Diamonding my Banana

(upbeat music)

So I didn’t have an episode last week.

It took last week off.

Life just sort of happened.

It was nothing of a particular, it
was just a bunch of little things.

And then I realized I’m just not
organized enough to put on an episode.

So today’s episode
might be a little longer.

A lot of people in the past
have told me that the 20, 30

minute mark is actually to the
sweet spot for a news podcast.

Because they get a bunch of news stories.

It’s the length of their commute,

their train ride, or their
drive into work or something.

So it seems like a lot of people
listen to this stuff on the train.

This one’s gonna be longer
’cause it’s got eight stories.

I usually cap out around six.

Just a restaurant, closed for two days,

after 33 customers became
ill due to food poisoning.

That’s pretty bad.

Five of the seven employees
tested positive for notovirus.

Now, I’ve heard notovirus.

I thought it was a flu.

So maybe it is a flu.

And they got their flu
particles all over the food.

And that made all the people sick.

But I feel like they wouldn’t
call it food poisoning then.

So maybe it’s notovirus and food poisoning

like salmonella or
ill-prepared food or something.

Clearly there’s a cleanliness issue here.

That I think maybe is the
underscore of either point

like whether it was
notovirus or food poisoning.

This is a dirty, dirty place
and you do not wanna eat there.

That would be my feeling.

If I’ve heard that a restaurant had 33
people get sick, I might not go there to eat.

I’m just being really honest.

So they shut down for three days.

And the government’s like scrub your stuff.

Clean everything, get these dirty, dirty
employees out and let them get better.

And then you can reopen.

They reopen three days later.

23 people get sick from
food poisoning immediately.

11 had notovirus.

So I should have, this is
one of those things where

I was like, I meant to
look up what notovirus is.

Clearly it’s something
that’s spread through touch.

The staff who were sick
before either they got better

and pass it on to
other staff or just they

didn’t get better and
came back and kept working.

I would actually put money on.

This is not in the story.

I would put money on
the people who had the

notovirus were the
ones actually cleaning.

So they would clean something,
touch it immediately afterwards.

And there you have your
new blossom of notovirus.

So when they reopened the restaurant, it
was just there germinating, waiting to go.

And oh my God, please be
careful when you go to eat.

(upbeat music)

First in Japan, the birth
rate is a constant new story

because it’s a thing that needs to be
fixed because they don’t know how to fix.

And there’s now been
some really weird stuff

that I’ve experienced
in my own personal life.

But we’ll get the story out first.

Burst in 2024, 729,880.

That is down 37%, the 37%,
that is down 37,643 from 2023.

So that’s a 5% drop in
one year, that’s really bad.

We’re looking at less than 700,000
babies in 2025 if this trend continues.

So there might be something that happens.

Maybe I get out and they’re in the world.

And I have, oh God, I was in a pharmacy.

And they had a drink for men to
become vigorous called diamond banana.

I really wanted to buy it.

Just to see primarily what it tastes like.

I wasn’t planning on having
any sexual escapades that day.

So I was a little torn ’cause
A, it was stupid expensive.

It was like 3,000 yen, it was like 25, $30.

B, I’m assuming it’s just a placebo,
but if it works, would I just be

turgid for the entire day
with no release schedule?

That’s maybe the issue I was running into.

I did look at the ingredients list.

It had soup on, which is soft shell turtle.

It had cobra extract.

And I don’t know if that’s the
venom or the blood of the cobra.

It had scorpion.

It had skeleton.

So I’m assuming seal bones ground up

and put in it or maybe some
shark or something like that.

And I was like, I bet those are all like

traditional Chinese remedies
for the male issue at hand.

But I bet it’s also a placebo.

So my thinking, what
these actually drinks are.

So this I actually think Ninja Ninja Japan

might be expanding its
product line into a drink.

And you put in a whole bunch
of just stuff that sounds manly.

Like when you say it has cobra venom in it

or cobra extract or shark fin muscle
bone, you’re like, oh, man, that’s manly.

And you put that in my body.

And I get more manly as a result.

This is a placebo.

But you want the placebo
to have an indicator at work.

