Mofu Mofu Podcast

(upbeat music)

  • 6.

35 AM.

That’s a very dramatic time.

It’s very specific, very dramatic.

I don’t know why I felt that
way, but as soon as I said 6.

35 AM, I was thinking drama
and the train lines won’t switch.

So the switching tracks won’t
switch, something’s wrong.

Trains have to be stopped.

This causes delays in cancellations.

Driver of a train in the area
gets out of his train, runs

down the tracks to see
what’s wrong with the switches.

A turtle has crawled into the
switch, and as the track tries to switch,

it gets stuck, the turtle
gets stuck, both are stuck.

The turtle is stuck, the switch is stuck.

Everything is stuck.

The man removes the
turtle and fixes the situation.

There were six train
cancellations and five trains

delayed up to an hour,
affecting over 3,000 people.

It’s an interesting problem because
do you turtle proof your trains?

How do you turtle proof your trains?

How can trains be turtle proofed?

How can anything be turtle proofed?

If you have turtles in the world,
can you proof it against turtles?

This is the question we
have to ask ourselves.

This is the eternal question, the
question that maybe can never be answered.

School staff, they have to
plan meals, meal budgeting.

This is really a big thing ’cause
you think it’s not just for a group,

it’s for a school, it might
be for multiple schools.

This is a big job.

One person decided to swap out
thigh meat for breast meat now.

I always buy breast meat.

I guess I am just buying the
cheapest meat on the shelf.

I never even thought about
it, thigh meat might be better.

I mean, I like thighs.

That sounds creepy when I say it.

We’re talking about chickens.

The first year, the price of a school
lunch went from 310 yen down to 296 yen.

That is a 14 yen savings
on every single lunch.

That’s great, the second year, 330
yen was brought down to 280 yen.

That is a 50 yen savings.

This, of course, massive savings.

Again, we’re not talking
about individual lunches.

We’re talking about cumulative over
hundreds, if not thousands of lunches.

There were no complaints.

There are some great savings going on.

So what do you do with that money?

You have bezel it.

That is the only solution.

This person over a couple
of years embezzled 7.

98 million yen.

So I criticize a lot of
the crimes on Ninja Japan.

I criticize them for being overly ambitious

or being poorly planned
out, but this is good crime.

I’m just wondering where
it went wrong exactly,

because stealing tiny amounts consistently
over time if it goes unnoticed.

Again, you can build
up to 7.98 million yen.

Now, let’s be clear, when
we say 7.98 million yen,

for our listeners who don’t
have a full understanding

of what the yen is worth, that is a
really, really good salary for one year.

So they’ve stolen one year salary.

So this isn’t $7 million dollars,
where you could probably,

if you live frugally, live
for the rest of your entire

life after you get like
a million or $2 million.

This is $70,000 or $60,000 of the
current exchange rate, probably.

But I’m still thinking this
was a better way to steal,

because if you can just get
a couple of yen off each lunch

and put that in your pocket,
the problem is I don’t know.

They didn’t explain how the
investigation went to actually get caught.

So what was the mistake
that was made that got the

person caught is the bit I
actually am interested in?

We don’t get that information quite yet.

Of course, you have 7.98
million yen extra sitting around.

What are you going to do?

You go for beauty treatments.

You go for travel.

You go for dog care.

And this is it.

A lot of people who steal
money and they steal money

and then they start living a lifestyle
out of the range of the money they make.

That could have been the
thing that got them noticed.

Like, how are you able to
afford these beauty treatments?

How are you able to afford to travel as
much as you do on the salary you make?

I guess you’re easy to
cover and just say like,

my dad has money and he pays
for it and he just makes me work.

Something like that, I don’t know if
again, these people were that smart.

I think embezzlement is one of those ones
where I think it’s a better crime overall.

But they did get caught.

So if you start embezzling money,
you actually can’t change your lifestyle.

You have to scroll that money
away, put it somewhere else

until you have enough money
to quit the job you have now.

Living the same
lifestyle, this is a problem.

Everyone gets greedy.

