Erotic Google Drive

(upbeat music)

Update on the Johnny’s
and Associates scandal.

Oh, just to update what the story is,
Johnny Keetagawa founded an agency

that does little pop idol bands, mostly
boys, and he was diddling a bunch of them.

Then he died and then people found out,

which actually, this is maybe
the bit that pisses me off

is that he doesn’t, they’re
actually not blaming him.

Seems somehow wrong.

Like it’s almost like
he died and lived his life

in the horrible way he wanted
to live, but he got away with it.

Whereas the people
now, I don’t know how

guilt, I mean, a bunch
of them are complicit.

So they should at least
be fired, probably arrested,

other things like that, but
it’s not gonna happen either.

Johnny’s and Associates is
going to rebrand into smile up.

So if you were abused by Johnny Keetagawa,
just smile up and everything will be fine.

The new company, smile up, is going
to focus on compensating the victims,

which I assume, I mean, that is
probably one of the better outcomes.

At least they’re doing something
they’re obligated to do something.

But it’s okay.

So the next bit is that there’s a new
talent management company will be created.

So Johnny’s and Associates
was a talent management company.

They’re saying we’re taking that
company and making it into smile up,

which is going to compensate
the victims of Johnny Keetagawa.

Then we’re going to make a
new talent management company.

So they’re not, they’re
making a new company in the

hopes of distancing themselves
from Johnny Keetagawa.

They’re saying the company
we have, we’re going to rename.

And that company is going to focus on.

the recompense.

Yeah, a little torn.

I feel like this company
should not be allowed to exist.

But it’s only because I
don’t know who’s in charge.

Like if they got rid of everyone
and swapped everyone out

and like, okay, we’re
going to make a company

to fix the things and make a new company
that manages pop idol bands with oversight.

Maybe that’s okay.

There are still young men who
want to grow up and be pop idols.

So they shouldn’t have
their dreams crushed,

but they also shouldn’t be diddled
by old men like Johnny Keetagawa.

And that’s the bit that needs to
be said more than anything else.

Johnny Keetagawa was diddling little boys.

He was an abuser.

He was taking advantage of his position.

He was a horrible, horrible man
and deserved to be shamed in life.

He deserved to feel his whole
world come down around him.

And that did not happen.

So that to me is the core injustice

that is not being addressed
because we can’t because he died.

So it’s bugging me
that he got away with it.

So all these new companies and
stuff, they don’t mean anything to me.

So the new talent management company,
they’re like, we got to get a name.

And then the guy who’s
president is like, well, we

should be one of like,
maintain the founders element.

Like he’s like, maybe he
wants to put Johnny in

it, which I’m like, dude,
you should be saying.

Johnny Keetagawa was
a disgusting human being

who did old little boys
who wanted to be famous.

And he’s like, no, no, we want to do that.

And then the statement, this
actually statement piss me off.

What is important is that
it represents the energy

and pride that the
performers have cultivated.

But, again, what you’re
saying is like saying this

guy who abused his
position, who abused people,

that’s not as important as these performers
cultivating all their energy and stuff.

It’s like they’re trying
to pass, okay, this is it.

They’re trying to pass by the issue.

They’re trying to just like pretend,

oh, Johnny Keetagawa’s dead, so
I guess it doesn’t matter anymore.

He wasn’t the only one.

I mean, there are more than one victim.

If you want to know exactly,

there were 478 victims, 325
are seeking some kind of redress.

Ah, man, I don’t know.

If they would stand up and say, Johnny
Keetagawa is gross, horrible, awful.

I think I would be more okay
with what they’re doing now.

But the fact that they
are not addressing the

core issue, they’re
letting the core issue go.

It’s really not sitting right with me.

So like your new company, I
don’t know, what does it represent?

Does it represent what
Johnny Keetagawa represented?

We don’t know because you’re not
denouncing what has already happened.

You’re not taking responsibility for it.

I don’t know what I actually expect.

It’s an entertainment company
and they’re inherently abusive.

But when you have kids, people
try to ask you challenging questions.

They’re usually really stupid.

And my daughter wanted
to, for a little while,

she wanted to do like
not like an idol thing.