So I was actually betting like these things

have a ton of caffeine
or a ton of nicotine.

So you drink it and then 10 minutes
later, you’re like, oh, I feel good.

I feel ready to go.

And then you’re like,
that drink is working.

It is diamond in my banana.

And now I am diamond banana.

And then that placebo
effect is exacerbated by that.

So it’s just like increased tenfold
because you do feel something.

And you’re like, this is working.

Now mentally, I think it is working.

Therefore, it works.

And I think that might be the
secret to these energy drinks.

And I have read a placebo study.

And it said the more expensive
the pain killer, the better it works.

But it doesn’t– like it could
have the exact same stuff in it.

It could just be like 600
milligrams of acetaminophen.

Cost like the no name brand
is going to be like 1,000 yen.

Let’s say that.

And then the acetaminophen,
buffering, dx, extra

fast, powerful, you
know, that’s 2,000 yen.

It works twice as fast.

The exact same contents doesn’t matter

because your brain’s like if it costs
more money, then it must be more effective.

And it does work that way because
that’s how placebo is working.

People talk about like, oh,
it’s just a placebo effect.

I’m like, if it works,
like if I feel less pain

faster, I’m willing to
pay the extra money.

Like, I don’t care if it’s real or placebo.

If diamond banana works because it’s
all in my head, because maybe that’s it.

Maybe the problem I’m having is in my head,

like when Spider-Man
couldn’t shoot his webs.

Maybe I just need to believe– and
this is the catalyst that makes me believe.

Now, it would be expensive
to drink that on a regular basis,

but I’m at a age where
that’s not a problem anymore.

I am totally off the baby
train, just what I should be on.

Ishiva, the current Prime
Minister, he made comments.

That was a wicked tangent.

His comments was, there
are less opportunities

for women to meet and get
married, which I actually agree with.

This is one of the few times
I’ve agreed with prime ministers

on the baby issue, because
usually they’re saying,

can we find a government mandated
solution to the baby issue and the answers?


Because you can’t
make people do this stuff.

You need them to want to do it.

The way they want to do it is
if they have free time to meet

and fall in love and form a relationship,
they need to have enough money to live.

Those are the two fundamentals
for people making babies.

I’m not going to get into
any of the other subtleties.

You need to have enough money to survive.

You need enough time to actually
make and take care of a baby.

So you need a massive shift in
just the work culture in Japan.

Then went on to say, the
government shouldn’t interfere

with people’s values,
which again, I agree with.

The government shouldn’t be
telling people how to live their lives.

So that’s a good attitude.

But then he said, can the government
create opportunities to meet?

And I actually think, you
know, that’s not a terrible thing.

They’ve had like
government-sponsored dating parties.

I don’t know how successful they were.

They never sounded to
be particularly successful.

They had one where they
were like ladies from the city.

You could come meet like basically farmers.

That might be a good thing.

Again, I don’t know
how successful that was.

I don’t know how attractive it is going
from Tokyo living in the countryside.

But what he’s basically
suggesting we bring back Omiyai.

Now, when you say arranged marriage,

you think like Game of Thrones,
I’m going to take my daughter.

And then I will choose a
guy and they’ll get married.

They’ll have no saying it.

Omiyai is not quite the same.

It’s arranged marriage, but
through like a marriage broker.

So like, let’s say I want to get married.

I go to this person.

They have like a catalog.

And we go through the
catalog and we have attributes.

And we have a discussion.

Then we meet.

And then we decide if we like each other.

Now, we both know
we’re looking for marriage.

That’s the whole point
of the Omiyai system.

So at least that’s all on the table.

I actually know a couple of people I’ve
met whose parents met through Omiyai.

And they actually say they’re really happy.

And this was a really good way to meet.

So there’s clearly, I don’t
know, cultural elements

or opinions or things
like that will come into it.

But it does seem that overall
a good Omiyai is very good.

I’m assuming, again, we
don’t have stats on it.

But Ishiba thinks this
might be the one one way

to step forward is like,
look, people aren’t meeting.

Here’s an organized way
to get people to meet.

