Twitch, usually on Tuesdays,
but today is Monday.

You can tell that’s
really resting on my mind.

I’m just not getting
anything right.

Let’s start the show.

Now I’ve already now
that we’re into the format

I’m comfortable
with that I’m used to.

I’m actually already
a little bit more calm.

We have an update.
We have the story.

So there was God fucking discord.
We have an update on a previous story.

We have the NHK
does national news and

they do it in multiple
languages and they do it in

Chinese and they had a
guy doing the national news

in Chinese and he decided
to sort of just go off

script for a bit. He
switched to English.

I found that part really
interesting. And he made a couple

of statements like the
Senkaku Islands belong to China.

Uh, he said, don’t forget about
comfort women and the rape of non king.

So he was basically saying
like we have to remember the

awful history of Japan
and there are these disputed

islands between China and
Japan and they belong to China.

He’s just making a staunch political statement
right out the gates. That’s a problem

when your radio show
represents the government of

Japan because it’s a
national broadcast system.

So it’s actually, it’s not
pro government, but you

certainly are working
for the government.

An executive had to quit
to take responsibility for this.

Two other executives had their
pay cut because this happened.

And I actually in
the last episode when

we talked about it said
like this seems unfair.

The executives, unless
they were sitting there

with like hovering
their finger over a mute

button with a seven
second delay or something,

they had no control over this. And they had
hired this guy to read the news in Chinese.

He decided to go off
script. So I was thinking it

was only he should be
punished. I said that was unfair.

The contract with that agency
that hired that guy was cut.

So that guy and
many of his co-workers

actually lost their jobs in
Japan if they were in Japan.

They might have been
doing it from overseas,

but that contract was
ended. So that guy killed

that contract for multiple
people, which I think

ah, that’s what that’s
what actually would happen.

So his friend should
be angry in him.

The executive quit, this
is a very Japanese thing

is you, there’s a problem
in your company and you

quit and you say, I
take responsibility for it.

I quit. I’ve always found
out a weird system.

We went through a period
around 2010 in Japan where there

were 10 prime ministers.
Because anytime there’s a

problem, the problem
would be like the prime

minister say, oh, it’s
my responsibility as like

punishment or whatever. I will
quit and then they would quit.

I realize that doesn’t
fix the problem.

You’re just moving the
problem onto the next guy.

You’re saying, okay,
you can blame me and I’ll

step down and then the
next guy comes in clean.

He’s still has to fix the
problem. So I think you

usually have to fix the
problem and then quit if

that’s the way it’s going
to work out or maybe

just fix the problem. If
you fix the problem really

well, maybe nobody
has to quit. I don’t know.

This is slightly different.
I thought it was weird

that the executive
quit, but then it turns out

two weeks later, he was rehired by the NHK.
They said they rehired him because of his,

they said they rehired
him because of his

experience as an overseas
journalist. So he’d worked in Russia.

He’d worked in China. He’d worked in a
couple of different places and they said that

experience was valuable. But
then it seems very convoluted.

So why did you let
him let him quit in the

first place or just don’t
let him resign or to say,

look, yeah, it is
responsibility, but we’ll just

keep you in the job. It
doesn’t say if he was rehired

is the same job,
which I find interesting.

I’m pretty sure he
was. It just seems like a

convoluted way for him
to take responsibility by

resigning, but then
not actually taking any

responsibility because
he got hired back on.

So it’s like an agreement
was made. Hey guys, this

bad thing happened. I’ll quit.
You hire me again in two weeks.

So I’m just going to
take a two week vacation.

And then you can say like someone took
responsibility for this thing happening, but

then also none of us in this
room right now get punished.

Although those two other executives
did get a pay cut for a couple of months,

but I’m assuming they’re
making enough money

that it’s not really negatively
impacting their lifestyle.

I did have a secondary question. As
soon as this seemed like a scheme,

I started going like, oh,
has his contract changed.

So when he was he quit and then he was
rehired, was he rehired at the same salary?

Was his salary improved?
Did what changed?

And then none of the
details came out in that.

But it being NHK, I was
like, oh, this might actually be

public information. So
I kind of started going

to look for it, but I
honestly just don’t know

what to look for. So I
am going to do some

research because I’m
wondering if in a weird way

this Chinese announcer
saying a very political

thing so that this guy had
to take responsibility for it.