She wanted to do like modeling
in like magazines and I said,

no, and it’s not that the modeling
in magazines is inherently abusive,

but the people who are attracted
to that are abusive people.

It’s like the argument like video
games make people violence.

I have played video games my entire life.

It has not made me violent.

I think violent people
will be attracted to

video games because
there is violence there in.

Just like a girl wanting
to be in a magazine and

model and stuff, isn’t
inherently manipulative,

but manipulative people are going
to be attracted to that industry.

So that was my concern.

If the industry had integrity, I wouldn’t
have problem with it, but this is it.

The Johnny Kitagawa scandal
shows that the industry,

because everyone was
complicit, doesn’t have integrity,

which is why I wouldn’t
want my kids or anyone

kids to actually go
into it on their terms.

If there’s another way
you could do it on your

terms, then I actually
think it would be fine.

(phone ringing)

This is a little more
uplifting, which is nice.



Ah, Q-Shoo.

On September 28th, so it’s been a very
hot month, that’s not actually important.

Solar power exceeded the need of the
area and some places got free electricity,

and it may continue into
October and November afternoon.

So, Q-Shoo, very bright place, very sunny.

So the perfect kind of
environment for solar panels,

where I live, I don’t know if
it’s good or not, but not Q-Shoo.

Q-Shoo is a very, very sunny place.

Supply and demand have to be balanced.

This is something I didn’t know.

If supply is higher, and
they have to shut down

the machines, that actually
damages the equipment.

So the ideal for solar
panel is that the supply

and demand are equal
as equal as they can be.

There’s also the issue of the inability

to really store the electricity
generated for long term.

So this is maybe to me,
the issue with solar power

at the moment is solar panels
are great, but we need a solar

panel battery so that the
light, the energy it collects

can be stored for use
when it isn’t as sunny.

It’s actually the reason that in Q-Shoo,

they also use nuclear
power plants, the supplant.

So they’re like flip back
and forth, depending on need.

Houses have smart meters,
and they help with distribution.

It’s really important that the smart meter

can tell you how much
they’ve used in the

past, so they can
actually kind of calculate

how much you’re probably
gonna use today, tomorrow.

If they can do that for the whole city,

they can make sure that everything
is in balance and maintain this stuff.

But it is nice to see something
like solar power being successful.

I think it was in Scotland.

I forget what, there
was a different story,

’cause it wasn’t an
English-used pen story.

Didn’t write it down.

I’m pretty sure it was Scotland.

One of their wind farms created
an excess of electricity as well.

So these green power solutions,
as they improve over time,

are becoming more efficient, are becoming
more, I mean, they’re filling the needs,

and they’re not doing it by
destroying the environment as much.

Again, there’s always some to create

all the facilities, the
wind I’ve been in the past,

very serious about the
difference between a windmill.

And it was solar and
in a wind power turbine.

There you go, my words were gone.

In a wind turbine, I’ve
actually been very technical

on that because of an
activity we do at work.

And suddenly wind turbine
was gone from my head,

so I guess I can’t be
as judgmental in the

future, but I’m gonna
be because that’s my job.

As nice to see these technologies moving
forward, supplying enough energy for areas,

and that plus other energy
sources is gonna be amazing.

Hopefully it will fix some of the problems.

Japan just had the hottest
September on record.

It was up an average of 2.6 degrees,

and that I know people are still
trying to argue climate change.

I guess the argument has changed.

It used to be climate change is real.

Now they’re saying, well,
the climate change is all

the time, and there’s
nothing we can do about it.

And there absolutely is
something we can do about it.

(upbeat music)

Nagoya City in Japan.

So we talked about this before.

They’ve tried to encourage
people not to walk up and down

escalators while they’re in motion, ’cause
they’re worried about people falling down.

They get off balance and stuff, so
what they want is you to stand on it,

hold onto the rail, go up to
the top, everyone’s happy.

Nagoya has begun a city-wide ordinance,

making you are not allowed
to walk in the escalator.

They have done a very Japanese
thing, so they’ve made a rule,

but if you break the rule,
there is no punishment.

So if you come to Nagoya
and you walk up the escalator,

maybe an official will come to
you and go, no, no, don’t do that.

Maybe someone will look at you in a dirty
way, but you won’t actually be penalized.

