Best Dating Advice

(upbeat music)

All right, new to New Japan,
back from the holiday, back in 2025.

My throat’s really rough
because they’ve introduced

a chime milk tea, which
has become my favorite drink,

which means I’m drinking it every morning,
but it gives me a really rough throat

and I didn’t think about
it being podcast day.

I shouldn’t have had it
until after I did the podcast.

I apologize, we’re gonna do
a lot of editing this episode

as I like her own my
way through this episode.

We’ve talked about all through the
latter part of 2024 dark part time jobs.

These are jobs you go
on the internet to find

and they say like, oh, here’s
a quick way to make money

and then you find out
you’re committing a crime.

You find out you’re
committing fraud, you’re robbing

a store or something,
you’re the getaway driver.

Something illegal is involved in this job.

That’s why it’s getting
called the dark part time jobs.

Well, police are having a lot of
trouble tracking this stuff because, well,

how do you catch someone
and is completely random?

It’s not like this is a
crew that works together.

These are random people that are thrown
together who do a job, who then separate.

They don’t know each other.

They have no connection.

So the cops need to do something.

So the cops are going to be getting
fake IDs to combat dark part time jobs,

which makes me think,
didn’t they have this already?

Like, I would assume cops have
fake IDs to prove that they’re not cops,

to prove they’re not the people
they are that they’re pretending

to be other people so that
they can get in with the criminals.

They can go out of their cover.

Do Japanese cops not go under cover?

Like, I’m sure I’ve seen TV
shows where they do that.

That’s not immoral or illogical.

It seemed like something I just assumed

had already happening, but I
think what they’re really saying

is they’re going to be
creating fake personas

that they can use
online because the first

applications of these
jobs has to be done online.

So you’re going to need online credentials,
which maybe they didn’t have those before.

Is my assumption, I don’t
actually know if that’s correct.

They are also asking Twitter to
take down posts that are offering.

They’re going to ask Twitter to take
down posts, offering dark part time jobs.

And in some cases, they are actually
just phishing because they’re scamming,

so they’re basically
trying to get your

information so they can
then fish or blackmail you.

Cops will be applying
for jobs going forward.

So basically, this means cops in 2025

are going to be applying
for these dark part time jobs.

My question is, how long
before we get to the point

where the cop takes the
dark part time job, sees it as a

viable opportunity and then
actually commits the crime.

(upbeat music)

The man was detained for
abandonment leading to death.

So he left someone who is sick or
injured and that person eventually died.

That I guess not rendering
aid or calling for help is a crime.

I don’t know much about this is
one where I would need a lawyer

to give me some information
as to what the actual crime is.

Because maybe just
walking away from something

isn’t a crime because you’re not involved
and you don’t want to get involved.

Is there an obligation?

That’s a whole other thing.

And they have the Good Samaritans acting

in some countries where you kind of have
to help out if you see someone in trouble.

Lawyer tells him not
to answer any questions.

Very reasonable piece of lawyering advice.

It’s advice you should take.

I’m not a lawyer but any lawyer will
tell you when the cops ask you questions.

Don’t answer any questions.

Just don’t say anything because
they’re not there to help you.

The lawyer then gives
this guy a t-shirt that says,

“I refuse questioning
in Japanese.

” So he has a t-shirt he’s wearing
that says, “I refuse questioning.

” I’m wearing a t-shirt that right now
that says, “golden harvest presentation.

” Because I like Kung Fu movies.

So this is representative of I
guess what you’re feeling or thinking.

So I feel like Kung Fu movies are
good and they need to be promoted.

This man was feeling, his
lawyer certainly was feeling,

“I don’t think I should be
talking to the cops about anything.

” So he’s wearing this t-shirt
that says, “I refuse questioning.

” Making it blatantly clear
that when the cops come in

and ask him questions,
he’s not going to

answer and the answer
is written on his chest.

It is very visible.

This is problematic for the police.

The police want to
say he never denied

questioning or something,
they want to twist it.

I mean, the day after he
receives this brand new t-shirt

from his lawyer that
says, “I refuse questioning.

” The police
confiscate the shirt.

When they asked, “Why did you
take the t-shirt away from this man?

” They said, “Because
it was a dangerous item.

” Now, of the t-shirts, what
aspect of it is dangerous?

Because he’s wearing a
shirt if he’s even in his prison.