So he quit and
then he came back.

If that actually worked
out is him getting a raise.

We’re living in the
future. It’s 2024.

Although some aspects of
Japan, if you’ve lived in Japan,

do not seem like
living in the future.

There are some bits
that are super futuristic.

There are some bits
that just you’re like, again,

so I live in a Japanese
house and the heating,

cooling system of Japan
as a country just has not

caught up with
anywhere else I’ve lived.

Korea had the heated floors.
Amazing, the heated floors.

Japan basically has air
conditioners in each individual

room, which means this
room will be cool or hot,

whatever I set it to.
And then I go out in the

hallway and then either
all the cold air, all the

hot air goes out as
soon as I open the door.

And the hallway is either
super hot or super cold.

And you just get these like
shocks to your system constantly.

I was on the train
the other day.

It’s getting to the end of
September. It’s still very hot in Japan.

But a lot of the
community is cut.

But I got on the train the
other day and the heat was on.

So I’m thinking it
was an accident.

But they turned on the heat.
I guess coming up to October

is officially fall. I
think it’s officially

fall now, but it still
feels like summertime.

Yeah, man. Japan has
this very weird thing where

people will change
their clothing and stuff

depending on the
season, not on the actual

weather outside. So
it’s like it’s still hot,

but it’s now fall. So I’m
going to start wearing

my fall warmer clothes,
even though it’s still

quite warm outside. And
I’m sweating all the time.

But anyways, that’s not
the story we’re talking about.

I’m talking about soft bank.

Soft bank is the first company
in Japan to offer digital salary.

So some companies when
crypto kind of went through

its boom, we’re saying,
we’ll give you crypto

as part of your
salary. I think it was an

investment, but it had
to be a very small amount.

There’s some legal
issues with paying with how

you pay your employees.
Pay pay is one of the

payment systems in Japan.
I actually had a conversation

with this with some
friends last night about

and they know there
is no Venmo in Japan.

It’s not recognized by
the Japanese government.

There is no cash app in Japan because
Japan has its own Japanese systems.

Japan is very insular and
pretty much everything.

So they don’t want other systems to come
in and kind of assert the ones that are

being used in Japan. I don’t
know if they’re better or worse.

I use pay pay. I
used to use line pay

because everyone had line
and if you needed to share

money or send money,
it was very easy.

That was kind of the main
reason I did that one and it was

already on my phone.
Pay pay took over line pay.

They’re going to be the
same company next year.

So I switched over to pay
pay early because why not?

I was scamming them
for double points for a

while because I used my pay
pay credit card in my pay pay app.

I used my line pay credit card in my
pay pay app. So I got points on pay pay

and I got points on line
pay but they shut down

that system very
recently. So now I just use

pay pay exclusively.
But with the government

approval, you can pay a
salary up to 200,000 yen

in pay pay directly. So it would mean on
pay day in my phone, in my pay pay account,

the 200,000 yen would
just show up. Now let’s say

I get paid more than
200,000 yen, which is very

likely if you have like
a regular full-time job.

The rest of that money
has to go to the bank.

So you can get part
of your payment up to

200,000 yen in pay pay
as a system. And if that’s

where you’re using all
the time, it makes sense.

You can split it. You can
decide how much like I

want 100,000 yen of my pay to
go into my phone every month.

That can happen as
well. 300 companies

have already contacted
pay pay about adopt about

adopting digital payment
systems. And I’m guessing

because at the end of the
day, it happens automatically.

You don’t have to deal
with banks in the same way.

It’s faster and I bet it’s
actually also cheaper.

A nursing nursing
home care worker.

So I mean these are
people who are taking care of

old people in Japan. It
has a grain population.

There’s a lot of old
people. There’s a lot of

demand for this job.
So there’s a lot of people

who can get jobs in
this kind of care system.

They were arrested for
assaulting 105 year old patient.

I don’t know that one
was like 105, like any

sort of assault is going
to be significant if the

person is 105 years
old. So that is crazy.

It turns out they also
assaulted three other patients.

The youngest being 94.
So these are like 94 year

old people end up. And
this guy is like getting

frustrated with them and
punching them in the face.