Maybe we should be encouraging
that as opposed to Tinder,

which I think maybe people’s
attitudes on Tinder might be different.

The marriage rates is lower
among temporary workers.

So either we need to raise rates for those
workers or just let them quit their jobs.

Make a situation where someone gets
paid enough that they can quit their jobs.

But in a slight amount of good news,

this is the second year in a
row that marriages have gone up.

It’s gone 2.2% up since last year.

That is attributed primarily to COVID.

So people weren’t out and
meeting and being able to do stuff.

So they weren’t hanging out.

They weren’t getting married.

Or they were like, let’s defer our marriage

until after the pandemic
has kind of finished.

We had a new group of
people join our company.

And one of them actually
brought up the breeding visa now.

We were in a professional environment.

So they didn’t say that.

Yeah, they went like, yeah, and now they
got those visas for young, single people.

And I was like, oh, that’s not a thing.

So this is internet information.

It’s really interesting because the idea

that they’re going to bring in young people
to hook up and breed and make babies.

And then I assume, since
they’re not really like staying,

they would just be
abandoning those children.

So they become like state
sponsored children or something.

Like that plan doesn’t
sound very thought out.

It’s also the exact opposite of
what Japanese people would want.

Japanese people don’t want a ton of foreigners
coming over and making foreign babies.

Because they will always
hold on to that core idea

that these are not pure,
true Japanese babies.

Like I, as a foreign person,
have talked to a class of students.

And they’ve been like, oh,
yeah, we don’t want that.

And I was like, you realize
you’re saying to me, a foreigner,

who’s come to Japan and had two kids in
Japan that this is not the solution you want.

Like that is not the way it should go.

But they’re thinking of
just Japan not being Japan

anymore, which is not
really the way countries work.

But you’re also not going
to change anybody’s mind.

That said, in April 2023, an oral
abortion pill was approved in Japan.

Now, this is very new.

And you can think
2025, they’re now just

getting plan B, which
is basically what this is.

It was, this is the difference now.

They actually had it before,
but now it’s over the counter.

You don’t need to go to a, I guess you’d

do a prescription or a
pharmacist or something.

This was just talking
about, it’s been introduced.

It’s easier to get.

And now you can use
it, Japan, when I arrived

in 2001, had essentially
this abortion cabal.

And it’s a very weird thing to think about.

But there was an abortion industry,

and they charged huge
amounts of money for abortions.

So they didn’t want
safer, faster things brought

in, because they would
lose all the money.

So these abortion
doctors were telling the

government that abortion
pills were not safe,

so that they wouldn’t come
in and cut into their profits.

And then it was, you can
get the abortion pill, but

you have to go visit the
doctor so he gets his cut.

Then it was kind of okay,

’cause then the doctor was
still making some money off this.

Now this is taking it a notch.

It’s making it more accessible.

So I’m assuming you just have to go to
the pharmacy and talk to a pharmacist.

The last year it was used
1,440 times, as opposed to the

120,000 abortions that were
performed in Japan last year.

It’s good up to nine weeks,
and it’s safer than surgeries.

This is one of the big problems
is, if you have multiple surgeries,

it might actually impact
your ability to have a baby

down the line, whereas this
is a much safer alternative.

Last year, abortions rose
for the first time in 22 years.

I don’t know what that says about
the culture or country or anything.

You’ll have to interpret that
information your own way.

(upbeat music)

A Japanese company is
selling optical lattice clocks.

They are, what are they?

That’s actually the interest.

I only found this story interesting,
’cause I really like watches and stuff,

and I found that all the young people who
come to Japan now, they don’t have watches.

And it makes perfect sense.

You have a phone, the phone
tells you the time, it’s your alarm.

It does everything you needed to do.

Why would you buy a watch?

Watch is now, would just
be a fashion accessory.

But I grew up thinking watches
were cool, so I like watches.

You can actually see one
on my desk just over there.

I found it interesting that they’re making
this incredibly expensive accurate clock.

This will be accurate.

It will lose less than one
second over 10 billion years.

Which, actually my immediate thought
was like how long do the parts last?