Like, even if he’s been
arrested without a shirt,

they would probably give him a
shirt to wear while he’s in prison.

I would say comparing I refuse questioning

and the golden harvest
t-shirt I’m wearing right now,

I would say the Kung Fu
t-shirt is more dangerous

just by its very nature of being
connected to Kung Fu, the Kung Fu spirit.

The lawyer criticized the police, saying,

“labeling inconvenient words as
dangerous reflects a dangerous system

“on the part of the police and
raises constitutional concerns.

” Which I think is
absolutely correct.

I am not pro crime, I’m not
pro criminal, but I am pro rights.

And your rights in most
countries is don’t talk to the cops.

The cops aren’t there to help you.

They’re not trying to solve a crime.

They’re trying to pin it on someone

so they can finish the paperwork
and move on to the next one.

Now, that’s not to say cops are bad.

I’ve met a lot of very good cops
in my life, but they are doing a job.

And the job is to close cases,
not necessarily solve them.

Yes, just advice for anybody.

Don’t talk to the cops.

Having done Ninja Ninja Ninja
Japan for as long as I have no.

I don’t even know how many years.

It’s been four or five, six years.

I actually don’t remember.

We’re in the 300s as far
as episode goes, so it’s 50.

Let’s not do math, let’s
not worry about any of that.

It’s been doing Ninja
Ninja Japan for a long time.

They talk about the very
famous 99 point whatever

percent conviction
rate in Japanese courts.

And that makes it sound
like if you get arrested,

you’re going to go to court and
you’re going to be found guilty.

You’re almost guilty until proven innocent,

not the other way around,
innocent until proven guilty.

This incredibly high conviction
rate comes from the fact

that the prosecutors only
take cases where they can lay.

It’s like a slam dunk where
they know they’re going to win.

So if there’s any doubt on the prosecutor’s
side, they’re going to dismiss the case.

They’re going to say, we’re
not going to bother with it.

We’re not going to prosecute
it so that never gets it.

So the ones where
there’s any sort of question,

never get prosecuted
in the first place.

So if you ever get arrested in
Japan, your best bet is to just say

nothing because if you
say nothing, that’s always

going to leave them with
that sort of modicum of doubt.

That modicum of doubt is
going to be enough for the

prosecutors to go, we don’t
know if we can think this guy.

If we can’t convict this guy,
we’re just going to let him go.

I actually think that, even for the
criminals out there who I do think

should be arrested, if I
was your lawyer, this is

the advice I would give,
I’d get you that t-shirt.

The one that says I refuse
questioning, I’m not talking to the cops.

I’m not talking to anybody because there’s
a very, very high chance that if they say,

like, oh, we can’t crack this guy,
they’re just going to let you go.


Can mean the stores
are everywhere in Japan.

So you go in and can mean the
stores are open 24 hours a day.

Not uncommon for
people to go to can mean

the stores 2, 3, 4, 5
o’clock in the morning.

So you walk into a convenience store,
there’s a certain set of expectations.

And it’s going to be pretty quiet.

There’s going to be a lot of
people who may be standing around.

If it’s a busy one, if it’s really,
really late at night, it’s probably empty.

Just you and the clerk.

This one, quite late
at night, had a bunch of

customers just milling
around being normal people.

Then a guy walks into the
convenience store and causes a panic.

Why does he cause a panic?

Because he’s completely nude.

The weirdly interesting part
is he was a little taller than me.

I’m 183 centimeters, so I’m about six foot.

This guy’s 185, so
he’s just a little bit

taller than me, so he’s
a big Japanese dude.

He walks into the
convenience store, buck naked.

That is already a bit of a shock.

So the customers are
like, “Ugh, what’s going on?

” One customer said, “I
looked around, I saw the man

standing looking
at me completely

silent, naked,” which
was very off-putting.

And I was like, the silent part is
off-putting, silent and nude is way worse.

I don’t know why that’s the case.

Nude is bad, but nude and noisy
is not as scary as nude and silent.

Just naked, standing,
silent, staring at you.

That’s scarier than naked guy freaking out.

I don’t know why that is.

Maybe this is just some
part of the psychology

in there that makes
it more disturbing.

Then they notice he has a knife on him.

He’s holding on him.

He’s not wearing it close,
so he has a knife in his hand.

Then they notice he
has a knife in his hand, so

he wanders, get not
actually bothering anybody.

He wanders to the back
of the store, goes into the

bathroom, a bunch of
the customers run outside.