The actual statement
was I was so frustrated

with caring for them.
I couldn’t help myself,

which makes it very clear
that you should not be

working in this industry.
The home care facility

they were working
at was for exclusively

patients with dementia.
So you I mean dealing

with old people can be
frustrating dealing with

people my age can be
frustrating. Dealing with older

people who also you know
have dementia is going

to be extra frustrating.
If you’re going to get so

frustrated, you then think
punching him in the face

is the acceptable
response. And that’s going to

somehow make things better.
You probably shouldn’t be

working in that industry.
I think if you’re sort

of a punchy person all around,
you shouldn’t be in care work.

That’s just this is going to be one of
those statements that engineers depend for

moats out there. If you’re
a punchy kind of person,

you shouldn’t go into
care work. Staff noticed a

bruise on one of the
patients. So they decided

to go check the security
camera. And it turns out

the bruise the patient had
wasn’t related to the assault.

But because they checked
the security camera,

saw the assault take
place giving maybe different

injuries, different bruises.
So the person got caught.

So I’m like this other
person absolutely should

be in health care because
they’re like oh that guy has a bruise.

I should just go
check just to be

safe because again we’re
dealing with dementia patients.

We’re dealing with older people.

Maybe they fall down. Maybe
they get bruises all the time.

Maybe they bruise very easily.

This is all totally on board. It
would be very easy to ignore.

But they’re like, you
know what? Let’s bruise.

I should just go check
the security camera.

Goes and sees these
older people getting

assaulted and then is
able to call the police.

So that second person
should get a raise.

But care workers are
not appreciated and that is

probably not going to
happen. Since we’re talking

about people punching
people who should not be

punched, I guess no
one should be punched.

I mean you go into boxing.
I do. I practice due to

I get punched in the face. I
think it’s actually quite funny.

But that’s voluntary.

So that voluntary aspect
changes the whole atmosphere of

the getting punched in
the face. If you are an

old person in a home
care place, I don’t think

you expect or deserve
to be punched in the face.

I mean, okay old
people can be shitty too.

Sometimes they might
deserve it. But that doesn’t

mean you can do it.
There’s lots of people I

see dated to oh god now
we’ve got to do who you

should be allowed to
punch or not, which is

going to be a big book.
There are people I think

I should be able to punch just
me exclusively, not anyone else.

Because I think I
have good judgment.

All right. A teacher in
Shiga, since we’re going

to go to the other end of
the spectrum, we’ve now

talked about punching
old people on the face.

Let’s talk about punching
young people on the face.

A teacher in Shiga was
arrested for hitting an

elementary school age
boys about 10 years old

in the right eye. So he
decked a kid in the face.

He was reported to
police the same day.

So the kid went home
probably had a black eye because

he got punched in the eye
by a full grown adult teacher.

The parents called the cops.

Absolutely, 100% exactly what I
would do. Police are investigating

the reason for the assault.
Now, I am not saying

it’s okay to punch
little kids in the face.

But I can absolutely
tell you the reason.

Without even meeting this
kid, without even knowing the

situation, he was being
a mouthy little shit.

Now, kids are mouthy
little shits. This is one of the

things having had
experience teaching kids,

having dealt with kids.
I’ve dealt with kids in

education situations. I’ve
dealt with kids judo classes.

I’ve dealt with kids
just out in the street.

I’ve dealt with kids when I took my
kids to the park when they were younger.

I understand, in general,
kids are mouthy little shits.

I’ve never punched
one of the face.

So in all those situations as a teacher,
as a guy doing judo teaching kids judo,

as a guy in the park,
as a parent, I have never

punched a kid in the
face despite the fact that

they were being mouthy little
shits and probably deserved it.

But again, deserving it and actually
getting it aren’t always the same thing.

That’s what kids do. So this
is the same as the care worker.

If you can’t handle little kids getting on
your nerves, you shouldn’t be a teacher.

It’s really that simple.
We’ve had a couple of stories

where teachers
just kind of lose it.

There was a couple maybe a
month ago. Kid was mocking his

teacher and copying
him and the teacher just

goes over and tackles the
kid. You shouldn’t be a teacher.

That’s just straight up.
Don’t go into that industry.

