Numerous Defined

(upbeat music)

  • We have several updates to
    previous stories, and it’s good.

It’s good to check in on our old
friends and see how they’re doing.

And clearly one of my favorite
friends, is Sugar Baby Itchy.

Sugar Baby Itchy is one of
the most successful scammers

we’ve actually talked about,
and she just ran the scam of,

“Hey, I’m gonna text you,
make your fall in love with me,

“you send me money, and
then I’m just gonna disappear.

” Between 2021 to 2023, she got guys to
give her 1.55 billion yen that we know of.

‘Cause this is primarily
from three victims.

And she was saying, “Oh, I’m gonna
lose my business, I got family in trouble.

” And then they would say,
“Oh, you know, help pay for that.

” And she would say, “No, no,
no, no, I don’t want you to pay,

“but that again made
it seem more legitimate.

“She didn’t wanna take
money from these guys.

” They had to tease
everything out of her.

We know this because she wrote a
manual and posted that on the internet.

The manual was basically
how to scam men out

of money by making
them fall in love with you.

The sugar baby element of her
name is very, very appropriate.

She also got arrested, and I
think this might be the thing

that got her caught more than
anything else was evading income tax.

And you know, the government,
like you can scam people and

they’ll like, if it’s convenient,
we’ll come catch you.

You can write a manual
on how to scam people.

I don’t know if that’s
necessarily illegal per se.

I’m sure it’s not good.

It does point to you being more
suspicious in your criminal activity,

because that might be where
the actual issue comes from.

Maybe writing a manual
on how to commit crimes

is not illegal, but I’m sure if
you do something like that,

people are gonna come take
a look at you more closely.

But if you invade income tax, if the
government doesn’t get their taste,

the government doesn’t get
their cut, you’re going down.

So anyway, she was arrested.

She was sentenced to nine years in prison.

So she’s going to jail at 25.

She’s going to get out when she’s 34.

I was actually just
thinking like in 10 years,

well, it’s nine years, but I
think we’re just getting round off.

The world, how different
is the world going to be?

Like we just think about like the
changes over the last 10, 20 years.

Yeah, nine years in jail now, like you
come out to a completely different world.

We might have like things in our heads.

I might have new eyes.

Who knows?

Because everything changes so quickly now.

It’s interesting.

And it relevant to the story.

Just suddenly I was like,

oh, if you just disappeared and
came back nine, 10 years later.

But what actually the world looked like,
and I was trying to throw my mind back.

Nevertheless, my life’s exactly
the same because there’s

been no progress because
I have very depressing life.

She had her prison sentence
reduced by six months.

And this is interesting.

I would have just like charmed someone else

out of six months to get a
little six months off her time.

Well, in her court case, she stated
that, I feel sorry for taking the money

that the victims work so hard to
earn, which I do not believe at all.

Let me just be straight up really honest.

I don’t think after you stolen
1.55 billion yen from people,

you feel a lot of regrets
that you took that money.

I think you feel regret
that you got caught.

I think you probably regret
that you avoided income tax.

I think you probably regret
that you published a manual

so leading police directly back to you
to check to see if you scammed anybody.

I think that’s probably true.

I don’t think there’s a lot of regret.

I think scammers like things can happen.

You can feel sorry for
it, 100% that can happen.

You can commit a terrible act.

And then later be like, this was a mistake.

I shouldn’t have done this.

I believe that.

I have much harder time believing
scammers for some reason.

I don’t think someone who scams you
later actually feels bad for scamming you.

I think this might just
be part of the whole grift.

And that’s the problem with liars.

This is the little boy who cried wolf.

I never thought that story
would become relevant

to an engineer’s Japan
episode, but here we

are, because she’s lied
so much and so easily.

I don’t believe that she feels regret.

The judge said she has shown
willingness to apologize to the victims.

So he took six months off her sentence.

I don’t agree with the judge.

I don’t know enough about law.

So again, the statement is very clear.

So we got to take these
statements as statements

of facts and the fact
of what the content,

the content therein is what
we need to do to judge it on.

So he said, she has shown
willingness to apologize.

The fact that she means it
or not is technically irrelevant.

She is at least said she will apologize
so you get a reduced sentence.

I guess I have to accept that.

I mean, I’m not a judge.

They have no say.

They didn’t call me to check beforehand.

But I guess that gives some
closure to the victim to a degree.

So I guess there is, if you’re willing
to do, basically the judge is like,

if you’re willing to do this, we will
reduce your sentence by a little bit.

She’s willing to do it.