You don’t increase your lifestyle.

You want to get enough money
so that you can stop working

and live the same lifestyle
for the rest of your life.

If you can do that, you’ve won the game.

‘Cause now you’re living at the same
standard, but you’re not working anymore.

The person was caught, fired, and then
had to return the full amount of money.

So, I mean, there’s no
jail time involved in this.

This is actually to
me the interesting part.

If there’s no jail
time, I get losing your

job as punishment, but
you can get other jobs.

I don’t know how much they got paid before.

I don’t know what was going on.

Returning the full amount is not
a particularly harsh punishment.

I think they got off really easy.

And it makes a really good case for
embezzlement being the crime of the future.

The highly promoted crime of
Ninja Ninja Japan embezzlement.

(upbeat music)

This actually happened a while
ago, but there’s an element of this,

I’m not going to say
till the latter part of the

story, but there were
seven quasi gang members.

I don’t know what quasi
gang members means already.

They’re kinda in a gang, they’re
in a gang that’s not well organized.

That actually might be what they’re saying,

because I feel like
the organization of this

gang was the core issue
of what was going on.

There were seven members of a quasi gang

outside an Apple store, and
they were having an argument.

And the argument got so
bad, I’m assuming pushing each

other around fighting and
stuff, being like gang members.

Of course, it’s disruption of business.

Woo, obstruction of business.

It’s been a while since we had that.

I actually was thinking,
for the stories we do,

all the, ’cause we have
obstruction of business.

Whenever that comes up, we ding.

Then we need one for to
satisfy my sexual desires,

because that is the non-excuse for
committing any kind of sexual crime in Japan.

I did it to satisfy my sexual drugs.

Almost every time a story comes up and it
involves some kind of like sexual element.

Like I can predict what they’re gonna
say, like I did it ’cause I was horny.

That’s really all they’re saying.

And that’s not an
excuse, it’s not a reason.

So I’m thinking of
making a couple of things

that after they repeat over
the next couple of weeks.

If it’s things I’ve heard many,
many times over the last few

years in New New Japan, I’m
gonna add you to the ding list.

We’re gonna have multiple
dings, hopefully per episode,

’cause it’s fun to keep
track of the lame excuses

people make for doing crimes
and dumb shit all the time.

These quasi gang members
wanted to buy iPhone 15s for resale.

So they’re basically scalping,

or they’re reselling them on
the internet or something else.

They were waiting in line, very
Japanese gang members waiting in line.

They’re waiting in line, and
then they start to get into it.

This gang is called the
Chinese Dragon Gang.

But it consists of Japanese
and Chinese people.

Now they’re probably
Chinese Japanese citizens.

I’m not really sure.

But the two guys who
got into it was a Japanese

guy and a Chinese guy
from the same quasi gang.

So this is why I’m
thinking the organization.

Aspect comes into it,
like, are these two gangs,

sort of the Japanese element and
the Chinese element of the same gang?

But then they sort of form into
little factions within the gang?

I’ve played that video again.

Or has it just been disorganized?

So they’re like, I think I should get
it, and they think they should get it,

and they start fighting
because they’re gang members.

They don’t know how to do it.

The bit they got me.

So this is a bad
organization across the board.

This organization needs better leadership.

And that is where I think
the big failure in this gang is.

The leadership is not clear.

There’s a secondary issue though.

The Japanese dude was 50,
and the Chinese dude was 43.

I understand like reselling
and scamming and stuff.

That is a great way to make money.

But I don’t know, being in a gang,

I guess it’s the word gang to
me has this implication of youth.

And so this 50 year
old still being in a gang

buying iPhones to
resell is kind of like sad.

I’m 52.

I would never want to be in a gang.

I’d want to be in a crew.

I’d want to be in an organization.

I’d want to be sort of moved up higher

in the structure, the
stratosphere of all these things.

Yeah, I think I’m just a little torn on.

I guess this guy’s life has not
worked out the way he wanted it to,

and this is the only option
he has, both these guys.

They’re in their 40s and 50s.