They’re going to figure
out you have a weakness.

They’re going to
get under your skin.

That is, again, what kids
do. Hello, Dave, Dave.

I’m God damn it. God, I’m
going to settle you down.

You get this little puff here sometimes.

I would like to angle the camera down
just a little bit so you can get his head.

But then when I do that, he
spends a lot of this time sleeping.

Then you would just
be looking at my nose

down and a sleeping
dog, which actually still

think would be aesthetically more
pleasing than what you’re seeing right now.

Kids are going to get your
weakness. They’re going

to figure it out. So let’s
say I’m self-conscious.

I wear a hat because
I’m losing my hair.

But I’m not that self-conscious,
but if you make fun of it,

I’ll make fun of it. But
if a kid understands

that it is sensitive to
me, they absolutely 100%

will make fun of it
constantly until I break.

A man was arrested for
violating stalking laws for

sending six text messages
to his ex-girlfriend.

And I was like, “Oh,
that’s a weird title because

that doesn’t sound too
bad.” Like he sent six,

usually the text messages
stalking stories are,

I sent 500 messages a
day. It’s always, I sent

thousands of messages over the
course of a month or something.

So it’s always a lot.
And I was like six,

the number stuck to me, stuck
out to me as being very small.

Like this was like an
insignificant amount of text.

It would be very easy to ignore.

Then of course, we got
to see the content of some

of the texts like, “I’ll
never break up with you.

Breakups don’t have
to be too sighted.

” So she broke up with
you, then you’re broken up.

You don’t get to really
decide. I was like, “That

has an underpinning that
maybe we’re not a big fan

of. I’ll come and get
you.” That contextually,

since you’ve been broken
up, has a very different

meaning than like if I’m
going to come get you

as an pick you up and
drive you somewhere and

be a good guy, that’s
great. But since she’s broken

up with me and made
it very clear she doesn’t

want to speak to me
anymore, I’ll come and get you.

It takes on a very
different meaning.

Again, being an outside
reader of this, we have

to sort of like try to
be as neutral as possible.

So once you get context,
that makes a big difference.

I’m trying to sometimes
try to think like a cop would.

So I see this message.

I’m like, “Well, that can be
interpreted two ways we need to

understand the situation.”
But the situation is

that she had blocked him
on all the ways they had

talked to before and then he
started sending these messages.

So I will come and get you.

Yeah, that’s a threat. So
I’m coming to your home.

I do like that this guy
is not explicit in violence,

but everything he’s writing
doesn’t apply violence.

Like this is actually a
fairly well crafted threat

because you could say
once you get arrested

because you’re going
to get arrested for this,

you could say once
you get arrested that you

were not threatening,
you were just giving facts.

Like I’m coming to your
home. I’m coming to get you.

Like what does that
mean? That means I’m

like going to come and
pick you up or I’m going

to come and take you
somewhere. I think maybe

this guy was smart
enough that he was banking

on that working, but
any reasonable outsider

like myself would go,
“No, you’re threatening this

woman because she
blocked you and dumped you.

” The woman broke up
with him at the end of August

and having now seen
the way he’s responded to

being broken up with,
“I can’t fathom why she’s

such a charming personality.” It’s
clearly he’s got like sort of anger issues.

He can’t handle rejection
or he can’t handle being told

he doesn’t get what he
wants or something like that.

These, this response
demonstrates why he was

dumped in the first place.
And so he’s not taking

a moment to reflect
and be like, “Maybe I have

to improve myself as a
person.” He’s like, “No,

I’m going to lean into
it and be even worse.

” And that’ll get her
back. He said he was angry

at being ignored because
she had blocked him previously.

So I’m assuming
he got a different

phone or a different phone
number or something like that.

So he can start sending
text messages again.

Which again makes it
very clear the way he

must behave while
they were actually dating.

He said when he was
being arrested, I thought if I

send her scary messages,
she wouldn’t respond.

And that’s why I
used a strong language.

So he’s again, he now he’s
trying to say like, “I wasn’t

threatening her. I was just
trying to get her to react to me.

” Which again kind of demonstrates probably
why he was dumped in the first place.

“80 year old man goes into the bank.” And
he’s decided, “I’m going to rob this bank.