She did it.

Whether she means it or not, I
guess, technically he’s not relevant.

That sentiment will
continue on in our next story.

Ooh, I’m actually like
bumping to the next story.

This is like clay fibers.

Another wonderful human being was the lady

who’s throwing eggs
at her neighbor’s house.

So this went on for months and months and
months and months and months and months.

And if you go back to the episode
where I talked about this story,

you will find that I am
far, far more concerned

with how much money
she spent on eggs.

So she would basically open her window,
huck an egg out at her neighbor’s house.

It would hit her house, of course, break.

They showed pictures.

There were like hundreds
and hundreds of broken eggs.

And so there is the insanity of, I am
going to throw eggs at my neighbor’s house.

That’s already a lot.

There is, to me, the
insanity of spending money on

dozens of dozens of eggs,
’cause they were talking

like two, three cartons
a day sometimes of eggs.

She had to pay for those and
eggs are expensive in Japan.

They’re not, you know, the most
expensive food, but they’re not cheap.

They’re not free.

You’re spending a lot of
money on eggs to throw eggs

at someone’s house, which
is a huge waste of eggs.

So I mean, I want my criminals
to be more fiscally responsible.

So you gotta pay your
taxes as we learned in a

previous story and don’t
waste money on something.

‘Cause it’s not having an effect
on the neighbor exclusively.

You live next to that smell too.

So all those eggs are sort of
sitting around rotting outside.

When they did the report,
the reporter said like,

you can smell it as you
walk up to the house.

Like a block away, you can start
to smell the place we’re going to.

She lives next to that, because the
eggs are in between the two houses.

She’s getting just as much of
the bad effect as the neighbor.

The neighbor, the victim in this case,

when spoke to the police and
she was like, what the fuck?

I don’t know why this lady’s
throwing these fucking eggs at me.

She said, okay, she didn’t say that.

She said, I can’t think of
any particular reason for this.

So there was no significant
conflict between the pair

that would lead her to believe
that she deserved to have

dozens and dozens and dozens
of eggs thrown at her house.

The prosecutor said she is
a high risk of re-offending.

I agree with the prosecutor.

Someone who is willing
to buy a thousand eggs

and throw them at your house over a
couple of months is going to do it again.

They have this compulsion, this urge.

They don’t make good decisions.

They’re going to be like, well,
I got away with it last time.

I’m going to get away with it this time.

And they’re just going
to continue to do it.

So I actually think the prosecutor
might be very, very accurate in this one.

The woman said, the egg thrower, the
perpetrator said, I will never throw eggs again.

And this leads back to my previous
point at the end of the last story.

I will never throw eggs again.

That may mean that
she’s interpreting the

letter of the law, not
the spirit of the law.

So they’re like, don’t throw
eggs at your neighbor’s house.

She’s like, oh, I will never
throw eggs at her house.

And then turns to the camera and
goes, hey, I will throw something else.

So she’s going to throw
like a rotten eggplants.

She’s going to throw poop.

She’s going to get a
dog and then throw the

dog poop at the neighbor’s
house or something.

Like, this is not someone
who makes good decisions.

Again, the fiscal element is the bit

that actually rubs me the wrong
way more than anything else.

If I took Dave’s poop
and started throwing it at

my neighbor’s house, I
was feeding Dave anyways.

That poop is free.

That’s my product that I’ve
produced somehow through my money.

I’m going to look at my
money’s worth and use

the dog poop to throw
at my neighbor’s house.

That makes more sense to me.

And then I– but we run
into the same problem.

I have to live next to the
house that has a big pile

of dog poop next to it
because I threw it there.

So I’m punishing myself
as much of the neighbor.

That’s maybe the bit.

If I’m going to punish someone else,

I want to make sure
that I don’t get any sort of

blowback, which is 100%
what’s happening here.

During the prosecution, they also
said, like she did this numerous times.

Our perpetrator said, I don’t
know about the numerous part.

It happened months.

It happened multiple times every day.

She did it constantly.

She’s looking like semantics
is going to get her out of this.

Well, you know, I threw some eggs.

I mean, I guess numerous is up to you.

Like, it’s an interpretive word.

Like, don’t we just interpret all words?

Is that kind of bullshit?

If you throw– I’m going to
decide what numerous is right now.

We’re going to define numerous.

If you throw eggs at someone’s house– so
they’re not talking about volume of eggs.

They’re talking about instances.

So if you throw eggs at someone’s house
more than three times, that is numerous.

That is a number that
we have to start assigning

to it, that we can’t just
say like a couple a few.