They’re in a quasi gang
arguing over who can

buy more iPhones so
they can resell them.

I assume on the internet.

I mean, that’s pretty much,
I’ve really depressed myself now.

I guess I should look at this
more as, look at how good my

life has turned out because I
sit around podcasting for fun,

as opposed to standing
around fighting with other people

who are supposed to be in the
same gang as me over iPhone 15s.

A doctor has fiance and they break up.

I mean, that happens.

They’re going to get married
something goes wrong and they break up.

The woman then
demands 10 million yen in

compensation for the
breakup of this relationship.

That already seems like a lot.

Like I get doctors make a lot of money,
but because your wedding doesn’t work out,

like if he’s paying for something,
maybe I could understand it,

but it sounds like she was saying,
you took away these years of my life.

We didn’t get married, so you owe me money.

That seems to be a very, it’s a very
sort of Japanese, I don’t know about Asian,

but you pay for a lot of things
in Japan, like just pay money.

When you get married, you don’t
give presents, you give money.

It’s a way better system in that aspect,

but there is a lot of direct monetary
compensation for things that in the West,

we probably wouldn’t even
consider giving money for.

So in this case, I’m
assuming that it’s the time

that she invested in the relationship
she wants that money back,

although she doesn’t really
have given any money in.

I assume, I don’t know
enough about the details.

All we really know is they
were engaged to be married,

broke up, and then she’s
like can be 10 million yen.

Doctors pissed about this, he’s like
why do I have to give you 10 million yen?

Maybe you should give me 10 million yen.

I was the catch in this
relationship, then he posted

on her social media,
probably Twitter or something.

This woman has demanded
10 million yen in compensation

from her ex for the unjust
annulment of their engagement.

That’s a pretty factual statement,
but now she’s suing him for defamation.

So there’s a very interesting
set of criteria here, defamation.

Defamation is when you
make someone look bad.

This case, and it’s a very
serious thing in Japan,

if you go and say things
about people that are

not true on the internet,
they can sue you.

Defamation in the internet in
Japan has become a very big deal.

Now, if the fact is that they broke up
and then she demanded 10 million yen,

and then he just goes and
says this woman demanded 10,

this woman demanded 10 million yen
for this breakup, is that defamation?

‘Cause there is the
added thing, I think that

statement is factual, but
it does make her look bad.

And so if it makes her
look bad, is that defamation?

Now, of course, the
reasonable solution would

be to just not give her
any money and break ties

and just not talk to her,
not try to get back at her.

And then she could
try to sue you for the 10

million yen, but there’s
nothing really to sue for.

We broke up what money
do I owe you for a breakup.

You’ve actually just in a way proven
that we should not have gotten married,

that I couldn’t trust
you in the first place.

Is a factual statement
that makes you look bad,

defamation by Japanese
law is the interesting aspect

of this case that I wanna
see how this plays out,

because there have been lots of cases where
the people did say the negative things,

and they were trying to
make them look bad, and they

weren’t necessarily factual,
so that is clearly defamation.

In this case, he’s just made a simple factual
statement that does make her look bad,

will that end up being
defamation in Japanese court?

(phone beeping)

So we’ve talked several times.

We talked about the,
it really came to light

when it was the little
suitcases you can ride on,

with a little motor in it, and
a lady got arrested for that,

and then there’s the
scooters that you can just rent,

and then ride around electric
scooters, and there’s electric

bicycles, and in Japan, all
these are classified as vehicles.

So you have to wear a
helmet, you’re supposed to

have like signal lights
and all this other stuff.

Tuna stuff that people do.

That brings you into a
secondary issue of drunk people,

there’s a lot of drunk people in Japan,

and they do a lot of fun
things like riding scooters.

I think if I was drunk
and I wanted to get home

and there was an
electric scooter available,

I could see that being like a really
good idea for me to do at the time.

They’ve now had like a year of this,

so they have a year of
data to tell people about,

and I know you love data because
you’re here because I love data.

We’re just a group of data fanatics.

So 17% of accidents involving
electric scooters involved a drunk driver.