” At 9.25 a.m. on a
Tuesday, which I was like,

“Ah, I don’t think he’s
planned this very well.

” I don’t know when banks
have the most money in

their cash drawers. But
that is the kind of thing

you, if you’re going to rob
a bank, you should check.

So they’re going to have
ways of dumping the money.

They’re going to have ways of
taking money back to the safe.

They’re going to have
ways of taking the

money from the safe to a central
location or something like that.

So you need to figure out the peak time to
rob a bank. And I bet banks have actually

figured this out as
well and they try to like

randomize the times.
So that you never really

have peak money in
the cash, in the tills.

But at the same time,
they have to have a

certain amount of money
on hand. He held up the

teller, he took a gun
out, and he held up the

teller demanding cash, and
then the teller hit a silent alarm.

So again, I don’t know if this guy
had really done his planning. He’s 80.

Maybe he’s basing this on what
banks were back like when he

would have been like in
his youth, so 40 years ago.

So maybe he’s 80 years
old and he’s basing his

knowledge of how banks
are run back 40 years ago

when he was in his 40s
when he was just like

a regular adult. And
he doesn’t realize like

everything has been
updated. Like maybe he doesn’t

know that there are
silent alarms, the police

as soon as you start
watching movies, you actually

gain a lot of information
by watching like

heist movies and stuff and
know that silent alarms are a thing.

The police showed up and caught him
before he was even able to leave the bank.

It turns out he had a toy
gun. No one was injured,

but again, also probably because he
was 80 years old and using a toy gun.

Now I kind of ended that
last story with a gentle

joke, a jai, but the
fact that this man was

80 years old and therefore
not much of a threat

and he had a toy gun.
Well, we immediately have

another story of an 81
year old man who is a threat.

So I guess even if
you’re 80 year old,

we shouldn’t underestimate
your ability to threaten

or hurt other people.
A tax official started

going to this guy’s
house. He had to because

there was a claim against
him, so he hadn’t been

paying his taxes or something, or
he’d done something a little shady.

This guy needed to deal with some
tax issues. So a tax official shows up to

this guy’s house. The
guy, the 81 year old man,

attempts to run the tax
official down with his car.

In his car, he also
had a hunting rifle.

He had license for hunting
rifles. So he had, when the

police arrested him, he
had foreign the house,

I want to get more
details about this guy

because this guy, 81
years old, sounds hard core.

So I’m wondering what the, I’m betting
he just decided not to pay taxes anymore.

Is he 81 years old? He’s like,
I’ve paid a taxes for 80 years.

I’m not paying taxes anymore.

You guys go screw
yourself. Tax official shows

up. He’s like, you know
what? I’ve got to run

him down with my car. I
got a hunting rifle in the back.

Whatever. Like, who’s
going to stop me?

I’m 81 years old. I go to
jail. How long do I go to

jail for a life? Life could
be like three more years.

Guy’s going to be arrested
for driving without a license.

So that’s not a very big thing.

Like he get in
trouble. You get a fine.

I don’t know how much trouble
you actually get in for driving

without a license. He was
driving a car and a motorcycle.

Technically, two
different licenses.

But again, I think it
would just be rolled into

one thing, driving
without a license.

You pay a fine. I think
that’s pretty much it.

The police know where this
guy is. So they show up to a hotel.

He’s staying at with
a girl. They show up at

7.20 a.m. I think that’s
perfect time to show up.

I mean, that is like the
guy’s up and he’s around,

but he’s not really
aware and ready for like a

kerfuffle, which is exactly
what’s going to happen

when the police show
up. Please bang in the door

like hey, where the
cops cut lettuce in.

He decides in his underwear to
jump off the third story balcony,

hit the ground and run
away. There is so much

in that sentence,
though. So first of all,

he’s in his underwear.
And he’s like, I don’t have

time to put on anything
else. I’m just going to go.

I’m on the third story.
I can make that jump.

I’m like, that would already
be a hesitant thing for me.

I know three stories
isn’t technically that

much, but it’s also a
lot at the same time.

I’m assuming he’s hitting
the ground. Even if it’s a

grass, it’s not going
to be like cushiony soft.

That’s going to be
really, really rough.