The clerk’s go outside,
they bar the door

from the outside so that he cannot
get out of the convenience store.

So he’s now in the convenience store alone.

They call the cops.

A couple minutes later, the cops show up.

He starts stabbing the products.

I’m thinking like the chip
bags for some reason.

I guess it’s the most
stabable item to me in

the, “Oh, have you
really fun to stab the milk?

” There’s a quiz
we could put out.

What would be the most fun thing
to stab in the convenience store?

Because the chip bags
would make a nice pop.

That’d be pretty good.

The milk, or a lot of
the liquid items, would

have that nice burst
of gushing of liquid

that would come out of it, so they
would be quite fun to stab as well.

But that’s not actually
what we’re talking about.

We’re talking about what he started
doing, so the cops show up there outside.

They’ve had no real interaction.

He sort of notices he’s
stuck in the convene.

I mean, notice is the
cops are outside, so I guess

part of his brain goes,
“I’m about to get arrested.

” Might as well
make it worthwhile.

Start stabbing items on the
shelves of the convenience store.

Twenty cops show up.

They surround the convenience store.

Now this is a single
naked man with a knife.

They actually later said two knives, which
would mean a random to a problem, because

that would be a knife in each hand, because
unless he’s holding a knife somewhere else.

He’s not holding in his mouth,
although he’s not making any noise.

Because they would have said that.

So it seems like maybe he was holding
both knives in one hand or something.

I don’t know.

Something happened there,
because it started out the story.

I read a couple versions of the story.

It was said once that he had a knife, once
that he had two knives, and once that he

was suspected of having
more than one knife.

But when you’re naked, you’re
carrying capacity is very limited.

That’s the issue I ran into, not
how many knives he actually had.

If he had more than
one knife, it would be

very obvious, because he’s
not got it hidden somewhere else.

He’s a naked man.

That’s not an actually relevant.

Twenty cops show up.

They come in.

They kind of storm the building.

They push him to the ground.

Nobody gets hurt.

He gets arrested.

It was interesting to
me that it was a 20 cops

showed up, because
again, once the showing

how safe Japan is, because
in America, this again,

I only take all my
information from the news.

There isn’t a cross the whole
country, but the news stories you

get would be naked man with
knife gets shot by two or three cops.

It would be pretty quick,
whereas in Japan, no one got hurt.

He got taken down.

Again, a story said
how they did it, but I

didn’t want to count
that, because if I don’t

have confirmation from two
or three sources, kind of deal.

All we do know he’s been
arrested, we do that nobody’s hurt.

Clearly something else is going on there.

You don’t take off all your clothes and
say, “I want to go to the convenience store.

I’m going to bring a knife.

” I didn’t seem to intend
to hurt anybody with

the knife, but then took
it out on the products.

Maybe he was anti-capitalism.

That actually is why we
get 20 cops showing up.

There is a doctor at a
cosmetic clinic, so a plastic

surgeon, and she’s had
to make an apology online.

While she was in Guam,
she posted several

pictures of herself going to a
place where they train on cadavers.

Her first caption was, “I’m
off to dissect a fresh cadaver,

and it’s her and some of her
friends looking really happy.

It’s almost like
a holiday photo.

” Then there are pictures
of her in, surrounded

by other doctors,
and other dead bodies.

She’s blurred out some of
the faces, but some are visible

in the background, because
she didn’t get them all.

She’s thrown up the peace sign,
like every Japanese person does.

A lot of people very
quickly started saying,

“This is pretty
disrespectful because these

are people who’ve
donated their bodies to

science, and you’re being very flippant
about how you’re treating this event.

You’re being very
disrespectful to the people

who’ve taken their lives of sorts
and put them in your hands for a while.

” This actually resonated
with me because I have

very technically donated
my body to science as well.

When I was in university,
you can donate your

organs if you die in a
car accident or whatever.

I’m all for that.

There’s anything, if
I’m going to die, there’s

anything useful in my body
that someone else can use.

100% they should take it, take out
all the blood, take out all the organs.

I don’t need it anymore.

They might as well get something out of it.

I took it a step further
and signed up for that

if I die, shipped my body
back to my university,

my university has a
hospital on the ground, so

it’s one of a really,
really big university.

It has a medical school,
and then the students

can practice their
skills on my cadaver,

and then, hopefully, they
become better surgeons.