Like the parts aren’t
gonna last 10 billion years.

So I don’t think that’s true.

I think something in the
machine is going to give after the

first million years and then it’s
gonna lose accuracy and time.

I guess you would be able
to maintain it or something.

It looks like a mini fridge.

And it is 109 centimeters tall.

They, their plan is to sell 10 units
over three years at 500 million yen a unit.

So they want to make $3.3 million off this.

And it’s like what is the purpose

of a mini fridge that tells
time to that level of accuracy?

Well, this is designed for
monitoring the movement

of the Earth’s crust
and like volcanic activity.

So we’re talking like you
set up this clock somewhere.

I guess you check where
your tectonic plate is.

And then you can see how long, how far
it shifts over a certain amount of time.

And then you can extrapolate where
that tectonic plate is actually going.

It seems like this is measuring
time on a cosmic scale kind of thing.

Like we’re not gonna be
around to see the results

of these experiments
or whatever, but they are

or someone else is whoever inherits
the clock that costs five million yen.

I won’t be getting one because I
actually do prefer just a wristwatch.

(upbeat music)

Pan has a lot of like collectible culture.

One of my first experience
of this was my son

when he was little wanted to go to
like all the stations on a certain route.

And then you would get off on the station,

you had a piece of
paper, like a little booklet.

And then you could get
a stamp at that station

and he could prove you
had done the whole route.

And if you did the whole route,
you got a special stamp at the end.

This is not an uncommon thing.

Manhole covers in Japan in
certain cities are quite artistic.

So like they have, I
remember they’ve done some

anime ones and they’ve
got a lot of attention.

They’ve done some like
ones for the city or the style.

So they have a lot of
stylized manhole covers.

These people would go and
take pictures of, no problem.

These got so popular that
they started making trading cards

with pictures of the manhole cover or
maybe just the manhole covers art on them.

And then you can basically get
them from different municipalities.

So you would go to a town
and I guess go to the city hall

and say I would like a
manhole cover card, please.

I don’t know, the story that I was
reading didn’t tell you how to get them.

That actually was a bit I
was very interested about.

But you’re gonna have to go to
the town, find the place, get the card.

The card is free.

But because it’s a
collectible, there are a limited

amount of different cards or
maybe some are harder to get.

The government saying
we want to promote local

attractions and awareness
of sewer infrastructure.

And I was like, okay, the first part I get,

we want to like, oh, this is
where this one piece cartoon

where the artist was born
or this is where it’s based

or something like that,
that makes perfect sense.

But are you really raising
awareness of sewer infrastructure?

I think they just care
about the cards and the

pretty pictures and stuff
of the castle and whatnot.

I don’t think people are
looking at the card going,

man, the intricate maze that
sits beneath me when I poop.

That is a thing of wonder that
I should appreciate more often.

Although I just did it now.

So I guess it did kind of work.

It’s supposed to be one person.

So like I show up at the
city hall downtown, let’s

say in my town and I say,
can I have the sewer card?

And they’re like, hey, yeah, thanks, buddy.

Here’s your sewer card.

Now I’m not supposed to
be able to get another one.

I would collect them all, to be honest.

I wouldn’t.

I just wouldn’t be
willing to put the effort in.

That’s really the issue.

It’s not that I’m opposed
to collecting stuff.

I just have no interest in
going to a place to get them.

I bet if I went with
you, like if we went

together, if I went with
friends, I would enjoy it.

But just by myself, no, I’ve never
been that into collecting, I guess.

But they found that some
people are disguising themselves

so they can get multiple copies of a
single card and then sell them online.

So then I go outside into
my car, take off my hat,

shave my beard, go back
in, hey, I’m a new guy.

Can I have the card?

I get another card.

Then I put on a different jacket,
a wig or something like that.

And I come in, I try to
get multiple cards that way.

We do, of course, then have how
much these cards are worth online.

The Osaka Castle Manhole
Cover Card is worth 6,100 years.

There is a 10 card set for Mount Fuji.

So I would bet you have
to go around Mount Fuji,

go to different places
you can collect 10 cards.