But then he gets up from
the jump and just runs away.

So no twisted ankle, no
broken foot, no nothing

that either that or
his adrenaline so high,

he’s able to run through it. I’m just
kind of shocked by the whole deal here.

He was suspected of being
part of under you under you is

a semi organized
group of criminals now.

I actually had her story last
week where we talked about a

semi organized gang. And I was
really unclear on how that works.

This one I’ve heard of before.

This is basically a loose
gang of individuals who

are willing to commit
crimes and what they do is

connect on social media
when they are in the same area.

They commit a crime
to it with each other

and then they separate.
So it’s very hard for

the police to track down
the entire gang or any sort

of network because the
network is always changing

because I commit a crime
with you and then I move

on to another thing. And
then on the social media

I connect with someone else.
I commit a crime with them.

And then I get
the support I need.

I get to commit the
crimes. But then none of

us are actually tied to
each other too closely.

So it actually depends
on how active you are,

how dangerous you are.
So he was suspected of

being one of these guys.
They didn’t actually have

as much proof, but they
did have proof that he

it was driving without
a license. So that’s what

they were going to pick
him up for because he was

a member of this disorganized organized
crime, which is a great way of saying it.

11 cops were waiting
for him. Now the thing

is, what do you do?
You surround the building,

you sort of get sort
of people in the area,

that kind of thing because
you only need two or

three cops to take
one guy into custody.

When he jumps out the window
off the balcony, off he goes,

there were no cops out there.

They did not expect him to
jump out the balcony and get away.

So they had no cops
sort of around that side

of the building. I guess
they were all around

the front door expecting
him to use the front

door very politely as
they just walked him out.

He got away. There were 11 cops waiting
for him and he still got away. Secondary,

the cops all they have to do is put out an
APB on guy running around in his underwear.

And it’s going to be pretty obvious.
Like they should be getting calls.

Hey, I just saw a dude run
down my street in his underwear.

Hey, there’s a guy
in his underwear in

this convenience store
buying pants or something.

I can’t, can you buy
pants? I think you probably,

you can buy t-shirts
in underwear and socks.

I don’t know if you can buy
pants. Maybe you can buy shorts?

I don’t know. You can
buy almost a full thing

of clothing and it can
be in the store in Japan.

That is how Japan
convenience stores aren’t

literally more convenient
than anywhere else.

But at the end of the
day, this guy got away

and I got to say like
I rip on criminals a lot

of ninja news Japan. But
I got to tell you, I do have

some respect for this
guy who if he’s going to be,

he’s one of the better
criminals we’ve had on the show.

Okay, December
15th, a body was found.

It has been drowned. The
police suspected suicide,

but then they turned out
there was no real motive.

Like this guy didn’t
seem particularly

depressed when they
started looking into his life.

They’re like, there’s
no real reason for

this guy to have killed
himself. So now they’re

like, we got to figure
out if maybe there’s some

foul play at hand 10 days
after his death, a friend

of his takes 160,000 yen
out of his bank account.

That’s like a thousand
bucks, let’s say.

So the police are like, Hey,
why do you have access to

his bank account? Why
are you taking money out

of his bank account?
He’s been dead for 10 days.

That seems a little
suspicious. The man claims

he held the bank card
and obtained consent

before taking the money
out. He had the bank

card for sure because
he had to have the bank

card to actually get it,
but did he obtain consent?

This is now when it
gets really suspicious.

Why are you, how do
you have consent to take

money out of this dead
guy’s bank account?

Did you get consent
before or after he died?

That kind of thing. He did have
the number and he claims to

have been managing
this guy’s finances for

quite a long time. So
there’s actually like,

this is again, very
good crime if it’s a crime

because we actually 100%
don’t know if it’s a crime.

So this is to me, one
of the more interesting

bits of this, they say
they became friends 30

years ago because
they both like baseball.

So they were at baseball
games, they saw each other,

they started talking, they hung out, they
watched baseball at the same bar, whatever,

they became friends
over baseball 30 years ago,

they’ve been friends
for a very, very long time.

The friend was the beneficiary
of the dead man’s life insurance.

Life insurance doesn’t often pay
out if you commit suicide though.

