Lend Me Money

we have an update on the man from last week
who there was a drunk driving call and they

were hanging out in
the convenience store

parking lot and some cop
showed up sort of walked

towards the car so
this man in his infinite

wisdom decided to
drive directly at the police

officer who then jumped
onto the hood of the

car they drove for 220
meters the police officer

took his gun and said
stop the car or I will

shoot you in the face
they stopped the car

and they ran away cop
did not shoot them this

is a very distinct point between Japanese
policing methodology police thing Japanese

policing methodology
Japanese policing methodology

and other comparative countries where I’m
sure that person by getting up and running

way would be dead now
person in the passenger

seat they turned
themselves in the guy who

was driving did not
turn himself in he was

caught this week they
didn’t say if was a man

hunter anything or if
you turn himself in so

I’m assuming they just
tracked him down he

has now been arrested
for attempted murder

an obstruction of duties
we used to have the

obstruction of business
ding because it was a

massive trend of that
I got on a little late

when I was doing
the stories but now it

seems to have gone
away I’m wondering if it’s

been reclassified
because we’re getting a lot

of obstruction of duties
so does that deserve

its own bell of recognition
or do we combine

the two because it
is still obstruction but

I feel like obstruction
of official police

duties and obstruction
of a business are two

different things so I
think we’re just going

to leave it exactly
the way it is a pretty

reasonable this is the
week before my winter

vacation and I am basically saying there
there will be no podcasts during the winter

vacation so two weeks
to get me back on track

there is a famous street in Osaka it’s
famous for its ladies of the night standing

around soliciting
waiting for the man who

pretty woman them
into a different life I don’t

know what’s going on there it’s problematic
for the city because it gives a bad image

for the city so they’re
like we have to solve

this problem so in
all their civic wisdom

the city decided let’s
do the one thing that

will discourage
prostitution we will paint

the street yellow with pictures of fish on
it that stops prostitution yellow streets

with fish ew I don’t
want to have sex with

that unless you have
a spongebob fetish then

very much this is the
street you want to go

to the claim by the
city was the yellow plus

aquarium inspired illustrations will
create a psychological barrier again except

those spongebob
fetishists who are like the

barriers down now finally
I am very I can’t I don’t

actually know what
spongebob sounds like I’ve

never watched the show authority said that
solicitation has nearly disappeared since

the change now my
immediate thought that was

oh almost a week ago I read this story when
I came out when they painted the streets

yellow I was like it’s not gone you’ve just
moved it you’ve displaced it you’ve just

changed where it’s
actually happening yesterday

as I was doing my notes for this story
today women were seen gathering on nearby

streets so they didn’t
even move it that far away

it’s like we’re going to paint this street
yellow the women working on that street are

going to move one to
two streets away and that’s

it problem solved a
quote by city officials

if they have moved to
adjacent streets we’ll

work with communities
to address the issue

so what they’re saying is can we afford to
paint all the streets yellow and then what

you’ve actually done
is now they’re like well

we’re just going to
stand on the original

street now they’re all yellow so there’s no
more psychological barrier this is a very

common issue with
how they deal with this

kind of thing in Japan
is they actually like

they don’t stop it they don’t deal with the
actual issues they just push it away and

then they push it away and they’re like hey
I’m surprised it popped up somewhere else

who would have funk
it this week we had the

first arrest for the
drunk driving on a bicycle

law came into effect at the end of November
December 4th a man rode into a taxi stand

so tacky stand is is where taxis wait for
customers so you might have three or four

taxis actually lined up you find the most
stations kind of like busy places to have a

place for taxis to sit
and wait for customers

to just get in roll
off next taxi rolls

up into there so guy drunk on a bicycle he
rolls into I assume the actual taxi sitting

at the taxi stand and
then he attempts to flee

unsuccessfully because
the taxi driver restrained

him caught him and
called the police when he

did a breathalyzer he
was seven times over

the legal limit he said
I drank four or five

cans of Chuhai
Chuhai I think is a little

stronger than beer and he had four or five
but he was seven times over the legal limit

he either drank them
all in once like he put

them on a bucket and
just chug that whole

thing or I’m gonna go
ahead and say this he

might be lying how much
would you lend to someone

that’s a very viable question it’s a good
question how much would you lend to someone

else I have lent
people I think the max is

five thousand yet I’ve
paid for some lunches

and stuff and they paid me back or maybe
they didn’t whatever I’ve never lent people