It’s going to be numerous.

So I’m thinking five is the minimum.

Four is that borderline, but
five is absolutely numerous.

And then get six, seven, eight.

She was sometimes doing
it multiple times a day.

So in one day, she might
do it two, three times.

So over two days, then
she was hitting numerous.

And then she did it for months.

It would be– we need a more stronger word.

We need a more powerful word than numerous

for how often she was throwing
eggs at this person’s house.

The prosecution wants two
years and six months in prison.

Maybe if she’s willing to apologize,
she’ll get that six months taken off.

I bet this woman is not
capable of an apology.

There are a lot of people
in the world you meet.

And you’ll find that
they will become contrite,

but they will not apologize,
even when they’ve

had it proven to them
that they were wrong.

And it’s actually one of those things.

It’s hard to justify.

I throw a rock, I throw rocks.

I throw eggs at someone’s house.

I’m clearly in the wrong.

Like, even if I’ve been
offended by something,

I’m clearly in the wrong
for reacting that way.

And then not– but
I’d never apologize for it,

because I can’t see
myself as ever being wrong.

The woman said, I
regret what I did this time.

To avoid further troubling my
family, I will never throw eggs again.

So there’s a couple of elements in there.

I was like, mmm.

The way she talks makes
me realize like she’s not sorry.

So let’s break down her statement.

I regret what I did this time.

So if she’d done something
previous, she doesn’t regret that.

If she does something in the
future, she probably won’t regret that.

She’s saying very specifically.

And again, I don’t think
she regrets her actions.

I think she regrets the fact that she
got caught and she’s in trouble now.

She said to avoid
further troubling my family.

So not the trouble I’ve
caused to my neighbor,

not the problem I’ve
caused for other people.

I’m sorry about the
trouble this has caused for

my family, probably me
more than anyone else.

I will never throw eggs again
and she’s very specific about eggs.

Now, I know this whole
case is about the eggs.

But I think the fact that she’s specifically
saying, I won’t throw eggs again,

immediately because
of her personality type.

The kind of cycle person
that snipes eggs out a window

is the kind of person who would be like,
well, I said I would never throw eggs again.

I never said I wouldn’t go and get
Dave’s poop and throw that at your house,

which I did and I don’t
see why you’re so upset.

Her verdict will be
delivered on October 31st.

I am absolutely going
to try to look out for that.

I want to see if she gets her two years.

Prosecution always goes for high numbers.

So I bet she doesn’t
actually get the two years.

I bet she gets the two years
with a suspended sentence

for a period of time if
she doesn’t get in trouble.

That seems more realistic.

She might have to pay some
damages to fix up the house.

But again, they don’t do
punitive fiscal damages in Japan.

They don’t pay like a million
dollars for emotional trauma.

You would pay to repaint the house

and clean up the grounds
and that would be about it.

So we’ll see.

On October 31st, I will
hunt down the verdict

if I can find it and find
out what happens to

the clearly non regretful
egg throwing lady.

Our Chinese reporter
who got fired from the NHK.

It wasn’t working for the NHK.

It was a contract thing.

The outsourced to this other company.

And they said, like, we
want you to deliver the

Japanese news in Chinese
to Chinese listeners.

This guy, we got a little more
background because he went back to China.

He got in trouble.

He got fired because what he did was say,

he made some very
strong political statements.

He said, “The Senkaku
Islands belong to China.

” This is a set of
disputed islands.

That’s the main thing he said.

He said a couple other things.

But that was the main one.

He said, like, don’t forget
non-king, that kind of stuff.

So he’s making very strong,
essentially anti-Japanese

statements on a Japanese
broadcast in Chinese.

The bit I didn’t know
until the second article

that came out about this was
that he switched to English to do it.

So there’s a bit of
undermining there of like,

maybe the guy who sort of
edits or oversees your broadcast

actually speaks Chinese because he switched
to English, maybe the guy can’t keep up.

So this guy might
be like, dual, trilingual.

So it’s an interesting
set of skills he’s

got there and how he’s
decided to employ it.

He didn’t interview when he went
back to China with the Chinese medium.

So of course, they’re just
like, I don’t know if they’re

treating him as a hero, but they’re
certainly not like down on what he did.

I got a segment of this from the Mainichi.

And in the interview, so this is, quote,

I got to make sure that
you know what I’m saying

and what’s being said
from another source.

Quote, in the interview conducted
after the man returned to China,

he claimed the graffiti also
included the words death

to militarism in a more prominent
place, but not in the new script.

