A youtuber gets in trouble, some foreign people don’t know how to behave, our presenter is super woke and doesn’t look at cosplay, the Avengers can not be top in Japan and cell phones are surprisingly interesting.
Category: Podcast
NNJ 70: The NNJ Perfect Man
A survey was done, totally scientifically, so we now know what the perfect man is to a Japanese woman. Also, it’s not me.
There are problems with beer, and there is always more underwear theft.
NNJ 69: The first Episode of Reiwa
It is a new era in Japan and Ninja News Japan kicks it off with the magical episode number of 69.
We hit all the Japanese things, robots, porn stars, vacations and cops not knowing how to drive.
NNJ 68: Bosuzo what?
The bosuzoku, what is it? Listen to find out, and also, how they aren’t good at getting handcuffs off.
Schools be cray cray up in here. Seriously, they go too far.
We are almost done with the Maho Yamaguchi saga, because she’s audi.
Breaking Bad may be a real thing that happened here in Japan and don’t throw things.
NNJ 67: Idols and scams
MUFG comes out with the blandest cryptocurrency ever.
The idol news just won’t stop, can’t stop, more lyrics from a song I don’t know well enough to base jokes on.
A minister gets fired, which just makes you wonder how he had kept his job for so long anyway.
The new era brings with it a new set of scams.
NNJ 66:Poop Protest Video Game Criminal
We got some Sumo dude stealing everyone’s thunder, 2 kids and some poop, crime developments, video game criminals, and people protesting stuff they cannot change.
The world is as it is.
NNJ 65: A new Ninja News Japan Era
A man uses snail mail in the worst way possible. There are several forms of harassment discussed. Hooters isn’t involved in either, but there is still trouble brewing.
A new era has come to Japan, where Ninja News Japan is the main source for information.
NNJ 64:Send me on that trip
The Maho Yamaguchi story that will not die and we’re hoping it doesn’t .
Someone speaks out about their parents giving them a dumb name, then starts over.
The government fails at business again.
Our host wants to do some vice style investigation.
NNJ 63: That costume crime
Pachinko is on the decline, is there any way to make it happen faster?
What happens when you cheat on your spouse in Japan? Someone gets sued. Drugs…Lots of drugs.
A man only breaks into houses in specific situations and that leads to some dark psychological revelations.
Also, your host has some weird body hair.
NNJ 62: Back that attitude up
Two Naked men.
Two marijuana stories.
Two sex stories.
Man, this podcast has it all.