enough money that
I’m not sort of willing to

lose which I think is a
pretty winning strategy

they say that about stocks and investments
and certainly crypto stuff like that like

don’t invest money that you’re not willing
to lose because there’s a very good chance

you will but lending
money is pretty

straightforward you lend
people money you get it

back or you don’t and you can’t really hold
a grudge you lend someone some money and

they don’t pay it back you don’t lend them
more money okay so let’s take that as our

base philosophy on
lending from now on and it

is civic employee
borrowed fifty eight million

yen from people around
him mostly subordinates

and acquaintances so
people who worked for

him he borrowed money from them people he
sort of knew he borrowed money from them he

racked up fifty eight
million yen so four to

five million yen is the
average annual salary

of a person in Japan
fifty eight million

eleven twelve years
worth of the average salary

for a person he just
had borrowed from other

people didn’t pay
any of it back and died

so I’m wondering if that was this plan it
sounds like he was just like one of these

people who’s a serial
borrower who never

pays it back he didn’t
like plan to die says

like part of his scheme as in I’ll borrow
all this money die and then not have to pay

it back but the sum
of money is so large

there’s actually people
making complaints of

the government especially the subordinates
who worked for him who are like I let this

guy a lot of money he
worked for the government

it felt really uncomfortable but I felt it
was really hard on me because how am I

supposed to say no to
my boss who I lent money

to and then it’s really
uncomfortable for me

to go and ask him to
pay it back you might

be like well let’s dumb
you should stand up

for yourself these we’re
talking about Japanese

people in Japan you
have to use Japanese

sensibilities it’s a
very difficult situation

to be and I actually
would not wish this on any

Japanese person to
have to be in a situation

where they would have to ask their boss for
money back that they borrowed from them one

employee said I lent him over one million
yen now I can’t believe he lent him one

million yen and one go like I really
struggled to believe that like over the course

of however many years how many yen did they
lend him and like what sums I would like

to know the sums so
again I don’t think I’ve

ever lent any one
anything over a 10,000

yeah which would be
like a hundred dollars and

it’s current exchange
rate probably seventy

bucks I don’t think
I’ve ever lent anyone

more than that because
the most is like we’ve

gone out for dinner
in my friend I don’t

have enough money
I’ll get it this time don’t

worry you can get it next time whatever it
would take forever to rack up a million yen

that way so how much
was he borrowing what

kind of things was
he saying this is all the

stuff that I really wanted to know I looked
for a couple more articles it was really

hard to find another
employee said I feel

stupid lending it to it
which I’m sad to say

you should I feel a lot
for the victims in this

case because you
basically just got scammed

by someone who you
are officially in a weird

way in a relationship
with who you are almost

forced to trust it’s a very weird scheme if
he was scheming I do have part of my brain

goes he didn’t scheme he didn’t plan it
this way he just was one of those people who

just borrows borrows
borrows and never thinks

about paying it back
as being very generous

though this may have
actually just been a

scheme of how he pays
for everything his final

bonus and salary are
going to be used to pay

back some of the debt so
employees acquaintances

and stuff who all
have this complaint like

this guy borrowed money
from us tons of money

and then he went off
and we’re gonna get some

of that money back it’s
even worse ten thousand

yen is sixty five dollars
in competence answers

many questions oh my camera just went out
of focus because I’m so poor it’s got auto

focus I wish I could
kind of dial in a little

bit and tell it where
my face is or maybe

my I’m so white is
blown out yeah no I think

I think I don’t want to
spend we need to lend

you money to buy a
new camera dude I would

love you let not let
okay yes lend lend me

money for a new camera
and then I will honestly

die as quickly as possible so not have to
pay back I’m one of those weird people not

weird I’m one of
those people who like

obsessively pays back
money I would lend people

money small amounts money and not expect to
get it back so I don’t stress about it but

guaranteed you have a
cheap oh Logitech camera

and you can manually
adjust J that hurt man

what is it called it is a Logitech it is
the it’s the one they kind of recommended

when it came out the CR something turn off
my heater it’s only a real hot in here see

five zero two I did not go fuck off I think
that’s it I think it’s the C502 it’s the

see something oh man just got like torn up
on my own show should I this camera’s fine

it’s a good camera I
wanted to I never intended

to go on camera and so that’s the thing
so I was thinking I think everyone has one