And NHK tried to cover it up.

So the story he was talking
about is a Chinese influencer.

And his name was like
Iron Dong or something.

Came to Yasakuni Shrine, which is a shrine
where a lot of war criminals are buried.

It’s very controversial because this is,

it’s a shrine to people
who were in the military.

But because of Japan’s militaristic
history, a lot of bad things have happened.

So if you go there and
pray, are you praying for

the people who gave
their lives for the country?

Or are you praying for these guys
who committed horrible war crimes?

It’s very difficult.

I mean, certainly the people in Korea
in China can interpret it the way they do.

I totally understand what’s happening.

This guy’s like, he’s going
to make a political statement.

He wrote death to militarism, which
was not reported on, poop and toilet.

And he said his reason
was because they were

releasing the Fukushima
wastewater into the ocean.

He said, well, because Japan
is treating the world like the

yo, like a toilet, I’m going
to treat Yasakuni Shrine,

like a toilet, and he
wrote toilet and poop on it.

Now, I saw pictures
and I didn’t see death to

militarism, but that
doesn’t mean it wasn’t there.

Because again, maybe they’re
taking pictures from a certain

angle, they’re cutting out a bit so I can’t
see the bit they don’t want us to see.

So the claim is death to
militarism in a more prominent place,

but not in the new script
and NHK tried to cover it up.

He reportedly brought this
to the broadcaster’s attention,

calling it a form of
deceiving the public and

violating the principles
of objective reporting.

So he’s saying, like, look,
we’re reporting the news.

This is what was written.

We should tell everybody what was written.

And NHK is like, no, don’t say
that part or it’s not in the script.

You just read the script.

We don’t need your interpretation of it.

He’s trying to hide an element
of the story from the public.

He sought to have the script changed.

He explained that he decided on his course
of action when those pleas reside lines.

So he said, look, let’s
just put all the information

in there and let people
decide for themselves.

NHK is like, no, he’s like,
OK, I’m going to take a stand.

I’m going to say some things that I think.

And I’m going to make sure
the world can hear my voice.

He further said, I always felt
opposed to NHK’s bullshit way

of ignoring the truth of
history, revealing that he had

been dissatisfied
with the organization’s

operations for many
years prior to the incident.

So he’s saying the way NHK
treats history the way it sort of–

again, cherry-picks details was–
he was against that principally.

And that’s why he
decided to take the stand.

I don’t know the guy.

I’m a little torn because I
agree with what he’s doing.

I actually think taking a stand is a
pretty brave and noble thing to do.

I don’t know of what he’s saying is true.

And I don’t know if he’s just
pro-Chinese and anti-Japanese.

It’s a very tough spot to be in.

So I don’t want to make judgments,

but I do believe in giving
all the facts of the story

as I see them, because
I want to make it very

clear when I interpret
stories on your behalf.

So when you’re hearing it,
you know what’s my opinion.

My opinion on this one, I bet I don’t know.

Because again, I saw pictures.

But even with pictures, I
don’t believe everything I see.

So it’s a very tough one that I absolutely

believe that NHK would
censor or hide or alter

information so that it
wasn’t completely accurate.

So I am more on this Chinese
guy’s sides of the truth than NHK’s.

So now we’re on to new news, not updates.

This, every now and then,
I want to throw in a story.

And it’s basically to show just
how peaceful plays Japan is to live in.

This was National News in Japan.

A neighbor’s dog escapes.

It was in a Kita.

It was a pretty big dog.

And it was running around.

And it was captured 40
minutes later without incident.

I want you to think about that.

Now there’s more to the story because
they interviewed some people and stuff.

And it’s kind of funny
because there’s a keystone

cops kind of thing where
the police are chasing around

this big dog and having a
lot of trouble catching it.

So it’s probably more
amusing than anything else.

The fact that dog got away from owner,
police had a little trouble catching it.

They caught it 40 minutes
later and everything was fine.

It’s National News.

Just shows how little news
there is actually in Japan.

One resident said, it’s scary, you know,
the dog ran from the south to the north.

I don’t know why that
statement got me going.

I’m like, so if it run from north
to south, it would have been OK.

I know that’s not the
interpretation of what it meant.

But it was just one of those things
I was like, get a hold of yourself.

The dog was scared of people.

It’s a big dog.

So that in itself could be
quite intimidating and scary.

But the dog was more afraid
of people than anything else.

It was kind of freaked out.

So it was just running away from everyone.

It was not being aggressive.

So these people acting
like the dog was scary.

