Pay Attention

(upbeat music)

We have an update on
the NHK broadcast incident.

So there was a English
language Japanese broadcast.

NHK, they do the news and
they do the news in multiple

languages, one of the
languages they do is English.

They also do Chinese and Korean.

It was a Chinese affiliate.

So a contract worker had been
hired to do the news in English.

He switched to Japanese.

We actually have a couple of details
that I didn’t have in the previous story.

He switched from English to Chinese

and he said the Senkaku
Islands belonged to China.

And he also said, “Don’t forget comfort
women “or the non-king massacre.

” So this guy, I mean, that’s a set of
politically charged statements he’s made.

I don’t actually necessarily
disagree with the latter points.

The Senkaku Islands, as far
as I’m concerned, are in dispute.

I’m not saying they are Japanese.

I’m not saying they are China.

I have no idea.

I’m not taking it to stands on that.

I don’t know enough
about international law.

I do know.

This isn’t what you say if
you want to keep your job.

They’ll fall out from this.

I thought, would, okay, contract
worker, fire the contract worker.

If you want to get really
serious, you just get rid of

the company and don’t work
with that company anymore.

Like that would be almost excessive.

Like fire that guy, yes.

He hasn’t done anything
criminal, so that’s enough.

But it went way further
than I would’ve expected it.

As a result, the board of
director in charge of foreign

language broadcasts will
step down to take responsibility

and three other executives
will take a 50% pay cut.

Now that is significant punishment

for something they didn’t
have any control over really.

They are technically responsible.

And what I actually realized from this is
this is the kind of level of responsibility

I would like to see other
executives in other companies held to.

I don’t know why these guys
are being held to this standard

and other executives in
other companies are not.

The president or CEO of one
of these big tech companies

are a gas and oil company
and they go and mess

something up or they
do something illegal.

They should be punished
and I bet a lot of executives

would be a lot more
careful about how things go.

And it would actually in
a weird way give a lot of

power to the people
because if you’re an employee

wanting these companies, you
want to screw over your boss,

you do something
illegal and he’s going to

get punished and they
would care a lot more.

This is not anti-upper
class billionaire class

warfare podcast, but
I mean, let’s face it.

I’d like to see some of
that happen in the world.

McDonald’s Japan.

I don’t go to McDonald’s a lot, but I
go to McDonald’s convenience often

overwhelms is an overrides
good decision making

and let’s face it, chocolate
shakes are pretty good.

At last time I went
there, I noticed that my

server had blue streaks
in sort of blondish hair.

So more blue than blonde.

I think it was maybe a transitionary
period between two colors.

It was actually odd that I noticed that.

I was like, why did I notice?

I see girls with brightly colored
hair all the time out in the streets.

Why did I notice in McDonald’s?

Because in McDonald’s
had a rule for many, many

years up until very
recently, this is the story,

that you could only
have natural color hair.

So good black hair, you could sort of
take it down a couple of shades to brown.

If you had brown hair,
you could darken it up

to black, but it had
to be a natural color.

And I think when they say natural

would they mean is a natural
sort of Japanese or Asian color?

And we need to hire more people,
and we want to hire young people,

and young people are
really the who we target.

So let’s relax this one standard
and make it easier for people to apply.

So you can keep your blue
hair and join McDonald’s.

Well, this has had a very positive impact.

They have that had three times
more recruits in the last year.

And again, my server had sort of bluish,

purplish, anime hair, which
didn’t do anything for me.

It was fine, she was very nice.

I mean, she was a
server, she was very nice.

Didn’t have a
conversation, didn’t interact.

This is fast food.

We’re not getting to know each other.

Back in 2021, they started to
allow beard citing religious reasons.

So they’re saying like we
don’t want to discriminate

against people who have a religious
thing where they can’t shade their beard.

We want to be able to hire them too.

Other companies have not
taken note of this kind of thing.

Starbucks and Japan
is relaxed, they’re dress

code, and it’s called
your preferred style.

Now, my preferred style
probably still too lazy for, it

would be just athletic where,
if I’m being really honest.

I wear a lot of like
track pants, sweatpants.

It’s a modern version.

So it’s not like sweatpants
in the traditional sense.

It’s not track pants
in the traditional sense.

It’s gonna have that.

So hybrid, so the under armor stuff.

It feels like wearing pajamas all day.

If I had the choice, I would
be wearing athletic wear all day,

not because I’m like a hyper
athlete and want to be super athletic.