I think if you did
streaming see you started

streaming two years ago this was the camera
to get I think that’s actually probably

true I probably looked
it up looked for a

bunch of reviews no
I’m just gonna get a new

camera you fucking
tore me up just now my

Christmas present to
myself is gonna be like

a thousand dollar Sony camera that I never
learn how to use properly and then it still

will be out of focus
because I don’t know

how to focus this shit
they’ll be like no you

got to twist the front they do have
fucking some of the nice 4k cameras and

people stream with those and it looks
amazing but I don’t I don’t think for this

setting in this face we need anything
more than eight pickles I think that’s

more than enough eight pixels we don’t
need to go any further than that okay I

didn’t get to that let’s get so I don’t
know how much that’s gonna make it in

the episode that’s gonna be a lot of
cutting we had a slight diversion when we

talked to the the Logitech camera
conversation his final bonus in salary were

used to pay back some of the debt so
remember he borrowed 58 million yen his

final salary in bonus 2.3 million yen
his final bonus in salary were used

to pay was 2.3 million yen of the 58
million yen which is barely anything a

couple of subordinates said it’s
difficult to refuse because he was my boss

which I think is awful I think it’s a
terrible situation he’s clearly a bad

person I don’t know man we don’t have
enough context for what kind of person he

was when he was alive to know if we
should be able to make fun of him when he’s

dead he may have just been mmm
kind of doofy which almost is like in a

appealing quality but the degree
seems malicious the Tokyo Metropolitan

government proposes a four-day work
week to combat the population decline in

Japan for government employees starting
April 2025 this is not a bad idea I

am already predicting issues four-day
work week it’s federally mandated I’m

already predicting issues because of
the just the Japanese work life culture

that’s been created puts them in a weird
spot because if you do a four-day work

week but you have to make up that
last time which is a way a lot of sort of

Japanese business people think and
they may be in the government they’re

still kind of business people are
still trying to run it a lot of our like

bullying and professional harassment
and all those kind of things that all

comes from the government if they have that
extra pressure if they have those as the

show just said 18 hour workdays
that extra day off suddenly is nullified it

doesn’t mean anything anymore they
want people to take time spend time with

their family they’re trying to relax it
I actually agree with this but I think

I proposed a long time ago five-day
work week is fine but end your day after

X amount of hours so if you work from
nine you end up four or five o’clock so

you do an eight hour work day and then
you’re finished and you have to leave I

used to do two doubles and a single
yeah if you okay that’s your choice four

days off that’s your choice I 100%
agree with it but I don’t this is I think

maybe part of the issue is they’re
not giving people a choice they’re just

trying to make things and mandate them
and make them happen and this is where

every one of these plans fails is you
can’t mandate people to spend time and

enjoy time with their family and
feel loving and actually then produce

babies but so because they’re gonna
make it happen and they’re struggling with

the Japanese World Cupwork culture that’s
going to be one of the issues they run

into regularly it is a solid start yeah
so my first point was longer hours to

make up for the time and then the
there is the pressure I know what they’ve

they’ve they’ve done studies and
shown that people only work for about four

five hours a day anyways like six is sort
of the upper maximum of what a human

being can actually do and actually be
productive now is the four-day work week

mandatory has been set yet so they
do have a say shine which is lifetime

employees at companies in Japan
and they have the same thing for the

government so you become like a lifetime
employee of the government and they

get very very generous holiday
packages you get like 40 50 60 days off a

year you can take them whenever
you want but don’t take any of them they

actually will say and this is illegal
but companies do this all the time we’re

gonna give you 20 to 30 days off this
year but we don’t want you to take any

of them and they don’t necessarily
pay them out so that’s just it’s to say

you give this benefit but then they
don’t actually give the benefit and if you

actually start using that benefit then
you sort of it gets looked down upon

you sort of people start a people in
the company like you won’t be able to

progress up the company it will be shunned
for actually taking advantage of the

package you’ve been given the benefits
that are included in it and I’m worried

that this government program will
suffer from something similar like hey yeah

you have four-day work weeks every
week but we do expect you to be here every

Friday and there’s no question you actually
should be here every Friday and will

it negatively impact the benefits and
advancements of the people who are there

so if I take my four-day week work week
every week and then someone else who

works with me doesn’t they move up
the ladder and I don’t is that going to

negatively impact me is that going to
negatively negatively impact my evaluations