Maybe that maybe a cop
would talk to you and say,

do you know it’s a rule
that you can’t do that?

And you just say no, and they’ll be
like, well, it is, so don’t do it again.

It is the first city in Japan
to make it an actual ordinance.

They do have many rules in
Japan that come with no punishment,

which makes it very hard in
my mind to enforce the rule.

It’s not like I think it should have a
heavy punishment or anything like that,

but if you have no punishment, then people
are not going to really respect the rule.

(upbeat music)

The Japan government is seeking to
dissolve the unification church in Japan.

It’s primarily because
of a probe into donations

that ruin families,
and they had a story

about trading kids and
other questionable practices.

But the one, so the trading kids
one is actually very hard to prove,

because the parents who raised the
kid are gonna just say, that’s my kid,

and you can’t force DNA
tests in their free society.

I was about to say,
unfortunately, but I guess it’s

fortunate I don’t want people,
I don’t know what I want.

I live in this weird, I live in this weird

in between world, where when
you know it’s bad and they’re

doing bad things, I want you
to go and be able to prove it,

but then also I want them to follow
rule of law and not break the law.

So I guess if I had to have
the debate in the argument,

I would actually fall
on the side of the law,

prove the things you can
actually prove, we should

not be like, er, civil
rights and stuff at all.


Anyways, this all stems from Prime Minister,
former Prime Minister Abe being shot,

and the guy who shot him
was angry about the unification

church, his mother had
given massive donations

to the church and ruined
his family financially.

He didn’t actually intend
to attack the Prime Minister.

He thought there was going
to be a unification church leader

at the speech where the Prime
Minister was and there it wasn’t

one, so he decided, well,
here’s my opportunity, he does it.

So this is the scary part,
this is actually the scary part.

It actually started a
probe into the church.

His story came out and then people started
looking at the church and looking at this.

And then people started
coming forward and saying,

“Yes, the church does abuse donations,
“they do pressure you, they do all.

“these things, they do manipulate people

“into taking all their
money, they do ruin families.”

And now the government’s acting on it,
so in a weird way, and I actually feel like

you shouldn’t say this
out loud, he was successful.

As he got the government
to look at the church

and now the government
is looking at the church

and they’re talking about
dissolving the church.

What this means is that
the church is dissolved,

it means it will
lose its tax benefits.

So it just becomes a corporation, but
it has to pay taxes, and for a religion,

the free money, the non-taxable
money, is how they survive.

It’s why these churches
are so focused on money

’cause they can get as much
as they can, they can hoard as

much as they can, and they
can create programs and whatnot

to actually expand their
church and get more money.

So that’s what it’s all about.

I don’t let people tell you otherwise.

Historically speaking, the
reason the Japanese government

can dissolve a religious
group is it’s clearly found,

it has clearly been found to do
harm to public welfare substantially.

So you could do a little public
harm and you wouldn’t get in trouble,

but if you do a lot of public
harm, substantial public harm,

they can dissolve you,
you lose your tax benefits.

Historically speaking, only two
cults have been dissolved so far.

The most famous one was the Alm Cult, AUM,

back in 1995, they did
the Sarin Gas Attack.

It was a Dunes Day Cult,
so they released this gas

onto a subway and it
killed a bunch of people

who made a bunch of
other people really sick.

I read a book on it, it’s pretty horrible.

The people who survived, so the Sarin Gas.

The problem is they suffer from

essentially like pain and
headaches and stuff all the time.

And initially everyone
was very sympathetic.

This was maybe the weirdest
part of the book for me.

Everyone was very sympathetic at first.

Then two years later when you’re like,

I have a headache because of the Sarin
Gas Attack that happened two years ago.

People have lost their sympathy.

They’re like, well, I was two years
ago, you must be over it by now.

But it is a chronic result
of inhaling the Sarin Gas.

Nothing can do about it.

And then so these people are like, my life,
in a weird way has been ruined because

there’s no physical,
you can’t look at me and

say, yes, he was attacked,
something happened.

I can feel internal pain
from now until the day I die.

And that is terrifying to me.

And then the people around
you, they were sympathetic.

But first, oh my God, you
were part of this horrible thing.