I think is already overreacting.

40 minutes later, police got the dog.

That was on the National
News the other day.

And it just shows you
that, yeah, gun laws work.


There was my political
statement out of nowhere.

I don’t know why.

I guess it’s because I’ve never
had to report on massive gun crimes.

We have talked about crossbow control
laws and stuff like that in the past.

Because anytime
there’s an incident with a

weapon, that weapon
suddenly gets regulated.

This was very interesting.

Because I don’t know how I’d
feel if I was the person in this–

Dave is going to start barking at me.

The asshole.

Get a part.

I’ll record it.

Look at this.

This dude right here causing me trouble.

What do you want?

Come here.

Let me hear that.

Come here, Dave.

This has been a new thing between
me and Dave, where I offered

to put him on my lap, and he
just lays down and ignores me.

But then after I start doing
this, again, he’ll start barking.

This is a very interesting story, because
they’re trying to do a very noble thing.

But they’re doing it in a very
modern way, which is good.

But then I, as maybe the person

the recipient of this attention
might actually freak out.

I don’t know if it would make it worse.

There is a forest in
Japan called a Okigahara.

And it is referred to
as the suicide forest.

So a few years ago, like five, six
years ago, Logan Paul came to Japan.

He went to this forest.

He found that body he filmed.

He put it on the internet.

It caused a lot trouble.

The forest is famous as the place
you go to commit– to commit suicide.

So that’s already a problem.

The people who live there are
like, we want to dispel this image.

We don’t want people to think of this
as the place you go to to commit suicide.

That’s a problem.

So they’re trying to figure out ways.

Can we find people?

Can we help people?

I mean, these are people in distress.

So we can find them and help them before
they actually do something like this.

Maybe we can make their
lives better, save some people,

and also kind of get rid of this image
of this is the place to go do this thing.

They are going to have drones with
thermal cameras patrolling over the forest.

So they can look for people
who are not on the trails.

And so those people who have gone off the
trails, they’re like, OK, we’re already.

That’s already suspicious
behavior in this forest.

So then we’re going to send out a little
drone that’s being controlled by a guy.

So they have this autonomous drone
flying around looking for heat signatures.

And then they find one,
and it’s not on the trail.

So they’re like, OK, that
person maybe isn’t trouble.

Maybe they’re feeling suicidal.

Maybe they have some mental
issues they’re dealing with.

We’re going to get a
guy with another drone.

Fly that little drone out.

It’s got a speaker on it.

And he’s going to try
to talk to the person.

The plan is not fully sussed
out in the actual article.

But it was a lot of interesting things

using technology to try to help
people in a very positive way.

Because right now they have volunteer
patrols who walk around the forest.

But once you go off
the trail into the forest,

those people aren’t going to
be able to see you anymore.

They’re not going to hear you.

They’re not going to be able to find you.

So that’s why they need the thermal
imaging of the autonomous drone in the sky.

They’re claiming that a big part of this

is helping people because
they’re going to find people who

have gone off the trails
and then lead them to safety.

Bring them back to
civilization so we can help them.

30% of the people who go to this forest
to commit suicide are not from the area.

So the numbers are pretty rough.

In 2019 and 2020, 182 people
committed suicide in this forest.

In 2021, it was 192.

So one up by 10 people.

In 2022, it was 199.

And in 2023, it was already 215.

So you can see that number
is going up every single year.

And again, part of it is
the image of this place.

As the place to do this thing, he’s leading
people to come to this place and do it.

The good side is, since
these people are taking actions

with drones, they might
be able to help some people.

So actually, that’s very
optimistic, very positive.

To me, it’s a very Japanese thing.

Let’s use some technology and try to
save some people, try to help some people.

I think that’s great.

They’re testing this until 2025.

So this year, essentially,
they’re going to be flying

these drones around, trying
to help people with those.

The human-operated drone
is going to fly to the person,

and then through the
speaker, they’re going

to say, if you need
help, wave your hands.

So if they wave their hands,
it’s obviously got a camera.

They wave their hands.

This is me thinking, they
didn’t have a camera on us.

I was like, if you need
help, wave your hands,

and this is a guy in the forest waving
his hands, but the operator can’t see him.

And then just asking, are you all right?

But I was thinking, if I’m
an emotionally fragile state,

and I’m in the forest, I’m like,
really, really prepping to do something.

My guy, getting a bed, I got one story
to do, and then I’ll take you for a walk.

He’s agreed to my compromise.

See, I lost the end.

I had, I had like a final.