that kind of thing it could impact my
career path of actually do the thing I’m

supposed to do if someone else isn’t
doing the thing they’re supposed to do but

they’re using that to get ahead so
that’s kind of the issues and again I’m

thinking in the Japanese work mentality
where this is a really important thing

to have to be able to do a very
important thing to do to be able to do to

fulfill I’ve lost some words there a 77
year old man was arrested for attempted

murder this is neat it’s neat in that
he was arrested for attempted murder

but not of a specific person what
happened is he was in his apartment on the

eighth floor and he opens his window
and he just takes a TV throws it out the

window it takes an air humidifier throws
it out the window and he takes another

TV he throws it out the window and
then he takes another air humidifier and he

throws it out the window he throws
two TVs and two air humidifiers air

purifiers air purifiers out the window
on to essentially an unsuspecting

crowd underneath no one was heard in
this so it was indiscriminate it was just

like taking gun and kind of shooting
it in the air kind of thing like if

someone gets hit it’s kind of men’s
slaughter maybe first degree murder that kind

of thing there’s a level of responsibility
there for but there is no actual

target he was just angry and frustrated it
may have been because he had too many

TVs and too many air purifiers I was
like dude don’t throw the TV out the

window pass me a TV I’ll take an
extra TV air purifier I got one in the back

I’ll take another one the Panasonic
air purifier by the way is a very good

product I recommend it highly for
people like me who have lots of air dust

allergies so he was throwing it out
his eight-story window at the people

below he actually lives very close to a
station so stations Japan they open up

there’s like sort of a rush hour there’s
gonna be a crowd down there so it’s

actually very very lucky that no one
got hurt when he was arrested said I’m

frustrated there’s no joy in life I
don’t care if I hit a pass or buy and

killed them my first thought was
play video games like yeah you’re 77 it’s

could be a hard start but I you can get
some joy out of video games you could

just sit around all day like you’re 77
you know entertain yourself get into

Skyrim something like that like it’s
just one of those things where you have

so much time and you’re doing nothing
in this getting into this depth of anger

and frustration to the point where
you actually throw stuff out the window

hoping to hurt someone else you don’t
even know play video games or I mean

if you if you got that far just start
drinking to sit around be drunk all the

time and lots of Japanese diet do it
lots of Japanese dudes do it start vaping I

mean there’s a culture there you can
get really into I bet they would love a

77 year old dude who just starts
vaping if it does damage to your lungs it’s

all right you’re 77 the dawn one of
key shoe this is the story there’s an

ongoing he died a few years ago from
a parent murder and the trial has been

ongoing of his lover wife sugar baby
because he was 77 and she was 22 a lot of

people think this might not have
been a true love relationship that she

may have been in this for his cash a
little bit background so there’s a very

interesting story because he was born
in 1941 he grew up he got his first job

sort of after the post-war period so
it would have been like the 50s 60s he

went door-to-door selling condoms
that is a very unusual thing at the time in

Japan condoms weren’t something you
could buy easily so someone coming to your

house and selling to them was like this
amazing boon he made tons and tons and

tons of money going door to door selling
condoms he expanded that business he

made it bigger and bigger bigger he
started I don’t know he grew into several

businesses after that that’s kind of
what guys do he claimed he gave over

three billion yen to over four thousand
different women but that would imply

sexual relationships and almost all of
them so that’s why he gets the title of

Don Juan he after an evening with a
model it appears she stole 60 million yen

from him he said I had a good time
in spite of the robbery so he wasn’t

concerned about money that’s how much
money he had someone stole 60 million yen

for him a life-changing amount of money
for me and he was like oh we had a good

times maybe it was kind of worth it in
2018 he got married to pseudo-saki who

worked as a cabaret lady and delivery
health delivery health is something that our

North American listeners may not
have heard of this is when you get sexual

services delivered to you usually at a
love hotel so you go to a love hotel you

meet there you’ve negotiated what
goes on some things happen you pay some

money you disappear it’s not always
sex it’s often hands and things and stuff

like that I don’t want to get to it
but delivery health is its own thing in

Japan that if maybe we could do
another holiday episode explaining all the

different sex things in Japan because
there’s a lot of them and they’re all

really weird so she was a cabaret
girl now cabaret is like a hostess club it

sort of takes it down a notch when
you say cabaret a little bit there is some

implied dating compensated dating so if
you go to this club enough you become

a regular you give the money they’ll go
on dates with you and maybe you form

a relationship maybe you form a
sexual relationship maybe not the whole

point of the hostess system and the
host system is to string you along and

extract as much money from you as
possible we’ve talked about that thousand

times in Indonesia Japan I don’t
need to go into it just go back in the

listen ten episodes ago you’ll hear
about it in some form or another pseudo

saki marries this guy the dawn
one of Kishu she gets one million

yen a month for her sexless marriage
so she’s not banging the dude she’s not

having relations with him he’s paying
her a million yen every month again

previous story four to five million yen a
year is a really average salary in Japan