That number is way lower than I expected.

I thought 50%.

If you had quizzed me
on, I would’ve gone like 50%

of the people who got an accident
on electric scooters were drunk, 100%.

4.2% of the injured riders wore helmets.

So basically, everyone is getting on
these scooters, not wearing a helmet,

and then when they have trouble, they
get an accident, not wearing a helmet.

They’re getting a lot of injuries.

So some people, when they ride the electric
scooter, they’re not very good at it.

They just sort of fall off.

40% of those people are drunk.

70% of collisions are
with guardrails or poles.

So actually, most of the
time they’re not hitting cars,

they’re not getting into
accidents with other vehicles.

They’re just running into something.

So like the guardrail, the
pole, they just like slam into it.

That’s 70% of the accidents.

So the other 30% probably is like with a
pedestrian, with a car or something else.

30% of the people have not had a license.

So because these are vehicles,

you actually need a driver’s
license to ride the vehicle.

So the electric scooter, the electric
bicycle, all these kind of things,

you’re actually supposed to have a
driver’s license so that you can ride them.

And I think that’s a lot of things people
are ignoring, or they don’t know about.

These are fairly recently,
the last year, rules.

So if you listen to Andrew’s Japan,

you’ll know that it is a law,
you’ll know you should do it.

You still might not,

but at least you’ll know you’ll be
like breaking the law on purpose.

(upbeat music)

Excited to be quizzed on the latest,

Kingley, sexy, absurd stuff
from Ninja News Japan.

Well, this time, the
quiz is a little different.

This time, we did it a little differently.

Just trying to make it sound exciting.

Okay, so today’s quiz
is a slightly different one.

It’s not actually about a new story.

It’s, how is your Japanese?

Let’s start with that.

My Japanese, my listening
is way better than my speak.

My speaking’s pretty
terrible, to be honest.

Me too.

(laughs) For the years I’ve been
here, my level is incredibly low.

I’ve been here like 20 years.

It is ridiculous how poor my Japanese is.

But one thing we do is try to stay up
on language, we know what’s going on.

So I have collected some
new slang or recent slang,

and I wanna see if you can
figure out what they stand for.

Japanese slang?


So if you don’t know, you’re gonna
learn, that’s a nice thing to learn.

You can try it with your students.

And if you know it, that’s even
cooler, ’cause I didn’t know any of these.

So my expectation is very low.

That you’ll have an understanding.

So Japanese has a lot of onomonopia.


Like my, the first one I learned was
Pika Pika, which would be shiny or sparkly.

Is there any of that you know?

I like goto-goto for just rolling around
on your bed, having a lazy afternoon.

Goto-goto is very, very good,
’cause it means doing nothing, yeah.


And koro-koro, which is rolling something.

Oh, like koro-koro, like
so you roll the sushi roll.


So when you’re doing the physical
rolling, I actually didn’t know that one.

Yeah, koro-koro.

And there’s so many, there’s loads.

Yes, there’s, I was looking
online when I got this first one.

There are like 2,000.


Because, ’cause there’s also
regional versions and stuff.

So this is a new one though.

And this is Mofu Mofu.

What do you think Mofu Mofu means?

‘Cause again, all this, you
have to go off the feeling, right?


It feels like it should be something soft.


I think it’s, I’m not sure if I can
say the first thing against mine.


No, no, I’m not doing anything dirty.

Let’s just go, we’ll put
that off the table right now.

None of these are dirty.

This is, it’s new, it’s slangs.

It’s got these young people.

It’s the softness.

It is the old wash of the gallery
man’s shoulder that you fall asleep on.

You have gone too far.

It’s simpler than that.

So you, you actually, when you said soft,

you’re really, really close
already when you say soft.

If you think about like a puppy or
a rabbit or something– Yeah, okay.

Something soft to cheer like that.

Yeah, yeah, I could, I could question.

A pillow.

Fluffy, lovely.

Yeah, and so this is a new one.

This is, if you look in the
dictionaries, even the Japanese

dictionaries, they won’t
really have this one in yet.