That was kind of my
thinking is, like, if in

my death, someone can
benefit, be it physically

by taking some of my
organs, or, educationally,

by becoming hopefully a better doctor, I
think that is a great benefit to the world,

and again, I’m not
using my body anymore.

Have at it.

If you said a plastic surgeon
was going to practice, I’d be

a little bit like, I’m not a big
plastic surgeon kind of guy.

I’m not really pro
plastic surgery, so that’s

already like iffy,
but then you do have

reconstructive surgery,
you do have people who

learn they fix actual
issues with their bodies.

That is a whole other issue,
so there is a place for that.

I would expect a
certain amount of respect

to be paid towards myself,
and the treatment of my body.

One of the interesting,
I read a book about

what they do with
cadavers, and then sometimes

when they say we’re
going to use it for

science, it’s like we’re
going to stick it in

a car and crash the
car and see what actual

damage, not like a crash
test dummy, like an actual

dead body is in there,
they bury them so

they can do like in
this environment, in this

controlled environment,
so for CSI guys to

practice, and I was like
actually those are still

valuable to society, so I
wouldn’t be as opposed

to those, just as long as it gets
treated with a certain amount of respect.

The backlash of this
lady basically being

incredibly flippant,
like this is a fun holiday

thing that she’s doing, which pretty quick,
so of course she had to go on Twitter, and

she had to make a lot of apologies, but her
apology is always tainted by the fact that

she also justifies and
explains what she’s

doing, so I thought
reading some of those posts

would be interesting, so she starts out
with I’m very sorry for causing discomfort

to everyone with my
post about my dissection

training in Guam, they don’t do dissection
training in Japan, so that’s actually

something to know, she
actually went on a trip

to Guam to do this
thing that is very unique

that she is not able
to do in Japan, she

continued I thought I
had blurred out all the

corpses that were in
the photos, but there

were some that I hadn’t,
I sincerely apologize

for posting something
that lacked ethics,

as a doctor, I’m truly sorry, and I think
she’s actually missed the point that people

were pissed off about, not
blurring all the faces, that is bad.

You could call that a
human accident, she probably

shouldn’t be taking pictures, like selfies
in the first place, so that’s the actual

problem, not that she
blurred out some of the

faces and not all the faces, the fact that
she’s in a place, doing this very serious

thing, and taking
flippant, entertainment,

holiday style photos,
that’s what she should

be apologizing for, I
shouldn’t have done

this thing in the first
place, not that I did

this thing in a correct
way, I have received

comments such as don’t
post about your anatomy

training, which I think is true in a way, I
would say don’t post about your anatomy

training in this way,
and then posting,

that’s insensitive, which I do agree with,
she says, but I would like to explain the

circumstances that led
to my posting on social

media below, as a
doctor, the opportunity to

dissect a fresh corpse in order to
improve my and an anatomical goddamn.

As a doctor, the
opportunity to dissect a

fresh corpse in order
to improve my anatomical

knowledge and skills
is extremely rare, and

is basically not available
in Japan, I decided

to participate in this
training in order to improve

myself as a doctor and to
increase patient satisfaction.

Many doctors don’t know
that such opportunities

exist, so when I talk
about this training,

let me say they want
to go, that is fine, again,

I think the problem isn’t what you’re
doing, it’s the way you’re doing it.

So if you took a picture
and said, I’m about

to go dissect a corpse,
this is a very serious

skill thing, it’s very
important, and I want

to really show some respect and thanks to
the people who’ve donated their bodies to

know I able to do this,
I think you wouldn’t

have had any complaints at all, I want to
make sure other doctors know that this kind

of training is available, I don’t think
you would have had any complaints at all.

I was throwing up
peace signs and looking

like you’re having a
really fun time, and I’m

actually not even
against that part, like you

enjoying your work,
working in this situation,

trying to make
yourself a better doctor,

enjoying that is not a
bad thing, throwing it up

on the internet is, and this is the problem
that again, I don’t think she’s actually

glued into the actual issue
that’s pissed off all the people.

I actually learned a
lot from participating

in the training, and I am already
using it in my daily practice.

I am convinced that I’m
providing safer and better

treatment, again, no problems
there, that’s not the issue.

The number of cosmetic
surgeons is increasing

in Japan these days,
and more people are

receiving cosmetic
treatment, at the same time

the number of problems
is also increasing.

In this situation, being able to learn from
these corpses is very valuable opportunity.

