NNJ 68: Bosuzo what?

The bosuzoku, what is it? Listen to find out, and also, how they aren’t good at getting handcuffs off.

Schools be cray cray up in here. Seriously, they go too far.

We are almost done with the Maho Yamaguchi saga, because she’s audi. 

Breaking Bad may be a real thing that happened here in Japan and don’t throw things.


NNJ 50: Which way up?

The 50th episode milestone. Thank you to everyone who has listened so far. This episode takes a slight tone change in the middle as I used a new app to record on my phone and the room was acoustically different.

Just trying to find more ways to work in time to record.

This week, learn about escalator culture, we predict it won’t end well. 

Japan leaves the international whaling commission, because they keep trying to NOT kill whales. 

Find out how revelers were caught and arrested but not by the cop that forgot his gun in the toilet. 

NNJ 48: Slurping Naked Bodies

Why is slurping ok in Japan? I have theories, but that doesn’t mean I have answers. 

Say good-bye to beepers and maybe the president of Renault because he’s being held in the purgatory that is Japanese litigation. 

More advice for criminals and other tidbits.

Watch a dumbass drift his mini-truck

NNJ 47: Hot Pot AI – bad decisions

The news of the week is a 3 year old power harassment case, excessive touting (which is a thing, I just learned), a study on if young people are knocking boots, and the standard, Yakuza and Disney are both bastard organizations. 

Also, the laws of robotics. 

The offending video mentioned in the podcast, which is seriously hard to watch.