That set of 10 cards is 88,000 yen online.

The Okazaki Castle is
selling for 100,000 yen.

That’s like 700 bucks with the
current exchange as it is right now.

For a single card with Okazaki Castle.

So they didn’t explain why
the Okazaki Castle’s card is

so much rarer, so much more
expensive than anything else.

Well, this is, Jay’s point is
actually perfect accurate.

You are, this is robbery, this
is scandalous because these

are supposed to be free for
people who put in the effort.

They just don’t want to have people sit at
home and just order them off the internet

and get them because then you didn’t
go to the place, you didn’t do the thing.

You didn’t see the town that
you’re supposed to be promoting.

This is scalping and scalping
has become a real issue.

Everything that is collectible is
getting scalped and then these now,

municipal governments are
like, what do we do about it?

Well, the excessive reselling
is going to end the campaign.

So the governments are now so angry
that they’re selling this stuff online.

I don’t know if they’re angry that they’re
selling online or they’re selling online

and they’re not getting
a cut of the action.

But anyways, I actually think
this is a little arch-ultruist.

They’re like saying, oh,
we’re trying to give this out

for free and then people are
taking them, making a profit.

That’s not really right
in the right spirit of it.

We’re going to shut down the campaigns.

But then I thought, oh, what’s actually
going to happen is that’s going to increase

the value because now
you can’t get them anymore.

So if you have that Okazaki Castle card
that is worth 100,000 yen, when they end the

campaigns altogether,
I bet that doubles are

triples in price and now
I might go scalps stuff.

Ah, there’s been a lot
of streamer stories lately.

The streamer story
that actually I was a little

aware of doesn’t really
apply to Japan anymore

is that Johnny Somali
is on trial in Korea.

So he came to Japan,
did a lot of dumb stuff here.

He got arrested, held
him for like a month or

something, then they
let him go and I think

basically he’s not allowed
back in the country.

His visa’s been marked or
his passport has been marked.

Other people and then he went to Israel and
then he went to Korea and now he’s caused

so much trouble in Korea that they’re
actually talking about prison times.

So he’s been charged and found
guilty on two or three charges.

They’re doing one or two more,
but these are all cumulative.

So now he’s essentially a repeat offender
and they’re looking for real jail time.

I’m very interested
in how that plays out,

just unfortunately does
not fit into the format

of Ninja News, Japan
and what we do here.

But there are other
streamers and other streamers

have been like, hey, Johnny Somali
built up an audience by being an asshole.

I can be an asshole, I might
even be really good asshole.

There’s a guy, Ice Poseidon and Action
Man, they have been going around Japan.

They’re not doing the same
degree of offensive stuff there.

Like there was one
where they were purposely

smoking cigarettes
on a non-smoking car.

They are right now going
around some islands so they’re

going on the ferry and they
were denied entry of the ferry.

Now their sort of way of doing
stuff is they just almost like Trump.

They just immediately start
denying any of the stuff that you’ve

actually seen them do because
they’re streaming everything.

So they’ll go somewhere, behave badly, get
called out for it and go, I didn’t do that.

That wasn’t me.

And that’s if that was some
sort of convincing argument.

This Coast Guard guy wasn’t having it.

See, he spoke English and
that’s already already the first one.

So they go, they’re going
to get on a second ferry.

So they’ve already
caused problems on the

first ferry probably and
filmed it and streamed to live.

And the Coast Guard
guy comes out and he says,

unfortunately, even
though you’ve already

bought this ferry ticket,
you cannot get on the ferry

today because the ferry
owner has decided and refused.

So that’s it.

This is like the guy who owns the
ferry, he doesn’t want you on his boat.

So you’re not getting on his boat.

They turn around and go, why?

Like as if this is an
unreasonable thing, he

says, because they
acknowledge you have already

done a lot of troublesome
activities in Japan.

So basically, we’ve seen the
way you’re behaving in Japan.

We’ve seen the stuff you’re doing.

We don’t want that nonsense on our boat.

So you’re not allowed on our boat.

The group then denies
they’ve done anything wrong.