True, I wanted more doctors to know that
such an opportunity exists, and by letting

more doctors know we
can make things safer and

increase the satisfaction of
more patients, I posted this.

Again, I think if you
had posted it that way

with that tone, there wouldn’t
have been an issue at all.

I would like to express
my sincere gratitude to

those who donated their
bodies and their families,

as well as those involved
in organizing this training.

Once again, I apologize
for making a post

that lacked human
ethics, I’m very sorry, and

I think she still hasn’t
actually figured out

what the issue is, so that big 3-4 paragraph
explanation of why she was doing this.

If you did it that
way, like here we are,

we’re doing this
training, it’s very serious.

I want to say thank you to the
people who donated their bodies.

I don’t think you would have had an issue.

I still don’t think
you should be putting

the pictures of them in the
picture, but this is serious training.

We’re taking it seriously.

We’re trying to make ourselves better
doctors, no complaints across the board.

I want to make sure
other doctors know that

this training is available,
no complaints across

the board, posting it up
like you’re having a party with

the dead bodies weekend at
Bernie’s style, that’s a problem.

Her clinic steps in and
decides to defend this doctor.

We are very sorry.

I apologize as one of
the organizers, however,

and there you go,
there’s your first problem.

Don’t have a however in your apology.

You should have an, say, we
apologize for this happening.

We got to take some responsibility for it.

Maybe we got to
educate our doctors better

to make them realize like this
can be a very sensitive thing.

Families of the people who’ve taken the,
you know, this moral stance to donate their

body to science, we
have to show a certain

amount of respect to them will
educate doctors better in the future.


As soon as you hit, however,
you’ve already ruined the apology.

Any apology or any thanks where you
attach something to it is problematic.

I’ve realized that
very recently, however,

performing dissections is
very important for a surgeon.


Unlike the dissections, they perform to
students, performing dissections by clinical

doctors is a big part of being able
to give back directly to patients.

I think it is an essential part
of producing skilled surgeons.

I believe that is all for
the benefit of the patients.

This photo shows a
dissection in America where

the rules are different
to those in Japan.

The post has already been deleted.

I hope that this does
not extinguish the flame

of clinical doctors being
able to perform dissections.

So again, I think it’s, he’s
misunderstood what the actual problem is.

The problem isn’t taking
a picture of doctor’s

training or trying
to promote doctor’s

training or trying to get
doctors out doing this thing.

The problem is them
looking like they’re

having a party while
doing it for them looking

like they don’t care
about the people they’re

doing the dissections on for
them acting this way is the problem.

When they say the rules are different
in America, I don’t think that’s true.

I think there’s a great
deal of respect to

show them by most doctors who
do the undergo this kind of training.

I’ve read a book about it about again sort
of what happens to corpses and whatnot.

And part of it was talking about
how the corpses are treated.

The doctors, the
teachers, teaching, the

medical students are
very, very serious about

like these are still
human beings in a way.

Like they’re basically
saying these are still people.

These are people who’ve
given a big part of who

they are to you to
make you a better doctor.

You should appreciate that.

I think that tone is the issue.

I think that’s what’s missing and I
think that’s why this was a problem.

So you wake up this
morning, you’re 15 year old.

This is so many weird
little bits about this,

15 year old kid wakes
up and he’s talking

to his 29 year old
friend that already like I

don’t have a big thing
about age differences.

Like if this 15 year old and
this 29 year old get along

and they want to hang
out and stuff, that’s great.

Clearly one of them is a
bad influence on the other.

I would put the responsibility
on the 29 year old.

If you’re 15 hanging out
with a 29 year old might seem

cool, actually when I was
15 it wouldn’t have been.

So I guess maybe this is a
different way of thinking with me.

Anyways, they’re like, hey,
let’s do something fun tonight.

Let’s get on some scooters and ride around
the very famous Shibuya Scramble Crossing.

You’re supposed to,
of course, if you’re

driving a vehicle, stop at the stoplight
and drive through when it’s green.

And then this is one of those ones.

This is very famous.

You’ve seen it on the internet before.

It’s got a whole bunch of different
crosswalks and they all intersect.

And then so you basically when it hits
red, a whole bunch of people rush out.

This was night time.

So there weren’t that many people.

There weren’t that many cars.

They decided, hey, wouldn’t it be
cool if we drove around in circles in that.

So they drive around
in circles a couple times.

Two cops roll up.