It’s just very comfortable.

They are designed for
comfort first and then form

factor second, but they
always look fine as well.

Starbucks is relaxed, they’re
dress code to your preferred style.

Sushi dough is also being more relaxed.

They haven’t really
clarified what that means.

But these big companies are starting to
notice, almost if you make people happy,

if you accept people, if you
allow people to be who they are,

you get more people who
want to work at your company.

Who would have thought it is really the
question that needs to be thrown out there,

except everyone whoever
worked at a company.

(upbeat music)

There was a trading card company.

And a trading card company,
they’re doing a live stream.

So they’re like, let’s open some trading
cards, let’s put them on the screen,

let’s talk about them unboxing,
maybe that kind of stuff.

They’re talking about
special cards, rare cards.

The thing is, this is a company.

So it’s basically advertising.

No problem with that, you
want to advertise your product.

This is a very interesting way to do it.

Get the people who are interested in
trading cards, watching your live stream.

And they can learn about it.

And then of course they’re going
to want to trade or buy with you.

The difference is,
they’re like a live stream.

So I’m live streaming
this podcast right now.

But the thing is, hopefully
no one knows where I live.

So if I suddenly said like, “Hey,
here’s something very valuable.

“What’s something I
just bought recently?

” This is kind of advertising.

I bought this eyesner,
eyesner mile beard oil.

It’s a five pack.

This is going to be like five
years worth of beard oil right here.

So let’s say I hold that
product up, I talk about it.

You’re like, ooh, it’s
worth millions of dollars.

You know where I live.

So you can’t just come and
break into my house and steal it.

If you’re a business on
the other hand, you can look

up where businesses are
and you can go find them.

You can see where this story is going.

So they’re like, hey, here’s a card.

This card’s worth a million yen.

Here’s a card.

This card’s worth 10,000 yen.

So they have a pile of
very valuable objects.

They’ve just explained to
you how valuable they are

on the live stream and then
you can look up where they are.

I, in a previous very similar
story, said the problem

with me stealing, let’s
say rare Pokemon cards.

I wouldn’t know which ones are valuable.

I wouldn’t know which
ones are the rare ones.

I wouldn’t know which cards to steal.

If they had a live stream instructing me

in which ones were valuable, that would
make my job as the criminal a lot easier.

So two men enter after
the live stream ends.

So they’re probably standing outside
maybe on their smartphone or something,

watching the live stream
and the live stream ends.

And then they enter the room.

There are two staff.

They tie them up and then they say,

they came in, well, this
actually is a bit that bothered me.

So they tie up these guys and they
go, which ones are the valuable cards?

Now, if you’ve been
paying attention to the live

stream, you would know
which cards were valuable.

So this is maybe, again,
my, I look down on the

criminal element because I
look down on their planning.

I think their planning’s always poor.

But here they are.

These guys are delivering
the information they need.

They didn’t pay attention.

Like they probably didn’t
pay attention in school.

So they didn’t learn what was valuable.

So they had to waste
time asking these guys.

They just attacked and tied
up, which ones are valuable.

Good opportunity for them to
lie to you from being really honest.

They want to get just
a little bit of revenge.

This was clearly set up because this company
was not just sort of out on the street.

This company does trading online.

So the company itself, like
the office, is in an office building.

So it’s not like just a shop you walk into.

They buy cards online.

They sell cards online.

It was mostly done through a website.

So them doing a live
stream made a lot of sense.

These are like internet savvy people.

But they hadn’t taken into account the
security of maybe needing to lock the door,

which is something I think in a normal
office you wouldn’t really worry about

because you wouldn’t be thinking people are
going to come and try to see other stuff.

They managed to seal over
10 million yen’s worth of cards

and 250,000 yen from the wallets
of the people, the staff over there.

It’s only two staff members.

So I’m actually thinking these
guys are carrying a lot of money.

I should get into cards.

I’ve just realized, although I probably
goes bad as I went, like I got into crypto.

I did, I like a concept of crypto of
course, but then it’s crypto scams.

I got scams just enough
for me to go, is this worth it?

It’s probably not.

Clearly didn’t negatively
affect my lifestyle,

but made me realize like,
yeah, this is scams everywhere.

I just like the idea of digital
money, internet money.

I was looking for investments.

I did a little bit of the
money I had made as a profit.

I invested that and then basically
lost it all because it was a scam.

It was like, of course it was because
everyone’s scamming you all the time.

So please be careful.