So of course, even
though they’ve live

streamed, and these
guys obviously have picked

up on the live stream
somehow, like maybe

someone has said, hey,
these guys are traveling

on your ferries, maybe
check this internet stuff out,

the record of them
behaving like dickheads online.

They’ve seen it because the guy said,
like, we’ve seen that you’ve done this.

We don’t want any part of it.

The Coast Guard, so they say,
oh, we haven’t done anything.

He says, many people have watched.

So he’s like, it’s not like you’re being
convincing by saying we didn’t do it.

You’ve broadcasted it on the internet.

So people have seen you do it.

So this denial means nothing.

Then one of them goes, he got lied to.

It’s fake.

I’m going to start with
this whole fake news thing.

He’s really infected the language.

I think I’ve never heard the
word fake as much as I do now.

And then says, wouldn’t we be
in jail if we did something wrong?

Now, there’s doing something wrong
and then there’s committing a crime.

Now, they might brush up against each other,
but there’s not always the same thing.

You’re not going to get arrested and put
in jail for smoking in a non-smoking car.

You’re going to get told not to do it.

Maybe you’ll get kicked off the
ferry or the train or whatever.

But the Coast Guard dude’s not buying
it and he just doesn’t let them board.

He’s not having the argument.

And I think that’s
always the thing is the

streamers want you to
have the arguments so they

can use their sort of circular logic to get
you stuck in a loop where hopefully they’ll

just be like, eventually
he’ll give up where

this guy’s just like, look, I said, no,
I don’t care what you have to say.

I’ve seen you do it.

The answer’s no, you’re done.

The interpreter then tries to talk to
them and get them to let them on board.

Because again, this
interpreter, he might not

be one of the news
and streamers, which is

how they’re referred to in Japanese,
but he is getting paid by them.

So he wants them to keep going and making
their content so he can keep getting paid.

He tries to talk to
the Coast Guard guy in

Japanese and then he
comes back and he says, they

said because of things on YouTube and
whatnot, we’re not going to win this battle.

So they’re like,
because we’ve seen what

you’re doing, because
we’ve seen clips of how

you’re behaving in Japan,
you’re not allowed on

our ferry and you’re
not going to win because

it’s again, the company, the management
company can decide to refuse to serve you.

I’m think what we’re seeing now is a
shift in the culture in Japan towards these

news and see Johnnie
Somalis is the one who

set it off, like you’re always
people who doing dick moves.

I don’t know.

One of the Paul’s Jake
Paul Logan Paul, he

went to that, that
forest and found the dead

body and thought it
was a really good idea to

stand next to it and film and make
like light heart of jokes and stuff.

He was just being a dick.

Johnnie Somalis, I’m
actually betting saw

that and saw like I can do
that and took it to the next level.

These guys aren’t behaving that badly, but
they are trying to hit that sort of peak

of just getting as much
trouble as they can

without getting arrested, which actually
might be where his argument came from.

If we were really doing a bad thing, we
would have been arrested by now, right?

When that’s not actually the case, like
you can misbehave and not get arrested.

So they’re trying to
push the borders, but

then Japan is a culture
is now just being like,

no, we don’t want this
in culture in our country.

We don’t want this associated with us.

We don’t want people to
come here and do this thing.

And I think that might be the next step is
either just people start acting back, like

you behave badly and then people, the
citizenry at large to start like pushing back.

And then like this
Coast Guard guys is like,

no, you’re not allowed
to travel with us

anymore and it’ll make
harder for them to move

around or this being Japan, I
actually bet they legislate it.

I bet they do like a
nuisance live streaming

act of some sort where
it now becomes illegal

to stream with showing
other people’s faces

in the background, it’s
going to be something

superstitious, it’s not going to be
like, you’re not allowed to live stream.

It’s like you’re not
allowed to live stream

and you have to get permission
from everyone to actually do it.

Japan needs to just do
what Korea did to Somali.

I agree.

I actually wish they’d put him in prison.

I wish he had gotten actual jail talk.

Just beat their ass whenever you see them.

Open season.

You’re talking about the people in Japan.