They start shouting, hey, stop it.

They’re not trying to
arrest them or anything

yet, but they’re like,
hey, hey, don’t do this.

And you think at that point they’d
be like, oh, we could just ride away.

We’re not going to get in any
trouble if we dress right away.

But of course, that’s not what happened.

It’s otherwise it wouldn’t
be much of a story.

They then return with the cops.

They have a fire extinguisher.

I don’t know if they
brought the fire extinguisher

with them or if they went
off and got it and came back.

It’s a very interesting question.

Was the fire extinguisher part
of the plan from the beginning?

Because if it was, that
would actually change

the outcome of the punishment
of me if I was the judge in this case.

But because again,
there’s intent and planning

involved as opposed
to just like, hey, we’re

just being really random today, they decide
we’re going to go back, taunt the police.

And what we’re going to do is
ride our motorcycles as scooters.

Motorcycles is very generous.

And we’re going to fire
off the fire extinguisher.

They decide they’re
going to taunt the police.

So they ride past the police.

They fire off the fire extinguisher, so a
big plume of smoke flowing behind them.

They ride around in
a circle three times,

making sure that the entirety of the
scramble crossing is covered in smoke.

This is making it a little more dangerous.

Still, not many people, not many cars.

Both men get arrested,
neither of them has

a license to ride a
motorcycle or a scooter.

And that was apparently how
they decided to spend their day.

Okay, so there’s a YouTuber
called Kaga Yokota from Osaka.

And this guy said, I have a plan and
I’m going to give people dating advice.

But people aren’t
going to look at me and

take dating advice because this
actually would be a real problem for me.

Let’s say I have a deep desire to get
into the dating advice influencer sphere.

I don’t think people are going to look at a
52 year old man who has no fashion sense

and does not have like that
kind of influence or lifestyle.

People aren’t going to
take dating advice from me.

Despite the fact that in my youth,
I was very successful at dating.

I dated many people successfully.

I think I would give
pretty good dating advice

because I dated
several people for a long

period of time and found
satisfying relationships.

Maybe that’s the best way to put it.

I didn’t interview way way back
like we’re talking like 15 years ago.

These guys put out a
guide to dating in Japan

and I read the book and
I like this book is trash.

And it was just a whole bunch of stories.

It wasn’t how to date.

It was actually just
like a diary of all

these, I met this
incredibly beautiful woman.

I talked to her.

I charmed her.

We dated for a bit.

We laughed and I moved on.

So I ended up doing
an interview with these

guys for this old
website I ran and my first

thought was if you are meeting
these incredible amazing women.

How is it none of these
relationships have lasted?

So like, why is it because they want to
claim it’s not about numbers like, but the

dating advice guys, it’s
always just about numbers.

It’s like it’s volume and has
nothing to do with sort of and

then they tell like volume
and quality or that kind of thing.

But if you actually
meet a really high

quality person who
matches you really well and

is really wonderful to
be around, why wouldn’t

you stay with that person
unless it’s just about numbers?

He really struggled with that.

I don’t remember what he said
because again it was so long ago.

I should have tried to
dig up that interview,

but it was just really
funny because it was

clearly a big hole in the whole thing like
if dating is to find companionship, which

he, you know, said, oh
yeah, that’s why you do

it, which he obviously
didn’t really believe.

And it’s not about volume
and it’s not about numbers.

How have none of your relationships lasted?

So are these successful relationships?

So if he was like, this
is about numbers, we

could have continued with
what he’s saying is being true.

That demonstrate sort of this like moral
ambiguity that isn’t accepted in society.

So he couldn’t say that.

So when he actually
said the thing that I knew

he would say, which
was this is about quality

relationships, if none
of them last, that’s,

and you’re saying
that these are amazing

women, then you’re obviously a piece
of shit guy and that really stock them.

But I’m in the same
situation like no one’s

going to listen to me and
take dating advice for me.

So what do I do?

We’re in a modern age
2025 now, I get an AI avatar.

I change my appearance to a
young, very attractive woman.

And I give dating advice as this avatar,
then men are going to listen to me.

It does lend more credence to my advice
because I am a woman pretending to be, I’m

pretending to be a woman
and I’m telling you what I like.

Therefore the men would be
like, hey, maybe if I actually do

the things she says, then I could
actually get a woman like her.

Now, I think he was hoping to
be mistaken for a real woman.