And then a couple years later, like,
could you just shut up and aches?

And I understand both sides.

It is, that is an absolute nightmare.

The Prime Day is a big
important Amazon day.

I think we’ve all partaken.


We have all partook in
Prime Day in the past.

I’m not a homers know sure.


You have partaken, I
guess, would be the problem.

Partook is quite fun to say.

33 workers have decided to halt deliveries

because of non-payment
of Prime Day incentives.

Of course, Prime Day means
there are more packages.

Usually in this area, they average
about 90 packages a day back in 2021.

It kind of went up during the pandemic

because people were
ordering more stuff online.

On the busy days, like, Prime Day,
they can get 200 packages a day.

So more than double
the regular amount of work

they have to do, they have to bust out
in the day to make sure people are happy.

They were supposed to get benefits.

So you incentives to work this day.

And then there was non-payment
from, this is a subcontractor.

So you can’t blame Amazon directly,

but also, I mean, because
Amazon’s been in the news,

because there are people
who want to strike and there are

people who want to unionize
and is being problem clearly.

Things connected to Amazon.

This is what I’m noticing.

So the Johnny Keetigawa
story from the beginning

of the story in this
story, it’s these big

companies and just
the tendrils that go out.

They infect other companies.

And these other companies like, oh,
well, I’ll take the incentive for Amazon.

I won’t pay the subcontractor workers.

They’ll just get the regular
pay and I get to keep that extra.

There’s a complicit nature in these
other companies to profit and benefit.

And they don’t want
to take care of a worker.

We live in a shit world.

I’ve done a couple of CMEBs on
capitalism and not anti capitalism,

but I don’t think the
capitalism we live in right now

is real capitalism, because real
capitalism needs to be controlled.

And that’s actually the problem.

It’s not.

These people talk about free capitalism,
but free capitalism leads to monopolies.

And these monopolies,
the FEC, I don’t know.

F’s, federal trade
commission, FTC in America,

they’re actually accusing Amazon of
being a monopoly on the online space now,

because there’s no company
that come up and take its place.

So they might break them up
or talk about breaking them up.

And that is the natural state.

Companies, they try to gain as much power

and push other companies
out and create a monopoly.

But that’s when it’s not capitalism
anymore, because there is no competition.

Capitalism, the fundamental
aspect of it is competition.

So the government actually
needs to step in and regulate,

essentially how big
these companies can get,

but they’re not doing that because
of our capitalist society and whatnot.

And then these companies
are now paying the politicians.

You know, the deal.

I don’t know if I really
have to explain this again.

But I think what we’re living in at
the moment is not real capitalism.

And that’s maybe the issue.

Because real capitalism, I
guess there’s no real things.

Like true communism, true capitalism,
those things don’t really happen.

We always get some bastardization of it.

But you can’t have true
capitalism without a significant

amount of regulation,
which seems antithetical,

but it’s necessary to make sure
that you don’t get monopolies.

Oh, we’re getting into creepy news,
which is super fun for everybody.

Japan users have begun reporting
that their Google Drive accounts

are getting banned, restoring
erotic anime and adult content.

I didn’t even think about it.

Like I have a Google, I
have a Google Gmail account.

You can send a message to

It will come to me.

It comes with a Google Drive.

So you get whatever the 2, 3, 15 gigs.

I forget how many gigs it is.

It’s just free.

So of course you’re going to use it.

And if you want to like,
I don’t want to keep this

dirty, dirty stuff,
that’s essentially illegal.

Because you got to remember like
uncensored stuff is illegal in Japan.

The erotic anime probably is uncensored.

And that’s illegal in Japan.

So I don’t want to keep
that on my computer.

So I’ll keep it in my Google
Drive where no one can look at it.

But Google probably has spiders and
bots and things searching through it.

So I bet a person– maybe
the bot would report back like a

suspicious thing and then a
person goes in and looks at it.

You agree to that in
your terms and services.

This is just stuff I hadn’t thought of.

So this was very interesting to me.

Because if I was going to keep erotic
material somewhere, it wouldn’t be on my PC.

It would be in the cloud
what I would imagine

to be secure that other
people couldn’t access.

And then I realized, oh shit,
there’s the company could access it.