It’s Mofu Mofu is fluffy.

There you go, lovely.

The next one, to give you a hint in advance,
is actually comes from an English word.

So we have lots of English words to
get kind of condensed and Japanese.

I should have thought of an
example of this one first as well.

Because there’s so many.

And no, I can’t give you the–
Like, Brad Pitt is– Oh, Brad Pitt?


The one I actually just
thought of was Sekohara,

which we use all the
time on Indonesia Japan,

because there’s lots of
sexual harassment stories.

So sexual harassment becomes Sekohara,

so they shower on it and make
Japanese kata kana sounds.

This is similar.

This is manspu.

What is it?



What is manspu?

Oh, I know it.

It’s either.

It’s one of either.


Manspreading or mansplaining.

It is mansplaining.

Yeah, the fact that you got that as
quickly as you did is very impressive.

So mansplaining, I would
say, probably sort of became

a thing that made two
movement around that time.

We’re talking about like
five years ago, six years ago.

In Japanese news, they
adopted it like 2017, 2018,

but it didn’t get popular until they
shortened it in sort of 2020, 2021.

And now it’s become fairly common.

Manspu is mansplaining.

This one, you will not get.


I mean, maybe if you ask some students,
but it was just a really good word.

So I didn’t want to
like take it off the list.


No, I can’t really give you a
hint because I think it’s just

Japanese words condensed
into other Japanese words.

But Hita, maybe you probably know Hita.

Hita is like bad at something, right?

I bet it’s something.


If we expand that to more of a concept and
it’s going to be discussing a personality.


“Useless is good.

” OK.

If you could get an adjacent word
to “Useless,” I think you’ve got it.

It’s an end of “Useless.

” Unusual.


So now we know what
your English level is, do?

You’re very close.

You’re way closer than
I would have expected.

What’s that, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.

It’s written in Hita Ghana.

So I don’t have any konzi I
could actually give you as a hint.

That’s actually why it was hard for me.

And why I figured no one would get it
if you just didn’t know the word already.

Got it.

Hit that it.

Got it.


Yeah, very good.

OK, so it’s about a person.

So he is, hit that it.

It would be if–
Yeah, so I would say it.

Oh, that guy.

That guy’s hit that it.


So the new guy in the
office– God, he’s hit that it.

Yeah, he’s perfect.

It is an absolute– You have
a food, you can’t do anything.

Yes, he is pathetic, or weak, or nerdy.


So that’s a great word.

I’m really happy I learned
that I’m going to throw that

one around every now and
then to see if anyone notices.

But again, these are
new relatively new words.

So there’s actually a
chance that you say this.

And Japanese people may not know it.

And primarily, younger people will
know these more than older people.

So if you say this to an
older person, there’s a very,

very good chance to be
like, well, that’s not Japanese.

You go, huh, yeah, it is granddad.


Handen your japan card.


So the last one, “Ninja New
Japan” is primarily new show.

And so this is very news-appropriate.

It’s mushy Torah.

So mushy is Japanese.

Torah is Americanized word brought into
the Japanese and condensed the same way.

So do you know the word mushy?

Not mushy, like mushy.

Yeah, so if you have mushy in
a sentence, it’s like, for example.

Ah, mushy kashita.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly.

So that’s the mushy.

That’s the same mushy.

So this is, again, I’ll
give you another hint.

This is political.

So mushy Torah.


Is it Torah input?



An example of Trumpism or something.

It’s very close.

It is what if Trump wins again.

So for example– All right.

So they’re talking about, like,
they had a sentence, a full sentence.

And it was like, for example, if Trump
wins again, this would be bad for Japan.

For example, if Trump wins
again, he’s going to start a war.

That kind of thing.

So that sentence was coming up a lot.

So they condensed it to Mushtara.


So yeah, like I knew segment, they’re

talking about the Asian
Pacific Trade Act or something.

And they’re worried that
Trump will get in and ruin it.

They would say, oh, mushtara.


So I think you should
pull that one out with

your students and see
if they can understand it.