I think that was given
and that he was making

himself a very attractive
woman so that people

watching the videos
would then try to, you

know, give him money
for dating advice, give

him, try to talk to
him with the distinct

hope and desire that
they would end up dating

this AI avatar because
they think it’s a real woman.

In June 2024, Nidu
Nanase had 90,000 followers

on YouTube and used a line account
to make appointments in conversation.

So you could sort of an official line
account, a line is like a chat account.

And you could send
messages and pay money

for sort of like to access to this
to be able to talk to them more.

It would be like, what hustlers university
where you paid money to get into a discord

where they talked about
how successfully are,

but if you wanted to
hear that conversation,

you had to pay more money
to get into a slightly different

discord and it just goes
on and on and on forever.

Number fifth, he was
arrested for fraud April to May.

He took in 1.25 million yen, which sounds a
lot, but it’s not actually that much money.

You’re not living on
1.25 million yen a year.

April and May is only two months.

So you could over the
course of the year if

you sustain this, actually
make a solid salary.

One man sued him specifically
because he took dating

advice and forex trading
advice from him as the avatar.

So Kota claims that
there was no fraud because

while he did take the money, he actually
produced the thing he said, so said, you

want dating advice, I
gave you dating advice.

You wanted forex trading advice,
I gave you forex trading advice.

It came from me, I’m
still the person behind

the avatar of the
person you were talking

to the person you
believed in is this fraud.

So it’s a very interesting question.

This is one of those ones.

I really want to find
a lawyer who I can

spend some time talking
to about these issues.

Is it fraud if you pay for
advice and I give you advice,

but I don’t look like
what you think I look like?

Is it fraud if you think
I’m one person, but I

still deliver the product
I promise to deliver?

Because it’s in a way not fraud because
he’s like, I wasn’t selling you this image.

I was using this image to sell,
which is what advertising is.

And then you said you wanted
dating advice, I gave you dating advice.

You said you wanted forex trading
advice, I gave you forex trading advice.

This is not fraud.

So it’s a very interesting
question because

people were believing one thing,
it was coming from one person.

If it comes from a
different person behind the

avatar, is that fraud is a
very interesting question?

We’re going to find out.

I’ll try to follow up on this
story and see where it ends up.

A 31 year old YouTuber,
Tinch him, had 1.

69 million followers on YouTube and
got a brand deal with a bra company.

The product was very successful.

Company the bra company is
very happy, Tinch him is very happy.

Tinch him claimed that the
bra makes your breasts grow.

That was problematic because she
made those claims after she got a boob job.

So she started wearing these bras, went and
got a boob job, came back on the internet

and said, look, my boobs are bigger,
it’s because I’m wearing this bra.

She failed to mention she got augmentation
surgery in the middle part of that story.

People, when they find
out that she’s actually

had a boob job and
it’s not the bra making

their boobs bigger,
they start making returns

and making saying that
she’s made false claims.

This is not something
that this product doesn’t

work the way it was promised, it
doesn’t work as intended, it doesn’t work.

She sued the bra company.

So the spokesperson sued the bra company to
try to get more information about how they

were spending money
because she’s like saying,

I need more information to be
able to make some sort of decisions.

This is a bit confusing.

The company then countersuse her for breach
of contract to the tune of 384 million yen.

So she’s gotten paid
some number similar to that.

But they’re saying our losses are
now 384 million yen, it’s like $23 million.

Because instead of being honest in your
spokesperson of this bra, you went ahead and

made up a whole bunch of lies and made
people buy bras under false pretenses, losing

us a ton of money and image
and respect and that other stuff.

She then goes on X and starts complaining.

This is another series of
mistakes that she’s made.

She goes on X and she says, she talked
about maybe I have to go into bankruptcy.

If I lose this court case, I’m
going to have to go into bankruptcy.

She loses the court case, changes her
Twitter handle to I lost the court case.

So that’s, you know, again, smart.

And then later on she
goes, yes, I admit that

some of the things that’s happened is I had
an application for real estate rejected.

But of course that’s going to happen.

She actually admits this.

If you go around talking
about bankruptcy on

your net, when you
go to apply for a house

or an apartment or something,
I’m assuming she lives in Tokyo.

So it’s very expensive.

They’re going to look at that and
go, Oh, she’s about to go bankrupt.

Let’s not sell her an apartment.

She finished off this whole thing with I’m
an idiot and the engineer’s Japan agrees.