so she’s making twelve million yen a
year doing nothing just being married to

this guy not even touching him or
satisfying in any way that is made aware of

May 24th 2018 the dawn one of Kishu has
found it the police suspect pseudo as you

would again I’m on board with really
old people and really young people falling

love I think that is very possible I
don’t doubt it can happen but when one of

them is very rich I don’t think age
actually matters anymore one one of them

super rich I think others always gonna
be some suspicion there so I think the

police were kind of taking the same
kind of thinking they’re like he’s really

old he’s super rich she’s had a rough
life she’s married this guy mmm we

think she might be involved stimulants
were found his system but they

couldn’t figure out where they came
from or how they got to him so that he

didn’t have any like me needle marks
he wasn’t doing any drugs they think it

was maybe an fedamines it was a little
difficult to tell they don’t know how it

got into his body but it seems like
that killed him that’s what gave him a

heart attack or whether it’s custom
some kind of problems with these

and fedamines or stimulants he was
on they then arrested her they arrested

pseudo and they arrested pseudo but
the problem is they didn’t really have any

evidence so this is kind of the one of
the issues that comes up like you need

to have evidence to rest in but there
was so much pressure for the police to do

something and make an arrest like well
she’s the most obvious culprit she’s our

number one suspect lesser let’s
arrest her and then hope we figure it out

Japan famously has like a ninety
nine percent conviction rate if it goes to

court it has that because prosecutors
only go to court if they know they’re

gonna win the case so quite often all
the ones you don’t hear about is the guy

kept his mouth shut so the police just
let him go because the prosecutors are

like well he’s not gonna say anything
we can’t nail him if we can’t nail him we

don’t want to take it to court because
we want to keep our ninety nine percent

conviction rate so it’s not a ninety
nine percent conviction rate it’s like

if you they don’t have enough evidence
they just drop the case so if we took

all the dropped cases and put that
together with all the conviction rate I

bet you would get a more normalized
version of what an actual rate of

conviction is but it does put you in
the sort of mindset if you know this don’t

talk to the police don’t give the
police any information do not help the

police because they are gonna do if you
go to if you start going to court you’ve

already lost but there’s a lot of pressure
so they arrest her the most damning

thing they found was her search
history because her search history had and

fed a mean death perfect crime which is
good on the nose from being honest and

inheritance so she was searching how
much how many and fed a means how much

and fed a means do I give someone to
kill them what is a perfect crime or how

do I do the perfect crime how do I get
away with a crime and can I commit a

crime and get all the money which
does create sort of like a picture perfect

version of what a criminal want to do
but there’s no evidence that she took that

information from the computer that she
learned and actually employed it in real

life it seemed like the Don one of Kyushu
was going to divorce you know because

he had discovered she had been in a
couple of AV videos porn videos it also

came out that the Don one of Kyushu
had asked her to get him drugs but she went

out to try to get drugs but she got
scam and she got just like icing like

icing sugar something like that so
she basically got scam she got sugar

crystals instead of actual drugs so
when she brought it back and the guy

tried to actually do it he got really
angry because she couldn’t even buy

them drugs but it does show that he was
trying to get the drugs anyway so maybe

he just got drugs himself and then
actually killed himself so he was doing

infatamines did the end fatamines and
then died and maybe she had nothing to

do with it because she wasn’t even
capable of getting the drugs when he

asked her to get the drugs on May 6th
knows that the Don one’s dog died and so

the what they’re saying this is a
couple days before he died so he this is a

six he died on the 24 so on the 6th his
dog died and everyone was saying that

after his dog died he grew strange so he
kind of lost it a little bit he’s 77 years