And if you run a really
successful trading shop online

and have an office and do a
live stream, and lock your doors.

They’re two neighbors.

Always bad when you
start with two neighbors.

I guess the beginning of any story I’m
doing on the podcast is gonna be a problem.

You’re not getting on this podcast
because something good happened or you did.

I’ve done good feel good stories,
but they’re less interesting.

I guess it’s the slacious
attitude of the internet.

And I have it too.

That’s, I picked the stories.

So maybe if you went
through all the stories back

of names in Japan, all 300
and whatever 20 some episodes,

you’d get a pretty good
idea of what is interesting me.

But there is also the
bit like sometimes I hold

back and like, ooh, that
one maybe is too much.

‘Cause I do wanna talk about it
and put it out there in the world.

But this is a neighbor, neighbors.

And one has a cat named Tama.

And one neighbor was
complaining that the cat Tama,

three years old, was willfully
walking through his property.

Now here’s already the first problem.

Is this man doesn’t even understand
that cats don’t understand property lines?

Cats don’t willfully do anything.

Well, I guess they willfully do
everything and nothing at the same time.

Cats are very zen in that way.

The cat is just gonna go
where it wants when it wants.

It’s not targeting you specifically yet.

Cats can be smart enough to do that.

Like it realizes it’s pissing
you off so it starts doing it.

I could believe that.

But if the cat is just walking
across your lawn or walking

in your backyard, it’s probably
not doing it to piss you off.

It’s just trying to get from A to B.

The owner of Tama would
let the cat out at 8 p.m.

every night and just
let it go roam around.

It would come home every morning.

In April 18th, the cat did not come back.

So the guy is like, ah, someone’s done
something and I know my neighbor hates my cat.

So I’m really pissed off.

So then he starts looking for his cat.

The cat was chipped.

On April 21st, the cat was found

given to like an SPCA sort
of a pound kind of situation.

They scanned it, had the chip.

So Tama was returned
to the owner on April 30th.

So from 18th to 30th, the cat was gone.

So this guy’s kind of losing it.

He’s suspicious because this
cat was found 70 kilometers away.

And the cat did not
walk that far in its own.

And the cat was able to go out every
night and find its way home every night.

So the cat was sort of had it sort of area.

It was doing its little thing.

It was going around doing patrols.

I don’t know what cats do at night.

But it wasn’t leaving so far that
it would get lost or come back.

Cats don’t really tend to get lost.

A video shows at 4.50 AM on April 15th

that the neighbor picked
the guy up, got in his car.

And then the car, when
you go on to the expressway,

you have this little card
and it logs you into the car,

logs you in, also takes a picture
when you pass through the gates.

There’s no sort of like, you’re not really
escaping if you’re using the expressway.

It logged him getting on to the expressway

and then getting off 70 kilometers
away comes back, cats not there.

So then the police have
seen a, video of the guy

picking up the cat, b, video the same
night, him getting to the expressway.

That’s enough proof.

He admits he gets arrested.

He gets arrested.

This isn’t like what do you
get arrested for kidnapping?

‘Cause it’s not a person.

So it’s not really kidnapping.

Cat napping unfairly is not a crime.

So I was very interested
more than anything else.

What is the crime that he got arrested for?

Well, they decided to do property damage
because the cat is the neighbor’s property.

He’s taken the cat willfully.

So he has committed a property crime.

So it’s, I guess, mentally,
physically, I don’t know.

Some kind of damage to the cat.

Therefore, it’s property damage.

So that was an interesting thing.

The police wanted to arrest
this guy, but they had to like,

there’s not a really like
a cat napping law as such.

So they had to find something else.

That was an animal story.

There’s your feel-good stories.

I mean, animals are cute.

We do like animals.

I like animals.

Penguin escaped a zoo in Nagoya.

So I actually work in Nagoya.

It’s a six-year-old cape penguin.

What they were doing was they kind of like

take the penguins out and
they like take them into areas.

And so they run a beach and
they made this little shallow.

So the kids can come see the
penguins out sort of in the wild.

I know it’s not really in the wild,
but it’s kind of in the wild in nature.

But Nagoya, in the summertime,
crazy hot, not like the Antarctic at all.

So they dug a little pool in the
ocean to keep the penguin cool.

They put a net around it so
the penguin couldn’t escape.

But of course, the whole point of
this story is the penguin escaped.

How far did the penguin get?

This is again.

So the cat was stolen, kidnapped,
brought 70 kilometers away.