So that’s actually a sole other
sort of issue. If he murdered

this guy for the life
insurance, then he had to

make it look like an
accident, whereas the police

immediately assumed suicide
because he was pushed into a river.

So that’s kind of the
first issue that I have.

I’m like, this is, is it murder or was it
an accident? Because it was a murder,

it wasn’t planned out
well enough, whereas this

guy seems to have had
access to everything else.

So it seems like he would
have been in a position

to make a good plan. They’ve
been friends for 30 years.

He trusts him completely.

He did actually seem to
trust him with his finances.

It actually would have
made more sense to rip

him off bit by bit since you
have access to his finances.

And then if you were going to try
to kill him for the insurance payout,

pushing me into a river
does seem like suicide in

Japan because it’s going
to be like jump in front

of a train, jump into a
river. These are pretty

fundamental ways to
kill yourself in Japan.

One month before the
man drowned, the friend

asked how he would
collect on the life insurance.

So that’s another very suspicious thing
to ask immediately before someone dies.

So this is, again, this pushes
it more towards murder.

But at the same time, the
guy had so much control over

the other guy’s life, the dead man’s life.
It seems like it’s, there, there’s so much

accessibility. It
seems suspicious.

But what if he actually
is doing the thing he said,

and the thing he said was like he was helping
take care of this guy as he got older,

he was getting out of shape. So we used
to go down to the river, work out together.

I, because he stayed at
home and never did anything.

I took care of his finances.

I helped no, he sounds like during
the 30 years, he was a very good friend.

And then near the end of the time, it
becomes suspicious because if this was an

accident, the suspicion
would naturally lay

like go towards this guy. To me, the most
suspicious aspect of this is that the man,

they were apparently
seeing each other all the time.

This man dies, and the
friend wasn’t the one

who called the police.
To me, that is the one that

pushes it towards murder
more than anything else

because it was 10 days
after the death, he took money

out of the bank. That
means he hadn’t had contact

with his friend, he loves and
manages his finances and whatever.

Over the last 10
days, that’s a very

long period of time not to
have contact with someone

you’re so close with and
then not get suspicious

and call the police. So
if he wanted to do this

murder correctly, he needs
to play into the fact that

he was essentially a
caretaker of his friend for the

last X amount of years,
and he is the one who would

be most likely to report it
to the police and therefore

get the police on the
track. But the problem is

then you are opening the
case. Maybe he was just

hoping he would disappear
and nobody would notice.

But then again, how
do you collect on the life

insurance if no one
knows the guy is dead?

So there’s a lot of question marks in this
one. I am going to follow up on this case

very carefully as
much as I can because I

actually think there might
be enough doubt here

that the man doesn’t get
prosecuted, which in the

case, he would still have
access to the bank accounts.

I don’t know how that
gets shut down in Japan or

not, but he could take out
as much as he wants now.

I guess the police probably at this point
have already taken the cash card away.

But it seems like he
has messed up this plan if

he actually did it, but
there is a big question mark.

Maybe he didn’t
actually do it, which is

what great murder
mysteries we’re all about.

If you want to join the
show for a segment, you

want to do a quiz, you
want to do some Japanese,

you want to do some fun stuff,
you want to just chat with me.

I would love to have
you on the show.

You can send a
message to speak pipe up.

You can send a message to

and email to chunkmanbeefchestergmail.com.
I love interacting with anybody.

That’s actually not true.
I gotta stop being so fucking literal.

I do love interacting with
everyone who enjoys the show.

That might be the
caveat that I need.

Interaction with people who listen
to the show is very motivating for me.

So I actually was like,
I gotta work tomorrow.

I was like, I just won’t
do an episode this week.

I got the message from Graham.

I’m really motivated to try to
get an episode out this week.

So your interaction helps me
produce more and better shows.

So thank you to
everyone who’s listening.

And if you want to be
on a segment, if you want

to just chat, if you
want to send a question,

speakpipe or Gmail, links
are in the description.

The link tree,
hopefully is all working.

I’m actually going to go
check that again right now.

If you want to join the
Discord, it’s not very active yet.

But again, I’m sort of just building
it from scratch at the moment.

And thank you for listening.
Thank you for giving me your time.

And if you listen to this one, you’re
going to sleep. It’s creepy, creepy time.