old he probably loved his dog a lot
much like I love my dog Dave a little

asshole sleeping in the corner
they’re saying that this may be really

important elephant element of his life
was taken away this dog that he loved

died and his mind snapped he stands
they’re not saying he was crazy they’re not

saying he would he turned mean or evil
or he got like vindictive or anything but

he was different from before the
problem is prosecutors hadn’t produced any

actual evidence other than the theories
so they like we got the the search we

got the search history we have that
she was really young and he was really old

we have that he was rich and she
wasn’t rich I mean of course she must have

murdered him but that isn’t actually
proof those are only theories that you

have to prove in court the judge literally
said I think she killed him too but I

have to be a judge and the judge has
to go on actual things you’ve proven you

haven’t actually
proven anything that’s

reasonable doubt
reasonable doubt remains she

has been acquitted so that ninety
nine percent stays at ninety nine it does

not go to a hundred because of the
very few cases like this where there’s so

much pressure they move too quickly
they don’t gather the evidence they go

don’t go through the steps and you
end up with someone getting off so what

happens in the money because that is
going to be the thing it’s gonna be like

one point five billion yen this guy
still has who’s gonna get that money the

city he lives in is claiming the money
based on the fact of a handwritten will

that was found so they’re saying the
one point five billion yen is not going

to go to anyone in his family not
going to go to pseudo it’s going to go to

him it’s gonna go to the city because
someone wrote a note we assume it was

supposed to be him I was like man is
that all it takes is a handwritten note I

had no handwritten note right now
like hey I’m don one didn’t use a pen my

favorite podcast I want them to have
at least one billion yen you guys can

keep the point five the don ones brothers
are contesting it saying that it’s a

fake note that this note is not going
it’s not wasn’t written by the don one

it shouldn’t go to the city the so the
question is does pseudo getting my she

was his wife so she’s making claims
there is a whole other problem though she’s

still going to jail she’s going to still
for scamming a different man out of

twenty nine point eight million yen
and she’s gonna get three years and six

months so while all this contesting
that will is going on she cannot be

involved because she’s actually
going to be in prison for scamming a

different guy which actually lit lens a
little more credence to the idea that

she may have killed him for the money
what do we learn from this real life is

messy and I do actually want to give
credit to the judge because the judge was

literally like saying look I don’t
believe this girl is innocent but you guys

haven’t done your job you guys have
improved anything so she gets to go on

her way which on our way being the
court next door where she has to get

sentenced for another three years to go
to prison for scamming some other dude

this is the week before the winter
vacation for my company so I will be taking

two weeks off I will not be podcasting
if I do end up with time or stories or

the the wherewithal or I wake up
get out of bed actually I might make an

episode but I just don’t want to
promise this for the next two weeks or

probably no episodes if I do drop
something it’s gonna be like a little bonus

thing something else I don’t know I don’t
want to say it like that either one more

time this is this is the week before
the winter vacation in Japan so I’ll be

taking the two weeks off I will not be
releasing any podcast over the next two

weeks I haven’t forgotten about you I
miss you just as much as you miss me our

love is still strong and going forward
I’m just taking a break because it’s

a holiday and I think I actually
should take breaks it avoids burnout

Seemic B has not gone dead but it is
certainly gone into hibernation for the

moment because I have hit a level of
writers block because I’m working on too

many projects so Seemic B is in dormant
nuclear Japan it being based on news

feeds itself which is great but I do
need time to organize things get my life

together I’m thinking about 2025 do I
want to make any changes to the show I

certainly have aspirations things I
would like to improve so hopefully we

can get some things like that
happening I’d like more quizzes more

question more little bit I’d like more
quizzes I would like more guests I

would like more conversations to
happen but the problem living in this time

zone and most of the listeners being
in other time zones is very hard to line

people up I don’t want to yeah all
that’s all promises I don’t want to make or

keep my room just got really hot this
is the week before the winter vacation in

Japan so I will not be releasing any
episodes for at least the next two weeks I

haven’t forgotten about you just
like you haven’t forgotten about me I

would love is still strong that’s all
I really want you to know I’m just

taking a break we’re thinking forward
into 2025 what’s gonna happen to the

podcast or any places I can make
improvements oh things are dinging I think

I mean mute discord for Foxings how do
they do it when I start podcasting I’ve had

no alerts all morning maybe that’s
it maybe my first resolution for

the word my first resolution for 2025
is remember to turn off the discord

notifications I can’t blame them
they’re being nice and friendly and sending

messages but I’m like I’m recording
now I should actually God I got to do my

own I fucked everything up because
my own discord is going to alert when I go

live so let’s stop that too all right
where am I this is a mess one more time

what six minutes and I’ve only done
like a fraction of an update this is the

week before the fuck you this is a
week before the winter vacation in

Japan I would be taking a two-way
break I have not forgotten you I still love

you I would love is still strong I will
be back I can’t promise that either I

could die I got damn I don’t want to
do that something’s wrong with me I

got to cut this all together into like
something see how many times I got it

right anyways two weeks see you
unless you’re a spongebob fanatic weirdo

say unless you have a spongebob failing