Yeah, if I was in that fragile mental state
and then a drone came out of nowhere

and started talking to me, that
might actually freak me out more.

So that’s actually, I think maybe the thing

they have to be most
careful of is how to approach

the people who are in
this very fragile situation.

There was a dentist
who regularly visits

facility for people with
different disabilities.

And there was one man
who had severe intellectual

issues and was very
poor communication.

So basically had a lot of issues
trying to communicate with people.

He didn’t like having his
teeth worked on fair enough.

A lot of people are scared of the dentist.

If you’re not able to
communicate with people

well, then that might
make it more scary.

He said he basically
didn’t want the treatments.

So the nurse, she decides
to go full mount on the guy

and hold him still, and then the doctor
proceeds to start working on his teeth.

We don’t know what he was
doing, maybe it was cavities,

maybe it was just checking his teeth,
maybe it was a clean, I don’t know.

But they had this woman
hold him down while he did it.

So if you’re already
freaked out by the dentist,

someone physically restraining you and
holding you down isn’t gonna make it better.

And if you have communication issues
and you’re like, I’m panicking, I’m scared,

and you can’t communicate that well,
it’s gonna make it a hundred times worse.

So I have a tons of sympathy for this guy.

And then you find out the patient died

from a combined factors
including respiratory failure.

So this nurse held him down
so hard he couldn’t breathe.

That may have led to other issues.

Health issues that he already had

who knows exasperated
something and he died as a result.

So of course, the nurse and the dentist

are both being brought
in, they’ve been arrested

for, manslaughter, maybe
even a certain degree,

a second degree murder,
third degree murder,

I’m not sure, accidental
death, something like that.

The dentist said I left the
physical restraints to the nurse.

So immediately throwing the
nurse under the bus on that one,

saying like, look, she was the one holding
him down, I was just working on the teeth.

I can’t be held responsible
for what she did.

The nurse said continuing the
treatment meant that the dentist

implicitly ordered the patients
be physically restrained.

So she’s saying it’s the dentist fault.

So I do enjoy that
these two people are

immediately throwing the
other one under the bus.

There’s no loyalty here.

I don’t know if this
actually works together.

Like she might be a nurse at the
facility, not a nurse for the dentist.

And so she might be interpreting him.

It goes back and forth, I
think both equally responsible.

The dentist could have said,
hey, maybe don’t crush this patient.

The nurse could have
gone, this dude’s freaking out.

Maybe we should just move on.

The police said, maybe we use some
anesthetic or anesthesia or something.

Let’s put him under, so
that he doesn’t freak out.

Or, you know, stop, don’t
give him some treatment

on his teeth this time,
as opposed to killing him.

And I think in this case, we dish
on the police on a lot of new shows.

I think this time the police
have given a reasonable answer.

Perhaps not working on his teeth
was better than killing the man outright.

Talking about the drones in the
forest, how do you answer like, I’m fine.

I am interested in haunted
places or something.

People do like haunted places.

Well, I’m assuming it has a microphone.

‘Cause yeah, so the reason
this was really famous for me,

I’d heard of the suicide force before,
but you run into the issue of Logan Paul.

He was there for entertainment purposes.

Now, you can judge him for that,
but honestly, it’s a freaky, weird place.

I probably would be interested in
going to a place like that myself.

I think the issue
we’re dealing with here

specifically is you’re
supposed to stay on the trails.

So, if someone is
intentionally going off the trail,

they’re going off and that’s
why they want to check on them.

So, I guess the thing is, the
drone would come up and say,

“Are you okay, wave your hands if you’re
okay, “or wave your hands if you need help?

” And if you don’t
wave your hands,

that’s actually, again, I didn’t think
about that until I just said it just now.

The drone comes up and
says, “Wave your hands

if you need help “and
you just stare at them.

” If you’re in a mental state,
you might just not react.

When I get upset or
angry, I just don’t react.

I just stay completely still.

So, that is a very interesting
question you’ve actually put forward.

Maybe just give them a thumbs up.

‘Cause, again, they have a camera.

But, I don’t know if there’s a rule
that you have to stay on the trail.

That’s gonna be the bit
where it would actually

come, it would actually
either fall apart or not.

‘Cause if the rule is
you have to stay on the

trail, then, okay, you
got to stay on the trail,

even if it’s you want
to go around the forest.

But it was Logan Paul finding the dead body

and videoing it and putting on the internet
brought a lot of attention in this place.

And, again, like you
see, the numbers in the

last story, they were
going up and up and up.

So that’s where the problems come in.