There was that like the Korean
version of the Navy seal who

like went up and decked them
and then they started calling.

The best part was they started calling the
Korean internet netizens, started calling

Johnny Somali a golden golem, which is like
someone, you kill that enemy in a game and

you drop a lot of loot
because they were

like, if you beat up
Johnny Somali, all these

people are going to
donate money to you.

So that guy got arrested for
punching Johnny Somali in the face.

The day, the next
day, like people on the

internet put him up into like five star
hotel and paid for all his food and stuff.

So I think the world is pushing back, so
it’ll be interesting to see where it goes.

These guys have all pulled
it down a little bit because

I think they don’t want
to lose access to Japan.

Japan is one of these
like four nerdy people.

Japan is one of those
like dream destinations

and they know if they can come
back to Japan and film stuff here.

It’s always going to
get an audience whereas

if they get kicked
out of the country and

they can’t come back in, they’re
going to lose that sort of avenue.

Japanese couple visited
the Great Wall of China.

It’s very nice thing to do.

Go to China and visit the Great Wall.

I actually would like to go there.

I haven’t been there yet.

So that’s something I
would actually like to do.

They decided the best memory of this situation
would be for the man to pull down his

pants and his female
companion to take a picture

of his buttocks, generally
referred to as the moon.

Man, Japan could just
pull the, we don’t need

to tell you why we
arrested you for a while.

They held Johnny Somali for the 20 whatever
days and you’re not Japan’s rule is that

you can hold someone for
24 days before they’re charged.

So basically, I don’t
know if weekends can’t.

So that might just be a full
month and they did that to him.

So they held him.

Korea’s got a very interesting
thing where he’s not allowed

to leave the country but
he’s also not allowed to work.

So he has to like
basically burn through any

savings he has and then become
poor as the trials drag on and on and on.

So they’re actually just
like burning his money in

a weird way as he has
to just sit in the country.

Because I read multiple
stories, some said

record the picture, some said
take a picture, some said video.

So I’m not sure if they did a
video of the guys butt or if they

just took a picture of the guys
butt and I never saw a picture.

So I don’t know how
good this guy’s butt is.

So maybe he has a great
butt, maybe it was worth

like the same level as
the Great Wall of China.

Like if you’re going
to go to the Great Wall

of China, you’re
going to take a picture

and you’d be like, my man’s butt is
as good as the Great Wall of China.

I think both of them in the
same picture, chef’s kiss.

I think that’s what it should be.

Unfortunately, there was a cop
nearby and they were immediately

arrested for public indecency
and disturbing the peace.

They were held for two weeks.

This actually shows like my, so I do
again, all my information comes from media.

So I have very
significant biases that are

incorrect because like
my belief in the violence

in America comes from
American media, my

understanding of America as
a country comes from media.

They talk about
violence and I know the

reality is media makes
it seem like violence is

going up where the reality
is violence is going down.

We just had some people I
talked to some Americans.

I talked to I’ve just met
and they were saying

where they’re from
and once from Alabama

and I was like the only thing I know about
Alabama as a state is racism because all

my information about
Alabama comes from

movies and the only time
someone makes a movie

about Alabama is when they
want to tell a racist story.

Now I’m betting it’s
not as racist as I think

it is, but there’s still
a lot of racism there.

I’m not making those
movies, but you can see

like there’s a fine
balance between reality

and opinion and I have
to be aware of my biases.

My bias about China
in this instance would

be they’re just going to give
you the maximum sentence.

So in this case they didn’t, they’re like,
okay, you’re a young couple, you’re being

dumb, you mooned on
the Great Wall of China,

they held them for two
weeks and like probably

pressure them a lot but
they didn’t end up charging

when they’re like, please go
back to Japan and they did.

They claimed they were just doing it
as a prank and I do tend to believe that.

I think if you were
going to do like an

anti-Chinese protest or
a sentiment or something

like that, you wouldn’t just
moon on the Great Wall of China.

That seems like a very
in the moment thought.

It doesn’t seem like they sat
down or like, let’s really teach

China a lesson and show my
butt on the Great Wall of China.