The penguin gets out, swims 30 kilometers
up the coast over a couple of days.

It escaped on August 25th.

And it’s, oh no, it swam 40 kilometers
along and then was found 30 kilometers away.

So it’s kind of swam up
the coast, 40 kilometers,

got onto land, maybe walked
back, swam back and forth a little bit.

But of course, it’s a little penguin.

It’s lost.

Staff got a call.

There’s a penguin out here,
clearly not native species

of penguin ’cause there’s
no penguins in Japan.

So they call them staff approach.

This is the thing I actually
would have loved a recording of.

Staff approach the penguin.

They call the penguin by name.

The penguin turns around
and starts coming to them.

I mean, that is just, I’m sorry.

Even if I don’t see it in my head, I
can imagine it’s the cutest thing ever.

The penguin answers to his name.

I got a dog behind me if I called his name.

He probably wouldn’t answer, he
probably just ignored me completely.

This actually should have gone
next to the card trading story

because it does go into
knowing or not knowing

the value of something
and that’s important.

Five people were arrested
for stealing golf clubs.

And I, again, I don’t know
anything about golf clubs.

I know golf clubs are expensive.

Golf is an expensive sport, which
is weird because it’s grass in a stick.

And then you hit a little ball into a hole.

I mean, I could probably
manufacture that at home.

I know equipment is
where men put their lives.

I have, over the course of my
judo career, had many judo suits.

The most expensive one
was probably $350 or $400.

This is for very heavy pajamas
that I will wrestle other men in.

So I kind of get it.

This is interesting because it’s my level
of expertise when it comes to judo suits.

I could look at the
judo suit and tell you

basically how much
that judo suit is worth.

Because I’ve dealt with them so much.

Golf clubs completely alien to me.

No idea what the value is.

So you have to have a golf
expert to steal golf clubs.

Effectively, you need a card
expert to steal card effectively.

So again, those guys should have
paid attention to the live stream.

That really bugs me.

It really bugs me that they
had to stop and ask the staff

which are the valuable
cards because they could

have just been paying
attention the whole time.

Oh, Taki is one of the guys.

We got to rest.

One of these five guys in this sort
of like golf club stealing scam thing.

Basically, they were
going into parking garages.

I assume close to– I like
that you call them judo suits.

They’re judo suits, isn’t that?

Well, I mean, I guess the
Japanese is judo ghee.

But in English, ghee, I don’t know.

It’s not really, it’s, again,
there’s not really a thing.

judo see.

Yeah, put on my judo
suit, my little judo tie.

I want to look, I want to
look correct for when I go.

Like a custom suit, you still do judo in.

I would love that.

I actually had the idea.

What I want to do is a
John Wick kind of thing.

So I wanted to just take
one of my regular work suits.

So they’re pretty good.

I spent a little extra money.

I got an actual tailored suit bespoke.

If I go to a tailor shop in Japan,
the shoulders are never big enough.

They cut from a pattern.

I had to go to a place
that actually made the suit.

So it’s not because I’m fancy.

It’s because just the Japanese tailoring
system is already set for a certain size.

So I went and got these suits made.

And I was like, you know
what would be awesome?

If I put on my suit and I got
my opponent to put on his suit

and we did a real fight and
see how much physical damage

was actually done to the
suit by the end of the fight.

Would be really interesting.

I actually had the idea, because
they have these old Kung Fu movies.

And they were like these jamas,
like these like sequined pajamas.

And I wanted to put on one of those and have
a real fight and see how long they last.

I think officially you
call it a judo gig, yes.

I kind of translate a lot of
Japanese for what I assume.

I know my audience is
like 70%, 80% in America.

We get some Europeans.

We get some, I think it was Estonia
suddenly became like really bumped up.

I forget the country now.

There was a very unusual country
for listening to Japanese news

just popped up out of
nowhere in the last month or so.

But you know, hello Estonia.

Thanks for listening.

I had a tailored judo gig.

Like I hit that level where I
was like getting it made for me.

Again, totally unrelated.

But it’s the, it’s the
knowing I should look it up.

Make sure I got the country.

I don’t know insult to country.

But I just think to say
thank you to all the countries.

My favorite, so you look at stats.

If you do like a podcast,
you have to look at stats.

Because numbers make you
feel good when the numbers go up.

The problem is when the numbers
plateau or go down, you feel bad.

So you shouldn’t invest
yourself too much in

the numbers because
they don’t always go up.

But I do always weirdly enjoy.