Because I don’t know how common that is.

I know I’ve– it came from the news.

So I’m thinking it actually
has to be fairly common.


Yeah, because it’s– obviously, it’s
just for this political cycle, isn’t it?


So in four years, if Trump is not like–
I assume you can just keep running,

even though he is going
to be like 85, 90 years old.

But he’s clearly not the kind of
personality that’s ever going to give up.

It’ll be interesting.

If he loses, would he try again?

Because he might.

He’s that dumb.

Can you keep trying?

I guess so.

I’m not going to stop.

I found it interesting.

I was thinking about terms and Trump.

So like he had one.

And so this would be a second one.


Because he claims that the election
was stolen and that he should be president.

So I’m like, well, that’s your second term.

So you don’t get a third one in America.

So you’re out.

But yeah, I actually
think he’s the kind of

guy who, even if he’s
approaching 90 years old,

you’d be like, well, I’m
still vibrant and youthful

and I should be able
to run for another term.

He’s certainly not
going to go just like off

into the horizon on a,
on a, on his horse, is it?

Yeah, what if he loses?

Well, this is where
Biden, I actually have like,

you know there’s a certain amount of
pride there because he’s come president.

What him stepping aside was a big decision.

And I think a very good one.

And that’s why it’s sort of
turn this whole thing around.

But yeah, I think most
of that, he can’t do it.

I used to, I used to, for example, Trump
would not be able to do the same thing.


So there’s, there’s a little Japanese
lesson for anyone’s listening.

Don’t be surprised if
you haven’t heard these

words because I hadn’t
heard these words.

My associate Tom has not heard these words.

These are new for everybody.

Get out there, throw them out in the
world and see what comes back at you.

So 54 year old man, it’s 50 year old range.

Seems to be the most dangerous time.

It’s when you sort of like
seem to stop giving a shit.

And so what happens is, I mean,
that age now, like I just don’t care.

Maybe, or maybe that’s going to happen.

It seems like you can get
through your 50s most of the time.

You don’t revert to the sort
of base nature that these other,

like a ton of stories we
do or 50 year old men.

There was a couple of
weeks, like a two month period

where every single week, the joke was a
50 year old man was the intro sentence.

And it was always some
really heinous crime.

This guy’s just hanging out
on his eighth floor balcony.

It’s having a drink.

And then he down on the ground.

There’s an 81 year old man who’s
picking up trash from the street.

So he’s probably looking at him.

They lived in the same apartment.

There’s no known issues
between the two men.

Then suddenly the bottle smashes
on the ground near the 81 year old man.

So the man on the balcony gets arrested.

He says, I threw the bottle,
but I made sure no one was there

where this can be factually proven is
not true because there was a man there.

So you didn’t make sure no one was there

because you threw it and
there was someone there.

So that is sort of me, his initial
statement is already problematic.

So either when he says he’s
checking the people in there,

maybe he really did it,
but he did a really poor job.

So it would be negligent attempted murder.

Or he’s lying and then
it’s attempted murder.

Well, the police, they’re
not taking any chances.

They’re arresting this
guy for attempted murder,

for throwing a bottle off
the eighth floor balcony

and almost hitting this 81 year old
man, especially because previous week,

there was also a similar incident
where the 81 year old man

was down and a bottle
almost hit him in the head.

They don’t know if it was the same
guy, but they’re sure suspicious now.

There’s open air hot springs.

And one of the things you now have to do.

We had a story, it was
like last year or previously,

and it was a man who
had telephoto lenses.

Like he was up in the
mountains taking pictures

of these open air
baths of naked women.

This is the level of
creep these guys get into.

Well, now you also, you not
only have to like get a scope

and check the mountain
range around the open air bath

that you’re in, they’re
actually ruining it.

I like, I guess I don’t care
if you want to take pictures

of me naked, it’s not
particularly big thing,

but I understand a lot of people would
not want their naked pictures taken.

You now have to check the rocks as well.

‘Cause this guy took a
phone, it looked like a phone,

he said it at the camera,
but it looked like a phone,

and he pushed it in,
he made like a rock face

and he built the phone into the rock
face and had a brown covered cable.