So I actually believe this because yeah,
it doesn’t seem like a political statement.

Of course, China’s
anger Chinese citizens

anger towards Japan and that sort of
resentment that goes back and forth.

They were like, they should come
back and have to apologize publicly.

They should be arrested.

They should find, I mean it’s the internet.

So of course it went
off the rails really

quick about how much
punishment they deserve.

I think being held for
two weeks would be scary

enough that you would,
that’s enough punishment.

That’s basically all I want to say.

Mooning in the wrong
place, getting held

for two weeks and
then getting released, I’m

thinking that’s actually
more than enough.

Director of a nursery
school, so this is

someone who is dedicated
their life to taking care of children.

You know the fact that I’m
doing this story last and I’ve

changed sort of the tone of
my voice means it’s extra gross.

But also you can tell by the flippancy of
my voice that it’s not, you know, that bad.

This director of the
nursery school wanted to

scare the children into
doing what he wanted.

So that’s already like,
ah, not the nurturing

techniques I would employ if I
was a director of a nursery school.

I think I’m going to say
that was some confidence.

If I was director of
a nursery school, I

don’t think I would use fear as a
tool to get these kids to do what I said.

I would maybe, I mean you want
to have that in your, in your pocket.

I can scare the kids
what I need to, but overall

the methodology should be positive
reinforcement, encouragement.

Like, hey, let’s try to work together.

Let’s try to be better people.

The nursery school, my kids went to,
actually my son, I remember picking him up.

It was connected to a
Buddhist temple and so

they did some meditation
and stuff and they

were trying to get
these kids to be like,

they weren’t pushing
them into the religion.

They were like, hey,
maybe sitting and calming

down and thinking for
a minute’s good for you.

So let’s try that.

And they tried it.

They didn’t force it on the kids.

Like if the kids like
got rest of the stuff,

they’re like, okay, you’re clearly
not in the enlightened mood today.

Let’s just remove you and so
the other kids can give it a shot.

It was cool.

If I’m being really honest,
because they didn’t

push a religious
aspect on it in any real

way, they talked about
it, but they were never

like, you need to join or
you need to pay money.

There were a lot of like cool
things like that that happened.

This guy’s philosophy
obviously is very different.

Now, my thought was, if I
was, okay, let’s say I’ve gotten

to this point where I’m
like, I need to scare the kids.

I think my size, I’m a big six foot
200 pound guy, I might use that.

I might use a really loud voice, scare the
kids with how angry I can get, not actually

do anything, probably
not even be as angry

as I’m presenting, but put on a
bit of a show to scare the kids.

If you’re going to go
way off the rails, dress

up and come in and
scare the kids and dress

like a devil or a zombie or
something, really freak them out.

I think that’s way
too much, but the

psychological harm there
might be minimized by the

fact that it’s not really
no one actually gets hurt.

This guy decided, and I wish
I’d organized a quiz for this week.

I’ve been very disorganized.

That’s why I didn’t do
an episode last week.

I’m having a not rough time,
but it’s just a lot of stuff going on.

He decided to scare
the kid by peeing in his

water bottle, filling the boy’s
water bottle with urine, okay.

So let’s be really honest.

That’s not scary.

It’s just gross.

Like the kid, if they
get the water bottle,

doesn’t know there’s
pee in the water bottle.

If they drink it, they
go, this is disgusting.

I would hope they don’t think it’s pee.

They just like, this is gross.

I’m not going to drink this unless you peed
into the water bottle and then just looked

at them and went, hey, I just peed
into water bottle isn’t that scary.

So this guy’s methods
of discipline and

control don’t seem to mesh
with what his actual goal was.

So I think he’s not
trying to scare the kids.

I think he’s not trying to do
the thing he’s saying doing.

I think he’s just free who likes to pee
and stuff and be really means little kids.

He was arrested.

It’s difficult.

What do you arrest him for?

He was arrested for
destruction of property

because now the bottle
is considered unusable.

Of course, that story
got out and he lost his job.

He lost a lot more than just whatever the
fine would be for destruction of property.

But he, thankfully, he will not be
working in childcare anytime soon.