And they don’t want to get
in trouble for storing child porn

or adult content that’s illegal
like in Japan uncensored porn.

That’s a bad place to keep it.

There was a helpful user on Twitter.

I should start switching over to X.

There’s a company in Florida
called X that is suing Twitter.

And so it’s going to
depend how that rules out

whether or not we end
up calling it X or not.

So this user on X decided to like, just
make sure everyone knows what’s up.

So Google do not use it for storing
your erotic anime and adult content.

Drop box.

Not safe for work material is OK.

It’s a long established company.

So it seems like the good choice.

There is a storage site called
Mega, not safe for work materials OK.

But how long will the company last?

It’s one of those considerations.

Like it’s not a long founded company,

which doesn’t mean it’s
going to last for a long time.

P Cloud is expensive,
but it lasts a long time.

So essentially you buy space on P Cloud.

You can keep it forever.

It’s not safe for work.

He put questionable so their
policy isn’t super clear about

whether you can store not safe
for work material on their servers.

There’s a company called Box.

It’s expensive and you
cannot store not safe for work.

So this was interesting.

So this guy actually did the work.

He’s like, oh, I’m going
to find all the services

where you could
store stuff on the cloud.

And then can you store erotic anime there?

And you have to pay how
long is the service going to last?

How respectable is the service?

And then he said, just a helpful tip.

A helpful tip for our
porn friends out there.

Don’t forget to zip and password
protect your data, which is good advice.

I mean, I’m being really honest.

And again, this is someone who
cares a great deal about their data.

And in a weird way cares about your data.

So of course, zip– he actually
said, double zip and password protect.

And I was like, wow, that is a lot of work.

Because I probably at this stage
wouldn’t be storing stuff online.

I would just find it online.

And then it’s not as
directly connected to me.

Now I’m thinking about how to do it.

You get a VPN so it
doesn’t keep your location.

And you just go on to Reddit or Twitter.

And I mean, let’s face it, the foundation
of those websites is pornography.

You probably don’t think about it.

Like, if you don’t go to Reddit for porn,

you probably don’t realize 50%,
60% of that website is pornography.

And Twitter is the same.

You probably, if you don’t go there
for porn, you don’t see any porn.

But if you start looking
for porn, there’s tons of it.

I would say that’s actually half.

Not a kind of one.

How much of Reddit is pornographic?

Safe for work– Oh, stop it.

Safe for work is 78%
not safe for work is 22%.

So that– OK, that’s a
lot less than I expected.

But it is showing you a significant portion
of that website is actually pornography.

13% of Twitter is pornography.

13% of all tweets–

they can’t monetize those tweets
or a sell or put ads or whatever.

That’s what I mean.

I actually thought those numbers would
be higher, but it’s still significant.

If you creep you creep you person and you
want to keep your creepy, creepy images,

you have to be really
careful about doing

it with, I assume, a
creepy, creepy company.

The new Johnny’s an associate’s
company might be the right place for you.

OK, our last two stories.

They’re kind of– the
stories themselves are

just, again, gross
people doing gross things.

But it was the reasoning that I enjoyed.

Because, again, an
unexpected theme popped up

when I started looking at
the dirty stories this week.

The police knew the tenant.

It was decided on a bus and
he was sitting there so late.

And he brushed his arm past
her and he touched her booby.

And then he’s like, hmm, I’m going to
keep my hand here on this lady’s booby.

And the lady was like,
well, that’s not cool.

So she gets off the bus and
that even he calls the police.

She’s like, this guy touched my booby.

They went on to the bus.

The bus had a camera on
it and they found his face.

They found his train pass.

I see card thing and they could
trace where he was figure out who was.

Lieutenant in the police.

They arrested him, brought him in.

He was requested to resign.

So he was given the initial punishment

of a one-tenth pay cut for three
months, which is fucking nothing.

They didn’t want to fire him.

They requested he resign.

He did resign.

But when he was
arrested, he said, I felt

happy when my arm
touched the woman’s breast.

So I maintained that position.

It’s the– maybe the warped idea
of, well, this is making me happy.

Therefore, it’s OK.

Or this is making me happy.

Therefore, I assume it’s
making her happy because

I’m the most important
person in the world.