So a good camouflage and
then a little couple meters away,

there would be a battery
pack to keep the camera going.

He had multiples of these
and he planted them around

some open air baths so he
could take pictures of women nude.

Now, this is the same guy
who did the telephoto lens thing.

So he was getting like
different angles, different spaces.

A customer noticed the camera.

Now, I’ve seen the rock, it
would have been incredible.

You have to look for it.

So kudos to this lady
who was really on the ball.

I don’t think I would have noticed at all,

I’m also pretty ignorant
of my surroundings.

I probably just would have walked in, you
know, helicoptering to see in what goes on.

You can take those pictures.

I don’t think you’d be able
to sell them on the internet.

I hope they don’t do anything for you.

They probably won’t do anything for you.

The police show up, she calls the police,

it says I found a camera
in this hot spring, the police

show up, they take the camera
and then nothing happens.

So they look on it, they’re like,
“Oh, someone’s taking pictures.

” The guy then turns himself in.

And this is where I get super critical.

So yes, he showed up probably to
collect his camera in his battery pack.

And then he goes, “Oh
my God, they’re gone.

” That means the
police must have them.

So then he turns himself into the police.

This doesn’t mean the police have you.

They don’t have anything on you.

They have a phone, they have a
camera, they have a battery pack.

Are your fingerprints on it?

Probably not, it’s been
outside for an extended period.

So they’re not getting
any fingerprints off it.

He wasn’t really thinking, but maybe
then he’s suddenly racked by guilt.

I don’t know, there’s a
lot of Japanese people

when they sort of get
caught turning themselves in.

And I think that’s bad criminality.

If you’re gonna be a criminal,
you gotta go all the way.

So you don’t turn yourself in.

You make the police do their job.

You have to make them hunt you down.

Now, if you wanna leave clues and tricks

and things to taunt the
police, you can do that.

I think it’s a bad idea, but you can do it.

That’s at least you’re
playing the part of the criminal.

They have to play the part of the police
and actually hunt you down and find you.

Otherwise, what are we paying them for?

The guy turned himself into the police

once he realizes they have his
phone camera thing, his little setup.

The police then find a
thousand plus photos of people.

So that’s not photos, a thousand
individuals, photos of individuals.

So there’s probably three,
four, five thousand pictures,

but a thousand different people have
had their picture taken of them naked.

He was sentenced to two years in prison,
which has been suspended for five years.

They, man, I’m really torn
on this one because this

is a guy who’s like, he’s
put a lot of work into it.

This is organized.

This is someone who’s
put a lot of time and effort.

He’s got the telephoto sit set up.

He’s got the rock set up.

He’s got camouflage.

How is this guy not going
to commit this crime again?

He needs to be punished.

But he has five years if he doesn’t
do anything again, he doesn’t go to jail.

Ah, again, I am torn.

I think maybe I need to go
study some law and specifically

punishments and the
viability of each punishment.

‘Cause he’s violated a
lot of people’s privacy.

He hasn’t technically hurt them directly.

He hasn’t, it doesn’t seem like he’s
been releasing these on the internet.

These seem to be all self use.

If we find out they
were all released on the

internet or something
like that, I don’t know.

I think that levels it up a bit.

I think you should get more
time or punished right away.

I don’t know.

It’s really tough.

Do you have opinions on this?

Should he be punished?

Should he be punished right away?

This is a suspended sentence
acceptable in this situation.

The defending attorney
said that he was showing

real remorse in court
and he did turn himself in.

So that should be taken into account.

And I’m like, that should be
taken into account, but that

just to me would mean you
don’t get the maximum sentence.

It doesn’t mean you
shouldn’t get punished at all,

which actually seems like
this is how it’s turned out.

So if you haven’t opinion on
this, I actually would like to hear it.

How do you, what do you think
would be the appropriate punishment

taking thousands of pictures of
people without their permission?

Send a message to

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If you want to leave a voice message.

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(upbeat music)
