NNJ 34: Capitol Hobby

The leader of Aum was executed, a professor stands by his hobby and a yakuza organization decides to stand by it’s yakuza principles.

It’s all the news.

NNJ 34



How did these kids get caught?


NNJ 33: Question time Stand off

Japanese crime: Stalking, it’s not good.

Other crimes, committed by people pretending to be not Japanese.

I dip back into the panty theft and the Japanese Prime Minister refuses to answer any questions about it.

NNJ 33


Our stand off hero




NNJ 31: Love Live News

Love Live is an anime with a rabid fanbase. I didn’t bother to watch an episode as this isn’t about the anime, it’s about the real world that surrounds the anime. I still don’t know if Love Live is slang for cannibalism.

NNJ 31

Some associated media:

The very necessary otaku dance example:

The vandalized manholes (make dirty joke):


Our graduate friend.



I got you

It’s a bit hard to see, but here is a poster demonstrating one of the ways the police subdue criminals here, but in this case it’s actually train station staff grabbing some dude who didn’t pay his train fare.

To minimize contact and risk of injury they have these big claws. Two cops can get one on either side and you’re basically stuck.

They might also be able to heimlich you.

NNJ 30: Trains Idols and Cheating

Trains, trains, trains.

How to chosoe the best way for you to be an idol so you can tell your fans you don’t want to see their faces and get away with it.

The government wants some fox news style biased reporting, I assume as long as it’s pro-them.

Finally, what is cheating? If you and 9 friends have Japanese girlfriends, 3 of you have been cheated on and probably didn’t know it.

NNJ 30


Go here to name a train station.

Visit this news site for the butsukariya video.


Okay, simply, fuck you dude. I get Japan is a tight place and space is at a premium, but you’re being a dick.

It’s like he’s making manspreading into an extreme sport.