It’ll be like, let’s just say the
Philippines or Singapore or something.

And you’ll get one listen and then no more.

So it’s someone in Singapore was like,

oh, here’s an interesting
news show about Japan.

I’ll listen to that and
then they listen to it.

And they go, they’re not for me.

And they never listen again.

You get one download from
Romania, one download from Mexico,

one download from, you
know, whatever country.

But it shows like someone gave you a shot.

And I’m like, hey, I
appreciate you gave me a shot.

And you gave me like a real shot.

That’s great.

And then it wasn’t for you.

I understand that.

It’s not for everybody.

But I do appreciate everyone
who’s taking, listen to one episode.

They’re not going to hear this.

They’re not going to hear this.


So honestly, go fuck yourself.

Otaki referred to himself
as a golf, the golf club thief.

So if you’re giving yourself that name,

you’re actually kind of
given away what’s going on.

He’s specifically targeted,
valuable head covers.

I assume that’s the end.

Again, we’ve already hit a level where I
don’t really know what I’m talking about.

And he sold them at retail shops.

So he went to parking garages,
found cars with the clubs

in the back, broke into the car, took
the golf clubs, and then resold them.

I’m assuming that
was either around golf

courses, or he knew
where people were parking.

There was a very set way he was doing it.

This is actually where
he gets impressive, though.

He did 286 thefts across
seven prefectures in four months.

So this was a man was working.

So I do, again, make
fun of criminals a lot.

I say they’re not doing their job right.

This guy was doing the work.

He probably the literal
volume was actually his mistake,

because what you need to
do is commit a crime once.

It’s a big crime, and
then you stop for a really

long time so you don’t get–
you don’t make mistakes.

If you have to keep committing crimes,

and you do it again
and again and again and

again, you’re going to
make enough mistakes.

They’re going to put together an
MO, and they’re going to catch you.

So the 286 theft sounds
good, but at the end of the day,

it’s too many because
they’re going to catch you.

That is more than too a day.

But the golf clubs he stole
were worth over 57 million in.

Now he probably didn’t
get 57 million in for them,

because he was selling them at pawn
shops, or e-mail shops, things like that.

But he was making a lot of money.

Why did he steal this many?

There was five guys
that he had to split it up,

so that would have been
10 million yen each, maybe?

The police arrest is only like,
dude, why are you stealing golf clubs?

And seriously, why are
you stealing this volume?

When he was arrested, he said
he was stealing the golf clubs

to raise money for a celebration,
because of a friend’s release from prison.

So his friend’s going to get out of prison.

He’s like, ah, we’ve got to get some money,

so we can put on just a killer party
for our boy who’s getting out of prison.

I know what to do,
let’s go steal golf clubs

and sell them, and
we’ll get a ton of money.

How much money do you
need for a party, though?

I have never been to
a 57 million yen party.

I guess I’m just not
running with the right crowd.

I also don’t, if I got out
of prison with my friends,

throw me a 57 million
yen party, a release party.

The irony is this man is
very, very likely going to jail

for the money he was
trying to raise for his party.


The manager of crocodile
tanning, that was enough.

Crocodile tanning already put me off,
because I am incredibly fair-skinned.

I burn in minutes if I’m in the sun.

So tanning is like a torture
chamber for me conceptually.

But people do tan, thinking
primarily like bodybuilders and stuff.

I just, the name, that’s the thing you
don’t want is to look like a crocodile.

But he was like pushing into the image,

like you’re going to have crocodile
skin, if you come here in tan.

This guy was clearly an expert.

He was a bodybuilder in his youth.

And he tanned a lot himself.

He had these machines.

He knew how to run them.

He gave people really good advice.

That’s kind of the start of the story.

He was arrested for taking pictures
of his favorite customers, of course,

to satisfy men desires
when he was arrested.

He was caught because a woman in her 20s
was suspicious, while she was using the bed,

she heard the curtain
open and a shutter clicking.

I’m always going to criticize the ability
or the thought process of the criminal.

You can turn off the shutter sound.

Like, you could come
up with different cameras.

You could get, you could put a hidden
camera, you could do something else.

You do not take a picture with
a camera with a shutter sound.

So in Japan, it is illegal to
take a picture with your phone,

to have your phone, and
it doesn’t make a noise.

And this is all because of the cheek on or
the up skirt photos, all this other stuff.

It’s illegal.

So you’re committing a
crime by, if you install an app

or do something else
or have a phone that

doesn’t make a sound
when you take a picture.