I don’t– I would like–
there’s something I want

to drill down into the
minutiae of that mentality.

Of this makes me happy.

Therefore, it’s acceptable.

Or this makes me happy.

Therefore, it’s not a bad thing.

Or this makes me happy.

I like it.

Therefore, they should be OK
with it, even if they don’t like it.

Something like that.

I’m a little torn on what.

I would like a little more explanation.

But I found that to be the weakest
excuse or reason for doing something

because, yeah, there’s lots of
things that would make me feel good.

Make me happy.

But if it doesn’t make the other
person happy, that’s why it’s illegal.

You think a police lieutenant
may understand that.

All right.

So 4am.

It’s 4 o’clock in the morning.

What are you doing?

I’m– I’m never up at 4am.

This is another reason
I’m not going to ever

be like the master
criminal I aspire to be.

Because I think to really
do good crime, you got

to be like a 3, 4, 5am
person, which I’m not.

I would have to like
re-organize my life in a

completely different way
to be a really good criminal.

4am, this guy’s like, what I want
to break into a high school gym.

We did.

Now, the alarm went off the
police arrived and he was arrested.

Turns out this is the
third time he’s been

arrested for breaking
into high school gyms.

The other two times, he stole
some high school girl shoes.

There have been other break-ins
and gyms where shoes have been stolen.

Police are connecting these.

Pretty logically, again,
good detective work.

And they’re trying to see if he’s
done this more than three times.

There’s three times he’s been caught.

But they’re thinking maybe
it’s been more than three times.

He was arrested and they were like,
hey, you’ve been punished for this twice.

Why do you break into high
school gymnasiums and steel shoes?

And he said, because
I like high school girls.

And honestly, I can’t
really argue with his logic.

Have you covered this guy before?

Have you covered this guy before?

It is very possible.

Is this the school desk guy?

No, the school desk guy is different.

This guy, so the school
desk guy, what he wanted

to do was recreate a high
school classroom in his home.

And then he didn’t just buy stuff online.

He wanted authentic high school stuff.

OK, now we all know this
is creepy, creepy stuff.

This is creepy dudes being creepy.

I thought the thing
to did, the high school

recreation in his home, which is
like serial killer level psycho stuff.

He’s in there alone.

So he’s not doing
something in the classroom.

So to me, the terrifying
part of the guy who

wanted to seal the
desk, get them into his

room to create a high
school room is that he

then would have needed
a next step to finalize

whatever his fantasy and his
mind was, which is terrifying.

This guy stealing shoes exclusively.

So I’m going to assume
that he’s taking them

home and satisfying
himself with, again,

I’m going to go ahead and assume the smell
of the shoe is kind of what he’s into.

I may be the touch of the feel.

I don’t know.

I don’t want to get into it.

Ignat’s put into the chat, washing them.

He gets, he just goes
in, watches the shoe,

breaks into the gym
again and puts them back.


That is a criminal I can get
behind somebody who comes

in and just cleans up for
you and then gets away.

His statement, so we
have the police lieutenant

before who said, basically, I was touching
her boob and I liked touching her boob.

Therefore it’s okay.

This guy’s like, I like high school girls.

Why wouldn’t I break into a
gymnasium and steal their shit?

Which is, there’s sort of a mental bit to
this that I think needs to be dealt with.

The fact that the
first guy is a police

lieutenant made that a
little more shocking that

he didn’t understand
sort of the why of the law.

It’s not really about
how he feels about how

the other people feel, but then I
could see like you see this excuse.

It’s when these excuses
come up in tandem that this

guy who you just go straight
up, he’s stealing shoes.

He’s a psycho.

He’s using the exact same reasoning as this
is Luke Tenant, this police lieutenant.

I want to conclusion.

It’s like I want to wrap
up like a sitcom and

have like a lesson
we’ve learned at the end.

Maybe I have to organize it that way.

So we have to learn a lesson.

The lesson we learn
from these two, maybe

creepy guys, is because
I like it or I want it.

That’s not enough to make it okay.


I’m kind of like little
chime to help you

know you realized
you’ve learned a lesson or

maybe the audience goes, “Ugh,
we’ve all learned a lesson together.”


(keyboard clicking).