I’ve actually had friends
who, when they go overseas,

their camera doesn’t make a noise,
but when they come back, it does.

So it’s actually like location specific.

I have my phone makes a
sound, and it’s on by default.

So I think I can turn it off
because it’s a Chinese phone.

I never actually checked
because I don’t take any

pictures if we’re being
really, really honest.

But that’s not the issue.

The issue is, in Japan, they
considered it such a problem,

they made it illegal to have your
phone camera not make a noise.

But of course, we all know
these are things you can turn off.

You can get an app to turn it off.

You could download a different
camera app that doesn’t make the sound.

I’m guaranteed you could do all that.

I haven’t even checked, and I
know all of those things exist.

So I think that’s where he went wrong.

He wasn’t really thinking it through.

Yet, he was successful at
this for a very, very long time.

This lady in her 20s,
though, is kind of awesome.

She decided I’m going to
set up my own sting operation.

So she put her bag at
the end of the tanning bed.

She set up her phone recording
so it wasn’t making a shutter sound,

just recording while she
was in the tanning bed

so that she has a video
of him opening the curtain,

sticking the camera
out and taking pictures.

So she did her own sting,
and she caught this guy.

I mean, 99% of the stories
are the guys just doing

one really dumb thing,
not thinking it through.

That’s how they get caught.

She reported it to the police
and the men as arrested.

He says he’s been doing it for 30 years.

So weirdly, incredibly successful.

They had 400 pictures on his
smartphone when they seized it.

So the police arrest him, they’re
like, “Give us your smartphone.

We know you’ve been
taking pictures with this.

” They have 400
pictures on there already.

That doesn’t include
like any he’s maybe saved

to the cloud, and he’s
gone on a PC at home.

He says he’s been doing it for 30 years.

There are going to be hundreds,
if not, thousands of pictures.

He was popular with
bodybuilders and athletes.

And some women were given deep discounts.

So I think the deep discounts
were so they would keep

showing up, so you could
keep taking pictures of them.

They said the owner was known
to be skilled and knowledgeable.

And another customer is he
got a lot of recommendations

because he would show
them poses with a leg spread

and they’re butt shoved up so you
could tans as sort of the nether regions.

And that’s because if
you’re doing bodybuilding,

you don’t want like a white splotch
when you have on your teeny tiny bikini.

So he was like, “You get in this position,
and it will tan evenly in that area.

” And then he was probably
taking pictures of that as well.

Crocodile tanning is not temporary closed.

Temporarily, crocodile
tanning is now temporary.

He is very selective about his photos.

One photo per month, only the best one.

This is actually what you’ve just
said is very similar to what I mean.

Like, you don’t volume is
always a problem with crime

because volume means
you’re more likely to get caught.

You’re more likely to get lazy.

So him taking pictures
with the shutter sound on,

I don’t know how he
could have gone 30 years

with the shutter sound
on and not gotten caught.

So the fact that it took 30 years
already is a bit shocking in itself.

The, if he had taken
one picture a month with

no shutter sound, I
bet he’d still be going.

And he just, that, that
lack of satisfaction,

the desire for more and more and more
is always what drives these criminals.

Bigger score, more money.

Cause I’m always thinking, set a limit.

I’m going to make 50 million
yen on my criminal enterprise.

And then I’m going to stop for let’s say
extra money years until that money runs out.

And then I’ll do it again.

I’ll have that cooling off
period where I’m not at risk of

getting in trouble if they
haven’t figured out it was me.

That seems like the logical
way to commit crimes.

You want to go for
a big score as few as

possible and then stop
for an extended period.

They never think.

Could also be the one time he
forgot the special act of time.

Yeah, it could be also
the one time you forgot to.

It’s very true he could have.

Maybe he made a mistake.

But again, if he made a mistake,
it’s because he was getting lazy.

He wasn’t being conscientious
about the criminal enterprise

he was doing and he
wasn’t being conscientious

and caring enough about
doing his job properly.

And that is Ninja New Japan’s
news teaching to criminals.

I lost that sentence halfway through.

I had, I had an idea.

I’ve just said this a bunch of times.

As if you’re going to commit
crime, you know, put the effort in.

But I want you to put the
effort into everything you do

so that you can be the
best whatever you are.

So if you want to be the best criminal,
I want you to be the best criminal.

If you’re going to be a tanning person, I
want you to be the best tanning person.

You know, get all the nooks and crannies.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)